@@Florida Panthers

  • June 3, 2024


it’s my duty to the booty and must got mad at me the coach and he goes Jesus Christ why don’t you just wor two NS went okay please please please never do that yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everybody Welcome to episode 504 of spit and chicklets presented by Pig Whitney from our friends at New Amsterdam Vodka here in the Bost Sports podcast family what is up gang it’s finally here the Stanley Cup [ __ ] finals we cannot wait we’ll be going to a couple games we’ll get to that shortly let’s dive in and say hi to the boys Matt merley what’s up our Swedish buddy what up fellas of course I got the invite today because I was the only one that predicted both Conference Final Champions and to top that I forgot to talk about it on Game notes I also picked one of the overtime winners in that Rangers series so I got the bchi Barry Melrose t-shirt sent to me so first time I ever won that great Conference Finals for me excited for the finals great stuff Merles great stuff let’s go to the wit dog next Ryan Whitney must be on cloud back in the Stanley Cup after 18 year lay oh my God boys all the ridicule all the laughing all the no chance it’s a twom man team it’s all over the times are a changing and we’re living in the good old days Boys in Edmonton Alberta they got it done they got it done in a way nobody ever thought they would with Goal tending and winning close games the thought that the Edmond Oilers are in the Stanley Cup Final while not seeming too crazy before the year began they lose to the last two Stanley Cup champions they have all these guys coming in and boom they [ __ ] the bed and then everything turns around and everything comes together and the world becomes the Edmonton Oilers land and it becomes Conor mcdavid’s paradise and we’re now watching one of the coolest stories we’ve ever seen in a team that’s been in the doldrums and in the darkness since 2006 finally get it all together with a goalie with a bunch of great defensem*n and the greatest player these eyes have ever seen so the fact that it happened on home ICE as I said beforehand when I picked Oilers in six there’s no home I at Advantage like in Edmonton and Rogers was going bonkers and Merles talks about what crowds need to do and how they need to lift their team up let’s go oh the last five [ __ ] minutes holding on to a lead to get to the the Cup Final they’re in one against the Florida Panthers but they can do it and they will do it and I can’t wait for Saturday boys holy [ __ ] quickly before we go to Biz this show is presented to you by Pink Whitney I know I’m throwing in a little I did my spaces last night and my spaces I take calls I take calls from amazing Oilers fans and every time they’re all sh*tfaced they’re all drinking I’m on pink Whitney Whit I love it it’s my drink of choice for the playoffs actually all year I Dr it cuz it’s that special so Shout Out New Amsterdam Vodka shout out pink Whitney take your shot with pink Whitney go down to your local liquor store go down to your local watering hole and Order up a big old pink wit for me and for the Edmonton Oilers so go over to you Biz what do you think thank you for picking hey Round of Applause for the wit dog holy I did it guys I did it I’m as hung over as everyone in Edmonton too I was partying last night all the swings with this guy jumping off the bandwagon to now winning the West conference Champion some say I woke him up oh oh some some say I woke him up that has now become a storyline you might you did but a more developing story and probably more important than anything that happened on the ice Ray over to you because Natty G the only fans girl in Dallas everybody was talking about her tit* behind Pete theor all playoff long glass Banger She and Him were one uped by that Edmonton lady who has the nicest rack going and we find on when we hop on here that R is texting back and forth with the nicest tit* on the internet right now I don’t think I could scroll five [ __ ] tweets on my timeline without seeing those beautiful tit* and that nice little Ponch belly and that beautiful belt that she had on that was probably hand delivered by the Hell’s Angels I am in love but you have stolen the Edmonton Oilers girl and the nicest tit* on the internet right now ra what the [ __ ] is going on tell everybody well well first off uh shout out to the Canadian healthcare system for a job well done she got the all natur her out to me time out time out for you American listeners you don’t get free tit jobs in Canada that’s not part of our health care System ra free dicks um R AR’s just excited because he’s gon de with tit* McGee no I mean no judging they just didn’t have the the the jiggle of a natural pair that’s all no no what do you mean that was the when she was like this dude I [ __ ] I I had my hand in my pants I think they’re real and spectacular either way she she’s a fantastic G uh we were you know trying to hopefully get her for today but she actually she’s she works well I don’t want to give give away too much information but uh her her D I’m pretty sure everybody in in Alberta knows exactly who this lady is right now I’m an oldfashioned gentleman Paul what can I say that’s true hey I think she’s more famous right now than when at the Calgary Stampede that lady getting two onone in the back alley do you guys remember that video that ended up leaking out a few years ago wow a little more like fun and let me show my titt*es off and the Oilers are going to win as opposed to getting tag teamed in a back alley yeah so Biz I I I got a DM and you know I’ve been on these internet streets for a long time and I say hey buddy you know I can’t go on this I you know I can’t get cat and he’s like no no I get it and he he sent his number her number uh I think he might have referenced he knows he said I know Matt well I don’t know if it’s j I’m not going to say his name on a live show here uh but yeah I texted her she texted right back now like I guess this is a small percentage is not her but I mean I think she would have been have you had her sent a photo or something but here’s the kicker folks this is the most Edmonton thing ever the reason why Ra’s been texting with her and the service hasn’t been great and she’s only at one bar is she’s back up working at the oil rigs she I said if she works imagine she worked on the oil rings and she does yeah it is crazy uh she said might be busy today she’s uh working in the oil fields or whatever the [ __ ] terminology is but oh yeah uh a pilot truck for drilling rig moves whatever that entails I don’t you know whatever it is go drilling around her and ra all we needed talk about McDavid and that goal last night and that career defining goal that’ll be on his highlight for the next 70 years and you talk about Skinner and nurse bouncing back in the end it was two things and I’ll bring out in the end I’ll bring in the end back for this [ __ ] show in the end it was two things it was tit* McGee and it was Biz saying it was over that’s all we needed all you ever need all you ever need show me some tit* and show bit saying the series is over for Dallas and it’s over can we add one lit third okay let’s roll it I’m nervous but I’m positive it’s over they don’t have as good of a back end they don’t have as good a pending you said Vancouver won too you idiot you said that series was over so I don’t mind you saying that you said this exact thing about van all right all right some numbers on on ham this is V I haven’t seen wh this fired up in a while you’re welcome so that was post game three you’re welcome and things were looking blury is blury a word I don’t it is now baby oily he and and and it’s like all of a sudden I’m like I I I went on the show I’m like I think I need Biz hopefully bis thinks it’s over it’s over better so actually when I sign in in on this uh what do you call this like streamyard I have my name as mush nasty I don’t think the people watching could see it because literally everything I’ve said this playoffs has done the opposite now you talked about it being blur is that the new word we’re using BL things being very blury but game four Dallas was up two nothing like that series as soon as they came back it turned on a dime now if we get add a third thing other than me mushing it and titz McGee special teams special oh buddy Dallas didn’t have a power play goal what were they 0 for 14 this streak of penalty kills for the Edmonton Oilers has now reached 28 straight kills Mark Stewart should get two [ __ ] Rings if they win the cup one to auction off for a little you know extra little bonus and one for himself a remarkable remarkable stretch of killing off penalties now you could criticize Dallas in in their lack of creativity the fact that they were so stagnant and it was brutal But ultimately let’s keep our focus on the Oilers right now Darnell nurse turned the corner in that game after going minus two myrr on those first two goals if he brings that nastiness into the next round I’m loving his game I don’t give a [ __ ] if he puts up any points he needs to be a son of a [ __ ] that game that he went minus two and then ended up having that assist and completely turning his game around he had 12 hits that’s what they [ __ ] need from that mutant yeah he’s the he was my ex factor and that can be positive and negative in the beginning he was negative he turned it around even last night there was a there was a simple play he was bringing it up the ice and I saw in his brain he wanted to like feather this one through the middle and like keep jumping up hit him with the bar yeah that and he just like chipped it off the boards to the Winger and the Winger chipped it in and they all got off do you think Paul coffee has a bar CER on him now where it’s like no you’re not making speaking of Paul coffee just incredible um I saw the I don’t know who sent the Tweet they have yans who texted me he goes coffee is the only one who knows the job’s not finished he was literally like he was he was just standing there like this and so and somebody was like the like Paul coffee like what are youall smiling at we got four more but I thought they they handled it I I mean with what’s gone on there over the course of the last 18 years now granted the past few have been fine but before that the years of the wit and the years of those Oilers teams it was dark and just horrific and now to win it on home ICE to win the Western Conference on home ICE you understand that guys are like holy [ __ ] like Conor mcdavid’s playing for the Stanley Cup and they they they didn’t touch the trophy neither did Florida you saw Maurice actually go up to barov and remind him touch that [ __ ] thing and and Edmonton went the same route I I I agree with that I I’ve never really understood touching it I get it you won your conference it’s hard to do but we’re touching one Trophy and it’s the cup so they stand there and Paul cof’s just thinking it ain’t over yet boys and the city knows it as well but the city should be able to enjoy an enormous Victory to get them back to have a chance to lift Lord Stanley’s cup now a little fun fact I guess last year Maurice told barov not to touch it and he accidentally did so that was kind of the back that’s why he kept reinforcing it and obviously uh so what was surprising is every other time that the Oilers have won the cup they have touched it they have touched the Conference Finals trophy so that was an interesting nugget but to go back to McDavid boys like obviously he’s had a great playoff maybe in some games hasn’t looked as dominant and there has been some rumors that he’s not 100% nor is everyone but for him to have that game in a closeout game at home against dallar that goal that he scored to open he did it look he put put H oh my God and and not to take anything away from it uh uh Coupe uh John Cooper ended up texting our group chat with TNT and as he pulled it over from that tow drag the puck ended up rolling up so when he poked on it on his backhand that’s why it went straight up so he kind of it rolled up at the perfect time so when it made contact with his or did he roll it up B honestly with this guy fair enough fair enough like this is the one guy that he could be like yeah I actually meant to do that he’d never say it but yeah I have this little move where I just like bring my stick above the puck and then all of a sudden like the momentum of the stick and the air and the wind it just like rolls it up and then I sh the wind the gust of wind from tit* McGee pulling her shirt up at the perfect time synchronized five knots right there guys I I I’m so on Cloud9 because our experience at the Western Conference Finals getting to get to that Arena now forget the hockey the fact that you go to these Oilers playoff games and you leave the game and it’s still light out that adds to the whole Mystique of Summers Springs in Edmonton and how these people wait in the darkness and the snow and the [ __ ] for the Oilers playoff runs to begin and then now they’re going to The Cup Final so we witnessed the Wester card Final in that building can you imagine what it’s going to be like there can you believe chills thinking about it I and like playing there in the old arena and it was just so amazing these fans for bad teams and now like oh my God they’re playing for the cup with the greatest player and now we get to see a fan base that’s just been dying for this this is Canada the the cup hasn’t been there since 93 they have the chance to do it and this fan base is just foaming at the mouth they are drunk too these people have been drunk for 2 and 1/2 months just getting loaded every other night there’s husbands out there writing me DS my wife can’t I don’t know if she could take another round I’m hung over every s check for half just like ra and this and this husband’s like my wife’s drunk every night too and then one guy’s like my wife’s flashing her titt*es to the entire world to see but how about how loser how about that 180 if r ends up with tit* lady the anthem The Anthem before these games before the cup guys now very important and Matias eckholm talked about this he mentioned that when he was there with Nashville and I think it was 2017 when Pittsburgh beat them you got to get one on the road so we’ll get into the preview in a little bit but you can’t go down 02 Flor they’re playing the best team they’ve played but they can do it why don’t we start I mean we’re going to get to Dallas and and you know we’re going to give them praise incredible season they had to beat some amazing teams you think that maybe they were a little bit tired after having going through the path that they went through but let’s start with the Oilers here Skinner he ends up sitting up two games in that Series against Vancouver and there’s a video I want to say it was G maybe it was Army sent it to the group chat um about this uh like sports psychologist slash uh G do you want to bring that that up that video like meditation too a meditation coach and he he ended up saying my man you saw the Embrace that he had with Skinner but he looked like a completely different goalie after coming back after that reset and to close out at home with that type of performance cuz listen McDavid yes he was electric right he had that sick goal he had a beautiful sauce pass over to Heyman but after that boys there wasn’t much the lowest the tied for the lowest amount of shots on goal in a playoff victory in the history of the NHL they didn’t have any type of offense after that do you have that g or do you want to just read it yeah so I’ll just read the tweet it says the Oilers brought in one of the world’s most respect sports psychologist and meditation Coach George Mumford this season who previously helped guide Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant to championships here he is hugging Stuart Skinner after game six and saying my man to him so and they have the video that we can’t play that we don’t have the rights to it but now now Biz sorry about nobody over to you it’s your Oilers Skinner steuart Skinner and I talked about him and nurse a lot throughout this series and and and just coming back and being professional and dealing with you know brutal criticism and coming on the other side and like in life not just Sports you get knocked down like are you going to get up how quick are you going to get up and these two guys they did it and they did it with class and yes there was moments where nurse was quick with the media and short-tempered and giving these short answers which I understand but then he showed up and he played his best hockey Stuart Skinner is the youngest of nine kids do you know how much that guy probably had to fend for himself growing up can you imagine being the youngest of nine Ian is a month old and he’s already fending for himself out there being the youngest of three so he’s obviously been through enough in his life where he knows how to maybe get knocked down and get himself right back up and when he does interviews too even after some of the bad games in the first few rounds he was very cool and calm and he was just like yeah I I didn’t have a great night like he’s open about himself and his game and and you can tell listening to him talk how much he has the self-belief that’s all that’s all that matters dude the outside noise can you can you put that to the side can you stay off social media no matter what at some point when you’re Skinner and nurse in this playoff you’re going to hear it because you’re getting questions but it’s the belief inside and that’s what these two guys have proven and Skinner looked he outplayed ainger by a mile that series better save percentage everything over sa percentage in that series and people have always said you can’t win a win a Standley cup with steuart Skinner and they haven’t gotten it yet but four wins away and he’s looking as dialed in as he’s ever been that was the greatest game that guy’s ever played morl before you go o cont Tron on me Keith Gretzky uh assistant GM with the Oilers obviously Wayne’s brother a few like the like was it like three four years ago there was a few years where Bakersfield would make decent runs in the AHL and Wayne was like oh I didn’t even think they were that good like how are they winning and Keith grety was like goaling this Stuart Skinner has won at every level he’s been at and he’s helped carry his teams he’s going to be a Stanley Cup champion mark my words that was with Keith yes buddy and everything’s coming to fruition along with the fact that they sent broberg down to the miners this year and they played him 25 minutes and finally come playoff time they they kept saying he’s ready he’s ready when you want him he’s ready when you want him and sure enough they put him in the lineup I think he was put in in game four as well wasn’t he or maybe it was game five game five I believe I think it was either game four or game five and he played 14 men and since he stepped in man he’s looked incredible so some of these game four game was game four right they made the lineup changes and they put Perry and McLoud with Leon they’d been scratches and it was like that’s the thing about another noblock you got to give this guy credit dude this guy has really made significant lineup changes and not been afraid to mix it up where you have your usual core and you don’t want to no we’re going to scratch Perry for a bunch of games Cloud’s getting scratch the game are we going to put these guys in yeah we’re going to put them back in with Leon and we’re going to get this broberg in and I felt bad for Vinnie dear he actually got scratched it was his birthday the game he got scratched the first one but broberg came in with a little different juice and Gretzky said it on TNT Biz they didn’t put him in and play him three minutes no you’re gonna actually go in and play and Buddy he’s blocking shots he’s skating the puck out of trouble he scores the huge goal in game five to make it nothing huge goal and and it’s like that’s noblock that’s showing trust in guys and also I mentioned that this year he’s he’s been willing to sit guys down realize when you need a break but not bury you and he’s not burying guys and he’s like you’re gonna get another chance and he’s done that he called that McLoud sitting a reset so he like you said he doesn’t throw guys under the bus and going back to throwing McLoud and Perry back in the lineup like you said not playing three minutes for broberg on the back end the fact that he put Perry on the second line he ends up making that play in game 4-2 where he’s in the neutral zone he makes that bump back play to nurse man to get his leg going as a veteran if he’s playing fourth line and he’s playing eight minutes man trust me I know what it’s like when you got the [ __ ] Pistons that can’t go because you’re only getting a shift every five minutes so the fact that he puts them in and then putting McLoud on the left side who does have those Wheels who can get in on the four check I thought maybe he was getting a little bit chewed up on the third line in that Center role but that’s why they went out and got Henrik maybe they thought he was going to play left side with Conor nah they got the chemistry on that first line bump him back down to where we know he’s good third and Li Center roll so everything that noblock has done as far of adjustments how about this one it felt like through the first three games that flip play and that stretch play was killing them you saw the the second play that he made on EOL which ended up leading to a goal tons of stretch plays where it felt like they neutralized Dallas’s and then they started doing it themselves so unbelievable adjustments from KN block the minute he stepped in the ballsy choices he’s made he has been [ __ ] as cool and calm as collected as as any of these coaches that were in the top four given his inexperience at the NHL level so Bravo to him and everybody talked about the Rangers being the team of Destiny are the Oilers the team of Destiny merals I love that you said the Rangers because my original point is long gone now but I had a new point about noblock you know where he was coaching before he came to Edmonton hardford the New York Rangers Harford Wolfpack they let him go and I know I screwed up the exact stat on it where the coach cannot win a Stanley Cup with another team hasn’t happened in one time in 70 years so I’m happy noop there he can win the cup and Maurice can win the cup so again as lateer tals baby the fugazi are gone let me