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Implementation of Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9

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Version: Implementation of Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9/Release 3.1/May 2011

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Scope & Applicability .............................................................................................................................. 1Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Applicability ......................................................................................................................................................... 2

Registration ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Service Tax Assessee Code (Service Tax Registration Number) ............................................................. 3

Valuation of Taxable Service ................................................................................................................... 3

Charge of Service Tax .............................................................................................................................. 4

Exemption from service tax ...................................................................................................................... 4

Abatement .................................................................................................................................................4

Pure Agent ................................................................................................................................................ 5

Money Equivalent ..................................................................................................................................... 5

Adjusting Credit ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Time and Mode of Payment...................................................................................................................... 7

Returns & Time lines ................................................................................................................................ 7

Service Tax Features in Tally.ERP 9 ........................................................................................................ 8

Lesson 1: Enabling Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9

1.1 Enabling Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9 ............................................................................................... 9

Lesson 2: Service Tax Transactions

2.1 Purchase of Services ....................................................................................................................... 17

2.2 Payment to Service Provider ........................................................................................................... 30

2.3 Sale of Taxable Services ................................................................................................................. 35

2.4 Receipt from Service Receiver ...................................................................................................... 44

2.5 Adjustment of Input Service Credit towards Service Tax Payable ................................................ 48

2.6 Payment of Service Tax .................................................................................................................. 52

2.7 Accounting Opening Service Tax Bills (Opening Balance of Tax Payables and Input Credit) ..... 632.7.1 Accounting Opening Balance of Service Tax Payables ........................................................................... 63

2.7.2 Accounting Opening Balance of Service Input Credit ............................................................................. 68

2.8 Sale/Purchase Order for Services ................................................................................................... 722.8.1 Purchase Order for Services (Without Item) ........................................................................................... 72

2.8.2 Purchase Order for Services (With Item) ................................................................................................ 74

2.9 Purchase of Services and Partial Payment to Service Provider ...................................................... 77

2.10 Accounting Multiple Services in Single Voucher ........................................................................ 81

2.11 Purchase of Services - Inclusive of Service Tax ........................................................................... 85

2.12 Services Partly Subject to Service Tax ......................................................................................... 87

2.13 Accounting Service Tax on Expenses (Journal Voucher) ............................................................ 89

2.14 Accounting Cash Sales or Cash Purchases of Services ................................................................ 93


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2.14.1 Cash Sale of Services ............................................................................................................................. 93

2.14.2 Cash Purchase of Services ..................................................................................................................... 96

2.15 Service Tax Billing for Professionals ........................................................................................... 99

2.16 Accounting Services as Inventory by Professionals ................................................................... 104

2.17 Advances from Service Receivers and Adjusting Advance received towards the Service bill .. 1102.17.1 Accounting Advances from Service Receivers ..................................................................................... 110

2.17.2 Adjusting Advance received towards the Service Bill ......................................................................... 113

2.18 Sale of Services with Inventory .................................................................................................. 116

2.19 Accounting Sale of Services Exempted from Service Tax ......................................................... 118

2.20 Accounting Export of Services ................................................................................................... 121

2.21 Accounting Import of Services ................................................................................................... 124

2.22 Accounting Pure Agent Services ................................................................................................ 131

2.23 Account Services with Abatement .............................................................................................. 134

2.24 Reversal of Service Amount with Tax ........................................................................................ 140

2.25 Account Service Tax on total transaction amount including TDS ............................................. 143

2.26 Tax on Service Purchased (GTA etc.) ........................................................................................ 149

2.27 Accounting Service Consideration Receipts/ Payments through Journal................................... 158

2.28 Accounting Money Equivalent Transactions .............................................................................. 161

2.29 Advance Service Tax Payment and Adjust Advance Service Tax Towards the Tax Liability .. 1632.29.1 Advance Payment of Service Tax ......................................................................................................... 163

2.29.2 Adjustment of Advances against the Tax Liability ............................................................................... 166

2.30 Accounting CENVAT Credit Adjustments ................................................................................ 168

2.31 Payment of Interest and Penalties............................................................................................... 173

2.32 Accounting Adjustments under Rule 6(3) .................................................................................. 179

2.33 Receipt/Payment of Normal Advances and Adjusting Advance against the Service Bill .......... 186

2.34 Accounting Associated Enterprise Transactions ........................................................................ 191

2.35 Accounting Sale/Purchase of Services at Lower Rate of Tax .................................................... 196

2.36 ST Expenses/Purchases in Payment Voucher ............................................................................. 201

2.37 Refund of Service Input Credit ................................................................................................... 205

2.38 Reversal of Utilised Input Credit ................................................................................................ 210

Lesson 3: Service Tax Reports

3.1 Computation .................................................................................................................................. 219

3.2 Service Tax Payables .................................................................................................................... 2203.2.1 Bill Date Wise ........................................................................................................................................ 221

3.2.2 Realisation Date Wise ............................................................................................................................ 222

3.2.3 Tax on Service Received ........................................................................................................................ 223

3.2.4 Import of Services .................................................................................................................................. 224

3.3 Input Credit ................................................................................................................................... 2253.3.1 Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 225

3.3.2 Reversal Details ..................................................................................................................................... 226

3.4 ST3 Report .................................................................................................................................... 227


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Service Tax is a destination based consumption tax in the form of Value Added Tax. Service Tax is a indirect tax imposed on specified services (taxable services) provided by a service provider (Company, Individual, Firm etc.).

