Daytime Royalty-Vintage Weekly Newspaper Synopses (2024)



AdminDaytime Royalty-Vintage Weekly Newspaper Synopses (1)



    Feb 08, 2016#31

    WEEK OF AUGUST 23 - AUGUST 27, 1976

    (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
    Ruth agreed to marry David, but asked to keep the engagement a secret. Kitty made her choice: Mama rather than Linc. Donna ran away from Ty and arrived at Phoebe’s. Anne’s illness was diagnosed as psychosomatic. Brooke turned from Benny to Danny.

    (1:00pm - 30 minutes)
    Roger supplied reporter Martha with slander about Frank. Mary refused to help Dee. Maeve pleaded with Frank to stick with Dee for the baby’s sake; he turned to Jill.

    (2:30pm - 45 minutes)
    Viki was sent home and Dorian gifted the Rileys with a new housekeeper. Larry and Karen celebrated; he’s going into private practice. Cathy told Tony she was pregnant. She broke off sessions with Will and lied about it to Tony.

    (3:15pm - 45 minutes)
    Audrey fretted that Steve’s operation wasn’t successful; he can’t move his toes. Steve offered Mark the chief of neurosurgery position, but Mark confessed he has a manslaughter charge in his past. Diana confessed to Peter her part in Cam’s plot. Rick scolded Monica about her attempts to manipulate Lesley.

    (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
    Abby and Johnny identified Van. Adam confronted him and was shot; he’s on the critical list. Clay played on Geraldine’s sympathy. Nancy’s in a funk over her job. Saxon acquired Mike’s investigation reports.

      Feb 09, 2016#32

      WEEK OF AUGUST 23 - AUGUST 27, 1976

      (11:30am - 25 minutes)
      Felicia offered Lynn a job. Cal’s against marrying Rick because Meg would destroy him. Jamie offered to be a stand-in father for Betsy’s baby; she’s already lined up Tom. Carrie was upset to learn of Ray’s threats to Arlene.

      (12:00pm - 30 minutes)
      Ron remembered the rape; yes, he did it. The trial progressed in his favor until Peggy took the stand. Brad decided to divorce Leslie. Brock and Liz consoled Kay’s depression over Ralph.

      (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
      Gary told Jo about a risky operation she should consider. Nurse Nancy Craig set her sights on Bruce. Amy feigned indifference. John vainly tried to reconcile with Eunice.

      (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
      Natalie reluctantly gave Dick the green light for her divorce. John and Jim confronted each other in front of Kim. Bob was crushed over Valerie’s decision not to date him anymore. The gulf between Don and Grant widened, thanks to Joyce.

      (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
      Mike told Hope he’d seen the nude portrait by Ben. She accused him of not believing her. Evie felt inadequate for Tim, who was promoted by Ed. Rita kept Holly from seeing Ed.

        Feb 10, 2016#33

        WEEK OF AUGUST 23 - AUGUST 27, 1976

        (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
        Linda told Mike she’d slept with him only to assuage his doubts about his manhood: then she dated Johnny. Marlena began sessions with Laura. Mike was urged to reconcile with Laura. Doug asked Kim to be his wife. Brooke prayed for Adele, then lashed out at Bob.

        (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
        Scott almost strangled Althea when she rebuffed him. He later died in a car accident, but left a note confessing everything he’d done to make Eleanor appear insane. Maggie talked Matt into hiring Steve’s brother Jason as his attorney.

        (3:00pm - 60 minutes)
        Clarice gave birth to a baby boy, but is emotionally unstable. Gil is hot on Iris’ tail. Aunt Liz returned with a broken leg. Angie confronted Olive about her connection to Willis.

        (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
        Lena returned to town and blamed Steve for Carrie’s plight. Vicki aided Steve, who made progress infiltrating the organization. Heather learned she can have children.

          Feb 11, 2016#34

          WEEK OF AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 3, 1976

          (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
          Tara and Phil argued over Ruth and Joe. Kate and Ruth had a tiff. Ty threatened Frank. Chuck tended Donna in Phoebe’s house, much to the chagrin of Phoebe, Tara, and Erica. Mrs. Carpenter’s “doctor” plan was stalled.

          RYAN'S HOPE
          (1:00pm - 30 minutes)
          Frank’s political career was smashed by Martha’s report. Pat and Faith grew closer through their work. Maeve twisted her back. Little John moved in with Mary and Jack. Roger told Jill he intends to marry Dee.

          ONE LIFE TO LIVE
          (2:30pm - 45 minutes)
          Cathy never received a doctor’s confirmation. Everyone believes she’s pregnant. Matt and Dorian suspected something between Pat and Tony. Vinnie and Anna grew wary of Karen, who seduced Larry and rented a rendezvous apartment. Jenny gravitated toward Brad, who got a job at Tony’s.

          (3:15pm - 45 minutes)
          Rick moved into Lesley’s apartment building. Cam’s estate amounted to zilch for Lesley. Mark accepted Steve’s job offer and grew attracted to Terri. Heather set her sights on Jeff. Peter agreed with Diana to adopt a baby.

          (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
          Adam convalesced. Ansel became Tony Saxon’s lawyer. Saxon’s henchmen threatened Johnny. Van, disguised as a cop, moved in on Nicole and knocked Steve unconscious. Neely found an apartment for Phoebe and Kevin. Nancy was spotted with a strange man.