ask you about this one Whit and have we talked have we talked since uh nurse got sewered kind of with that media scrum day and how chaotic that was did we have a teammate stood up for him Conor McDavid took I think the question was directed at Stuart Skinner and he says no no no I’m gonna take that one and then how about your boy Connor Brown after the game in the media scrum with brought right up he goes Li right up top um you know you know we uh we feel good about each other um on that kill we we we’re trusting each other unreal play by doc there to you know win that battle and spring us um you know a lot to be said about darnal everyone in their dog coming at him this morning you know two tough bounces to start the game and he settles in and plays probably his best game of the playoffs and leads us to a victory so um that’s character right there I [ __ ] love I would never wear another man’s Jersey I would consider if we’re there for the Stanley Cup finals to put that man’s Jersey on I love he went through this regular season what he’s done and I said the playoffs is the new season this guy’s been a beast and this yeah this team is so close the sticking up for one another is amazing to see I think that they know you’re you’re in Canada dude it’s this is a different beast when you get this far and they know there’s going to be critics there’s going to be fans that are all over different guys if we stick together and like I said before about individuals if we believe in each other it doesn’t matter what’s set on the outside and my biggest thing on my spaces postgame last night which was a just a joy to be a part of Merles came on Elio came on all right I did a spaces after game five this [ __ ] guy B so I’m doing the spaces and I got people coming in requests requests and I’m taking these awesome like callers and I’m like oh boom ra at the end I was like oh I got to take ra and these mutants are all coming on and yes at the beginning like oh I’m muted they’re trying to figure out the one guy who can’t figure out how to turn his microphone on all right I think when I finally did it was like right when you were about to hang right when you hung up on me cuz I could hear my voice coming back I do have a problem with that space stuff but did did they call good I’m sorry good no what I was going to say was and this is what I said last night and Merles agreed with me the greatest players they win the Stanley Cup dude the all-time greats win the Stanley Cup it’s a matter of time they all do it they all do it and you can talk you know Joe Thorton’s right there and a gendler’s right there but they’re not mcdavid’s mcdavid’s different this is Crosby this is Gretzky this is or Lemieux oetkin they win it and his time is has come and Florida is an incredible team but McDavid has been through it all and he’s done it with class and he’s done it quietly and there’s been moments of frustration there’s been moments of greatness and it’s now his time and these players that come along once every 20 30 years they win Stanley Cups and it’s the Edmonton owners in Conor mcdavid’s time tell telling you that right they also do it with the same suit on too I don’t know if you guys saw yeah so is that true as he switched up the pants no everything the same look at that now the question is does he go into game one with this suit on AB I asked Wayne the same thing afterward how abouton me throw Wayne out of the bus with the question do you guys have that one do you got that one fishy are we not allowed to use that because it’s pnt I guess guess I’ll sh is there anything else ra that we we want to discuss about what Edmonton has done thus far are there any and we have Jason strudwick coming on too so he’ll be able to fill us all in as well he lives there he’s on a podcast got your back pod uh I don’t uh I think that if you could name a guy whose names came up in trade remers mo more than Newan Hopkins I think you’d be hard pressed and right and this guy is gonna is the ultimate Oiler he does it all the coaches love him he’s good at both ends of the ice he’s the the the the the most humble guy you could imagine and the fact that he steep the fact that he stepped up the way he has in these playoffs in this special run buddy he deserves everything he’s gotten and I’ll go as far as saying this if he finishes out this contract as an Edmonton Oiler I think he deserves to be in the Ring of Honor if they win a Stanley Cup he’s going right to the Ring of Honor the longest tenur Oiler who McDavid saw some Darkness at the beginning I was there with n he was a part of this [ __ ] and this guy from the minute he came into the league a crazy backstory too where I believe when he was like 12 or 13 he even play hockey for one year like I’d love to chat them on this pod maybe they win the Stanley Cup he’ll be willing to come on but to get those two goals in game five for a guy who’s been through so much and done it always always quietly and just gone about it done his job never complained and you’re right Biz he’s the Swiss Army night I think Leon was the one who said even before game five yeah NJ is the is the coach’s favorite player and that’s the type of you just know what you’re going to get night in and night out how many Clips did I post this season of back checks by him where he’s stripping guys of the puck breakaways and he’s also doing it offensively he’s the only guy to everyone who does it on the PK on the power play and five on five and he’s able to just change games with his skating so the the fact I mean what what’s n been there now this has to be 13 years I’d say right’s 31 so yeah he’s he looks like he’s he’s 31 but he looks like he’s 22 he looks he played as an 18y old we’re looking at 13 years of n Hopkins and he’s finally in a Stanley Cup Final why don’t we try to bring on Jason strudwick if he’s waiting I don’t know this guy’s been he was a long time older he lives in Edmonton still I don’t know is he ready is he on the is he in the Green Room he’s not ready just yet okay all right okay n Hopkins if if you watch him he does all these tiny little subtle plays I I think B you had the clip yesterday he’s the Winger and he somehow was still like the low and slow Center the one time when the breakout needed it just so calming I noticed Connor Brown last night making a ton of subtle little plays just when everything was all over them they were calm and yeah you don’t see it on the score sheet but those players are so important to to win a Stanley Cup and it’s I’m feeling good about the biggest thing and and everyone said this and it it is true now you’ve seen it they were never going to get to this part of the season to play for the cup with Leon and McDavid playing together I think that it was amazing and they’d get on the ice in every shift together yeah they’d hem you in the offensive zone they’d score goals but you just knew over the course of winning 16 games in the spring you can’t do it with one line and to be able to separate them and get NJ on one line and then have McLoud and Perry with Leon right now that is completely change the team along with that third line that third line now a big question mark will be Kane’s Health we saw what Kane did to kachuck in the 2022 second round when Biz had to shave his head he was all over Matthew kachuck he only played four minutes last night it looked like maybe a shoulder now this five days this could be huge for him they’re going to need Kane they’re going to need that third line with and and Henri to keep this thing going because that’s the difference the Panthers third line with luster Ryan and lundell and and teraso is crazy good londell’s been incredible lundell has been incredible probably the best third line Center all playoffs long scoring goals and the only other guy we haven’t talked about who ended up scoring the eventual game winner was Hyman probably going to go down as top five greatest free agency signings of all time especially on what he’s making he’s been remarkable and now what was at his 15 goal or 14 14th so the the NHL record is 19 goals in playoffs so he’s five away here that’s not out of the question if this series ends up going deep and if it if get 20 and break that record would you guys agree that the Oilers are winning if himman gets six goals in the finals I would I would assume that means the Oilers are raised in the cup I would assume that that would be a lot of Power Play Goals and the power play is going again and that’s another aspect of this team the power play it went quiet and it was going to at some point you weren going to clip at that rate the entire run but at the biggest moments of the Season it turned back on and that’s what’s amazing to see and the game four wi didn’t really have anything and then game five and six boom that power play comes back four power goes quickly ra uh we got to mention uh we did last pod too Mark Stewart noblock said I don’t want any credit for the PK other than appointing Mark Stewart as the PK guy I think Army was the guy who brought it up uh originally at the fact that he was the one who took it over so 28 straight kills I want to say the NHL record for uh straight kills in a playoffs was like 39 so they do still have a little bit more work which is crazy that somebody killed off 39 straight [ __ ] power plays in an NHL playoff going against the NHL’s best but remarkable stuff from the Oilers and probably a big part of why they won that series and a lot of people who are saying the Panthers are just going to smoke the Oilers the Panthers Panthers sweep Panthers in five like everyone said Dallas was going to do the same thing so just hold your horses here yeah we’ll get to the predictions in a little bit I just got word Jason strick is ready but we do have a word from our sponsor first stry all right everyone before we go any further here’s a few words for my friends over at game time Stanley Cup starting up right now everybody not sure what city you’re in but if you’re looking for tickets absolutely want to hit up game time no doubt about it they always have the best deals the best seats whatever you’re looking for no matter what town you’re in I’m probably not going to get to Florida for game one but I’m taking a look right here Red 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tickets right now head over Fenway in a few weeks so take the guest work out of buying tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code chicklets for $20 off your first purchase terms apply download the game time app today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed all right boys uh time to bring on our guest he played 14 years in the NHL three of them up in Edmonton which is why we’re going to bring him on to talk about the Stanley Cup Final it’s a pleasure to Welcome to the spit and chickets podcast for the first time Jason drwick how’s it going brother good boys boys good to see you guys man I tell you what I feel like a model amongst you four guys holy turn the video off my former landlord he was like a slum Lord guys guy was torturing me you live with strudy or at one of I lived in his house when he went over to Europe for a year yeah I went over to Europe I come back I have like three spoons and my mattress literally I burned it I took it into the yard and just burned my mattress like it was a tough start too you got pin disease with from strudy that was that what it really started taking shape stry was the guy that every day I wore sweat pants and a hoodie and he’s like holy [ __ ] you and your leisure suits are you [ __ ] me have you ever dressed up to look presentable one time just velvet all he wore was velvet he was like George castanza with the worst body hey what did you I sa with George the Oilers tried firing me and I just kept showing up Str what did you make when Whit hopped off the bandwagon early in the season are you okay hopping him back on yeah I mean I know Whit I’ve known him for a long time he just whatever way the wind’s blowing right what the easiest path for wits whatever works like I’m sure he picked Florida Amon I’m sure he picked those two that is I thought we were going to have to go to Vancouver to roast Wht we get one live here today this is this is the ultimate roaster hey let’s not even dive into the others right away uh some wit stories from your time playing with them what’s the one that stands out oh God he I mean you know he’s a fun guy now but every day we come to rink it looked like someone kicked his dog right and I’m like why are you so unhappy man you know like yeah your feet are a little funky and he used to have a little ball and roll his foot over this ball all the time like maybe you spend a little time in the gym work on your legs your legs are as thick as a spaghetti you know oh no don’t tell him that man he put me on the [ __ ] list after I went after his calves on you’re at penguin’s C but he’s he’s the only guy that wore sweatpants over underneath his tracksuit to make his leg look thicker when he head out into town hey we’re making you a reg my [ __ ] pad for the bar we’re making Strutter regular [ __ ] they’re all the same all your pants look the same they were velvet I didn’t know the difference oh my God I was like a Russian oh well hey hey strud th those were the dog days but they’re not the dog days anymore man off to the Stanley Cup Final yeah you know what that the city and listen I played on some of the teams that struggled but the city you know it’s it’s just embracing this moment and Connor came and you know there were some different GMS with some different plans and they were you know trying to hurry this thing up um but you know Ken Holland came in and he kind of stabilized things okay we’re gonna build this piece by piece and he he said in his introductory press conference I my job is to give these guys a chance every time to get in the playoffs and then to try to make them a little bit better and you know he’s done that you know he’s added pieces you know the highman you know EOL what a massive trade that is and then he he he helped for some internal El buard has taken his game to a level that I I didn’t frankly know defensively he could do um Hall’s coming online BR Berg’s playing and Stuart Skinner uh you know is there more talked about player in these playoffs than steuart Skinner is pushed out of the the series in Vancouver his coach has Faith puts him back in for must-win games two of them and since then he’s been one of if not the hottest goalie uh in the playoffs remaining so I mean uh you know the city is just absolutely on fire guys those games it’s so loud uh outside it’s incredible I mean there’s signs posters everywhere it’s it’s I think I even saw Whitney Jersey people are so excited yeah they’re coming out of the woodwork I’ve got a few DMS sorry that was a ray Whitney Ray Whitney Jersey not a Ryan Whitney my bad sorry sorry sorry well stry as a defenseman um you’ve seen like certain guys can get beat down a little bit by the Edmonton fan base and Darnell nurse over the course of his career there while playing great hockey at times at other times with his cont cont hit which mind you isn’t his fault he signed it struy would have killed a bag of kittens to sign that contract but his number is high but after what happened in this series and and and last series and then him coming out and being disgusted after game three what have you seen change in his game and what have you heard around the team in terms of what he means for those guys well Darnell’s a huge part of the locker room right the guys love him and he’s he’s really a big part of the fabric of the success but what I think Darnell wasn’t doing to start the playoffs was playing with an edge uh we’ve seen him in previous playoffs be really physical and intimidating after the you know the some some articles are written and after that kind of tough moment exchange with the uh the media the one morning the Marshon Lynch room I’m just here to answer the questions or whatever um he came out and he had 12 hits that night and he was an absolute Beast I’m talking to beast and he’s been like that since then and when he’s you know menacing and intimidating um doesn’t mean you have to fight but just pushing guys around for no reason there was a play last night he just pinned I think I want to say it was Marchman just beside the net for no reason like he’s like I’m bigger and stronger than I’m gonna hold you down here and what are you gonna do about it and he needs to do that well to get out of this last round but now going against Florida he needs to be that intimidating presence that we’ve seen him do many times before so you know whether that you know kind of got him going that way or he figured out on his own whatever it doesn’t matter he is now playing the type of hockey they need him to because buard is playing well we know what at coma is all about and now you bring nurse on that’s three defenseman you know playing 25 to whatever a night one of them’s pretty much on the ice all the time and that has a huge impact for the team and he just sets that presence and make other guys feel Brave and want to follow in what he’s doing Jason do you think maybe because there seem to be like a lack of physicality maybe a lack of scrums and sort of face washing that we see in a lot of series you think maybe that made have sort of subconsciously lowed his compete level where he wasn’t sort of playing that role you just mentioned yeah crazy I mean Vancouver they were just trying to pound the oders right and then you go against Dallas and like you’re right if I I don’t think there was any scrum I think one guy dropped a contact no they all one guy lost the contact they all got down you know people thought it was a scrum but they’re trying to get the get the contact up and so there was nothing there was no no no scrums and that’ll be different so I think for the Oilers they got to think about that like okay this is not going to be fun you gotta play it’s gonna be hell this is going to be a hell series we’ve seen what Florida’s done to the teams they’ve played um and you’ve got to raise that compete level but you know what guys they’ve done it we’ve seen them do it before you know and they have a big team yeah people talk about the skill but let’s look at the size I mean Leon Dr is a really big guy you got Darnell nurse eeko Bard three big dmen kulak a big guy you got Cody CeCe a big guy so your back end can handle it then up front you know Kane Dylan Holloway is a big guy you know NJ isn’t slight yeah Perry another big body Brown plays hard like they’ve got guys that are are willing to and able to play in those heavy games but you can’t take a backseat to Florida they can’t you can’t come up the first game and say oh man these guys are hitting they’re they’re going to hit you in War they’re going toit you in theate so be ready for that and and mentally prepare for seven games of hell but that’s what makes it so worth winning the Stanley Cup because it’s it’s so hard and you know it’s going to be hell and you’re G to be hurting at the end but you got to do it I go back to go ahead I was just gonna say going back to a couple years ago uh I thought Kane was one of their better playoff performers right I think he had close to 14 goals uh hasn’t been the same player this year I think that he is going to be a huge element to this series coming up is he a little bit banged up and injured and what do you know about him and maybe why hasn’t he been up to what the standards are for a Vander Kane especially come playoff time yeah it feels like he’s been fighting something and then last game you saw he only played you know just a really small amount he was kind of in and out of the lineup or in and out of the uh the uh the bench at a certain point in that game but the the thing I keep thinking about is when they played Calgary and he neutered kachu he neutered him right he went after him and and and was all over him and they’re going to need a full-blown of Ander Kane in this series they need him everywhere on the ice and being that that leader just like I talk about Darnell on the back end they need Kane doing it I think their Vander you know they’re trying to find you know three lines and he’s been at times with uh in the second line would beside uh Leon and then on a third line at different times so he maybe hasn’t always played the same kind of skill level at Center that that he he has in the past when he scored you know those 14 goals he talked about Biz but I think that he’s got to bring it no matter where he is in the lineup he’s got to bring it and be effective because s Ben and kachu they’re not going to wait around they’re they don’t care they are taking no prisoner but Kane loves that style of hockey and he has a massive ego and that’s exactly the cane they need to show up when they play him uh game one on Saturday yeah stry I just wanted to Circle back you’re talking about all the Big D the Oilers have noblock has pulled all the right string so far do you think he puts de har back in at the start of this series pulls the swed out you have any thoughts on that yeah so game series two and series three it’s taken noblock about two three games to figure out the proper line combination this needed you know go back to the last one when Perry and McLoud are out and all of a sudden they’re on the second line beside Leon dry Sidle the whole city was like what the hell’s going on here right but it was a right move it was a right move and give him credit he did it then you pull out one of your most important penalty killers on a penalty killer on an absolute heater and you pull them out I again I was like oh my you know you you trust the guy you’re like what is going on here so they they take him out and broberg goes in and they figure it out still so he’s done a really good job so I don’t know if they’re GNA start the series where they ended I think that the third line for Florida is going to be an issue point for them Mt ERS that’s a really good third line and their third line you know it it it you know if if um you know Henrik is there I think he’s a huge part when he was hurt it wasn’t working for them as well now that he’s there I think he’s a really smart player I’ve advocated for lers to get this guy for a number of years really smart player so I think they have to make sure that they they bolster that third line but they can’t take away from Leon because if Leon ends up playing against s Bennis line that’s a pretty good line as well so I don’t know what he’s GNA do I I do say though