Service Tax was first brought into force with effect from 1 July 1994. All service providers in India, except those in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, are required to pay a Service Tax in India.

Initially only three services were brought under the net of service tax and the tax rate was 5%. Gradually more services came under the ambit of Service Tax. The rate of tax was increased. On February 24, 2009 in order to give relief to the industry under the impact of economic recession, the rate of Service Tax was reduced from 12 per cent to 10 per cent.

Scope & Applicability


Service Tax is charged only on the receipt of the consideration for the services provided / to be provided (advance receipts). The liability of tax is on the service provider (in some cases service receiver), i.e. person who is providing the service is liable to pay tax to the government.

Example: Royal Agency provided advertising services of Rs. 1,00,000 to SysImage. On the service amount of Rs.1,00,000, Royal Agency is liable to pay the tax of Rs. 10,300 @ 10.30% (10% os Service Tax, 2% of Education Cess, 1% of Secondary Education Cess)

Though the tax liability is on service provider, the tax can be collected by the service provider from the service receiver.

The service provider does not have to pay service tax on the total bill amount but only on the payment received.


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Service tax is applicable on taxable services

1. Provided and taxable in the hands of service provider2. Received and taxable in the hands of service receiver: Generally it is the service provider

who is liable to collect service tax from his customer/client and pay the same to the govern-ment. But section 68(2) empowers the government to notify the services with regard to which the service receiver would be held liable to pay service tax to the government. For the below mentioned services the service receiver is liable to pay service tax (ss per Notification 36/2004 ST dated 31.12.2004 as amended from time to time) Goods Transport Agency service

Business auxiliary service of distribution of mutual fund by a mutual fund distributor or agent

Sponsorship service provided to any body corporate/firm

Taxable services received by any person in India from abroad

Insurance auxiliary service by an insurance agent

The definition of taxable service is different for each class of services, e.g. in case of Stock Broker agency, any service provided to a investor by buy or sell securities listed on a recognised stock exchange will be a taxable service.

RegistrationAs per section 69 of the Finance Act 1994, every person liable for paying service tax has to register as set out in the rules.

According to Rule 4 of the Service Tax Rules, 1994 following is the manner and time for registra-tion

Application for registration to the concerned superintendent in form ST -1 with in 30 days from the date on which service tax is levied or 30 days from the commencement of busi-ness providing a taxable service, which ever is later.

Assessee providing Service from more than one Premises or Office, has to make sep-arate applications for each of such premises or Offices.

If the assess has centralised billing System or Centralised accounting system, then assessee can obtain Centralised Registration covering all the premises or offices.

In case of transfer of business from Registered Assessee to new person, Transferee has to obtain the fresh registration certificate.

For every Registered Assessee there is a provision under Service Tax Rules to Surrender Registration Certificate to Superintendent of Central Excise when he ceases to provide taxable services for which he is registered.


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Registration requirement for Small Service Provider (SSP)

A person who is eligible for availing exemption under notification no. 6/2005 is required to apply for service tax registration within 30 days from the date when his turnover of serv-ices exceeds rupees 3 lakhs.

Input Service Distributor (ISD) Registration

Service Provider having multiple offices other than from where the services are provided and wants to distribute the input services and cenvat credit thereon to the other location which is liable for payment of service tax, a separate registration (in the manner as that of service provider) will be required for each such office.

Service Tax Assessee Code (Service Tax Registration Number)Service Tax Assessee Code is a PAN based 15 digit alpha numeric numbers e.g. ASDCE1588ST001.

The first part denotes (10 characters – alpha numeric) Permanent Account Number issued by Income tax authorities to the concerned person to whom the Service Tax Registration Number is to be allotted. Second part comprises of a fixed 2 character alpha code – ST (Service Tax). This is followed by 3-Character numeric code representing the registered Premises or Office of the service provider

The Service Tax Registration Number has to be quoted on GAR–7 Challans covering deposit of Service Tax, Cess and other dues to the Government.

Valuation of Taxable ServiceValuation of the services provides the methodology of arriving at the service amount on which the applicable service tax to be charged.

Value of the taxable service is determined as under

Consideration fully in Money: The gross amount charged by the service provider for such services provided/to be provided

Consideration not in Money: The Equivalent Value of the Non monetary consideration.

Consideration partly in money and partly in other form: Amount charged monetarily and the Equivalent value of the Non monetary consideration

Consideration not Ascertained: Valuation based on the Valuation Rules (as per section 67, Service Tax (Determination of value) rules, 2006

Consideration Inclusive of Tax: Value of taxable service will be such amount, in addition of service tax payable is equal to Gross amount charged.