            Feb 12, 2016#35

            WEEK OF AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 3, 1976

            LOVE OF LIFE
            (11:30am - 25 minutes)
            Cal agreed to marry Rick. Everyone was amazed at Meg’s apparent change of heart; she’s agreed to arrange wedding details. Lynn began her reading job for Charles, who asked her to spy on Felicia.

            (12:00pm - 30 minutes)
            The jury is out in Ron’s trial. Lorie met Vanessa, who called her a tramp and swore Lorie would never win Lance. Lorie was invited to Rome with Lance, then Leslie called to say she’s on her way home.

            (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
            Woody offered Liza an assignment in Rio. Jo’s daughter, Patti, and Patti’s husband, Len, returned to comfort Jo, who underwent surgery. Eric accused Scott of keeping him away from his real father, Ralph. Jennifer increased her prescription for sleeping pills.

            AS THE WORLD TURNS
            (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
            Grant accused an innocent Lisa and Don of hanky-panky. Tom discovered Natalie tempting Jay. Beau courted both Dee and Annie. Kim went into the hospital and she insisted John not be told. Pat argued otherwise and was taken off duty. Valerie and Susan welcomed Dan back.

            GUIDING LIGHT
            (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
            Justin told Joe he couldn’t be released yet. Viola wants to return home; Evie resisted. Ben blew up at Mike, who was asked to be county prosecutor. Adam and Barbara returned.

              Feb 15, 2016#36

              WEEK OF AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 3, 1976

              DAYS OF OUR LIVES
              (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
              Mary was upset about Don’s engagement. Rebecca received a baby gift from Johnny, but assured Robert she’d stay with him. The Kim-Doug and Julie-Don nuptials were set for the same day. Tom ordered Bill never to operate again. Adele recuperated. David asked Valerie to marry him.

              THE DOCTORS
              (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
              Stacy and Paul’s police testimony incriminated Matt. Jerry and Penny proclaimed their love. Lew offered to help pay Jerry’s law school fees. Althea reconciled with Eleanor.

              ANOTHER WORLD
              (3:00pm - 60 minutes)
              Angie told Alice about Willis’ deal with Olive, then regretted it. Alice and Ray confronted Olive and Carol, who both lied. Olive turned the tables on Willis when he tried to send her away. Russ agreed to move with Sharlene. Willis arranged for Sharlene to face a man from her past.

              (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
              Lt. Price and Steve brought Julian and Lena to a convent where they are hiding Carrie. Her disappearance had been a hoax to protect her. Steve found Greg’s notebooks and convinced Julian they should track down the leads themselves.

                Feb 16, 2016#37

                WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 6 - SEPTEMBER 10, 1976

                ALL MY CHILDREN
                (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                Tara met Donna; sparks flew. Tara’s concern for Chuck caused a split with Phil. Ty discovered Donna was in the hospital under an assumed name. Nancy and Caroline came to grips over Frank. Mrs. Carpenter foiled Linc’s camera plan.

                RYAN'S HOPE
                (1:00pm - 30 minutes)
                Frank began divorce action and was caught in a clinch with Jill by Dee. Roger’s plan for Dee to consult a lawyer backfired. Anne Burney advised reconciliation. Mary was stunned that Jack doesn’t want to have children.

                ONE LIFE TO LIVE
                (2:30pm - 45 minutes)
                Jim learned that Cathy never had a pregnancy test. Tony hit the roof. Sister Samantha’s arrival caused an uproar in the Vernon household. Larry warned Karen not to expect a life of riches.

                GENERAL HOSPITAL
                (3:15pm 45 minutes)
                Jeff uncovered evidence to help Monica in the malpractice suit. Heather told her ex-husband she’d set her sights on bigger game — Rick. Mark’s concern for his sanitarium committed wife stymied Terri’s enthusiasm. Steve regained movement in his legs.

                THE EDGE OF NIGHT
                (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                Clay murdered Van but not before he whispered a clue to Steve: “Starkweather.” Tracy confessed to Danny that she can’t have children. Draper learned he’ll be working on the Saxon case against his father.

                  Feb 17, 2016#38

                  WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 6 - SEPTEMBER 10, 1976

                  LOVE OF LIFE
                  (11:30am - 25 minutes)
                  Ray set up a date for Arlene with Ian Russell, but Ian learned she wasn’t a professional prostitute. Eddie admitted his love for Felicia to Cal. Jaime and Cal discovered that Meg had not dropped the suit against Rick.

                  THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS
                  (12:00pm - 30 minutes)
                  Mr. Foster had a mild heart attack at Kay’s. The jury turned in a qualified verdict of not guilty. Leslie returned; Brad was prepared with his act. Sharon Ralston, Ron’s previous rape victim, arrived in Genoa City.

                  SEARCH FOR TOMORROW
                  (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                  Rebuffed by everyone, Jennifer took the sleeping pills, then made a desperate call to Gary, who found her unconscious. John and Eunice reconciled. David grew interested in Patti. Steve was miffed that Liza went to Rio.

                  AS THE WORLD TURNS
                  (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                  Don and Grant fought over their working relationship. Lisa got fed up with Grant’s schedule. Nancy returned. John visited Kim in the hospital after Carol put in a good word for him. Jay warned Natalie she may lose her job.

                  GUIDING LIGHT
                  (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                  Evie decided to stay and study nursing. Roger and Rita were concerned about a man from Rita’s past, Malcolm Granger. Ed took his exams and Joe left the hospital.