that he is not afraid to change and I think you know he’s he’s a little bit like a robot two three games he figures it out they get the lines right and then the orders take over seen the last two series and you’re talking about Derek Ryan right taking him out I thought he was doing awesome on draws especially with on that PK and he was playing that first pk unit with Newen Hopkins so like you said the balls to to to pull him out and do you think that it had to do with maybe size as well because even towards the end of the series in the last game Dallas’s fourth line it was pavelski uh they had steel and I they put that Bor kit in where it was so small where I feel like they were getting ran around yeah so I mean that’s that’s a challenge right you you want to I think that what he does with the the fourth line is he keeps those guys fresh and now they’re not playing a ton of minutes but I think you’ve seen Carrick sit you’ve seen um I think Brown sat you’ve seen obviously Derrik Ryan sit yanar hasn’t sat so they’re they’re bringing different guys in out to kind of keep that line fresh and maybe different looks he wants but you know I didn’t really answer the question but with Vinnie I do think you see Vinnie in this next series DNA that is I think that the size and and Vinnie takes up a ton of space the challenge is that Florida for checks really hard and Vinnie’s yeah has really helped so does broberg do would you rather have a you know not that broberg is tiny but he’s not as big as Dar would you rather have him because he moves the puck well and carries it out of trouble more than Vinnie does or do you want to have someone banging like we see with DAR so I again I I’m going to give it two three games here guys for him to find the right the right uh match what what they want to put in there but I think you’ll see he is not afraid to use everyone who’s you know maybe not down to Sam G unfortunately for Sam but using everyone as disposable to keep them ready and then give the Lions different looks I think that also you’re GNA maybe see Carrick in this series with how Florida plays like War checking wise and he’s probably a little more physical and tougher to play against than Ryan we’ll see how it goes but for you personally I know you and rash and I think it’s Rob Brown do a got your back pod which is postgame every Oilers game all year so looking back to the to the time where where I quit and and the days were dark and what’s happened with this team like what are your thoughts from then to now like did you even see them being able to come back and and get in the playoffs in November when they were sitting in 31st Place you know this I have a bit of unique take I believe believe that the team was they they just wanted to win the Stanley Cup in September I I really feel that and they forgot about the process now I’ve never won a Stanley Cup I’ve won some championships you know when I was younger but it’s just you you it’s just daily right just bringing a daily and not getting too far ahead of yourself and I remember when after that one game uh you know what was it 13 14 game like holy gez like these guys might actually this might not actually turn around and when they brought in noblock I think he just told everyone to relax and just do your job just do your own job don’t Connor and Leon you guys don’t have to win every game for us we have other guys that can get it done and he empowered the bottom six and I I I keep stressing this to anyone who’ll listen it’s great to have Connor and Leon they’re amazing players and against Vancouver you know he went back to playing those guys half the game and it’s fun to watch for a fan but there’s you know 15 other players on that team that want to contribute they want to help you need to empower those guys and noblock did that except for that little stretch in the Vancouver series he got everyone going guess what you know what Derk Ryan you’re killing penalties Conor Leon you’re not killing penalties anymore you’re on the power play Heyman you’re on the power play um you know NJ plays everywhere even even cleans the ice during intermissions but he’s a little bit different but these other guys everyone got a job and that’s so important because you want to feel valued you can’t just say hey strudy witz we need you guys but you’re playing us five minutes a night you don’t really need us you could bring someone from you know that want a prize and bring them down so it’s absolutely huge and he’s done that and he’s got those guys believing so I look back to that Darkness I remember we did one postgame pod I’m like oh my God they’re they’re not going to make it but then noblock came in Paul coffee too has done an amazing job with the D and they got them believing and they got on a run they started playing better they started finding their success as a team rather than trying to do it themselves and not that they’re selfish but a lot of times that comes over place I want I want to do it I want to help the team but often you do more and it actually produces less Jason after Conor Leon n and hman you know pretty big drop off as far as points for the forwards and exclus Kane is there any play you think might go off in the final that has you know been pretty quiet so far in the playoffs perhaps well Dylan hollow’s had some special minutes right and this guy if you’re not familiar with him he played in the miners for you know quite a bit of the Season he been hurt but he can skate he can hit and he’s got a high engine I love Fords like that you know why because I hated guys that played like that I wanted the soft European coming down on me you know or a guy like Biz that worked hard but didn’t have the hands to score so you know you [ __ ] good though I was going to clean in the ice like n though too during the TV time the only European you didn’t want was gabrick when you were chasing him down on that breakway at MSG gab Min is five minus five again gav gets a break I could have chased that guy I could have skated down the longest FV I would have never caught that guy like it was unbelievable you should have just skated out the Zamboni door I I tried they locked me like no ran the glass there at the they’re like stay on they’re like stay on the ice we want to get another goal it was just it so embarrassing I hated that game um but uh but you know I think hallay has a real chance to do it because he’s such a wild card and he drives a net and there’s a lot of people talking about him he plays like Glenn Anderson he goes to the net with Reckless abandon he can hit um and he’s still young he’s he’s he’s gonna he’s he’s he’s fun to watch and I I wonder if they don’t put him beside dry saddle and Kane and I’d love to see those three guys play against the the the Florida Panthers Sam Bennett line I think that’d be give me seven games of that guys it’d be so much fun to watch Str I I might change my pick you got me [ __ ] fired up on the right now it we don’t want you all all right all mush I got a question 18 years since’ 06 in that amazing Series against Carolina I think the most memorable game for the Oilers was just game six they’re down 3-2 they crush him at home and everyone thought they’d get him going back back to Carolina but with the Oilers fans starving for this and this Chase for the cup do you think a good amount of people go down to Florida for games one or two or one of those two or you think it’s more just it’s such a hard travel that it’ll be more about all the home games in Edmonton yeah it’s a long ways to go right um I think it’s I think it’s actually the longest between two Stanley Cup teams ever if I yeah it is beating Boston and van it’s crazy it’s crazy um so yeah you know what I think that I I I’ve had somebody’s text me I wonder if I wanted to go I’m like guys I that’s a pretty big commitment like that’s two full travel days right to go there but I do think no no you haven’t heard yet you haven’t heard we’re gonna get chick with hair you need a you need a private jet for like of us we’ve made uh the lady with the tit* in the crowd one of the stewards too we got her we got her off the oil rig and she’s actually going to work for us on chickle she loves guys with mustaches you’ll fit right in Biz I’ll give her a little ride I’ll give her a ride um I don’t know if you finished answering that question but you seem to know like the the depths of what’s been going on with this organization uh I think here I’m going to read this tweet off for you this was G our producer sent this over the Oilers brought in one of the world’s most respected Sports psychologist and meditation coaches George Munford this season who previously helped guide Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant the Championships were you aware that they had done this yeah so this came I want to say it was just I think in the fall I can’t remember it was before or after noblock arrived but I looked him up and I saw it I’m like okay this is good and and often times I think what fans and even you know some of us in the media forget is that the improvements are sometimes very small and you don’t know it’s going to come from a certain area or not like you can go and watch the team practice and these guys shooting their one-timers or how good of shape are they they take their shirts off and do the V2 test but you know when you’re talking about trying to be the best team in the world you got to find small percentage increases and you know the daers have been through a lot you look at the last three seasons it’s been three rounds two rounds both times losing the Stanley Cup finalists and then the start they had this year and I think their heads were spinning you bring in someone who just can kind of normalize that and give you ways to deal with it and maybe yeah help you cope with those types of situations and and make you feel better better then arm you with ways to have success and I think that it’s been a great addition for them again just a small little detail you know another thing is the way obviously we know the way you eater if Dave pel the skating coach you know go to practice see him working with Evan buard on different things not that he’s a bad skater but if he can improve by you know 0.2% and everyone does now the team’s just a little bit better skater so uh Daryl Kate’s the owner of the orders you know he’s he’s not around a lot but he’s given every opportunity for the team with money um bring in anyone you need to help this team win and that is what this this uh sport site guy is as well and I I just love that that they’ve done that because you never know what’s going to be the difference and so far I think this has definitely helped I got one little quick followup too is uh we talk about lineup adjustments and the line combinations uh I felt like that flip play and the way that Dallas was stretching was really creating a lot of headaches for the Oilers and I almost felt like they not only neutralize that but were partly like doing it themselves did you notice that at all and and like was that a a a a drastic change in the series in your opinion yeah so what happens when when they stretch out a forward as a d man you have to back up and then now that creates a lot of space between you and your forward and the owners like to forward check quite hard and you’ll see them quite often they have three guys kind of down below the dots which is pretty aggressive way to for check the problem is if the other team the Dallas in this case gets the puck and someone’s already stretching it creates an odd man opportunity so I thought the orders did well is they started making sure that their top forward reloaded above that guy so now it was an odd man and it just calms everything down down on those on those rushes and as a dman you feel a lot more confident standing up um and then the other side like I was surprised how much the oders rim the puck they Rim the puck a ton and then they they’ flip it out a lot and I yeah yeah and it you know you sometimes you have to but I I look at some of those guys that can make plays and I’d like to see them make plays because I want to see that puck get to McDavid or Dr Leon in the middle because now they have speed and that pushes the other team back and doesn’t allow them for check as much so Florida’s going to be hard I think we’ll see some more [ __ ] again guys uh they for check tight and hard and and you just mentioned earlier about the de har and how maybe sometime he struggles to go back and make a play where if Florida in the way they for check if bromberg’s in and all these other guys who can make plays it seems like that flip out play in which Florida does use a lot themselves as well could come in handy right yeah it could and and you know you need Mobility to be able to defend both sides of that right getting by back quick or if they flip it out to get back quick and make plays um but I I keep stressing it’s not just on the D you know and I’m not I’m obviously unbiased that you know dman is the hardest position to play in hockey we all a Winger you don’t even have to have a brain you just Skate Center is pretty tough but as a Dem man it’s really hard you really got to be back and making smart plays but you need your forwards to come back too because what you want and Coach is talk about a lot you want to have those Five Guys in the picture if the D two dmen are standing at their blue line you don’t see any forwards for your team who are they passing too right that makes it really hard so you got to work hard to get back um but you know the olders have time now they had what five or six days before the series starts they’ll go through these things but again I I think Florida hits like a hurricane and they’re going to come out hard and the’s got to be mentally prepared for seven nights of hell yeah we’re g we’re gonna get into Florida soon and and just this amazing run and what what their team’s built on but I actually wanted to ask you I was dogging the NBA for like their nine days between the end of the Conference Finals in the finals but I guess I’m a little bit of a hypocrite I love this 5-day break I think these ratings are going to be enormous for the Cup Final and I love the buildup I think these next five days just this week this this work week of just thinking about these games it’s only gonna make Saturday night that much more special would you agree yeah like honestly like I can’t speak for Panthers fans but olders fans need a break like it’s been it’s been crazy it’s been the city I’m telling you guys it’s absolutely on fire there’s China whites everywhere I love China whites they’re all over the place people are having them left and right and it’s just it’s an absolute gun show so few days to calm down and then hit it hard again Saturday night um but more importantly let the players kind of you know just take a deep breath recharge maybe get a little bit healthier hopefully both teams are healthy I’d love to see both teams healthy and just going out it for seven games would be amazing then those couple travel days between it’s a long day of travel like that is a long long I’ve done it from Florida to Vancouver a couple times when I played for the Canucks not if you’re getting sucked off on chicklets air from [ __ ] play circle the circle the strip what’s what’s China White you just mentioned China White well it’s a little piece of heaven it’s kind of I get a lot of people don’t think it’s a very gritty type drink but it’s a little shot here in Canada it’s uh you know what is it cremed to cacao and has a little bit of nutmeg on top oh it’s delicious I used to drink learn about a new shot China White’s usually something different with where I come from well they’re always on sale they’re always on sale $1.75 the back bar you’d love them well we don’t promote that stuff around here cuz we’re pink Whitney drinkers I have those two I those we’ll bring you a bottle we’ll bring you a bottley we would love to catch up with you I’d love to grab a drink and and and shoot the [ __ ] and see you when we’re in Edmonton hope we’re definitely there game three maybe possibly game four but we’re looking forward to running into you there and thanks for coming on buddy pack your nicest track suit Bud the nice one don’t go cheap do a nice one I’m gonna order a new one maybe an Oilers bore when’s Jeffrey Ross going to come on for his set after the roasting you’ve been given all day holy [ __ ] this has been long overdue and we appreciate your time one of the funniest [ __ ] Whit’s been talking about you for for a long time so you uh yeah you’ve been awesome buddy and we can’t wait to see you in Edmonton boys when it comes to wits the material writes itself enjoy it talk to you guys later oh mans what a guy man how did this must have been a riot every day in the locker room with this guy he would all over me and then we’d get on the ice and be like holy [ __ ] scy pass the he was just a great chirper and he was just an old vet he’d been around he’s he was tough as [ __ ] for people who don’t know I fought him did you fight him I fought him I think yeah no [ __ ] I mean pull it up no that that got your back pod’s awesome for Oilers fans there’s so much Oilers content out there with Oilers nation and then him rash and Rob Brown they recap every game so you imagine like we’re talking about all these teams if we’re going to get into the Panthers don’t worry and they deserve their flowers but for Oilers fans to get to cover that team that intently and closely all year postgame coverage to get to The Cup Final that’s a dream come true for those guys so it’s awesome to see sorry but before we do get to Florida we do have a few words for our sponsor all right all right before we go any further here’s a few words from my good friends over at DraftKings where’re this close to crowning the Stanley Cup champion folks and with the action heating up on the ice it’s even hotter at DraftKings Sportsbook an official Sports bet in partner of the NHL there’s only so many games left and draftking Sportsbook has You cover with same game paray live betting odds boost and so much more don’t miss out or you’ll have to wait until next NHL season to place your bets and it’s super easy for first timers to get started try betting on something simple like and picking a team to win go to the DraftKings Sportsbook app select your squad and place your first bet it’s that simple you new to DraftKings listen up new customers can get a no sweat bet up to 1,500 bucks just a pait it at least five bucks and you’ll get a bonus bet back equal to your first bet if it doesn’t hit woohoo good stuff so download the draftking Sportsbook app now and use code chicklets that’s code chicklets for new customers to get a no sweat bet up to 1500 bucks if your first bet doesn’t hit only on DraftKings the crown is yours all right boys actually before you jump into Florida had a couple stats I want to throw you away uh buad uh just the six defenseman to record 20 assists in a postseason coffee had 25 did someone just bust ass that had be Chris stepped on a duck somebody stepping a duck uh yeah buad just the six defenseman to get 20 assists uh coffee has the record 25 leech mcginness MAA and hinan hinan is the only one of those defenseman to not win the Stanley Cup that same year uh and then McDavid this is just craziness uh the sixth player to record multiple 30-point playoff here he did it back in 2022 uh he joined Wayne who’s done it six times Messier did it three times and then Yari Curry Mario and COV have all done it twice so yeah just like to give these guys like you said with their flowers for for no I think the last thing on this series I do want to say um Dallas is is set up for the long run that’s a that’s a hell of a hockey team with a young core a bunch of guys I think they’re going to get a Stanley Cup at some point but you got to bring up Joe pavelski and if this ends up being his final swans song what a career what an amazing player had an amazing regular season too I mean I think he was 29 28 goals and then just kind of went a little cold in the playoffs you feel bad if this is the end for him how he went out I’m sure that’s not how how he saw it ending but what an unreal player that guy’s been for a long time seventh round draft choice he did it in San Jose he did it for the Dallas Stars he’s an incredible person so shout out to Joe pavelski if this is the end for him yeah I I think we could spend a little bit more time on their team too I mean you know they they played [ __ ] Colorado and they played Vegas I probably took a lot of wind out of their sales that’s what we said would hopefully happen for the Oilers too it did and and you know they had to play most of it with 5D they did have petravic step in who started playing a little bit more ice than that uh lanquist or is that how you say his last name who was playing like three four minutes uh it did feel with obviously the injury to tanv he didn’t look exactly like himself before taking that shot off the foot hin in the game before I think he played over 10 minutes in the first so they just had to rely so heavily on him where you know he gets beat on that McDavid goal didn’t really look like himself um you know they didn’t have Hawken paaw due to injury so that would have helped bolster that that was a huge Los that was a that was a big loss he’s a big body helps clear the net front he’s like mikola on the Panthers Bingo a great a great comparison where like a perfect five or six kind of guy um you know Wyatt Johnston came on the scene Man 10 [ __ ] goals in in his second year man this guy is is g to seem like he’s going to be a generational type player stank koven uh unfortunately duchan had that big goal to end Colorado season but didn’t have a point all of that round right didn’t really notice him at all um you know I thought Jamie Ben was okay but [ __ ] he had to go against the big dogs every night and the power play boys the power play was brutal it didn’t provide seven straight games they didn’t score seven straight games didn’t provide them any momentum nothing it was just flat they at uh I think it was hendrik Lundquist or Wayne pointing it out he’s like they had Jam Ben like near the blue line on their power play where it’s like just [ __ ] pound pucks to the net and just [ __ ] have him stand in front like just simplify things at least to get some type of momentum where they just kept going back to the same [ __ ] and credit Edmonton though they kept that the the two high forwards the one forward would drop