23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (2024)

Have you ever asked yourself “What are the healthiest foods in the world?” If so, this is the post for you! In it we’re sharing our list of 23 of the healthiest foods on the planet.

Not all healthy eating foods were created equally…

Some foods are good for the body. Some foods are great for the body.

A few foodsare downright AMAZING for your health

Most often referred to as “superfoods,” these foods are so jam-packed with nutrients that they need their own category.

23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (1)

While there have been many lists made on this topic, this one aims to be one of the highest quality and well researched out there. Some of these foods have been seen before, but others may shock you

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1. Avocados

23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (2)

Avocados are actually not a vegetable and are considered a high-fat fruit.

Don’t let that scare you.

Avocados are high in the good kinds of fat (monounsaturated) and will help trim thewaistline instead of expanding it. They contain around half the fiber and 40% of the folate needed daily, which will reduce thechance of a heart attack. Avocados are a very diverse fruit and can be eaten on their own,chopped in a salad, blended into a smoothie,or served as fresh guacamole.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin K – 35% of RDA
  • Fiber – 40% of RDA
  • Vitamin B-6 – 20% of RDA
  • Monounsaturated Fat – 22% of RDA

2. Lemons

Shocking but true, lemons are among the healthiest foods on the planet.

They support skin complexion, immune system function, and even fight cancer with their high doses of Vitamin C and antioxidants. Obviously, you won’t be biting into one anytime soon, but it’s easyto squeeze them onto salads, meats, or in a tall glass of water.

Try a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning for a quick and easy detox.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin C – 31% of RDA
  • Antioxidants
  • Helps immune system and digestive tract

3. Salmon

While many types of fish are promoted as being healthy, fresh salmon is the healthiest source of omega 3s, protein, and fish on earth.

Not to mention it is absolutely loadedwith vitamins and micronutrients to help in thequest for a cleaner and healthier diet. When eating, youwill want to stick to Alaskan wild salmon if possible, because it contains more nutrients and health properties than farm-raised.

Baking it in the oven, throwing it on a grill, or quick broiling are the best ways to cook it.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin B-12 – 211% RDA
  • Vitamin D – 105% RDA
  • Omega 3 Fats – 52% RDA
  • Protein – 50% RDA

4. Kale

23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (3)

If having a salad or needing a cruciferous vegetable for any dish, kale should be thefirst consideration.

Compared to other vegetable sources, kale stands out for its antioxidant nutrients, anti-cancer nutrients, and its anti-inflammatory nutrients.

These nutrients, along with its high fiber content and low calories, make this veggie a star even amongst the other foods on this superfood list.

Add more of it to aclean diet by adding it to a salad, blending it in a green smoothie, or trying organic kale chips, which are a delicious snack on the go.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin K – 1016% of RDA
  • Vitamin A – 95% of RDA
  • Vitamin C – 68% of RDA
  • Fiber – 10% of RDA

5. Whole Eggs

If you’re shocked or confused by eggs beingon the list, you have simply been tricked by popular media outlets into believing lies based on poorly conducted scientific studies of the past.

Eggs have been provenby multiple recent studiesto raise good cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol, and they contain a plethora of essential nutrients for thebody. They are a great source of protein and contain high amounts of biotin, which has been shown to improve skin, hair, nails, and eyes. Cook them in a pan with some coconut oil and fresh avocado for an amazingly healthy breakfast.

When selecting, go with farm-raised, because they have been proven to contain more omega 3s.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Biotin – 27% of RDA
  • Vitamin B12 – 23% of RDA
  • Choline – 33% of RDA
  • Protein – 10% of RDA

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes have a solid nutrient profile similar to most other vegetables, but they really shine from one outstanding quality: Their ability to fight cancer.

Their beautiful red color comes from the phytonutrientlycopene, which protects you against stomach, prostate, and lung cancer.

Tomatoes are also an incredible addition to anydiet because of their versatility in the kitchen. They can be made into a salsa, thrown into a fresh salad, used to make a fresh pasta sauce, used in soups, or even thrown into a vegetable smoothie.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin C – 30% of RDA
  • Biotin – 22% of RDA
  • Molybdenum – 20% of RDA
  • Vitamin K – 16% of RDA

7. Spinach

23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (4)

Spinachis talked about a lot amongst the health community and rightfully so.

Not only is it nutrient-dense and delicious, but it can also be found affordably at mostgrocery stores. When shopping for spinach, look for the darker leaves as those will have more Vitamin C in them. Spinach is best when it is fresh and in a salad but can be cooked in a frying pan with some eggs or thrown into a green smoothie.

The point is: Get more spinach in your life.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin K – 434% of RDA
  • Vitamin A – 55% of RDA
  • Folate – 37% of RDA
  • Magnesium – 22% of RDA

8. Blueberries

If you’relookingfor alot of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients inyour diet in a sweet and delicious way, eat blueberries.