                    Feb 18, 2016#39

                    WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 6 - SEPTEMBER 10, 1976

                    DAYS OF OUR LIVES
                    (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                    Julie, Paul, and Danny seemed to accept David’s intentions to marry Valerie. Helen and Brooke didn’t. Laura returned to work and fought with Marlena over Mickey’s treatment, then met with him. Adele’s condition worsened. Bob hired detectives to discover who stole the checks.

                    THE DOCTORS
                    (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                    Billy moved in with the Powers. Carolee came out of her comatose state in the sanitarium. Mona fretted about M.J. getting too comfy with Steve. Penny resented Jerry’s sexual advances.

                    ANOTHER WORLD
                    (3:00pm - 60 minutes)
                    Sharlene was forced to reveal her past to Russ; then gulped a bottle of sleeping pills and was rushed to the hospital. Her suicide note revealed Willis’ plot and he got his - a severe beating from Russ. Rachel admitted to Mac that she’s too preoccupied with her career to think about a baby.

                    (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                    Steve convinced the syndicate he wanted to work with them. They forced him to go to the convent to take care of Carrie, but she was disguised as a nun and the sisters said the police had taken Carrie. Vickie decided to stay in town and the trial began.

                      Feb 19, 2016#40

                      WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 17, 1976

                      ALL MY CHILDREN
                      (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                      Dr. Christina Karras, Anne’s new pediatrician, recognized David from San Francisco. Brooke got it on with Benny. Phoebe threatened, but Benny blackmailed her. Frank told Nancy he wouldn’t leave Pine Valley for the Chicago job offer. Ty plotted to get even with Donna.

                      RYAN'S HOPE
                      (1:00pm - 30 minutes)
                      Mary and Jack had a spat in front of his old buddy, Dr. Alex McLean. Bucky arranged for Seneca to serenade Jill, but she rendezvoused with Frank. Dee connived Pat into being a witness to Frank’s infidelity. They found the lovebirds in bed at Jill’s beach house.

                      ONE LIFE TO LIVE
                      (2:30pm - 45 minutes)
                      Cathy refused to accept the fact that she’s not pregnant. Viki went into premature labor. Jim and Joe worried about the baby’s irregular heartbeat. Brad turned to a waitress on the sly when Jenny chastised him for insincerity.

                      GENERAL HOSPITAL
                      (3:15pm - 45 minutes)
                      Mark brought Mary Ellen to Port Charles. Tom Baldwin, presumed dead, turned up alive in a Mexican jail. Monica put Jeff off about having children and turned to Rick. Larry Joe, Heather’s ex, threatened blackmail unless she steals hospital drugs.

                      THE EDGE OF NIGHT
                      (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                      Nancy lashed out at Mike for playing the crusader and putting his family in jeopardy, then met with the mysterious Beau. Nicole began to remember those missing 45 days. Adam suggested she undergo narcosynthesis. Chris told Phoebe he’d treat Nicole.

                        Feb 22, 2016#41

                        WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 17, 1976

                        LOVE OF LIFE
                        (11:30am - 25 minutes)
                        Felicia admitted her love for Eddie and wavered in her decision to drop her career. Ben sent flowers after Betsy gave birth to a baby girl, Suzanne. Ian and Arlene became a twosome, much to Tom’s dismay.

                        THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS
                        (12:00pm - 30 minutes)
                        Nancy refused to believe Sharon’s story about Ron. He decided not to leave town. Brock asked Peggy to marry him. Jill blamed Kay for Bill’s attack. Lance bought an engagement ring for Lorie. Brad told Leslie divorce was the only answer.

                        SEARCH FOR TOMORROW
                        (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                        Jennifer had cardiac arrest, she’s still in a coma. Mr. Pace threatened Gary and John for being responsible. Jo regained feeling in her legs. Liza returned. Steve accused her of sleeping with Woody. Patti fretted that the family would learn of her trouble with Len.

                        AS THE WORLD TURNS
                        (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                        Lisa let the Natalie-Jay cat out of the bag and urged Tom to reconcile with Carol. Kim was released. Valerie told Dan that Kim had no feelings for him. Annie avoided Beau by dating Tom.

                        GUIDING LIGHT
                        (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                        Forced by Granger’s presence, Rita confessed to Ed she’s not proud of her past. Ed told Bert of his attraction for Rita. Tim advised Evie about her career. Ben acted cool toward Hope.

                          Feb 23, 2016#42

                          WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 17, 1976

                          DAYS OF OUR LIVES
                          (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                          David covered for Paul by taking blame for the stolen checks. Danny grew jealous of Paul’s dependence on David who saved Paul from an alcoholic bender. Doug’s car crashed. Amanda fell into Neil’s arms then turned him out.

                          THE DOCTORS
                          (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                          The district attorney pressed for a murder charge against Matt. Steve failed to reconcile with Billy. Ann learned that Carolee called out for Steve while in a sanitarium. Steve pressured Mona to use her influence on the hospital board concerning Matt’s case.

                          ANOTHER WORLD
                          (3:00pm - 60 minutes)
                          Carol left town to make Willis jealous. Sharlene recovered. Angie confessed to Willis. Iris denied involvement with Clarice, then accused Mac of losing Rachel to a New York career. John threatened to expose Pat’s past if she continued with the divorce. Olive turned to Ray for money. Iris bribed Molly to leave Dennis, she turned to Michael.

                          (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                          Carrie took the stand. Steve was pressured by the syndicate to testify that Carrie’s whole story is a lie. Heather assured Carrie she didn’t blame her for what happened to the baby.