below the top guy and he would take away that seam pass so Stuart Skinner never really had to go from post to post like I I couldn’t think of one time where he had to go and make a post to post type save on they were taking that away and then trusting that the D would come out to go to the flank and either block a shot and they’re said we’re not giving you the seam we’re going to see if we can block a shot or if Skinner can make a save but we’re not giving you that cross seam pass and it worked so I I mean I don’t know if there’s anything else that you noticed from Dallas uh M but you know it was an incredible season as wit said set up for Success great coaching uh maybe could have made some adjustments later in that series against Edmonton which came back to bite him but what did you see from them and what disappointed you what did you like yeah like you said adjustment strudy was talking about noblock how he made all sorts of adjustments they they never changed anything the power play power play lost them the the series but as we’re talking DraftKings I would say this is the draftking segment Dallas you’re the favorite next year already so good things are coming to Texas and uh I I like that team a lot I wish them good luck and imagine me eliminating the New York Rangers in glass B in backto back days that [ __ ] guy he’s been pretty quiet online the last couple days suck on that Barner ain’t Bing much except for his five five dime [ __ ] Pros that he’s got got on his arm there as far as that power play you know B up the Blue Line business I mean I think it’s well established he’s not one that like likes to go down low at all so wasn’t too much of surprise for Christ s come can’t resist come on [ __ ] that plan all right hey we got to go Tyler SE I’m G to go back to him for a little bit he had actually a real good quote about pavelski uh G’s going to fire it up for us here hockey’s hard you know you uh you know you need a lot of things to go right we you need to have that uh that opportunity we had that opportunity um we went through the a gauntlet and um beat some really good teams and you know knew we had something special and um you know lost to a team that we thought we could beat and um sometimes that’s playoffs sometimes it’s that one boun that one goal one save it’s why we all love it it’s why it’s just this is the hardest damn trophy in the world to win um you know but respect to you know the Oilers they’ve been grinding for years and uh you I know some of those guys pretty well from back in Toronto and you know wish them the best next round I mean nice stuff to talk about a veteran but also he was in a bad spot a couple years he wasn’t talking about the veteran I don’t know if he listened but I don’t think he talking mayong oh I’m sorry oh no I think that it was like another another quote we ran one of the the more the one that kind of went viral about just the overall season and what they you can tell the emotion right and in that room they they had a team to get it done and I think after beating Vegas in Colorado you’re like we could beat anyone so it’s heartbreaking and part of that is you’re looking at a guy like pavelski who hadn’t gotten a cup and how long he’s been around and what he means to that team and so there’s guys that you you know you might have another chance but you think of the guys who won’t if pavelski does go on to retire and that’s what’s difficult for for the emotions with a team that that all love each other I mean he said it best I think he also mentioned in another quote like at no point did I think we were we were we were weren’t going to get this thing done and all of a sudden boom like he said things Chang in an instant and and it did for the stars I think what they have four guys over a thousand games suor I think leading the way where all those guys don’t have cups and uh just a a tough sledding man you don’t know if you’re ever going to get even this close again so uh definitely a disappointing ending for the Dallas stars but uh nothing to hang your hat on man or or hang your head down on because they they they played their dicks off yeah I was saying there was a piece from my zebger the the writer there about Sean how he was in a real bad spot a couple years ago with all his injuries and his head wasn’t in a good place he didn’t know if he was going to play hockey again and he was watching ra for at his college in Moka and they were watching Stanley Cup playoffs and and Sean looked over at his buddy he’s like I don’t think I can do this anymore yeah and yeah because he’d been dealing with like all these nagging injuries like some had hip issues yeah and and you know thankfully he takes his office very seriously I know he worked with Maddie nickel for a very long time who’s now back in the NHL and you know diet and you know they’re there six days a week going uh at you know the bioeel camps or at least at the time doing all that stuff and um and and as as much as you know with like when you’re dealing with those things it could be a mental and physical grind and given you know he’d already won a Stanley Cup he’d play as many games he’d made as much money as he did it could be easy to think of the alternative to hang him up but the fact that he’s he’s clawed back and I thought that from the overall playoffs for them he was probably one of their top three players as far as winning battles like crazy contributing offensively making plays so good for segs and it looks like he’s got at least a couple at least two three more years than him still hey Biz we just mentioned your uh your fight with stry I believe we have a photo from uh that occasion what you got fishy throw it up for us there you go boys that’s me and stry going at it he’s like buddy okay so I was in that game I’m sure cuz me and stry were together all the years in Edmonton looks like you got the upper hand on him there busy yeah I think that it wasn’t like much of one but I’d say that I probably got the 5149 win okay and hey that’s all I cared about and then off to the W to get laid oh b b that quote you had on The Telecast today where Grandma hides the weed brownies where Grandma hides the weed brownies boy wayo loved it you know he dying he let’s talk about the cats though guys we have we gotta move on we got to move G did text me he said did you have one good strudwick story that you could tell that you remember or or you got nothing off the top of your Dome let me let me try to think for when we’re in Edmonton and we’re with him maybe we can get together and I’ll have to think nothing’s coming all right actually uh we gonna do another word for my sponsor before we get to Florida all right before we go any further here’s a few words from our friends at Dove men plus care Dov men plus care whole body do gives me odor protection and keeps me smelling good everywhere all day it’s suitable to use on my whole body from the pits to the privates to my feet no more compromise between all day odor protection in caring for skin anywhere my body even my most private pots the new Dov men plus kale whole body deodorant fits easily into my morning routine now I won’t go without it aluminum free with a formulation that keeps my skin feel feeling great it cares for my skin with a non-irritant formula and is infused with vitamin E so pick up Dov men plus care whole body deal at Walmart or Target all right boys now time for the Panthers uh they snuffed out the president’s Trophy winner New York Rangers with a 2-1 game six Victory to return to the Stanley Cup Final for the second year in a row uh hope we actually forgot to mention Cory Perry a few minutes ago with five te different teams in the Stanley Cup Final that was a lot note I know kind of jumping back is that a record it’s a record yeah yeah I had a circle they got a little distracted yeah five different teams he’s been the Stanley Cup but obviously went it with Anaheim but we got to talk about the Panthers man they just choked out the ranges I mean churk was awesome probably would have been a sweep without him what what was the most impressive thing of Florida and you know what do you think going forward them what’s the what do they got to do different anything basically I don’t know if they have to do much different um this team is built to win a Stanley Cup they’re they’re exactly what you need and a Stanley Cup winner they have dep everywhere they play like complete lunatics I was actually listening to Frank zarelli who was talking about he had Zito on his show uh I think it was after the first round before the Bruins series and he kind of asked them like for people I think he said hey if there’s a fringe fan that hasn’t seen much of the Panthers how would you describe their game and he said graceful brutality which is pretty funny I thought sarahi kind of said that that zitto was was well spoken and saying that and that’s what they do and this is by far in a way the biggest test for Edmonton I think Dallas was obviously nothing like Vancouver or um or LA but Florida’s gone through a gauntlet themselves that right I mean they they made easy work of the lightning who looked great going into the postseason they made pretty easy work of the Bruins they they might have given him the toughest test I know it was six there and six with the Rangers but then they get to New York and without churin I don’t think it’s probably a sweep R I think it is a sweep that was every single game Rangers are on their heels and it’s tough not to be when you have a four check like the Florida Panthers they come in waves their fourth Line’s awesome there’s a lot of similarities between Vegas last year and Florida this year bullying the [ __ ] out of teams having a fourth line that can play 10 to 12 minutes D that while they had Petro who’s a star I would say that montour’s right up there and even forcing maybe might be even their best defenseman so with forcing and eblad as that top pairing it’s just and I think Mika plays with with Montour then you got kulakov on that on that final pairing with uh who would be forgetting on that back end right now did you say eblad yet aliver emman Larson emman Larson dude and how about the recharge to his career after getting bought out he’s been an awesome fit in but the biggest thing for them um is is barkov and and no longer can anyone talk about being underrated this guy has completely shut down the stars on every other team he’s played against you look at what he did to COV you look at what he did to pasta and Marshon you look at what he did to panan and to a benad and it’s this is a guy who can produce offensively but I don’t even think in his mind he worries about that he shuts people down he’s 230 pounds skates like the wind he is a guy who plays on all sides of the Pucket doesn’t matter offensively power play defensively penalty kill taking big face offs he’s their best player and that’s going to be an enormous issue for McDavid and leyon to try to get through this guy try to get on the right side of him to score goals and it’s really tough to do but when you look at the forward it’s not just him it’s it’s kachuck and it’s Bennett and it’s [ __ ] Reinhardt and it’s just it never stops coming and that’s without even mentioning carder haggy who just scores big goals game winners overtime winners it doesn’t matter their whole lineup up and down is one thing to talk about and then they got Bob and Bob outd shesterkin and really it’s not necessarily fair to say he outd doed them because of how dominant Florida was with the puck but he made all the big saves and he made all the key saves and they were down 2-1 in that series similar to Edmonton and there was no threet there was no worry they just keep coming and they figured boom we’ll just rip off three straight just like the Oilers did so I I I I think that the way they play it’s just intimidating for other teams once Series start because you talk about after the whistle [ __ ] that’s where they Thrive they want to bully you they want to piss you off they don’t mind taking penalties because we’ve talked about Edmonton PK who’s the second best it’s Florida I think they have trust in their game to go in take a hit take a penalty with a huge hit cuz we don’t mind we’ll kill it right off so it’s going to be about the anger they play with how good their crowd is and how crazy that building seems and Edmonton trying to be able to figure out can we beat their depth we beat Dallas’s depth but you look at Florida’s it’s even better that third Line’s an issue Biz yeah I think you summarized it perfectly couple of clicks for what come up for oxygen buddy I’m watching Florida and I’m like oh [ __ ] this is scary they they don’t have I don’t think any weaknesses right and even you mentioned like they got a fourth line well even a few of their scratches can come in and make impacts as good as anyone right so I think discipline is going to be a huge factor in this series because I think that um Florida has came in probably with a little bit more of a level head and I don’t even want to say Paul Maurice has said that they’re more even Keel than they were last year so you obviously don’t want to be taking penalties against the Oilers um and same thing if you’re the Oilers you don’t want put as good as your PK’s been Florida’s power play is pretty lethal and if there is one issue with Edmonton’s game defensively it’s where how they can’t do they don’t do a great job of Defending when plays are coming out from behind their goal line well Florida can play any way you want right you saw that even the way that they closed out that Rangers series like Rangers were fighting for their lives they didn’t even get a sniff of for a high danger scoring chance they couldn’t get anything they were getting owned on the boards we know they don’t give up anything in the guts of the ice um I would say from an advantage standpoint I would give the advantage to them Florida in net I would say they have a deeper back end and I would say they’re deeper up front too right and you talk about that high-end skill that Edmonton has the guy a guy like barov who is on a mission right now and he he’s playing like he is a champion he’s the type of guy that can neutralize that and talk about who Florida’s beat as far as goenda vasileski they beat Swan and then they beat shurin so Skinner is gonna have to play lights out and out of his mind to even give them a sniff at winning this series I have Florida winning this series in six games right I think that the smart money is going towards Florida right now and for the reason that you said wh they feel like this well-oiled machine where they can put any line out there and they feel comfortable they’re exactly like Vegas was last year they have the home mice Advantage they have a little bit extra rest and they’ve been here and they’ve done that they were there last year last year getting there was okay year and they were banged up this year they’re healthy and their expectation was not only are we going to get there but we’re not done yet we’re going to win the [ __ ] thing so for that reason boys I got Florida and six I think it’s going to be an incredible series I’m praying that it goes to seven games and I hope it’s one of the best Stanley Cup finals that we’ve ever seen and I want to say the last time Edmonton went to the final was against Carolina and it did go seven 06 go7 that’s why I said I don’t think it’ll be in six Edmonton ain’t losing a game six at home they smashed Carolina game six in ‘ 06 so Merles X Factor wise what do you got what do you got well I just gonna tell you biz on DraftKings right now cats and six is plus 500 so I don’t know if that’s the smart money but uh I just wanted to wrap up on the Rangers and um they are just their old coach said it in the press conference they weren’t they’re not committed to it they don’t want to work about it I had inside sources down boots on the ground in Fort Lauderdale telling me that some of the Rangers players had their girlfriends on the trip they’re playing football with her on the beach and their guys are going over the beach like they’re just that is no commitment to winning the Stanley Cup so you knew they were done wow yeah so you knew they were so what you’re trying to tell me is they are fug gazis they they are complete fugazi like I couldn’t believe it when I heard that and it is 99% confirmed sources like that just not going to win like I don’t even know why they have them stay on the beach when they’re down there if you’re down there to try to win a Stanley Cup you should be in Orlando stay near the rink they should be in Orlando so they’re all there they’re at the Ritz Carlton they’re going across the street playing in the beach before like the day off like that’s just not where you want to be so I guess we can agree with wit that if there’s no shurin it’s probably a sweep uh fo he he was incredible that’s inredible Fox looked like he’d been playing banged up most of playoffs uh I think that the the the weight of all this is going to be heavily on panan krider and zabad where cder maybe not so much shying away from the physicality but you saw one of the games I want to say it was not the closeup game or maybe it was where Z game five when they bumped him after the goal yeah that oh he looked dejected well middle of the ice before he even gone in there’s a battle at Center ice and he’s like whipping his head back and he wanted nothing to do with a wall battle where is Murs what you’re saying is if you want a Stanley Cup that’s probably not the core that you want to do it with yeah I don’t think they have what it takes at all wow girlfriend’s on the road during the playoffs the girlfriend’s on the road thing that’s fine they can come and walk like watch and like put them somewhere else but I don’t think like going over to the beach and hanging out with them is is the move during during the Conference Final you got the whole summer how of you no [ __ ] Jesus but I mean wait wait Whit saying something p panan is like undersized right a little bit and the he was incredible this season but I just noticed in the in in the in the conference final it was like no time and space and I texted the big chicks group chat watching Florida there’s always three Panthers if not four in front of the net it seems like you never get a chance like in front rebounds no they’re boxing out they’re pushing you away and there’s never that like complete breakdown against Florida that’s that’s the hardest thing where I think the Rangers thrive on that and they’re able to make plays in the offensive zone they have time and space they had none of that so panan being a little undersized and Zaba Jad looking a little disinterested at times I mean he’s taken a lot of heat it just it didn’t look like he had bought all in like willing to put his entire body on the line to get to the net to get a chance or to get to the net on the defensive side to break up a play it was there was like floating out there and then for panan I mean he was just getting eliminated along the wall right he’s able to dance around the ice so off in Florida they were like no they’re looking at the body they’re not looking at the puck they’re taking him away once he moves it they’re finishing the hit and over the course of six games it just seemed like it wore him down and New York looked great right they won they won game two they won game three all right here we go they go to overtime game four they’re totally in it they win that game but no Reinhardt buries that one on an amazing power play goal and then from there it just seemed like boom all right Panthers we tied this thing up we’re going to MSG and then we’re coming back we ending this thing at home and it was just a beat down physically that they’ve put on every single team the Rangers were no different and their big guys didn’t answer you need goal tending you need special teams and you need your best players to be your best players the two cup finalists have all of those things they’ve done them all and the Rangers weren’t able to do it in the final round the power play went cold the big guys disappeared and just I guess if you’re throwing around a football with your girlfriend on the beach in the Conference Finals you’re not going to win that’s what we learned in this one um AR I don’t know if you have the point totals this round for krider panan and zaben Jad combin on the positive side uh huge playoff for troch earned a ton of respect around the league with the way that he stepped up I thought that he overall aside from schurin he was their best player um I thought that LE reer took that next step all season long and then came alive in playoffs uh and then the other guy a guy who faced a lot of crit criticism during the regular season was that Barkley goodro and you know as playoffs were I think he end up finishing with six goals so maybe fans are a little bit concerned on giving him that long contract I think he’s making about three and a half per year as like as a depth guy like a a third fourth liner but he stepped up in crunch time so those to me were the positives and listen they still got a good solid team they could still make a few moves I’m sure Drury go back to the drawing board uh make those adjustments they got cap space too they got cap space and you know they’re their owner ain’t shy to spend money so um it should be interesting to see where the fugazi go from here but obviously the happiest day of the year when the New York Rangers get eliminated based on how um arrogant uh ignorant and stupid their fan base is especially at the fact that all series long against the Florida Panthers they were complaining about officiating shut the [ __ ] up the the one where the forward was skating uh uh towards the defenseman and the defenseman’s stick didn’t move and he tripped over the guy stick stick and they kept posting it everywhere online more so than we saw the tit* from the girl in Edmonton and I’m like shut the [ __ ] up you guys are getting dominated all over the ice this has nothing to do with officiating this has the fact to do with that you are the actual fugazi what’s up as you asked where the Rangers go next uh Linda con just tweeted out the potential of Brady kachuck possibly getting traded down the line to the New York Rangers so that’s something to think too last time this was brought up Senators fans are still coming at me because I heard a rumor that they they think I just created out of thin air I think it would be insane for the Senators to trade that guy but there are where there’s