Example: Royal Agency provides taxable service for Rs. 1,32,360 inclusive of service tax @ 10.30%. The taxable service value shall be computed as shown

Taxable Service Value (1,20,000) = 1,32,360 X (100/110.30)


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Charge of Service TaxAs per Section 66 of Finance Act, 1994 tax (Service Tax) @ 10% of the value of taxable service, in addition, 2% Education Cess and 1% Higher Education Cess is payable on taxable services. Thus, total service tax is 10.30% and it will be collected in such manner as prescribed.

Exemption from service taxIn some cases Central government can grant exemption on the service tax, by issuing an notifica-tion u/s 93 of Finance Act, 1944. The service tax exemption provided may

Partial or Total service tax

Conditional or unconditional

Following are the general exemptions from service tax

Small Service Providers (whose turnover is less than Ten Lakhs)

Export of Services

Service to UN Agencies

Services provided within Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

Services provided to foreign diplomatic missions, family members of diplomatic missions etc.

Services provided by RBI

Goods and materials supplied while provided services

AbatementAbatement is a deduction allowed (by the Government) on the value to be considered for service tax. Abatement is also known as Specific Exemption.

Abatement is given on few categories of services where goods/materials are used to provide the services and where it is not possible to distinguish between the value of materials and the actual service cost.

Example: Taaza Caterers has to procure materials to prepare food products and sell services. Service tax is charged only on the total amount for the service and does not include the rate of the materials procured. Abatement available on catering service is 50%.


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Pure Agent Pure agent means a person who

Enters into a contract with the recipient of service to act only as his agent to incur expendi-ture or costs in the course of providing taxable services

Has no intention to hold the title to goods or services provided (to service recipient) as pure agent

Does not use the procured goods or services

Receives only the actual amount incurred to procure the services or goods.

Example: Royal Agency entered with an agreement with Isac Computers to procure advertising services by acting as a Pure agent. Royal Agency procured the advertising services from ADMAG.

In the above example

Royal Agency is a pure agent

Isac Computers is the recipient of service

ADMAG is the service provider

Expenses or cost incurred by the service provider acting as a pure agent can be deducted from the total service charge to get the taxable amount.

Money EquivalentAny consideration (something in return) received towards services provided or paid towards services received in a form other than money is called Money equivalent.

Example: Royal Agency, procured catering services from Taaza Caterers from Rs. 15,000 and provided advertising services for Rs. 30,000. Royal Agency instead of making payment of Rs.15,000 to Taaza Caterers adjusted the amount towards advertisem*nt services provided (to arrive at the Net amount receivable).

This adjustment of Rs. 15,000 is known as Money equivalent as the consideration is received towards the services provided in a form other than Money i.e. bill adjustment.


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Adjusting CreditWhile you pay service tax on sale of services that come under the service tax category, you can adjust service tax credit on purchase of services. This is called adjusting credit against service tax. The difference between the service tax that you have to pay for selling services and the service tax credit on purchases that can be adjusted is the payable service tax.

Service tax (sales) that is adjustable against service tax credit (purchases) is also called availing input credit.

Figure Adjusting Input Credit


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Time and Mode of Payment

1. By individuals, proprietary firms and partnership firms

2. By Others

Service Tax shall be paid to the government account through any designated branches of the authorised banks, along with G.A.R.-7 Challans.

Returns & Time linesThe Service Tax returns are to be filed half yearly in the prescribed Form ST-3 or Form ST - 3A

1. Form ST-3 - For all the registered assessee, including Input Service Distributors,The returns have to be submitted, along with copies of all GAR 7 challans within 25 days of the expiry of the fiscal half-year

For half year 1st April to 30th September – by 25th October

For half year 1st October to 31st March – by 25th April.

2. Form ST-3A -The assessee who is making provisional assessment for any month/quarter sub-mit the memorandum in from ST-3A by providing the details of difference between the provi-sional amount of service tax deposited and actual amount of service tax payable for each month along with the half yearly return in Form ST - 3.

Payable on the Amount received during the Quarter Payable By

1st April to 30th June 5th July

1st July to 30th September 5th October

1st October to 31st December 5th January

1st January to 31st March 31st March

Payable on the Amount received during the Month Payable By

On amount received during each month except March 5th of following month

on amount received during March 31st March


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Service Tax Features in Tally.ERP 9Tally.ERP 9’s simple yet powerful Service tax feature enables you to record transactions related to service tax with ease. The service tax functionality in Tally.ERP9 has the following features:

Simple and user-friendly

Flexibility to have common/Tax head specific tax ledger to account both Input Credit and Output Tax

Flexibility to create common Purchase (expenses)/ sales (Income) ledger to account pur-chase and sale of services of all categories.

Record Service Tax transactions in Journal, Payment, Purchase or Sales Voucher

Service Tax Billing (for professionals) through Receipt Voucher and print Receipt -Cum- Challan

Record multiple services in a single voucher

Account service bill Inclusive of Service Tax

Account Services Partly Subject to Service Tax (Works Contract)

Record Cash Purchases and Sales and print the invoice in the name of the party.

Record Asociate Enterprise Service sales and Purchases

Manage Advance Receipts and adjust the advances towards the service bill

Record purchase of services from (GTA) and calculate the service tax payable.