                            Feb 24, 2016#43

                            WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 20 - SEPTEMBER 24, 1976

                            ALL MY CHILDREN
                            (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                            Chuck forbade Donna to meet Ty and went in her place. Ty stabbed Chuck, but Frank saved the day and the police were called. Erica suspected David’s secret past as a doctor. Mrs. Carpenter got the guilts. Anne went into labor.

                            RYAN'S HOPE
                            (1:00pm - 30 minutes)
                            On his way back from a business trip, Jack’s car crashed. He is in critical condition. Pat agreed to testify on Dee’s behalf. Dee insisted Frank won’t win custody of little John.

                            ONE LIFE TO LIVE
                            (2:30pm - 45 minutes)
                            Viki and Joe named their healthy son Kevin Lord Riley. Dorian gave a party for Joe and his associates. Cathy learned about the Riley birth from Dorian and went bananas. Tony convinced her to see Dr. Vernon. Karen found out Brad spent the night with a waitress.

                            GENERAL HOSPITAL
                            (3:15pm - 45 minutes)
                            Peter and Diana went to Switzerland to adopt a baby. Heather found Rick’s love letter to Monica and mailed it to Jeff. Monica consulted a divorce attorney. In Mexico, Tom Baldwin learned he can have a new trial.

                            THE EDGE OF NIGHT
                            (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                            Under drugs, Nicole remembered that she had been held prisoner on an island by a Claude Revenant and his servant, Billy. Nancy told Kevin that the man he saw kissing her was an informer for a story she’s writing. Van’s deathbed clue was a false lead. Mike told Saxon to lay off with threats to his family.

                              Feb 25, 2016#44

                              WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 20 - SEPTEMBER 24, 1976

                              LOVE OF LIFE
                              (11:30am - 25 minutes)
                              Meg stopped Cal and Rick’s wedding cold by taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Rick suspected it was a mere ploy that backfired. Tom admitted to Joe that he’s crazy about Betsy. Eddie pleaded with Felicia not to close the door on their relationship.

                              THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS
                              (12:00pm - 30 minutes)
                              Chris received obscene phone calls. She and Stuart are convinced it is Ron. Vanessa told Lorie that Lance really loved Leslie. Kay gave Phillip’s personal belongings to Liz.

                              SEARCH FOR TOMORROW
                              (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                              Mr. Pace is suing Gary for malpractice, Kathy will defend him. Jennifer regained consciousness but is mentally unbalanced. Patti lied to Jo and said Len insisted Patti stay until Jo’s fully recovered.

                              AS THE WORLD TURNS
                              (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                              Jay denied any gossip about himself and Natalie. Tom was convinced; Lisa doubted. Annie told Beau to leave her alone. She and Dee moved into their own apartment. Susan insisted Dan and Valerie aren’t suitable. He told Susan to buzz off. Dan defended Kim when Valerie made accusations about Kim’s past.

                              GUIDING LIGHT
                              (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                              Justin allowed Joe to work one hour a day as a consultant. Granger blamed Rita for his father’s death. He threatened her and Roger’s future then had an attack. Hope was upset Ben lost his job because of his temper.

                                Feb 26, 2016#45

                                WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 20 - SEPTEMBER 24, 1976

                                DAYS OF OUR LIVES
                                (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                Bill was furious that Laura had seen Mickey. Linda clashed with Trish, Laura, and Maggie over Mike, who admitted his love for Linda to Alice. Julie and Don were prepared for their wedding when she learned about Doug’s accident. Kim was hysterical.

                                THE DOCTORS
                                (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                Matt decided to resign instead of taking a forced leave of absence. Althea asked Paul for help to convince Matt otherwise. A new doctor was called in to treat Carolee.

                                ANOTHER WORLD
                                (3:00pm - 60 minutes)
                                Ray and Alice found Willis and Olive together. Alice kicked Willis out of Frame Enterprises. He told Angie to get out of his life. Pam left for Baltimore. Ken joined Rachel in New York. John refused to set Pat free. Dennis suspected Iris had something to do with Molly’s cold attitude.

                                (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                Avis admitted to Dan she has given up hope of luring Julian away. Tom was forced to serve as a messenger for the mob.

                                  Feb 29, 2016#46

                                  WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 27 - OCTOBER 1, 1976

                                  ALL MY CHILDREN
                                  (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                  Phoebe told Mona she would never give Charles a divorce. Anne’s baby, Elizabeth, was born, but further tests are required. Mona grew suspicious of Mrs. Carpenter. Chuck refused to marry Tara. Phil refused to marry her on the rebound.

                                  RYAN'S HOPE
                                  (1:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                  Alex supervised Jack’s operation. Delia decided she’s going to remain a Ryan by getting one brother or another. She plotted to lure Pat by using Roger as bait. Jill showed signs of being pregnant.

                                  ONE LIFE TO LIVE
                                  (2:30pm - 45 minutes)
                                  Brad’s waitress girlfriend, Lana, became jealous and possessive. Larry and Karen made plans to holiday in Las Vegas; Vince didn’t approve. Cathy hallucinated that Megan’s still alive. Will insisted that Naomi stop her jealous fantasies. Matt played up to Dorian, who found it amusing and repulsive.

                                  GENERAL HOSPITAL
                                  (3:15pm - 45 minutes)
                                  Jeff found Rick’s letter, was convinced Monica sent it, and began popping pep pills. Rex blackmailed Monica. Mark urged that Mary Ellen and Terri meet. Lesley returned from a cruise and thinks she’s pregnant. The Webber anniversary was a fiasco.