smoke there’s fire I don’t necessarily think it’s going to happen but there’s obviously rumbling somewhere about Brady kachuck getting traded if he went to the Rangers holy [ __ ] but if you want to go back to game six and talk about buying in and what it takes to win Stanley Cups the first goal of the game which was a minute left in game six by Bennett incredible shot the puckets flipped out and there’s a little bit of a turnover at the red line and you see kako do the big swing and you see hedel do the big swing it’s not a stop it’s not a stop and get back it’s a huge circle jerk Loop and oh so it’s it’s actually a little before this I don’t know if we could go a little further back no worries if not but before this it gets turned over those guys swing and boom three on two trouba hoop Pasha let’s get into one of the meanest Clips in chicklets history I’d like to chime in on this I don’t listen I think that uh trouba did get running around a little bit I think he took a lot of heat for that uh PK goal in overtime where also troch didn’t come down and take that slot guy so the you know the blame can go yeah the game yeah the blame could go around a little bit um obviously on that clip he got running around but for the fact of a videographer coming on a podcast and talking about an NHL player who has played as long as Jacob trba a captain in the National Hockey League you are a [ __ ] clown posha you’re a worse skater than ra I’ve seen you play hockey for you to have the balls to talk about an NHL player when you’re a videographer for the spit and chicklets podcast you listen if we want to get them on right now let’s get them on but this has to be some form of of of Lifetime ban on the spit and chicklets podcast from Talking he could maybe talk on Game notes maybe he could go maybe you got like that type of chatter over there but for a guy with a the the the only [ __ ] goal the only time he scored was in the [ __ ] our bust Club third ground parking level uh he can’t even [ __ ] score in those men’s league games at the Arbus Club what are you doing what are you doing you look like a fool with the JT Miller stuff all season long and then you’re GNA come in come playoff time and you’re G to go at Jacob trouba and talk about a charity that has he has what are you doing name one thing I said that was false I even had Rangers fans in the comments saying I hate posha I hate the Devils but he’s right they hate everything Rangers fans so if the fact that you’re telling me that you’re getting uh validation from these [ __ ] [ __ ] fugazi fans online you think that that’s the [ __ ] nut drop you’re going to come on the podcast was it aggressive yes was it Savage yes but name one thing I said that was false you think that he should have the the captaincy stripped because he’s going out there literally Rangers fans are saying he’s the worst captain in Rangers history like I can show you all the comments come on so you were the Rangers fans who’s who’s s s Tak I’m tell like I know it was it was Savage but this is the one take everyone’s like holy [ __ ] I actually agree with posha all his takes suck this is the right take like Rangers fans don’t like trouba they say he sucks on the ice they don’t like his leadership again I don’t question is leadership man they’ve had some good teams dude like he he was the one who out last year when he threw the helmet they turned it all around I don’t yeah he gets running around the huge hits add a ton of momentum for their team he gets running around and out of position but his leadership I’ve never heard a bad word about him in the room and being the captain of the team off the ice my biggest thing was just like I think everyone can agree he’s the dirtiest if not one of the dirtiest players like his hits aren’t hockey plays he he’s trying to hurt people that’s not up for so does Sam Bennett and [ __ ] on here giving when Bennett killed slaven last year by the net that’s a clean good hit he’s this year how about the mar one when he Co co*cked him right the [ __ ] face I’m not saying no other player in the league throws elbows and dirty hits but trouba is a a guy where literally every game you’re like what is this guy do to hurt just like marshaw said he goes that’s what we do come playoff time nobody wants to talk about it but that’s what’s going on the same reason he went human torpedo on n in the Carolina series maybe that’s the reason that they didn’t have the [ __ ] ball bag to go to the blue paint was because they knew if they did that Jacob trouba would make them pay so to me that that adds the the element of fear and intimidation still exists in today’s NHL ask anybody if not now more than ever look at the chat right now look at the chat right now every can’t even [ __ ] score at the Buist Club in [ __ ] chat right now the now the CH own it stop putting the [ __ ] fans let cook let what is he cooking crystal meth for [ __ ] ra let me ask smoking himself let me ask you this sure sure you you you know like marshan said you hit to hurt a lot of guys do it can you name a player that does it more than trouba uh uh I don’t mind the hitting to her I mind the chicken wing chicken wing yes so it’s the combination of that with all the a sudden oh this guy’s a humanitarian blah blah blah he cares about head trauma Health blah blah blah it’s the contrast and the irony of that that I called out you know what it’s like like I said you want to embrace the scumbag role sure but it’s the contrast of dirtiest player throwing elbows and all of a sudden this guy’s like some humanitarian like I said in the clip that’s what I called out it’s contrast of that have you not seen his paintings show some [ __ ] respect painting was a gift Todd I think P to also summon point though I think his wife has epilepsy too that I think that’s when the comment this that’s fine and I didn’t say one he never went say anything bad about the wife yeah that’s like that’s what she does I actually believe she’s a doctor so I think that maybe you should she was a neuroscience major no no no I’m not yeah I just I said the Neuroscience major part because that’s more specific to the brain which is what I was talking about she’s I believe an ER doctor now but yeah like I said it’s just the irony of the whole situation they parade him around like a mark M leadership award but he like listen I’ve talked to guys in the league that were like yeah this guy like your take was on this guy’s the dirtiest player in the league like you’ve had NHL players reach out to you yes yes how many couple can you read a message can you read us one message not they sent me the clip with like the what’s the praying hands or whatever like that’s not a [ __ ] Shut the [ __ ] Em [ __ ] you’re a donkey you hey I will say though I will say I appreciate you for for creating a lot of divisiveness on this podcast throughout the course of this season I do love you but I thought you were a little bit off base with the bringing the epilepsy [ __ ] into it I think you’d and even questioning his leadership so that’s H how do you feel M merrr ra with like am I off base here I on Game notes we don’t care how many NHL games you played if you can have an opinion on hockey you can know the game of hockey you coming at him because he doesn’t know how to skate that’s not allowed Game notes Scot Bowman the best coach is he the coach of all time did he ever even he couldn’t win a cup with more than one team though yeah exactly Game notes they don’t care in the at all who’s Mr TNT CP who’s the best coach in the NHL right now right preach you don’t need the NHL games to know the game and see the game the way it’s supposed to be played and and have a good take on game oh yeah okay so what about his [ __ ] JT Miller take then do you want to start there that was horrible that was get the [ __ ] off the screen because I I mean hey on a serious note though we do love posa he brings a lot to the table just he doesn’t give a [ __ ] that’s what I think Merles is getting at like I I love hearing crazy ass opinions even if I completely disagree getting on and throwing it out there and getting in the mud that’s content dude and posha really doesn’t care I don’t think people realize if you sit and have a drink with posha this dude is opinionated some of them are completely ridiculous but he shoots his shot and doesn’t give a [ __ ] and he hates the Rangers with the fire of a thousand Sons it’s it’s almost become like ridiculous so want to talk content open invite to J Jacob trouet to come on for an interview to say his peace and tell posha to [ __ ] off also another content idea maybe posha puts on the gear and we have him take one-on ones through the Middle with Jacob trouba I would love love to see Jacob trouba coming in with the chicken wing to get Posh on the button well now and I think I wrote you Biz that because I bis was asking me like what you think of’s take I said he’s out of his he’s out of his mind but he threw it out there and I kind of respect that and and and I will say though like bringing the wife into it while he didn’t say anything bad he was talking bad about trouba and mentioned what she does for a living and how it’s ironic with his head shot but by bringing the wife into the clip I think if trouba saw him he’s Sucker Punch and that’s probably like legit like hey oh thaty Jacob that’s the guy B he’s sleeping so that could happen at some point if Pasha sees him and I don’t think anyone bats an eye if it does that he will not get a one pod sussy he will be walking clear just like he did when he did it to Crosby uh uh two playoffs ago when Pittsburgh should have beat them yeah when your buddy gets suckered you see him get suckered immediately everybody like jumps in you don’t even know Happ like you got one yeah had we’re cop and posha too everyone has that one buddy can I get one of those pain you’re like oh he definitely deserved it it’s like posha is sleeping on the corner and hoboke and we’re like oh he finally got it I think he’s the posha might be the most hated man on the internet right now in the hockey world that how many how many numbers did that clip do that that we I will Biz most of the comments actually agree he is right about that usually like the comments will bury you there was like a lot of agreement with him I couldn’t believe it I thought he was going to get murdered for that let’s put up a poll then social social media was overwhelmingly on pasha’s side the chat social media comments DMS everything we’re play put poll right now most hated man like on the Pod I guess posa’s got to be there he’s got to be up top I would say did you agree with posa’s take and then get a a a vote going okay just just to make it a little bit more concise and clear but we can move on from posha and his horrible takes and his yeah just last thing bus I mean he’s entitled to his opinion whether we agree or not yeah he didn’t say anything about the wife I they just bringing her in or when people bring kids in I get why people do get pissy about that but as far as people coming at me and and the rest of you guys about [ __ ] yelling at us for a POS opinion go [ __ ] yourself guy I’m not here to defend Pasha or or admonish him or whatever like he has his opinion like I’m not going to sit here and defend it one way or the other people are coming at us like oh it’s on your show it’s like well first off Game notes is BS Andy Show not mine second like who gives a [ __ ] we don’t we don’t cancel people here we let people say what they want and [ __ ] I’m not apologizing for him I’m not going to make [ __ ] amends for him that’s posh’s wrote a it’s slowly becoming evident that game notes are the true lunatics they’re the animals on they’re the drama they’re the drama queens they started [ __ ] gate there was no [ __ ] gate unless Game notes came up with it and all of a sudden I got [ __ ] people from Sagen calling me saying I got the story wrong this and that we’ll get to the Memorial Cup a little bit later but I just thought we had to address the last bit of the Rangers nonsense and uh I think that wraps everything up fin I think going into the finals that line matchups are going to be huge and I I I think you’ve seen over the course of history being able to get out guys that you want against stars or third line against third line but it seems to me that this is going to be enormous the home team obviously has the last change we won’t know who Paul Maurice wants out against McDavid and against Leon’s line like you’d think it’d be the Top Line do you think it’ll be barkov against McDavid that makes a ton of sense but then you look does he want that third line of London lcan and Tarasenko against leyon or does he want Bennett kachuck and Rodriguez I’m wondering where he leans against the Lyon line the top lines at the top lines that makes total sense and then you got um eblad and forcing against McDavid but after that that’s where Leon presents a problem because as good as Matthew kachuck and Sam bannett are they’re not Leon Dr ctle okay so I will just say though Whit I don’t think dry Sidle has looked highend dry cidal yet this playoff there maybe been a few games oh no no no no no the beginning Dallas he didn’t but the beginning he did okay I thought that there were some games against Vancouver he was unnoticeable uh went pointless against Dallas Four Points yes against La everybody had a [ __ ] Playoff round because they were [ __ ] snapping around 50% on the power play but Lon needs to step it up in in this in this Stanley Cup Final that is gonna be a big component he has to be better than he was against Dallas and Florida’s a way better team than Dallas was I got two two x factors for the Edmonton Oilers a Vander Kane and Darnell nurse that has to be the best hockey they’ve ever played in their entire lives we need to see uh Vander Kane from two years ago it was actually 13 playoff goals he scored and he needs to bring Darnell nurse that nastiness he had in game four he needs to be looking at double digits and hits every game he can’t get beat by anyone to the blue paint he’s got to boxing out like a mad man and Merl he needs to be simplifying his game to the point where he does have a b CER on where if he thinks about making a play up the middle or snapping over a saucer pass he needs to be and I’m not comparing him to these guys but when you think about the meanness in the history of Stanley Cup champion defenseman Pronger Scott St mean mean Furious a prick nasty stick that needs to to be nurse and you saw it come out at the end of the Dallas series The 12 hits in game four that’s what he’s going to have to do he’s going to have to match the meanness and the act the brutality of Florida that’s what nurse my X Factor is is my xfactor Skinner because you got bosski I I think it’s fair to say that after these two cup runs or playoff runs bosski is bringing it you know what you’re going to get out of him if Skinner can do what he did against Dallas this thing is game on going s games if he’s not if he’s the Skinner that got pulled against Vancouver it could be over quick Skinner is the real the real X Factor for me in this series yeah the two games this season floro won both of them uh 53 and 5 to1 but uh Skinner didn’t play either game pick had played both of those games so there’s no no head-to-head competition between Bob and Stu uh as for the odds Florida is minus 130 to win the series Edmonton plus 110 game one odds Florida minus 135 Edmonton plus 115 we mentioned the the penalty kill on both teams has been Stella so far Edmonton first overall Florida second overall but Merles let’s go to you for your prediction on what do you got what do you got for us buddy yeah first of all when we’re talking about these goalies and the save percentage those are no longer a relative stat because these NHL stat keepers are refusing to count the shots on net correctly are we getting more issues with this yeah the shot Sheriff arm you call me the shot Sheriff it’s an official title I’m taking now so both these goalies I don’t care about their save percentages anymore I want to just I want saves I want goals I was never an Oiler but I’m still an Oiler I had them last round the main reason the X Factor of why I’m on Oilers and six is our PR Dave all he does is Win million dooll bets right now he has the Oilers to win a win $1.2 million this guy all he does his win the Oilers win you already talked about it the Legends win I was thinking about it I was like Mount Rush more of hockey we talked about one time there’s not a Mount Rushmore it has to be like the seven wonders of the NHL all those guys have won Stanley Cups mcdavid’s next in line who knows if he ever gets back here he’s not going to be denied Oilers in Edmonton in six we’re gonna meet after this I’m I’m trying to figure out a way for us to be boots on the ground in Edmonton in six well and Dave Porto yeah the winner the guy’s winning millions of dollars I believe he has the Celtics for 1.5 million he is the Oilers for 1.2 million if he wins them both he’d be at 7.5 million in 2024 in gambling winnings he’s probably still down last four months that but he apparently has has told me not apparently he did tell me he can go to game four in Edmonton so I don’t know if that changes our plans if he’s willing to finance chicklet a that would make an enormous difference for us making this amazing Trek uh before I give my prediction guys what are your thoughts on a non-traditional hockey Mark Market in Florida but an incredibly entertaining team against McDavid the face of the league I think the ratings are going to be huge oh yeah I mean the ratings for the uh the Dallas Edmonton series were like 1.8 million average like in some cases over two I think will probably in the states get to like three three and a half million and then Canada it’s going to be half of the country watching I would assume that people are going to I I would bet you that they’re averaging 8 to 10 million Biz do you think as a Canadian a higher percentage of the countries rooting for the Oilers to get the cup back in Canada do you think fan bases of all the other Canadian teams don’t want Edmonton to win like I don’t think a Calgary Flames fan wants Edmonton to win I would say that uh a low percentage of them but I would say overall from a Canadian uh just hockey fan perspective I think that most of them would want to see the cup come back to Canada and like your team’s not going to win it so if you’re a if you’re like not as like a maybe like the all the hardcore guy people who follow certain fan bases won’t but if you’re like uh oh yeah I love Vancouver but I’d love to see McDavid win a championship yeah I would say that I would say H half of half of the fan basis fans would be okay with Canada bringing it home and McDavid so the Die Hard fans are like no no no especially Calgary but the but the French hockey fans who are just watching Hockey Night in Canada Saturday night having beers they’re like let’s go Oilers well they’d probably also rather see Oilers wi it than like Florida considering Florida probably played them and beat the [ __ ] out of their team right so there’s a lot of people probably wanting Edmonton over Florida just based on how they play and how they [ __ ] just make everybody their [ __ ] did you see that highman quote when when he said oh I don’t I don’t think Toronto’s gonna be rooting for us that was I thought that was pretty funny because shout out Toronto for not him any additional pressure knowing your canidates team now well I don’t know if Toronto’s chearing for us but it’s nice your aut listen I I mean hockey mean that nice little troll job I thought right there oh did you see this the the top four picks of the 2014 draft all play in this cup pretty wild e blad Ryan Hut dry settle and Bennett man the odds of that happening pretty wild uh also Edmonson the third team to reach the Staley Cup Final after being and 10 plus points out of a playoff spot during the regular season uh the 2019 Blues obviously won that’s Stanley Cup and then the 59 Leafs they lost that Stanley Cup it’s also Lea shocker yeah even in the 50s uh fifth straight Stanley Cup Final that two teams are meeting in the postseason for the first time ever and it’s also the NHL’s 67th unique Stanley Cup Final some weird stats there what do you mean unique what does that mean like the first time the these two teams have ever metal well um hey so how about they were digging up the stats for least amount of shots in a playoff game and of course the Leafs hold the record with six so I was like Jesus Christ just I think the Oilers were they set a record last uh last night for the biggest shot differential to to win like a in a a conference Championship clinching game it was I think what were they minus 25 last night 35 yeah we shot differential by a winning team in a conference final clinch you uh 35 shots to 10 minus 25 and we’ve already said it uh we’ve already and by the way some people who are already chiming in on voting for The posha Thing some people haven’t heard what he said because it was on Game notes and it was post to the internet should we just play the clip and have fish bring it up so so they can hear this idiot talk about trouba and and what everything happen should we just circle back so they can hear it no they should all go subscribe and click on Game notes and download it and all that well I mean it’s a same yeah yeah I love it they could do that too five star review um but I I don’t know is there anything else that we needed to talk about uh as far as the playoffs or the rest of oh I’m giving my admitted pick I got aded in seven I think they win the Stanley Cup on the road I had him in six because I knew we wouldn’t be able to beat dor in game seven but I’m going seven and I think it’s going to take a long hardfought series but they get it done with an amazing game seven on the road with a couple Power Play Goals and McDavid getting the gamewinner to lift his Stanley Cup oh OT game winner for McDavid that never been a game seven overtime in the Stanley Cup Final maybe this is the year [ __ ] wild no [ __ ] boys you imagine that imagine watching that yeah I got Florida and six um you know florid with Edmonton and seven Merl’s Edmonton and six what’s our producer Mikey granelli what do you got for as big guy uh I just can’t see a world where Florida uh loses the cup in back-to-back years but Merl said it on the day the Edmonton Oilers lost to the San Jose Sharks this team’s gonna win the cup now so I’ve got I’m not going against Whit