Record Import of services and calculate the service tax payable

Record Exempt, Export, Pure Agent and Abatement services

Supports Service Tax Calculation at Lower Rate

Manage Advance Service Tax payments to Government and adjust the tax payable towards the advance

Support for Amount deducted as TDS on Services Received are considered as realised

Supports Service Tax Calculation in Sales / Purchase Orders

Supports Service Consideration Adjustments in Journal Vouchers

Adjust Full / Partial Service Tax input credit towards Service Tax payable

Adjust CENVAT credit towards service tax payable

Provision to Reverse the Utilised Input Credit

Record Money Equivalent Transactions

Provision to account Service Tax Opening Balance

Reversal of Service amount with Service Tax (before realisation)

Record Rule 6(3) and 6(4A) Adjustments

Provision to account the Refund of service Input Credit

Facility to Print G.A.R. 7 Challan

Generate Service Tax Payables report based on Bill date wise or Receipt Date wise


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Separate Service Tax Payables report for Tax on Service Received and Import of Services

Track the Input Credit utilised before making the payment ot the service provider

Maintain Input Credit Summary report

Generate ST 3 Form


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Lesson 1: Enabling Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9

1.1 Enabling Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9It takes a one time configuration for Service Tax features to be enabled in Tally.ERP 9. Follow the steps given below to configure Service Tax for a new company Crystal Services (P) Ltd.

1. Create Company2. Enable Service Tax

Crystal Services (P) Ltd., is a company engaged in providing multiple services to their clients. The services provided by Crystal Services (P) Ltd., fall within the ambit of tax net and are taxable@ 10.30%.

Step 1: Create Company

Go to Gateway of Tally > Alt + F3: Company Info. > Create Company

In the Company Creation Screen,

Specify Crystal Services (P) Ltd., as the Company Name and Address details

Select India in the Statutory Compliance for field

Specify the State, Pin code & Accounts with or without Inventory details

To enable Service Tax for Companies which are already created in Tally.ERP 9, follow the instruction provided under the head Enable Service Tax.


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Enabling Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9

The completed Company Creation screen displays as shown.

Figure 1.1 Company Creation Screen

Press Enter to Save

For complete details on Company Creation refer Tally.ERP 9 Help, topic Creating Company in Tally.ERP 9


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Enabling Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9

Step 2: Enable Service Tax

Enable Service Tax feature in F11: Features

Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > Statutory & Taxation

Set Enable Service Tax to Yes

Enable Set/Alter Service Tax Details to Yes

Figure 1.2 F11: Statutory & Taxation Features

The Company Service Tax Details sub-form appears as shown

Figure 1.3 Company Service Tax Details Screen


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Enabling Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9

In Company Service Tax Details screen enter the following details:

1. Service Tax Registration No.:In this field enter the Service Tax Registration Number of the company allotted by the department. (before the circular No. 35/3/2001-ST dated 27-08-2001)

2. Date of Registration: Specify the Date of service tax registration of the company. e.g. 15-03-2002

3. Type of Organisation: In this field select the appropriate organisation type from the List of Organisations. e.g. Registered Private Ltd. Company

4. Enable Service Tax Round Off: By default this option will be set to Yes. If this option is Yes, service tax will get Rounded off to nearest Rupee and round off will happen for each tax head. If you don't want round Off (for every tax heads) then set this option to NOIn this case Crystal Services (P) Ltd. does not want to round off the service tax amount, hence this option is set to No.

5. Assessee Code: In this field enter the Service Tax Assessee Code of the company. e.g. ASDCE1588PST001.

6. Premises Code No.: In this field enter company’s Premises code allotted by Department. e.g. SC0500012

If the option Enable Service Tax Round Off is enabled (set to yes) and for a service bill the tax is calculated as shown below then each Tax head gets rounded off.

Service tax of 1012.85 to 1013

Education Cess of 20.53 to 21

Secondary Education Cess of 10.12 to 10

If the option Enable Service Tax Round Off is disabled (set to No) and for a service bill the tax is calculated as shown below then each Tax head will not get rounded off.

Service tax of 1012.85

Education Cess of 20.53

Secondary Education Cess of 10.12

While creating the Company if you had enabled the option Enable Service Tax Round Off and recorded few transactions in the books of accounts. Later because of accounting requirements if you change the settings to Enable Service Tax Round Off (set to No)

In this scenario if you alter the existing service tax transactions, then automatically application will change the present rounded off values into values with decimals.


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Enabling Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9

7. Is Large Tax Payer: This option will be set to YES/NO based on the amount of tax paid by the assessee. Set this field to No.

8. Large Tax Payer Unit: Enter the name of the unit where the large tax payers pay Service Tax.Tally.ERP 9 skips Large Tax Payer Unit when the option Is Large Tax Payer is set to No.

9. Under Range, enter Code and Name of the range under which your company falls10.Under Division, enter the Division Code and Name under which your company falls. 11.Under Commissionerate, enter Code and Name of the Commissionerate of Service Tax,

Department, under which the address of your Company’s registered office is located.