                                  THE EDGE OF NIGHT
                                  (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                  Danny was repulsed to learn Tracy couldn’t have children because of a previous abortion. Nancy pleaded that Mike resign from the crime commission. Draper asked Brandy to marry him. Nadine and Geraldine arranged a party for the Scotts and the Jamesons.

                                    Mar 01, 2016#47

                                    WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 27 - OCTOBER 1, 1976

                                    LOVE OF LIFE
                                    (11:30am - 25 minutes)
                                    Meg regained consciousness. Rick worried that Cal’s concern for Meg means the end of their wedding plans. Felicia hired Lynn as a model. Sara moved out of Van’s to care for Meg.

                                    THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS
                                    (12:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                    Lance insisted that Vanessa meet Lorie. The ladies pretended they had never met. The family learned of Lorie’s engagement and Leslie’s divorce. Vanessa hired a detective to investigate Lorie.

                                    SEARCH FOR TOMORROW
                                    (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                    Gary was suspended from the hospital, but found work at a free clinic. Steve and Liza reconciled, as did John and Eunice.

                                    AS THE WORLD TURNS
                                    (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                    Bob accused Joyce of using Don as jealousy bait. Valerie confronted Kim, who admitted that she and Jason had bribed Val’s old boyfriend, Cliff, to get lost. Kim told Bob she couldn’t tell Val the whole story.

                                    GUIDING LIGHT
                                    (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                    Justin was pressed to sell his property to the hospital. He consulted Mike, but both agreed there would be a conflict of interest. Peggy was on duty when Granger regained consciousness.

                                      Mar 02, 2016#48

                                      WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 27 - OCTOBER 1, 1976

                                      DAYS OF OUR LIVES
                                      (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                      Don and Kim bowed out, leaving Julie and a recovered Doug to wed. Everyone attended, even Kim. Robert and Rebecca consummated their marriage. Marlena consoled Don. Bob fired David.

                                      THE DOCTORS
                                      (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                      Matt’s resignation was an admission of guilt to the district attorney. Ann played up to Steve and his kids. Hank suggested Paul as Matt’s replacement. Jason’s on his way to defend Matt.

                                      ANOTHER WORLD
                                      (3:00pm - 60 minutes)
                                      Beatrice had it out with Ray and Alice over Sally. Mac agreed with Gil that Iris be sued for harassing Clarice. Russ retreated from Sharlene. Marianne defended Dave to Liz. Carol returned but was rebuffed by Willis. Mac was furious about Rachel’s delayed return from New York. Dennis learned that Iris bribed Molly.

                                      (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                      Carrie was discredited by a bribed witness. Avis gave up on Julian and left town. Fred Harrington was revealed as Mr. Big. He vowed revenge on Julian.

                                        Mar 03, 2016#49

                                        WEEK OF OCTOBER 4 - OCTOBER 8, 1976

                                        ALL MY CHILDREN
                                        (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                        David pressured Ruth to ask Joe for a divorce. She chickened out when baby Elizabeth’s test results came in. Anne’s baby appears to have reflex retardation and may be blind. Erica and Nick got it on again. Mona left for Minneapolis to check out Kitty’s “mother.” Danny grew more attracted to Brooke.

                                        RYAN'S HOPE
                                        (1:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                        Dee and Sister Mary Joel consoled Mary, who suspected Alex wasn’t telling the whole truth about Jack’s condition. Seneca warned Frank not to make empty promises to Jill. Dee made Pat jealous by meeting Roger.

                                        ONE LIFE TO LIVE
                                        (2:30pm - 45 minutes)
                                        Cathy left to visit her New York publisher, but Tony found out she wasn’t there. Baby Kevin was kidnapped. Viki and Joe were hysterical. Brad sweet-talked Jenny after shacking up with Lana. Tony turned to Pat.

                                        GENERAL HOSPITAL
                                        (3:15pm - 45 minutes)
                                        Monica faked illness to get out of a trip with Jeff to Florida, then connived to seduce Rick in a motel. Terri’s meeting with Ellen ended in the later’s hysterical outburst. Lucille called Audrey to tell her Al had a heart attack.

                                        THE EDGE OF NIGHT
                                        (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                        Danny quit his job and packed his bags to get away from Tracy. Saxon suggested to Ansel that Draper might come in handy as a pipeline to the district attorney. Beau, who’s working for Saxon, played up to Nancy to make Mike look bad. Nicole and Steve decided to return to work.

                                          Mar 04, 2016#50

                                          WEEK OF OCTOBER 4 - OCTOBER 8, 1976

                                          LOVE OF LIFE
                                          (11:30am - 25 minutes)
                                          Carrie accused Arlene of using men to get money. Tom found Carrie unconscious and operated immediately. Arlene returned Ian’s pendant. Meg used her convalescence to widen the gulf between Rick and Cal.

                                          THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS
                                          (12:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                          Snapper confronted Ron about the obscene phone calls to Chris. Nancy grew suspicious. Lorie vowed to tell Leslie the truth about Brad if Leslie and Lance became closer. Jack proposed to Peggy. Brock persuaded her to accept. Stuart learned that Lorie’s not his daughter.

                                          SEARCH FOR TOMORROW
                                          (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                          Jennifer was released to Stephanie’s care. Mr. Pace, who’s in debt, turned his attention to Stephanie. Patti brought her daughter to Henderson and told Jo her marriage was going down the drain. Ralph intimated he would bring suit for complete custody of Eric.

                                          AS THE WORLD TURNS
                                          (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                          Nancy pressured Grant to set Don straight about Joyce. It failed. Annie told Dee not to pretend that she didn’t care for Beau. Valerie cuddled up with Dan. Kevin pressured Susan, and her past plots to keep Kim and Dan apart were revealed.