I’m not going against Dave I’m a smarter man than that I’ve got oil in seven wow Ed wow going to pick Panthers in five I guarantee it close uh no I got Florida in six I don’t think home roow doesn’t matter with this team they win wherever they got a goal they got the experience last year look I’ve been saying W on the show since mcdavid’s been the league there’s nothing more I want to see him in the Stanley Cup Final I mean you want to see the best at the highest level but I just think Florida they just been steamrolling I think they’re like we said already a well-oiled machine I think they have an advantage in go t and then yeah they’re just deeper overall I think they’re a little bit tougher as well so yeah I’m going fler and six yeah sorry Edmonton I mean if and if McDavid wins I’ll be very happy for Edmonton and the fans there I just think Florida’s built a little bit tougher right now at this stage Army is on Florida and six as well he wanted me to pass that along for the the the bookkeeping I don’t know if Posh is still there and memy are they on this they give their Posh is good his buddy Reinhardt on the team he’ll probably pick him to sweep POS is the leader right now he you and him are 11 and three in picking the series during the playoffs you mentioned Army why don’t we just bring him in right now to to give his own little prediction he’ll have something what that dog our army was showering the other night at 7 a.m. after crushing Tequilas oh I got a little too deep into the tequila yeah it was a hell of a road trip boys I’m glad I survived I don’t know if I’m going to make it through the chicklet Stanley Cup thing but if do last year in Vegas waterdale you could do it that’s what I’m just picturing Merl’s the Vegas and five in the El in the airport as he was leaving greatest video maybe in chicklets history I got to retweet that I think yeah but what a what a what a couple Conference Finals two two teams that deserve to be there boys great show so far I listened to you I was flying home I just got home a little bit ago so Rush down here set up um what a rush and it’s not over they’re stretching this finals out it’s going to be all the entire month of June we get to we get to stretch every game out all the way through June boys let’s go Stanley Cup what’s your what’s your prediction M uh M zy what you got for us buddy oh I I’m going to go I’m gonna go Panthers and six I want Edmonson to win I’m all I I like cup to Canada sounds great legacy of McDavid um and and guys supposed to do that for their cities they’re they’re they’re these kind of players I’ve seen it and we’ve seen it time again we get to hang out with wayo over the last 10 days Wayne Gretzky and he’s like that guy that was supposed to win cups he did with his greatness um so I want to say but just looking at both the teams I don’t know like it’s Styles make fights boys and I was wrong I thought I thought Vancouver would get steamrolled by Edmonton went to seven Edmonton better but still went to seven so I don’t know I’ve been wrong I I don’t know how these teams are going to match I thought Dallas was going to beat Edmonton so but just saying that Florida and six okay all right thanks for jumping on with us Buddy any other final thoughts on the playoffs or anything else you want to sh us the data cast was great man did you have a good time doing that any uh any fun things that you’d learn that you you didn’t know about all the analytics beforehand do you have a new found respect for analytics um yeah I would say I would say I learned a lot personally just because of that like Mike Kelly was an absolute wizard at that stuff and like he’s so good at explaining it where I think it connects or or hits with people the right way as far as pulling people in that might otherwise not you know be into that stuff so he he does a really good job and he was great with me a good teammate with Steve MIRS as well uh but I just just analyzing and looking at the things that matter like I even asked Mike Kelly like what’s the one that matters the most and it’s like um you know shot value like the value of a chance and and and kind of how you can get those numbers up and now you can see in the game too right the the great a shot isn’t the great a shot anymore it’s to Leon in the corner for that other shot to get the golender moving so uh it was really cool tracking and following all that stuff and it was so cool too on our thing with the the shift times uh who was out there and and kind of following the es and flows of games inside it all those numbers as well so uh made for a fun way to cover the series yeah like like Army like like for instance like on the play where McDavid stripped tanov right where tanv wasn’t able to get that 200 foot clear before the second goal that they scored it showed that Lindell had been on the ice for over like like well over a minute yeah like he was on the ice for at least like close to a minute and a half right so because of him stripping them he’d hem them in so they weren’t able to change so it kind of it helps you like understand a little bit more about the game as well as about the five men connected for the Oilers and how they weren’t giving up odd man rushers then all of a sudden it’ll tell you 13 to one I think it was in game five that Edmonton had more odd man rushes than the Dallas Stars thir to one a team that when um John Michael Lyles came on said didn’t barely gave up any to the Colorado Avalanche so just like these drastic swings and explaining it through the numbers was a pretty cool thing and how it tracks it all and we we actually last night too we finally got like a little pie chart put on the offensive zones for teams where you could see where shots were coming from and high danger area and flank shot areas and then they were able to like mirror like opportunities on on the ice with little dots where they were getting their shots from like Dallas Dallas games four game five had three uh like grade A scoring chances from the slot three in each game even last night having 3 shots it didn’t seem like there was that many crazy chances last night third period they were all right but before that given the shot differential it wasn’t it wasn’t that it was like a Carolina shot differential Bingo exactly exactly and it was so cool too to track cuz we have like we were tracking like flip outs and stuff I heard you guys talking I was watching on the plane about like Dallas flipping the pucks out how about strudy what a beauty hey just giving it to Wht oh my God just I was D oh my God make him a regular member of the Pod what a legend but it was cool tracking the flip outs that Dallas was trying with the stretch guys trying to back the D out that was earlier in the series a little bit and then it was like boys like honestly game four after that first period horrific meltdown by Dallas the rest of the game right that was game four in the first period if my memory is right where they were down two nothing came back and they scored eight goals consecutively in two games so they figured it out man that’s why it’s a seven game series I mean it’s crazy to watch what you think might happen might not with the way teams prepare adjust what’s that guy always say Merles in Denver Denver yeah manage adjust win that’s what Edmonton been doing where Florida just does the same thing they just go another way they’re just like we’re going to just keep doing you’re GNA quit they dominate everyone yeah all right boys we got a little oh sorry I mean a little news to get to but before we do that we have a word from our sponsor this game review segment is presented by ESPN ABC and ESPN plus are the home of the Stanley Cup Final oh gang cannot wait we got to wait a what five six more days Saturday night 8:00 on ABC and ESPN Plus Edmonton visits Florida for game one oh ho cannot wait I think the boys might be down at game two possibly game three at Edmonton we’re still hammering out the details but either way every single game of the Stanley Cup Final this year is going to be on ABC and ESPN plus as well you can’t beat it so you can watch on Stanley Cup Playoffs on ESPN ABC and ESPN plus enjoy the games hey uh before we get going here ra we’re going to roll the posha clip and then we can get the chat going and we can get everybody’s opinion on the panel here whether it was a w take or it was an L take so why don’t we roll it now bigger hypocritical scumbag in the league than Jacob trouba oh first of all he sucks at hockey when he’s in the defensive Zone he runs around like a lost puppy he just sees the pock and he chases it if he didn’t have the C in that contract he wouldn’t be playing if I was lavet I would rip the C off his chest and sticking on Vinnie troch right now cuz he is the heart and soul of that team if the Rangers fans knew anything about hockey they should have been praying he got suspended for that Rodriguez hit just to get him out of the lineup he’s that bad and then you look at him Reinhard punches him in the face at the end of not last game the game before he goes and crash the ref immediately like that’s not like a little taste of his own medicine and then he can’t handle that and then you talk about this Messi leadership award oh I was going to ask leadership on the ice by being a complete liability and taking penalties after his minor last night trouba has taken 11 penalties this postseason the next player with as many has eight one of the reasons in the article that he won it it says trouba and his wife founded the trouba creative expression arts program which offers art services to adults with epilepsy and seizures well you want to know the irony of the situation trouba’s wife is a neuroscience major maybe Jacob should go home and get a lesson from his wife about the dangers of concussions that can lead to epilepsy and seizures before he goes around concussing guys on a daily basis being the dirtiest player in the league it’s it’s insane the irony it’s like okay you want to embrace the scumbag role fine but the fact that they’re parading around as some sort of humanitarian a joke like his agent or PR person should get a major raise for that wait we’ll start with you some people in the chat saying let it go shut the [ __ ] up we’re running the show around here you just [ __ ] worry about chiming in the chat we’re not you start a podcast Chad nobody will listen to it they do you can talk about whatever the [ __ ] you want face as was discussing the beginning about running around and being maybe a liability in his own end I’m like all right he’s making some good points when and he did not say a bad word about his wife but when he brought up like the epilepsy and that I was like whoa where’s this guy going so I think it ended up being a w take because he did have some correct points on his status and his game management as a defenseman and a leader but bringing the WIP into it I just I don’t know I I I couldn’t get down with that do you think he was reading a teleprompter it was pretty like no I think he’s de to range and he hates the r he was like in the middle of the night like doing that in the mirror he was like memorized it yeah it was [Laughter] likey M heavy mom spaghetti bubl on my sweater already well at least he’s leading the way and there is some uh there is some Bag lickers in the chat that love posha and they want me replac on the podcast for posha so there you go I’ll be editing the sandbaggers from now on and Posas will be giving you his Devil’s bag licking tap by the way posha said that the rain or the Devils were gonna make playoffs and if they didn’t this year he’d be getting a tattoo of his and this is the guy who chirped Avery not Sean Avery the other Avery for not jumping in the Hudson River after the Devils beat the Rangers he was all over him for not living up to his bet and then doesn’t live up to his lost bet so interesting times considering Biz I was going to get an earring and then you got your head shaved so we Liv up to our end of the bargain although you didn’t cut your for I got a pie in the face from [ __ ] buoy and the luminum scratched my forehead I thought I had hepatitis from that [ __ ] tr I had to ride a bike around New York City in full hockey equipment to fulfill my hey hey you know what how about the the the idiot posha fans in the chat who are saying I’m on my period how about you guys think of a punishment for posha to live Jacob trouba is an artist right he does painting yes he should do the tattoo no maybe he should stop painting and focus on trying to win a hockey game I think if he had a needle near posha go right in his jugular right in his [ __ ] eyeball maybe posha should have to get a tattoo of one of trouba’s paintings that’s good talking you idiot you idiot posha supporters in the chat couldn’t think of that one dummies I like I like I actually like getting into it I wish we could bring people on this podcast live from the chat that’s why spaces is so good that’s why I love spaces I want to see I want to see these mutant faces when they come on here and they’re like and they get all jammed up because they don’t have the balls to say what they did in the chat to our faces just like posha wouldn’t say it to tras send one of these goons the link ask them posha come on here would you say what you said on on the on Game notes to trouba’s face oh yes I would because I gu you see next time we’re at one of these Advance Awards I’ll say it to his face because again it’s like that you suck at hockey thing sure you can say it to anyone but this guy’s Lally going trying to hurt people and how many lives has he not saying ruined but like put people in bad situations by being a dirty elbows to the Head listen this guy just come from a guy who roots for the New Jersey Devils have you ever heard of Scott Stevens those were clean hits oh yeah oh yeah there we go this is how derang this guy is so we’re not dealing with a normal human he’s a hockey fan Luna I I was saying on that clip boys there should have been a disclaimer at the start of it like disclaimer like warning this is from a complete lunatic New Jersey Devils fan do not believe or trust anything he says that chicklets does not support or like one of those like I am not a financial adviser every time posa comes on Game notes we’re going to have to do that now I think everybody knows I’m a derang Devils fan by now I’ve had enough outrageous takes we’re putting the every time you post those clips put the disclaimer on there that’s a genius idea Army it’s like Porto saying don’t take stock advice from me you’re the AMC stock right now [ __ ] idiot isn’t that climbing though yeah sh you guys Game notes are like Pro chat I’m anti- chat I like getting into I like going at the [ __ ] in the chat and witz likes doing the diary sessions on the spaces he’s unbelievable at it unbelievable but speaking of that that Mark Messier award like why are we handing out all these Awards I thought we were having the award show in Vegas before the draft at the sphere just like the major ones yeah they’re only doing a few there they’ve been doing them on ESPN broadcast actually we’re gonna get to a couple of those in a second I just want win has to take had I was lining you up with the segue the winner of the Mark Messier award has to take shrooms with mess after the show and they have to stay there for the fish concert have you have you heard have you heard mess talking about how he likes diving into the shroomies yeah he like way back in the day too B like this wasn’t like recently like I think like back in the 80s or 90s he was doing that stuff when you know was still like taboo taboo type of thing you know yeah he was on the playoff runs just tripping out making saucer passes with [ __ ] UFOs out there just buzzing around the dancing Biz oh guarantee win against game six devil like oh [ __ ] I said that well I was I was a little [ __ ] up the pregame skate I hadn’t even slept yet good I got a hatrick I didn’t say that yeah oh actually my cousin went to that what’s it the dead in company show at at the sphere he said the [ __ ] place is absolutely incredible he’s not even like a dead fan he went to the show cuz he was in bagas he said it was absolutely amazing I’m still interested to see how they’re going to make the draft like sphere like like exactly I don’t know what they’re going to do hopefully they have some great ideas I mean I’ll be interested to see if we’re even letting in there Dolan owns the thing I mean imagine what he thinks TR going to be putting Trac Clips just flying elbows somehow everyone in the crowd gets a concussion that’s how real the sphere [Laughter] is hey M hey mess you just won the cup why is why are you still wearing your helmet he’s like it I’m not wearing a helmet hey uh by the way uh in other hockey news [ __ ] gate saging off they end up winning the Memorial Cup and is it true because I haven’t seen did Sim get kicked out of the game Lon he gave her the old trouba train he got the fivem minute major they scored I think the third goal on that power maybe it was a second goal but yeah they took advantage of it and uh they blew the lead they were up three nothing Sagen scored three and then London storm right back London didn’t play well they didn’t get many shots and then uh you you put put uh so haset the kid who was behind [ __ ] gate where it was being blamed that he ratted uh the kid out for saying the word [ __ ] to the official he’s the captain of the Sagen a spirit so play his postgame clip if you guys have we uh we can’t use that it’s TSN they don’t give us the rights to that oh oh what did he did he bring up [ __ ] game oh yeah he basically said he goes just like all the fake stories all the lying that went on so he’s tweets he called out the Tweets in particular too what wow he so he’s sticking by it he’s a Memorial Cup champ what’s CRA so London waxed them in the OHL final and then they beat him in the round robin game right and then it’s it’s that hard to beat a team that many times for London I guess yeah they beat him they weren’t waxings like they were all it was like I think a six game series in the OHL and the other game oh so London beat somebody else like nine nothing every game that I think so and the finals that was the semifinals of the ol oh and then obviously sag up being the host the the the advancement to the to the automatically going to the me cup but yeah I think who did they end up I don’t know who they played in the final but it was four straight landan and Sim didn’t he wasn’t allowed to play in the final didn’t get to Hoist the cup as a player playing in the game and then sure enough he ends up taking the five minutes and he game misconduct he got the gate so congrats to Saga they uh they bought the team I want to say in the the year 2000 from North Bay it moved there dick Garber and Craig gsin have been part of the organization since it began there and finally they get their me cup so a huge win for the Sagen of spirit and hey London’s got enough of them we can’t see them winning every year so uh congrats to the spirit and in a in a well played series uh yeah just the fourth US based team that win it in the first since 08 when spok Kane won it and the first us-based OHL team to win the Memorial Cup as well and anyone who uh still has a beef with the [ __ ] gate story uh once again it was written by Ken Campbell at the hockey news so direct plenty we all right are we are you trying to tle your way out of us being involved in [ __ ] gate story well we reported what was what was we reported more than that taking it to the moon there’s been numerous people that have reached out with with different like like aligning with what Lan and Sim and and London has said and there’s been people who have lined up with what Sagen is saying so the truth is somewhere in the middle and we’ll never know it but at the end of the day Saga has won [ __ ] gate and it’s over Sign Sealed and Delivered true that and we can move along on that note uh M you just mentioned Awards uh yeah Jacob slaven won the lady Bing trophy for the second time he had 37 points in just eight penalty minutes in 81 games in his nine NHL Seasons uh he’s had more than 12 penalty minutes just once in fewer than 10 penalty minutes just four times I mean that’s Inc incredible that to play that much hockey and and get so few penalties but I know it’s a reason why he’s won the lady bang twice Anders Lee of the New York Islanders won the King Clancy Memorial Trophy goes to the player who exemplifies leadership qualities on and off the ice and has made a noteworthy humanitarian contribution in his community uh and this one’s a couple weeks ago slip by us Arizona goalie Conor Ingram won the masterton trophy uh for perseverance sportsmanship and dedication he had a leave the game for a while with the OCD condition but great to see him back he had a great year last year for the yots uh a couple coaching notes as well uh that connects potted ways with assistant coach Mike yo uh he’s reportedly interviewed with auto head coach Travis Green already to potentially get an assisted gig up there uh Minnesota ped ways with assistant coach Dobby Hendrickson he was with the wild for 14 Seasons uh he was an assistant to six of the seven wild coaches in team history wow and he played for the seventh one Jac lame way back in the day uh and uh Russo and SMI uh yeah our buddy Russo and Smith piece in the athletic bench and Derek steppan as a potential replacement as well so little bit of already in the mix step he Lo he L he seemed like a guy remember we talked to him and he was already seeming like he’d want to be one of those those coaches after he played and everyone who played with him mentioned he was kind of already a coach when he was still playing yeah I thought maybe even management but I think that’s a great spot for him because he was a good Mentor especially in the later years uh I think he finished in Carolina and he was great there guys loved him I even think that Jarvis said that he was a big part of his development so good to have those uh those leaders and and and good for him hopefully he steps in there and I think he’s going to be great at it all right who was second in lady Bing votes or like who was there uh Matthew’s Matthews and uh Pettis with the other two yeah I think I was just wondering if it was copar because remember we had copar on TNT post game and he got punted out of the game uh taking a 10-minute misconduct and he’s like oh might hurt my chances of getting a lady bang can you imagine if he was he