Premises code is the identification number provided to the premises of the service tax payers. Premises code is issued to an assessee under S.No. 5 of the certificate for Registration (ST-2).

Large Tax Payers are those assessees who pay large amount of Tax. They are the eligible taxpayer for the purposes of being served by the LTU. For e.g.: Rs.5 Crores

Large Tax Unit is self-contained tax office under the Department of Revenue acting as a single window clearance point for all matters relating to Central Excise, Income Tax/ Corporate Tax and Service Tax. Eligible Tax Payers who opt for assessment in LTU shall be able to file their excise return, direct taxes returns and service tax return at such LTUs and for all practical purposes will be assessed to all these taxes there under. These units are being equipped with modern facilities and trained manpower to assist the tax payers in all matters relating direct and indirect tax/ duty payments, filing of documents and returns, claim of rebates/ refunds, settlement of disputes etc.

Large Tax Unit location Code for Bangalore is L-10000

More information on LTU is available on -


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Enabling Service Tax in Tally.ERP 9

The completed Company Service Tax Details screen appears as shown

Figure 1.4 Completed Company Service Tax Details Screen

12. Accept the Company Service Tax Details screen.13. In the PAN / Income -Tax No. field enter the PAN No. of the company.

The completed Statutory & Taxation screen is displayed as shown

Figure 1.5 Completed Statutory & Taxation Features Screen

14.Press Enter to Save.


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Lesson 2: Service Tax Transactions

This lesson is divided into Two parts

1. Part I – Recording Basic Service Tax Transactions

2. Part II – Recording Advanced Service Tax Transactions


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Part – I

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Service Tax Transactions

Recording Basic Service Tax TransactionsIn this section we shall emphasis on understanding how Tally.ERP 9’s Service Tax feature can be used to record basic service tax transactions to generate G.A.R.7 Challan.

Let us take the example of Crystal Services (P) Ltd. (created and service tax feature enabled, as discussed in the earlier chapter) to record service tax transactions such as

Purchase of Services

Payment to Service Provider

Sale of Services

Receipt from Service Receiver

Adjustment of Input Service Tax Credit towards Service Tax Payable

Payment of Service Tax and Generate G.A.R 7 Challan

In Tally.ERP 9, you can account transactions involving service tax with the help of Payment/Receipt Voucher, Journal Voucher or Purchase /Sales Voucher (Voucher/Account Invoice/ Item Invoice mode), as required.

Transactions Involving Service Tax

2.1 Purchase of ServicesUnder this, we will learn to account purchase of services and service tax payable to the party.

As per Amendment in the CENVAT Credit (Third Amendment) Rules, 2011, Service Tax Input Credit against the purchase bills can be availed even if the payment is not made to the Service provider w.e.f 1-4-2011 (applicable only for the service bills raised after 1-4-2011). However if the payment is not made to the service provider within 3 months, the Service tax credit availed/utilised has to be reversed.

Example 1:

On April 1, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. received a purchase invoice (No.MA/4796) for Advertis-ing services rendered by Ram Agency for Rs. 60,000 with Service Tax @ 10.3% (Total invoice amount Rs. 66,180)

Please note, the liability to pay service tax is on the service provider and the tax liability is only to the extent of the payment received and not on the total bill amount. Hence, the liability to pay tax on the above bill will arise only when the payment is received by the Ram Agency.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Purchase Ledger

ii. Service Provider (supplier) Ledger

iii. Tax Ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Purchase Voucher


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Service Tax Transactions

All the services purchased can be recorded in Purchase Voucher (Account Invoice Mode). In case of Non-Service Organisations where the services purchased are considered as expenses the same can be recorded in Journal Voucher.

1. Create Mastersi. Purchase Ledger

To Create Purchase Ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

In Name field, enter Purchase - Advertisem*nt Services as the Ledger Name

Select Purchase Accounts in Under field

Set Inventory values are affected to No

Set the option Is Service Tax Applicable to Yes

In Default Service Category filed select Advertising Agency from the List of Service Categories

All the Services subject to service Tax have to be associated with relevant pre-defined Service Category.

Figure 2.1 Selection of Service Category

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

Purchase - Advertising Services Purchase Accounts Yes Advertising Agency


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Purchase Ledger is displayed as shown

Figure 2.2 Completed Service Purchase Ledger Creation Screen

Press Enter to save.

ii. Service Provider (supplier) Ledger

To Create Service Provider (supplier) ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create


Before creating the Service Provider (supplier) ledger enable the following options in F12: Configure (Ledger Configuration)

Set Allow ADVANCED entries in Masters to Yes

Set Use ADDRESSES for Ledger Accounts to Yes

The option Any can be selected from the List of Service Categories, where the user doesn't want to define the Service Category during Ledger Creation. This allows the user to use an Purchase/Expense Ledger (as a common ledger) to account multiple Service Categories.