                                          GUIDING LIGHT
                                          (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                          Granger reacted violently when Rita showed up in his hospital room. Ed learned Holly had wanted to stop the divorce. Justin donated his property to the hospital. Joe learned of Sara and Justin’s past relationship. Ben pressed Hope for a commitment.

                                            Mar 07, 2016#51

                                            WEEK OF OCTOBER 4 - OCTOBER 8, 1976

                                            DAYS OF OUR LIVES
                                            (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                            Bob asked Paul for his resignation. The Grant family came apart when Valerie accepted David’s marriage proposal. Adele and Brooke left for their vacation. Mickey was released, but hedged seeing Maggie.

                                            THE DOCTORS
                                            (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                            Lew was attracted to Eleanor, who began work at the hospital. Jason began preparing Matt’s defense. Matt grew concerned about Greta and Billy spending time alone. Ann, alias Mrs. Lomax, was called to consult with Carolee’s new therapist.

                                            ANOTHER WORLD
                                            (3:00pm - 60 minutes)
                                            Pat told Dave they should not see each other until after the divorce. Carol quit her job at Frame Enterprises. Alice was shocked to learn John and Jeff had hired Olive to replace Pam. Angie convinced Mac to offer Willis a job. John’s divorce tactics alienated Alice, Michael, and Marianne. Mac and Rachel had a tentative reconciliation.

                                            (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                            Steve told the truth on the stand and the jury turned in a guilty verdict. Harrington swore to get Steve for double-crossing the organization. Steve told Carrie he had to skip town.

                                              Mar 08, 2016#52

                                              WEEK OF OCTOBER 11 - OCTOBER 15, 1976

                                              ALL MY CHILDREN
                                              (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                              Mona discovered that Mrs. Carpenter is Myrtle Lum, but she promised not to tell Kitty. Myrtle agreed to get out of Kitty’s life within a month. Ann refused to accept Elizabeth’s retardation. Benny moved into the Tyler pool house. Joe learned David and Ruth may leave town.

                                              RYAN'S HOPE
                                              (1:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                              Jill learned she’s pregnant with Seneca’s child. Alex told Mary that Jack would not be able to function sexually. Dee told Bob she’s determined to have Pat. Roger sent Dee a string of pearls.

                                              ONE LIFE TO LIVE
                                              (2:30pm - 45 minutes)
                                              Will told Ed that Cathy could have kidnapped Kevin. Naomi’s accusation forced Will’s nurse to resign. Naomi suggested Jenny as a replacement.

                                              GENERAL HOSPITAL
                                              (3:15pm - 45 minutes)
                                              Terri and Mark reconciled after arguing about his past with Mary Ellen, but then learned she had run away and had been hit by a car. Jeff accused Monica of seducing Rick in her motel room. Lesley learned she is pregnant.

                                              THE EDGE OF NIGHT
                                              (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                              Danny accepted a manger’s job at one of Saxon’s clubs. Trudy found Ansel and Raven necking. Clay admitted to Nicole he’s trying to locate Gil Darcy (alias Revenant).

                                                Mar 09, 2016#53

                                                WEEK OF OCTOBER 11 - OCTOBER 15, 1976

                                                LOVE OF LIFE
                                                (11:30am - 25 minutes)
                                                Felicia told Charles about renting a studio. He accused her of setting up a love nest with Eddie. Ian paid Carrie’s hospital bills. Imprisoned Ben fantasized about his daughter.

                                                THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS
                                                (12:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                                Joann began eating when she learned about Jack and Peggy’s engagement. Then Peggy said she’s returning the ring. Bill collapsed and was rushed to a hospital. Stuart postponed confronting Jennifer about Lorie’s paternity after he learned Jenn has developed a heart condition.

                                                SEARCH FOR TOMORROW
                                                (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                Jennifer stole a gun, intent on getting rid of Eunice. Liza and Steve celebrated their first anniversary. Steve learned that his song wouldn’t be recorded by Kitty Merritt.

                                                AS THE WORLD TURNS
                                                (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                                Kim was upset whether to tell Dan about’s Susan’s confession and thereby running the risk of alienating her reconciled friendship with Valerie again. John apologized to Pat for his temper. She defended him to an accusing Jim Strasfield. Jay succumbed to Natalie.

                                                GUIDING LIGHT
                                                (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                Hope finally made it with Ben. Adam announced that Justin has been named head of the research center. Rita wavered on whether to tell Ed about Granger.

                                                  Mar 10, 2016#54

                                                  WEEK OF OCTOBER 11 - OCTOBER 15, 1976

                                                  DAYS OF OUR LIVES
                                                  (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                                  The Hortons celebrated Mickey’s release from the sanitarium. Mickey rebuffed Maggie, admitted to Laura that he feels estranged from everyone, and turned to Linda. Neil admitted he doesn’t want Phyllis’ baby. Bob and Don discovered Brooke had made a deposit.

                                                  THE DOCTORS
                                                  (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                  Matt burst into the darkroom where Billy and Greta were developing the incriminating film, which was ruined. Ann decided to break contact with the sanitarium so she can’t be traced if Carolee regains her sanity. Stacy was apprehensive about a reunion with her stepfather, Jason.