said that in the postgame interview can you imagine he in second place yeah that could probably do it oh [ __ ] all right boys we got a couple more notes here but first we do have a word from our sponsor all right guys before we go any further I want to talk to you about our good friends at keeps spit and chicklets is sponsored by keeps keeps is all about confidence if your hair has always been a part of who you are like me and it’s something you want to keep around keeps can help hair or no hair we think you should be the one to decide with a full Suite of products designed to regrow hair maintain your hairline or just cover bald spots keeps 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that there’s necessary smoke there uh general manager Steve stos come out yesterday he said the trade rumors are complete BS we building the team around Brady kachuck and the type of person the type of player and the type of leader that he is he means everything to the organization he brings it every night along with our Core group of players and as far as Linda con I mean I think that was just an opinion tweet that you know let’s talk addition by subtraction for the ranges hope GM Chris jury is good at math and creativity because he needs to find a way to wow Ottawa and make Brady K Chuck a blue shirt if that means saying goodbye to several fan faves so be it so I think that was just Linda’s opinion I’m not you know coming at or anything I just granelli’s been banging the drum I said the rumor one time I heard then granelli non-stop talks about it so that’s on he loves the rumor boys though that’s his thing he likes bringing up the rumor mill game I don’t give a [ __ ] what Steve sto says Brady kachu will be playing for the new now we’re going after next year or the year after we’ll see about his wife we’ll get the Christ sake oh my somebody somebody in the chat said that there’s maybe some nous Rumblings has has anything happened on those fronts I know that there there was rumors or a lot of want maybe in Boston for him is there any nous movement or no I think it’s just speculation RFA and rfa’s we know they don’t tend to switch teams all that off and I know he’s past his buddy and they’re from the same country but I I don’t think there’s much to it believe me I’d love to see him here B but I’d be shocked if it happens actually we’re gonna bring G right back on uh Matthews Arena uh where nor Eastern’s been playing for Christ forever they’re going to close after 114 years uh nor eastn looking to replace the iconic venue with a new multi-purpose Athletic Facility this Arena opened as Boston Arena back in 1910 it’s the world world’s oldest multi-purpose athletic building and has the world’s oldest artificial ice sheet definitely a bummer but it is 114 years old G it’s sad to see it go but it it’s probably time though yeah so we actually went and filmed the chicklet University there it never released I just I didn’t think it would be fair to them to to sandwich it in between you know Penn State in North Dakota with this you know 114 year old facility but it’s this place is so crazy after going there and learning you know JFK did debates there Theodore Roosevelt was there Muhammad Ali train there Rocky Marciano fight that fought there uh the Bruins played their first game there the Celtics played their first game there the Carolina Hurricanes played their first game there when they were the New England Whalers uh in the wh it’s it’s crazy how much history has been at this place it sucks but it’s also great for North Eastern a 290,000 SQ foot hockey facility in downtown Boston is going to be great for recruiting I don’t think it’s going to be anything you know crazy I think it’ll be a lot more like a a Bentley or a Sacred Heart Yukon facility like that but I think this is awesome for Hockey East I think this is awesome for nor Eastern sucks when the video coming out um we Haven got drop the video now yeah fish is in the editing lab now it’s probably going to come out in the next month or two but uh yeah and and uh Aiden mcdo the Vancouver Canucks gave us the tour learned a lot about Devin Levi uh yeah it was an gave us a campus tour as well so there’s a lot of history there but sucks for the city of Boston wait you must have obviously played there what what your impressions playing there it was awesome place to play the dog pound I believe it’s called great Arena kind of fans right on top of you so old school that I enjoyed it but I think it is time I also think they had something with the roof collapsing or was going to coll it’s sinking it wasn’t just like they chose to do this I think they had to I don’t know playing there the next few years uh they haven’t announced the full plan yet but I I would assume they’re going to play somewhere else probably at BC Buu or Harvard I would [Music] assume why you laughing like that why are you laughing I don’t even have a rink now team this helps us let me tell you this helps you be you all of a sudden a competitor has to come over to your rink and dress in the visitors room Walter Brown would be perfect Mar I think that makes a t of we actually might not want that cuz then Walter Brown will be buzzing again be has to play at Walter Brown not the home team don’t [ __ ] around with that spot though yeah definitely watch mold everywhere right like an asbest is that they got in those old buildings Poss possibly it’s crazy it’s crazy when you see this chicklet University video it is wild like we got way below the ice like where’re we saw everything it’s so old and rusted and everything they got underground tunnels like the National Treasure basically Denver Airport Nicholas Cage the Bruin should play one last I think exhibition game there if they’re going to close the place that’s a great idea right nice little nice little take there uh hey we want to congratulate the pwl Minnesota team on one of the first Dev Walter cup in the professional women’s hockey league uh they beat my pal of Boston in game five the other night uh best of 53 nothing they entered the playoffs as the lowest seed and they were coming in a five-game losing streak then they went down 02 to Toronto rattled off three straight to upset them then they ended up Beat Boston so hats off to the ladies in Minnesota job well done um and actually I ended up hanging out with some of my friends on the Boston team they they texted me at like one o’clock on the morning bus they’re like oh what’s going on like where are you is like bright and I’m like by the time I get there it’s gonna be last call I goes but if he want to come over here I can find us a little spot it’s a little private I can’t I’m not gonna mention the spot a little private spot couple Hollows of we uh celebrated this season it was a tough ending for but I think they still wanted to have aoup throw people under the bus you know um since we’re on the female sports topic like this Caitlyn Clark and WNBA stuff is is going crazy and and every time she plays it goes viral like I would have never imagined myself checking WNBA box scores but I’m I’m like following this I want to see I am a little confused as to why they hate her so much and I get the part of when like a superstar comes in McDavid comes in the league guys want to test him and guys want to see like oh what’s this guy made of I’m going to try try to run him over blah blah blah so I get the competitiveness and trying to beat her but it seems like they really hate her and she’s putting so many more eyeballs and viewers on the WNBA in turn probably in the at in the end putting money into their pockets but it’s vital it’s it’s they they’re hitting her they’re F it’s like what what is I don’t know why they hate her so much I I don’t either I don’t know what it’s like behind the scenes what I’m more uh like I guess flabbergast about is the fact that their own team hasn’t really spoken out or acted out much on it if I was the owner of Caitlyn Clark’s team and the coach or whatever I would go sign the biggest woman that you could imagine and the minute that anybody on the court touched her it would just be a free-for-all like she would legit be just go get an enforcer go get grer she was in a Russian goog before Biden brought her home and put her on the bench to [ __ ] up some that’s what I’m saying they’re they but the fact that they’re they’re treating her like this and it’s a lot more physical and they’re taking runs at her means that there’s even more views now coming in because everybody’s now addicted to like why are they treating this person who are the reason that they’re now staying in nice hotels and flying private the way that they are like yeah Sydney Crosby took some lickings but it ain’t like this they’re legit like throwing elbows at her even when she doesn’t have the ball they’re taking runs at her so I don’t know like I said she lighting it up and she’s still lighting up she so she yeah she’s she’s not doing bad though not doing bad team stinks all right she’s got the like throughout the start of her career I think she’s got like one of the most points per game in like NB uh WNBA history so as far as her start maybe based on her expectations not great but she’s still putting up decent numbers in the game in which she got ran there and I think Angela ree was on the other team I think she only put up 11 but her team won by a point like I was going to check the box score to see you won the game because her and that Angela Reese girl who played at LSU they had a beef before they even got to Pro which and she was hugging the girl that like buried her with an elbow so K Caitlyn Chuck bombs yeah she may just need to sucker someone it might have I don’t know if that’s the can of worm stripes these girls are like 6’4 and they and they’re like they’re big and and they fought where they’re from before sign trouba yeah like ice is good to go to become a HEI and yeah he TR to chop his [ __ ] off do you remember the Sarah nurse interview and she told us like how nasty those girls were wait a minute is that George the rock the hell those girls are nuts man wait did you think there was a lot of like George rock with eyeliner what the [ __ ] is going on here just George lorck just teeing off on a champ WNBA I’m here for it I’ll [ __ ] I say did you think though the reaction online was maybe a little bit too much like Pearl clutching like like oh like I don’t I just thought it was a little over the top now because when I sawed I was like something had to have preceded this that that girl didn’t just go over and hit her like that and then um that guy with CJ zero he always had good H good Clips what do you mean the the every game she’s getting bodied and like it’s not just like as she’s putting up a shot it’s like under the hoop they are saying she’s flopping a little bit in which some of the clips I’ve seen there has been a little bit of exaggeration so I I’m not going to be I’m not gonna be biased towards Caitlyn Clark here that could be an issue as to why these girls are getting more pissed off maybe she talks a lot of [ __ ] too Biz and the fact that the fact that her teammates haven’t really stuck up for her like I don’t know what things are like behind the scenes but nonetheless based on this online amplification I am so dialed into the WNBA now I I can’t get enough of it I I I included the clip there with no right before that the the previous basket when the opponent scored she went to grab a rebound and I don’t know if she did attentionally looks like she might have caught uh that what’s name chanity the other girl with that elbow cuz and then Caitlyn you could see her like talking [ __ ] to her like as they were going up the court so I’m not saying it was justified right what I didn’t think it was nearly as bad as everyone was talking about it was a body Block it’s basketball it’s physical but like cay was like [ __ ] talking and back coming back of the Court there was a physical bump right before that so I I don’t think uh I don’t think it was just like happening in the dock probably could just come out of nowhere did you play like that when you played ra I I think it’s physical I think it’s a good case study though with the fact that like a little bit of violence in women’s sports can go a long way and I feel like it Garners way more attention not saying they should add fullon hitting to women’s hockey but maybe it’s something that the girls would want like I don’t know basically did this year against the wall no doubt maybe open Ice you’re not going to have huge hits I still go back to putting the uh half shields on the women I think Sarah nurse wasn’t even that that she didn’t even hate that idea that much then you see their faces a little bit more that helps be to see someone’s face know who they are I understand you don’t want to get your tooth knocked out whether you’re a man or a woman but if all of a sudden against the wall these girls in the pwhl are burying each other with half shields on I think that’d be electric yeah they would they would p p each other pretty good the game I went to I mean I know there they say there’s no hitting but there was definitely some serious hitting going on the game I was at but up that Caitlyn Clark the girl chanity is no saint she was drafted fourth overall in 2020 terminated in 2021 for conduct detrimental to the team signs in 2022 with the Sparks let go poor conduct went over and played in turkey last year so just follow her on Instagram Rick vaugh in major Le just follow on Instagram Rick I just connected with her on Rya all right we got a few more words choking me out while we’re going out all right guys before we go any further I want to talk to you about our good friends at the farmer’s dog I’ve long been an advocate of feeding your dog healthy food it makes no sense to feed the dogs crap that we feed them that’s where the farmer’s dog comes in the days are warmer the walks are longer and one easy way to help your dog shine this season is with fresh healthy food from the farmer’s dog the farmer dog makes real fresh dog food and delivers it right to your door recipes are developed by vet nutritionists made from real meat and veggies in portion just for your dog making it easy to say goodbye to the old burnt Brown balls and feed your dog real food with real benefits it’s smart Healthy Pet Food you can feel good about feeding your pup it’s the best option for dogs of all stages of life because it’s not kibble it ain’t Kangoo it’s real healthy food traditional dry and wet dog food options are highly processed and can use much lower quality ingredients 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were the team one of the teams that was in on him at the deadline as well supposedly um Bo I I just got a text from uh dry cidal agent he he wants to get poroi a jersey and I said p*rno is coming to game four so dry has been watching all the movie or the the video a poroy you know pumping Oilers tires so he’s on the train now well little does little does he know though that Dave these teams he bets on he [ __ ] rips on them when they’re not winning he’s carving guys left and right and then he claims to say that he’s the one who gets him going which is I guess what I did in terms of quitting the team in November and then getting them going but yeah por you want him on your side right now because he’s winning everything but he’s Cutthroat as posha is when he’s ripping on his own teammates he’s the Mike Keenan Mike Keenan of gambling just [ __ ] abuses his players as to get them going old school approach guys did you see that uh that link I sent though was the the hockey der he likes to look back at Old lineup cards it was a Buffalo Sabers lineup from 2017 from seven years ago and just how good of a team they they actually had back then here it is right there take a look I mean vaner Kaney look at that Squad Merles I mean that’s a playoff team right there no Ms that’s some good players there who’s on the D they got no D that’s why they weren’t good uh big at least they’re yeah there’s no number one D yeah there’s no number two D wow they got no number there’s no number four D on that right well I don’t know either way I thought it was pretty interested just to see how turnover I mean you know look at I the one guy though that just is a Survivor It ziggas gurgenson lifetime oh yeah Li Buffalo contract what I’m did they draft another guy with the last name kind of like that or is that the same guy that’s the same guy been there forever he’s Le starting a cologne no he’s from Cologne Germany oh [ __ ] oh Biz I we didn’t get to it earlier with beginning of the show I went and saw the stones uh last week G had seen them down New Jersey a couple weeks ago I still can’t believe that dude well that him and Keith 80 fraking years old man I was sure watching them [ __ ] stand there for two hours let alone run around the stage at 80 years old just an awesome show and they they really like an inspiration D it I mean just the fact that they’re still ticking at that age and and doing what they do as a dynamite show so I don’t I don’t know we got some like 6 a text messag from you this week did you have two all nighters this week um no no I did because if it’s a 6 AM text if it’s a 6 AM text from ra it ain’t up early up and at him with the birds in the bee he’s he’s [ __ ] stillw he he ain’t David gogins folks that was no that that was the night m i was no I was that was the night I was hanging out with uh with the gals on pwhl Boston that were you know last night of the season so I had I had a bit of a late one but uh no the stones I had two beers in the pck I don’t I go to concerts man I don’t I don’t drink I stay at my seat because then you got to piss every 10 minutes and you miss the show well I mean I smoke [ __ ] weed I don’t know do you sneak in goldfish and [ __ ] so you just sit there with your snacks I do that when I go to the movies definitely I sneak my own snacks and but no I really know go to concerts had that’s all they would get for their lunch just a little ziplock bag of of gold fishes every day for school people see him running on the street after the concert because he doesn’t want to get an Uber or ride home either and he just yells at people stay high instead of stay hard because he’s yeah yeah instead of go that’s his model stay high that’s good I like that’s a good one arm dog that’s a good one you you should you should [ __ ] get patent on that stay high that’s such a good model I mean I kind of live it I guess but happy Biz you don’t go you’re not a big conert guy are you Biz I don’t know if I’ve ever I love going I love going to concerts I just don’t have time because I’m working you’re like a bonaroo guy you’re like a festival I like going to festivals I went to uh I went to bonaroo I would never go to Coachella I think Coachella is the biggest [ __ ] joke it’s just a a try hard scene bonaroo was incredible like they had awesome bands there like like good jam bands like my morning Jack it I would like to go see Fish I’m not like like crazy crazy about their music but to go there and like like do psychedelics and just watch the show I would love to yeah and and it’s like true it’s like it’s true art the way that they actually play the instruments it’s not like these [ __ ] DJs now and they just hit the play button so yeah I like going I like going once in a while but the the problem is is there’s not a lot of like good bands that tour really anymore are there not not at my age or your age yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t care to go see Morgan Wallen in concert I I I I like his music Fenway Park show was sick last year it was yeah because there tit* and ass hanging out at the at the show maybe not for you wait I wait I wish I bought I wish I bought a like a cowboy hat and cowboy boot store around here like 20 years ago when country took off crazy around New England like every freaking girl around here is like you know country fan now made him [ __ ] mint if he did that yeah actually B hoody hoody’s coming back to fway coming to fway Pearl jams at Fenway and then uh I’m going to see Metallica down Foxboro later this summer too I haven’t seen them before so Pearl Jam great I’ve seen I like Pearl Jam yeah I saw them I F last time they came it was like it was like a [ __ ] religious experience man it was such a great time so all right boys uh great show any final things any final thoughts not you I got one more thing one more thing uh can’t have a Stanley Cup preview without Ouran SMI picks because if you go on DraftKings that’s where you you maybe want to make your bet instead of making a series bet if you think the Oilers going to win you might as well take McDavid right or can Hyman do it at plus 10,000 so just Bard’s a sneaky option forers the way I was GNA say but he won’t but I think if the Oilers win just he’s leading the playoffs and scoring he will if they win it’s it’s mcdavid’s League McDavid would get it about got Florida buddy Bing’s right there Bennett orov barov yeah bar barov probably um no bosski no Bob yeah he’s been good but I don’t think it’s like last year where it would have been obvious for him if had they beat Vegas yeah Chuck is up up there obviously as well going to depend this series I guess for Florida right yeah there’s no front runner for Florida that’s why I see if like if McDavid ends up getting like 10 points in a loss this series and no last time the last time might have been Jager when they lost to but he’s he’s like six I think he’s six assists away from beating the NHL record and assists in playoffs like beating Gretzky’s record so I think if he lights it up this this route I could see him getting it because I don’t really see for Florida having a true front runner like barov has been incredible don’t get me wrong playing 20 minutes a night stopping the other team’s best but I think he’s just at a point per game where if McDavid finishes with 40 something Point imagine mcdavid’s face getting that trophy at Center Ice Dude you think it was bad when he had that couple like hounding him at the airport with their arms around his shoulder him getting the SM and a cup final loss would be the worst picture an oil fan could ever see that’d be tough he definitely had the eye of the tager last game man he [ __ ] big time after he scored that goal he just you knew it was gonna be on all night boys get rest because it’s gonna be a long haul I’m going to the first four games no matter what te baby love boys all right thanks for listening have good week everyone peace peace out go oil