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/ Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Ram Agency Sundry Creditors Yes Yes


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Service Tax Transactions

In the Ledger Creation screen,

In Name field enter Ram Agency as the Ledger Name

In Under field select Sundry Creditors as the group

Set the option Maintain Balances bill-by-bill to Yes

Specify the Default Credit Period, if required

Set Is Service Provider/Receiver to Yes

Set the option Set/Alter Service Tax Details to Yes and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

In Service Tax Details screen enter

Registration Number: Enter 15 digits Service Tax Registration Number of the Serv-ice Provider. E.g. ACDDL6585DST001

Date of Registration: Enter the Registration Date. E.g. 13-9-2000

Is Associated Enterprise: Set this option to Yes if the sale made is to the associate enterprise

Type of Classification: In this field select the classification, if applicable. For Ram Agency Not Applicable is selected.

In day-to-day business scenario a party can provide services as well as receive services. In such cases, same party ledger can be used to account both sale and purchase of services.

Service Tax Registration Number is a PAN Based Number. For more information refer the topic - Service Tax Assessee Code

This field is provided to identify the service provider/receiver as associated enterprise or not. If the party is associated enterprise set this option to Yes. If not, retain No in this field


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Service Tax Details screen is displayed as shown

Figure 2.3 Service Tax Details Screen

Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information

i. Not Applicable: Select this option when the service purchased/sold is a taxa-ble service and eligible to avail input credit

ii. Exempt: Select this option when the Service Provider/Receiver is exempt from Service Tax.

iii. Export: Select this option when the services are Exported

iv. Import: Select this option when the services are Imported

v. Pure Agent: Select this option when the Service provider/Receiver acts as a pure agent

vi. Tax On Service Received: Select this option to record the transportation serv-ices purchased from the Goods transport Operators (GTOs) and to calculate tax on services received. The liability of tax on services purchased from the GTO is on the service receiver

The Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider/Receiver will determine the Type of Service which can be overridden during voucher entry.


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Service Provider Ledger is displayed as shown

Figure 2.4 Completed Ledger Creation Screen

Press Enter to save.

iii. Tax Ledgers

On all the taxable services, three heads of taxes are applicable. They are, Service Tax @ 10%, Education Cess @ 2% and Secondary & Higher Education Cess @ 1%.

In Tally.ERP9 you can create the Tax Ledger in Three ways

1. Common Service Tax Ledger

Single Tax ledger to account both Input service Credit and Output Service Tax of all the service Categories.

Example: Service Tax Ledger (to account tax of all the tax heads)

2. Tax Head based Tax Ledgers

Three separate ledger to account both Input service Credit and Output Service Tax of all the service Categories based on the Tax Heads.


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Service Tax Transactions


Service Tax @ 10%

Education Cess @ 2%

Secondary Education Cess @ 1%

3. Input or Output Tax Ledgers

a. Common Input and Output Tax Ledgers

Two separate Tax ledgers - one to account input service credit and another for output service tax for all the service categories.

b. Input and Output Tax Head based on Tax Ledgers

Three separate Input Credit ledger - to account Input Credit of Service Tax, Education Cess and Secondary Education Cess

Three separate Output ledgers - to account Output Tax of Service Tax, Education Cess and Secondary Education Cess.

You can create the Input Tax ledger under the group Duties & Taxes or Current Assets. The Ledgers created under Current assets should be used only to account service input credit.

Crystal Services (P) Ltd. wants to account the different components of service tax by creating separate ledgers, so that they can adjust the CENVAT credit towards the Service tax and vice versa.

1. Ledger – Service Tax @ 10%

This ledger allows to account Input service Credit and Output Service Tax of tax head Service Tax, on all service categories.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

In Name field, enter the name of the tax ledger you wish to create, for e.g., Service Tax @ 10%.

In Under field select Duties & Taxes as group.

In Type of Duty/Tax field, select Service Tax from Type of Duty/Tax list.

Ledger Under Type of Duty/Tax Tax Head

Service Tax @ 10% Duties & Taxes Service Tax Service Tax

Education Cess @ 2% Duties & Taxes Service Tax Education Cess

Secondary Education Cess @ 1%

Duties & Taxes Service Tax Secondary Education Cess


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Service Tax Transactions

In Tax Head field select Service Tax

Figure 2.5 Selection of Tax Head

The option Service Tax allows to use the tax ledger to account only Service Tax on taxable Services.

Set the option Inventory values are affected to No

The completed Service Tax Ledger is displayed as shown

Figure 2.6 Completed Service Tax Ledger Creation Screen

Press Enter to save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Ledger – Education Cess @ 2%

This ledger allows to account both Input service Credit and Output Service Tax of tax head Education Cess, on all service categories.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

In Name field enter the name of the tax ledger, for e.g., Education Cess @ 2%.

In Under field select Duties & Taxes as group.

In Type of Duty/Tax field, select Service Tax from Type of Duty/Tax list.

In Tax Head field select Education Cess

The option Education Cess allows to use the tax ledger to account only Education Cess on taxable Services.

Set the option Inventory values are affected to No

Figure 2.7 Completed Education Cess Ledger Creation Screen

Press Enter to save.

Crystal Services (P) Ltd. follows the system of maintaining different tax ledgers based on the Tax Head.