                                                  ANOTHER WORLD
                                                  (3:00pm - 60 minutes)
                                                  Carol, rejected by Willis, left town. Rachel went to Ken’s country studio instead of New York with Mac. John admitted to Jeff that his threats against Pat were ploys to get her to drop suit. Willis moved in with Mac and began work. Dennis ran away when he learned Iris planned to send him off to school.

                                                  (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                                  Carrie and Julian fretted over Steve’s whereabouts, then learned he’s been hired by the syndicate. Steve asked Vicki for a job, but she turned him down and remained mum when Jerry and Heather accused him of using Carrie. Harrington intends to use Steve to kill Julian.

                                                    Mar 11, 2016#55

                                                    WEEK OF OCTOBER 18 - OCTOBER 22, 1976

                                                    ALL MY CHILDREN
                                                    (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                    Mona lied and identified Mrs. Carpenter as the real McCoy - for Kitty’s sake. Ruth was ready to leave with David when Joe was admitted to the hospital for acute appendicitis. Chuck became Donna’s legal guardian. Caroline advised Frank to reconcile with Nancy.

                                                    RYAN'S HOPE
                                                    (1:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                                    Dee tried to halt Pat’s date with Faith by sexually tempting him, but failed. Mary grew frantic when she learned Jack has no health insurance. Jill wavered about having an abortion, but decided Seneca has the right to know he’s the father.

                                                    ONE LIFE TO LIVE
                                                    (2:30pm - 45 minutes)
                                                    Tony left for Portland, Me., when Cathy’s car was found there - without a trace of Cathy of Kevin. Brad underwent surgery for a bum knee. Reporters hounded Viki and Joe.

                                                    GENERAL HOSPITAL
                                                    (3:15pm - 45 minutes)
                                                    Peter and Diana’s adoption plans were stymied when the mother decided to keep the baby. Rick fell for Monica’s sob story – right into her arms. Lesley considered abortion when she learned the details of Cam’s liaison with his secretary.

                                                    THE EDGE OF NIGHT
                                                    (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                                    Nancy decided she and Mike should separate. Johnny hired a new waitress, Molly O'Connor. Clay begged Brady to use her charms to split Adam and Nicole’s marriage. Draper suggested that Brandy prosecute the Saxon case.

                                                      Mar 14, 2016#56

                                                      WEEK OF OCTOBER 18 - OCTOBER 22, 1976

                                                      LOVE OF LIFE
                                                      (11:30am - 25 minutes)
                                                      Meg admitted she had been defeated. Cal and Rick finally were married in Bruce’s office. Meg didn’t attend. Carrie argued with Arlene about Ian’s financial support.

                                                      THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS
                                                      (12:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                                      Kay offered to pay for Bill’s hospitalization if Jill agreed to sign a statement that Phillip wasn’t the father of Jill’s baby. Lance grew closer to Leslie, especially after she met Vanessa. Lorie fumed quietly. Joann’s divorce became final. Ron and Nancy had it out when his phone was installed.

                                                      SEARCH FOR TOMORROW
                                                      (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                      Walter urged Stephanie to marry him immediately. Eric decided he wants to live with Ralph. Jennifer stalked Eunice. Patti and Dave grew chummy. Steve was miffed when Liza used the apartment for a modeling sessions.

                                                      AS THE WORLD TURNS
                                                      (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                                      Kim told Susan she couldn’t break up Dan and Val’s happiness. Jay made a date to rendezvous with Natalie, while Carole arranged a surprise return. Joyce insinuated to Lisa that Grant and Mary seemed awfully chummy.

                                                      GUIDING LIGHT
                                                      (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                      Ben and Hope planned a Christmas wedding. Viola realized that Evie loves Tim. Rita was in a frenzy. A nurse at the hospital discovered Granger’s support systems were dead.

                                                        Mar 15, 2016#57

                                                        WEEK OF OCTOBER 18 - OCTOBER 22, 1976

                                                        DAYS OF OUR LIVES
                                                        (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                                        Paul and David were exonerated when Don and Bob learned Brooke had stolen the money. On her deathbed, Adele confessed to Bob that Brooke is his daughter. Robert learned that Johnny is not the father of Rebecca’s child. David left Valerie to console Brooke, but was rebuffed.

                                                        THE DOCTORS
                                                        (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                        The board decided to not reinstate Matt until after the grand jury hearing, thanks to Paul’s recommendation. Carolee was jolted by Ann’s threats that she had become a basket charity case. Lew buttered up Eleanor. Paul assured Stacy they had nothing to fear since the last shred of evidence had been destroyed.

                                                        ANOTHER WORLD
                                                        (3:00pm - 60 minutes)
                                                        Willis saved Dennis and Jamie when their boat capsized. Dennis’ heart condition forced Mac to reconcile with Iris, who promised to change her stripes. Alice dropped John as the company lawyer and hired a co*cky architect, Evan Webster. Liz told Marianne the truth about John’s empty threats. Jeff suggested John sue Dave for alienation of affection.

                                                        (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                                        Tom and Dan tried to influence Carrie and Julian to halt the expose of the organization. The mob hired Denise Saunders as Steve’s contact.

                                                          Mar 16, 2016#58

                                                          WEEK OF OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 29, 1976

                                                          ALL MY CHILDREN
                                                          (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                          David operated on Joe, then realized Ruth still loves Joe. Phoebe received her divorce papers. Tara told Phil she was ready to marry him. Erica protested, but Nick carried her off to bed.

                                                          RYAN'S HOPE
                                                          (1:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                                          Jill decided not to have an abortion and not to tell Seneca until Frank and Dee’s custody hearing is over. Maeve told Dee she would testify in Frank’s favor. Alex told Mary about his wife who accidentally drowned 12 years ago.