On Episode 504 of Spittin’ Chiclets, the guys are joined by some special guests, but first, the conference finals have wrapped up and it’s time for the most exciting moment in hockey; The Florida Panthers take on the Edmonton Oilers in the Stanley Cup Finals. What an epic showdown this will be. Tune in LIVE to hear everyone’s predictions for who will take the trophy home this year, as well as a recap of how we got here with these two teams. You won’t want to miss it. Tune in LIVE.

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  1. stop deep throating the mic biz, holy fack its annoying

  2. There was a pic of Sam Gagner talking on the bench with Skinner after being told he was sitting for game 4 Vs Vancouver after practice. I think that was huge in my opinion

  3. 2:00:24 most of stevens hit were clean, a real dirty player was Moose, Messier. He gave a lot of forearm shivers to guys, dirty as they come. Stevens hit on Kariya is clean, that likely the one most people point to, its clean.

  4. Marc Stuart is the freakin Oilers PK merchant wow another Thrasher property

  5. RA knows he’s getting catfished – right?

  6. 2:18:11 she has the 3rd highest points for a player on her team through 10 games in team history, hardly the league and hardly an accomplishment.

  7. Maiden still tours. Still slay every show.

  8. pasha sucks.

  9. I like Whitney but Bissonette is a complete pig.

    Why does TNT employ someone like that?

  10. Pashas only good take is his Trouba take

  11. RA knows he’s getting catfished – right?

  12. you guys should see if you can bring bob stauffer on before all the sh*t hits the fan

  13. I need more Struds!

  14. Do they talk memorial cup at all?

  15. Just a reminder for the boys. Drai was on fire until he took that elbow from Myers in the back. It doesn’t look like much but I think it broke/bruised a rib. He isn’t practicing at all. This break before the finals could be huge for drai.

  16. So unhinged 😂😂 Biz is screaming i love the chicken wing while whit is saying the elbow is a bit too much while also saying he loves the hit to hurt

  17. Pasha great trouba take. It’s like vontaze burfict winning a man of the year award. Should never happen 😂

  18. Trouba sucks, that’s it!

  19. Whit, so appreciate you representing Edmonton Alberta so well.
    – lifelong Edmontonian

  20. I'm spanking the pink right now

  21. Biz get rid of the pole duster.. Jesus Christ

  22. Ain't nobody wanna hear about basketball on chiclets.

  23. I remember reading this or It was on the Rangers 1994 cup run dvd…Messier got together with coaches when they were in ECF'S and 1994 CUP FINAL and agreed to have no distractions away or at home….When they came home they stayed at an undisclosed place. Wifes were asked to support this agreement and support each other and form support group for their families. The kids played together nd the wifes cooked for the team. Minimal contact was allowed during their run for the cup. And it worked.


  25. It will be pretty tough for Panthers to get any pucks past Skinner. Guy has gone to a whole different level

  26. Host team winning is a joke

  27. Paddywhack

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