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Service Tax Transactions

3. Ledger – Secondary Education Cess @ 1%

This ledger allows to account Input Service Credit and Output Service Tax of tax head Secondary Education Cess, on all service categories.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

In Name field, enter the Name of the tax ledger you wish to create, for e.g., Secondary Education Cess @ 1%.

In Under field select Duties & Taxes as group.

In Type of Duty/Tax field, select Service Tax from Type of Duty/Tax list.

In Tax Head field select Secondary Education Cess

Set the option Inventory values are affected to No

The completed Secondary Education Cess ledger is displayed as shown

Figure 2.8 Completed Secondary Education Cess Ledger Creation Screen

Press Enter to save.

The option Secondary Education Cess allows to use the tax ledger to account only Secondary Education Cess on taxable Services.


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record the transaction in Purchase Voucher (Account Invoice Mode)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase

Set up

In F12: Purchase Invoice Configuration, set the following options to No

Use Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation

Use Defaults for Bill Allocations

1. Press Alt+I or click on I: Account Invoice if the voucher is in Item invoice mode2. Press F2 and change the date to 01-04-20113. In Supplier Invoice No. field enter the invoice reference number if any4. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service provider e.g. Ram Agency5. Under Particulars select the Service (purchases) Ledger e.g. Purchase - Advertising Serv-

ices and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen6. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref.: Select New Ref from the method of Adjustment. Tally.ERP 9 displays TwoMethods of Adj viz., Agst Ref, New Ref and Advance. New Ref is selected for new Finan-cial Transactions. Where as, Agst Ref is selected to setoff the advance payments made.

Name: This filed displays the Reference Number for the service tax calculation. The default Reference Number displayed, is a combination of abbreviation of Purchase, Voucher Number and Line Number Example: Purc/1-1 which can be changed by the user. Service input credits are tracked by this Reference Numbers.

If the invoice no is mentioned in the Supplier Invoice No. field, then Tally.ERP 9 captures invoice number instead of voucher number in Reference Numberdisplayed in Name field.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Input Credit is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

In Type of Service field

i. Exempt is defaulted for the Type of Classification Exempt

ii. Import is defaulted for the Type of Classification Import

iii. Input Credit is defaulted for the Type of Classification set to Not Applicable

iv. Pure Agent is defaulted for the Type of Classification Pure Agent

v. Tax on Service Received is defaulted for the transportation serv-ices purchased from the Goods transport Operators (GTOs)

The default Type of service can be overridden. Press Back Space key to move to Type of Service field and select the applicable Type of service. The type of service selected in the voucher entry will determine the Type of service.


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Service Tax Transactions

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Purchase Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Advertising Agency is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount, where in you can ascertain Serv-ice Amount in the invoice issued by the service provider. Enter Rs. 60,000. On providing the service amount Service tax gets calculated.

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amountand Tax will be displayed in this filed.

In cases where the invoice received from the service provider is inclusive of tax, you can enter the invoice amount in the Amount (Incl. of Tax) field. Tally.ERP 9 back calculates the amount to arrive at the Service amount and Tax portion. The service amount will be displayed in Service Amount filed and Tax details against the Tax Head.

The completed Service Tax Details screen appears as shown

Figure 2.9 Completed Service Tax Details screen

7. Under Particulars select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.

8. Under Particulars select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.

9. Under Particulars select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1%. secondary Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.


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Service Tax Transactions

10.In Bill-wise Details screen In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Name field enter the Bill name - MA/4796

Amount will be defaulted automatically

Figure 2.10 Bill-wise Details Screen

The completed Purchase Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.11 Completed Service Purchase Voucher

11.Press Enter to save.


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Service Tax Transactions

Input Credit - Summary report

Observe Input Credit - Summary report displays the service tax credit for the services purchased, for which the payment is not made. This change has been made as per the Budget 2011. Tally.ERP 9 will display the Input credit for all the purchase bills recorded after 1-4-2011.

To view the report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Input Credit > Summary

The Input Credit Summary report appears as shown

Figure 2.12 Input Credit Summary Report

Report displays the invoice details, Party’s Name, Service Category, Bill Amount, Total Tax, Paid Amount, Total Input Credit and Balance Input Credit.

2.2 Payment to Service ProviderUnder this, we will learn to record payments towards the invoice received towards the services purchased. Input credit on the services purchased will be available for adjustment only on the payment and to the extent of the payment made to the service provider.

Example 2:

On April 4, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. paid Rs. 66,180 (full payment) to Ram Agency towards the advertising services purchases on 1-4-2011 vide. no. MA/4796.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Bank Ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Payment Voucher


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Service Tax Transactions

1. Create Masters

i. Bank Ledger

Create Bank LedgerGo to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

Type Canara Bank as the Ledger Name

Select Bank Accounts in the Under field

Enter Mailing Details and enter Rs. 10,00,000 in Opening Balance filed.

Figure 2.13 Completed Bank Ledger Creation Screen

Press Enter to save.

2. Record the Transaction in Payment Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

1. Press F2 and change the date to 04-04-20112. In Debit field select the party ledger – Ram Agency and press enter to view Service Tax

Details screen3. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref: In this field select Agst Ref.

In Name field select the tax bill - Purc/1-1 dated 1-4-2011 from the list of Pending Tax Bills against which the payment is made.