                                                          ONE LIFE TO LIVE
                                                          (2:30pm - 45 minutes)
                                                          Pat admitted to Anna that Tony is Brian’s father. Dorian arranged for Joe to make a TV appeal to fugitive Cathy. He took to drink after receiving crank letters. Recuperating Brad told Lana that Jenny means nothing to him. Viki received a ransom call.

                                                          GENERAL HOSPITAL
                                                          (3:15pm - 45 minutes)
                                                          Jeff was performing with Heather when he should have been performing surgery. Rick told Monica it was all over because Jeff still was in love with her. Steve and Audrey plan to wed within a month, but jail-bound Tom Baldwin asked a mysterious woman to spy on them and little Tommy. Lesley insisted on having an abortion after recurring nightmares.

                                                          THE EDGE OF NIGHT
                                                          (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                                          Danny threw out a drunk lady at the Ace of Clubs who turned out to be Saxon’s daughter, Deborah. Nancy told Mike she would move into an apartment rather than leave town. Clay bought a bottle of poison intended for Adam. Ansel admitted to Draper that he’ll earn $1 million if he wins the Saxon case.

                                                            Mar 17, 2016#59

                                                            WEEK OF OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 29, 1976

                                                            LOVE OF LIFE
                                                            (11:30am - 25 minutes)
                                                            Felicia ran out on Charles, who later took a spill from his wheelchair and was knocked unconscious. Felicia told Eddie she was leaving town to sort out her life. Joe was heartbroken about losing Cal to Rick. Meg told Carrie that Rick would one day come crawling back. Arlene told Ian not to expect repayment of a sexual nature.

                                                            THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS
                                                            (12:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                                            Nancy freaked out when Ron confessed everything. She was carted away in shock. Ron lured Chris to his apartment. Bill signed a right to die document, and Jill agreed to sign Kay’s affidavit.

                                                            SEARCH FOR TOMORROW
                                                            (12:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                            Patti admitted to Jo that there have been other men in her life besides Len. Steve left for a New York meeting with his publisher, leaving Liza to Woody’s charms. Jennifer plotted to kill Eunice by making it look like a burglary. Walter and Stephanie made plans to marry, and he arranged for joint ownership of his investments.

                                                            AS THE WORLD TURNS
                                                            (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                                            Kim gave birth to a boy, Andrew, then learned Dan had proposed to Valerie. Joyce apologized to Grant for causing friction with Don but told Bob she wants him more than anyone else. Jay learned Carol returned home sooner than expected, and he left Natalie’s arms in the nick of time.

                                                            GUIDING LIGHT
                                                            (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                            The hospital review board decided no one was to blame for Granger’s death, but Granger’s attorney is investigating. Ben’s brother, Jerry, arrived in town. Sara gave Joe a surprise going-away party. He’s off to India. Hope went back to work at the Metro.

                                                              Mar 18, 2016#60

                                                              WEEK OF OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 29, 1976

                                                              DAYS OF OUR LIVES
                                                              (1:30pm - 60 minutes)
                                                              Aware that Neil didn’t want the baby, Phyllis went to Chicago for an abortion. Turned down because of her age, she took a bottle of pills. Kim warned Marlena that she, too, has her sights on Don. Amanda accepted Greg’s marriage proposal. Bob told Brooke he wouldn’t prosecute.

                                                              THE DOCTORS
                                                              (2:30pm - 30 minutes)
                                                              Paul was appointed temporary chief of staff. Matt faced the grand jury. Steve fell into M.J.’s arms. Jason grew suspicious of Stacy’s reaction to the Dancy case. Jerry admitted he’s thinking of marriage to Penny.

                                                              ANOTHER WORLD
                                                              (3:00pm - 60 minutes)
                                                              Rachel was miffed when Mac hired an old friend of Iris’, architect Gwen Parrish, to work with Willis. Darryl admitted his past liaison with Molly to Marianne, who forgave him. Brooks plays matchmaker for Louise and Rocky.

                                                              (4:00pm - 30 minutes)
                                                              Steve moved in with organization moll, Denise. Carrie was distressed. Tom was told that Julian will be killed soon.

                                                              SOAP OPERA HISTORY TUMBLRS:
                                                              Classic Soap Opera Digest Covers
                                                              Vintage Weekly 1970s Soap Opera Recaps
                                                              Vintage Weekly DAYS Recaps
                                                              Vintage Weekly Capitol Recaps
                                                              CLASSIC SOAP OPERA DIGEST SYNOPSES TUMBLRS:
                                                              AMC - AW - ATWT - DAYS - The Doctors - EON - GH - GL- LOL - Loving - OLTL - RH - SFT - Texas - Y&R

                                                              My other writing projects:
                                                              The Storm Within - synopsis styled soap set in the 1950s
                                                              FORNOWANDFOREVER.NET - A long-form text based websoap set in the 1930s.
                                                              Promises to Keep - synopsis styled soap set in the 1950s
                                                              ALTsoaps - Weekly storyline synopses & behind the scenes news from the history of soap oparas from a parallel universe

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                                                              Daytime Royalty-Vintage Weekly Newspaper Synopses (2024)


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                                                              Author: Trent Wehner

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                                                              Views: 6104

                                                              Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

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                                                              Author information

                                                              Name: Trent Wehner

                                                              Birthday: 1993-03-14

                                                              Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

                                                              Phone: +18698800304764

                                                              Job: Senior Farming Developer

                                                              Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

                                                              Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.