The antioxidant profile of blueberries is outstanding, and they contain all sorts of phytonutrients such as anthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic acids, hydroxybenzoic acids, flavonols, and others. Blueberries should be consumed fresh when possible.

They make for a great snack and can be frozen safely without losing nutrient quality.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin K – 25% of RDA
  • Manganese – 20% of RDA
  • Vitamin C – 13% of RDA
  • Fiber – 10% of RDA

9. Coconuts

Coconuts, similarly to whole eggs, were wrongly demonized by oldmedia for containing fat, specifically saturated fat.

Now we know for a fact that saturated fat does not clog the arteries and is harmless. In fact, saturated fat has been shown to improve the immune system, brain function, and hormonal profile, and coconuts are one of the healthiest sources to get it from.

For more information, see our article:10 Astonishing Facts About Coconut Oil + 25 Everyday Uses

Most notable nutrients per 20grams (20grams vs. 100grams because it shouldbe rare that youget more than that):

  • Saturated Fat – 30% of RDA
  • Iron – 7% of RDA
  • Manganese 25% of RDA
  • Copper 8% of RDA

10. Broccoli

23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (5)

Broccoli is best known for its cholesterol-lowering benefits and the ability to detoxify the body.

You might have hated it as a kid, but broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat. Itis the quintessentialside dish for a healthy meal, but be careful when dining out. Excess butter andcheese are often added to enhance the flavor. This turns a healthy side dishinto a calorie nightmare.

The best two options for consumption are eating it raw on a salad or steaming it and adding some light salt.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin K – 173% of RDA
  • Vitamin C – 90% of RDA
  • Chromium – 39% of RDA
  • Folate – 28% of RDA

11. Quinoa

Pronounced ‘Keen’-wa,’ notQuin-oh-ah.’ Eradicating grains from diets has become a popular trend in recent years.

Whether or not you choose to do this, quinoa is a safe alternative from grains and tastes incredible when cooked right.

What makes it so different from other grains is not just the taste, but the fact that it contains all of the essential amino acids to make it a complete protein. This is something unheard of in the grains community, and while quinoa is not technically a grain, it closely mirrors the consistency and cooking process of rice.

It also contains antioxidants, is a great source of healthy carbohydrates, and is gluten-free.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Copper – 25% of RDA
  • Phosphorous – 25% of RDA
  • Magnesium – 20% of RDA
  • Fiber – 12% of RDA

12. Dark Chocolate (Cacao)

Life is tough, and it’s about to get a lottougher knowing that there is a form of chocolate out there that is actually good for yourhealth.

While it is common knowledge that high-quality dark chocolate (85% cocoa and up) is good for the body, many people don’t know it’s high in iron. Keep this chocolate ready next time you’re feeling any serious sugar cravings.

The best place to get your dark chocolate fix is withGreen and Black’s Organic ChocolateBars. They are very high quality, and you’ll notice you only need 1-2 squares to feel satisfied.

Save this food for those moments of weakness when craving a sugary dessert!

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Iron – 67% of RDA
  • Fiber – 33% of RDA
  • Magnesium – 58% of RDA
  • Manganese – 98% of RDA

13. Asparagus

23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (6)

This is just one of those foods that needs to be making it onto your plate on a regular basis.

It makes for a great side dish with salmon or any kind of lean meat. Plus, it is absolutely loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. The best way to cook it is to steam it (locks in the flavor) or grill it. Note that it doesn’t keep when frozen, so wrap the stems in a damp paper towel and place it in the fridge.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin K – 60% of RDA
  • Folate – 42% of RDA
  • Copper – 17% of RDA
  • Vitamin B1 – 14% of RDA

14. Almonds

Need a healthy snack on the go or while you’re at work?

A handful of almondsis one of the best choices. Just make sure to get raw almonds and not the ones that are covered in salt or sugar and cooked in oil. Almonds have been shown to reduce bad cholesterol, help brain function, prevent heart attacks, and strengthen bones and teeth.

Just like whole eggs, almonds contain a considerable source of biotin that will help keep your skin looking younger.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin B2 – 59% of RDA
  • Biotin – 207% of RDA
  • Vitamin E – 155% of RDA
  • Manganese – 101% of RDA

15. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes have come storming up the superfood ladder and are here to stay.

They have a powerful mixture of nutrients and can add quite a bit of flavor to an otherwise boring meal. Classified as a tuber, sweet potatoes bridge the gap between being a healthy starch and a vegetable.

Especially if you’re participating in an active exercise regimen, carbohydrates rich in micronutrients and fiber become especially important.

Mash them, broil them, or bake them… Just make sure to eatthem regularly.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin A – 410% of RDA
  • Vitamin C – 107% of RDA
  • Pantothenic Acid – 75% of RDA
  • Vitamin B6 – 73% of RDA

16. Cabbage

23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (7)

Cabbage has cholesterol-lowering benefits and plenty of fiber to help thedigestive tract, but what makes it special is its source of Sinigrin.

Sinigrin has received notable recognition in cancer prevention research. Ingestion of this ingredient has been shown to help prevent bladder, colon, and prostate cancers. Be careful not to cook it too long if you’re interested in its cancer preventative qualities. Make sure to steam it and/or cut it into small pieces when cooking.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin K – 59% of RDA
  • Vitamin C – 44% of RDA
  • Vitamin B6 – 13% of RDA
  • Manganese – 9% of RDA

17. Raspberries

If you’re looking to lose a few pounds, raspberries should be making it into your diet.

Raspberries are known to have high concentrations of antioxidants and help fight aging, but there are also some remarkable studies on their effect on metabolism. Raspberry ketone helps improve the metabolism of fat cells in the body and will help burn fat faster.

They alsocontainrheosmin, which helps decrease enzyme activity and decreases the absorption of fat.

Most notable nutrients per 100grams:

  • Vitamin C – 38% of RDA
  • Manganese – 35% of RDA
  • Fiber – 27% of RDA
  • Vitamin K – 8% of RDA

18. Garlic

Like lemons,garlic is not a typical food that you would eat by itself, but its health benefits are too greatnot to mention on this list.

Garlic is an allium vegetableand, as so, provides a rare and different nutrient that peopleneed on a daily basis. Consumption of allium has many benefits, including an improved cardiovascular system, anti-inflammatory effects across the entire body, antiviral benefits, and cancer prevention (renal specifically).

It also helps metabolize iron more efficiently, so women especially should make sure they consume it often.

Most notable nutrients per 100 grams:

  • Manganese – 60% of RDA
  • Vitamin B6 – 55% of RDA
  • Vitamin C – 43% of RDA
  • Copper – 39% of RDA

19. Black Beans

23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (8)

Black beans are best known for their antioxidants and help withthedigestive tract.

They also help with blood sugar regulation and are a great side dish for almost any meal. They are digested slower than other foods, giving you long-lasting energy throughout the day.

Avoid canned items. Buy the dry beans, and cook them in water for a healthy and delicious side or throw them on top of a salad.

Most notable nutrients per 100 grams:

  • Molybdenum – 200% of RDA
  • Folate – 43% of RDA
  • Fiber – 37% of RDA
  • Copper – 30% of RDA

20. Watermelon

Similar to tomatoes, watermelon contains the antioxidant Lycopene, which has powerful effects on preventing certain types of cancer.

Also, another huge healthbenefit comes from its name (water-melon). Watermelon is full of water, is extremely hydrating, and makes for a great low-calorie snack that is full of nutrients.

Most notable nutrients per 100 grams:

  • Vitamin C – 11% RDA
  • Pantothenic Acid – 8% RDA
  • Copper – 7%
  • Vitamin A – 7%

21. Pomegranates

This is another delicious snack item that is loaded with nutrition.

It has a long list of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, protecting against prostate and breast cancer, helping to fight joint pain, lowering the risk of heart disease, and even improvingmemory.

They are also a powerhouse of antioxidants and contain a solid amount of fiber thatwill help your digestive tract.

Most notable nutrients per 100 grams:

  • Vitamin C: 30% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin K: 36% of the RDA.
  • Folate: 16% of the RDA.
  • Potassium: 12% of the RDA.

22. Beets

What makes beets particularly special to a clean dietis the phytonutrients inside of them called betalains.

The betalains have been shown to provide detox support and be a powerful anti-inflammatory for your body. When cooking them, the amount of time they are cooked will greatly reduce the number of nutrients and betalains inside of them.

That is why you should only steamthem for around 15 mins before serving!Beets go great as a vegetable side dish to your main course or on your salad.

To preserve the maximum nutrients, try slicing them up on a salad or adding them to your smoothies.

Most notable nutrients per 100 grams:

  • Floate – 29% of RDA
  • Magnesium – 23% of RDA
  • Potassium – 22% of RDA
  • Fiber – 10% of RDA

23. Apples

23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (9)

Last but never least, the almighty apple. When they said “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” they were onto something. Apples are still one of the healthiest fruits on the planet.

They contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and even pectin (which has been shown to reduce hunger). You can also strategically eat apples when you know you’ll be hungry because they have been shown to curb cravings and give you better control over yourdiet.

Most notable nutrients per 100 grams:

  • Vitamin C – 14% of RDA
  • Magnesium – 23% of RDA
  • Potassium – 22% of RDA
  • Fiber – 10% of RDA

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23 Healthiest Foods On The Planet | Avocadu (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.