Ledger Under Opening Balance

Canara Bank Bank Accounts 10,00,000


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.14 Selection of Bill

On selection of bill, details in Type of Service, Category, Amount (incl. of tax), Service Amount fields and tax bifurcation will be displayed automatically. Press Enter to accept the Service tax details.

Figure 2.15 Service Tax Details screen


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Service Tax Transactions

As there is a possibility that the service receiver may make full or partial payment to the Service provider, Tally.ERP 9 allows the user to alter the amount. If partial payment is made, based on the amount specified in the Amount field Service Tax and Cess amount will be re-calculated and dis-played.

4. In Bill-Wise Details screen In Type of Ref filed select Agst Ref from Method of Adj. list to adjust the payment towards

the bill

In Name field select the bill - MA/4796 dated 1-4-2011

Amount will be displayed automatically.

Figure 2.17 Bill-wise Details screen

Example: Partial payment of Rs.30,000 is made to Ram Agency. Service Tax and Cess amount will be re-calculated and displayed as shown:

Figure 2.16 Service Tax Details – on Partial Payment


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Service Tax Transactions

5. In Credit field the Bank Ledger - Canara Bank. Amount will be displayed automatically.6. In Bank Allocations screen, select the appropriate Transaction Type and enter the details.

Here Crystal Services (P) Ltd. has made the payment through Cheque.

Figure 2.18 Bank Allocations Screen

7. Enter the transaction details in Narration field.The completed Payment Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.19 Completed Payment Voucher

8. Press Enter to save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.3 Sale of Taxable ServicesUnder this, we will learn to account sale of taxable services and service tax chargeable to the customer.

Example 3:

On April 5, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. raised a sales invoice (No.CS/5621) for Event Manage-ment Services rendered to Siesta Advertisers for Rs.7,50,000 with Service Tax @ 10.3% (Total invoice amount Rs. 8,27,250)

Service tax liability on the services provided to Siesta Advertisers is on Crystal Services (P) Ltd. (service provider). But the liability to pay tax (to government) on the services provided will arise only when the payment is received from Siesta Advertisers and it will be to the extent of the payment received.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Sales Ledger

ii. Customer Ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher1. Create Masters

i. Sales Ledger

To Create Sales Ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

In Name field, enter Sales - Event Mgt Services as the Ledger Name

Select Sales Accounts in Under field

Set Inventory values are affected to No

Set the option Is Service Tax Applicable to Yes

In Default Service Category filed select Event Management Service from the List of Service Categories.

All the Services subject to service Tax have to be associated with relevant pre-defined Service Category.

The option Any can be selected from the List of Service Categories, where the user doesn't want to define the Service Category during Ledger creation. This allows the user to use an Sales/Income Ledger (as a common ledger) to account multiple Service Categories.

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

Sale - Event Mgt Services Sales Accounts Yes Event Management Service


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.20 Selection of Service Category

The completed Service Sales Ledger is displayed as shown

Figure 2.21 Completed Sales Ledger Creation Screen

Press Enter to save.


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Service Tax Transactions

ii. Customer Ledger

To Create Customer Ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

In the Ledger Creation screen,

In Name field enter Siesta Advertisers as the Ledger Name

In Under field select Sundry Debtors as the group

Set the option Maintain Balances bill-by-bill to Yes

Specify the Default Credit Period, if required

Set Is Service Provider/Receiver to Yes

Set the option Set/Alter Service Tax Details to Yes and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

In Service Tax Details screen enter

Registration Number: Enter 15 digits Service Tax Registration Number of the Serv-ice Provider. E.g. APGFL6592MST001

Date of Registration: Enter the Registration Date. E.g. 10-5-2003

Is Associated Enterprise: Set this option to No

Type of Classification: In this field select the classification, if applicable. For Siesta Advertisers Not Applicable is selected.

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/ Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Siesta Advertisers Sundry Debtors Yes Yes

In day-to-day business scenario a party can provide services as well as receive services. In such cases, same party ledger can used to account both the sale and purchase of services.

Service Tax Registration Number is a PAN Based Number. For more information refer the topic - Service Tax Assessee Code


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Service Tax Details screen is displayed as shown

Figure 2.22 Service Tax Details Screen

Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information

i. Not Applicable: Select this option when the service purchased/sold is a taxa-ble service and eligible to avail input credit

ii. Exempt: Select this option when the Service Provider/Receiver is exempt from Service Tax.

iii. Export: Select this option when the services are Exported

iv. Import: Select this option when the services are Imported

v. Pure Agent: Select this option when the Service provider/Receiver acts as a pure agent

vi. Tax On Service Received: Select this option to record the transportation serv-ices purchased from the Goods transport Operators (GTOs) and to calculate tax on services received. The liability of tax on services purchased from the GTO is on the service receiver

The Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider/Receiver will determine the Type of Service which can be overridden during voucher entry.


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Customer (Service Receiver) Ledger is displayed as shown

Figure 2.23 Completed Ledger Creation Screen

Press Enter to save.

2. Record the transaction in Sales Voucher (Account Invoice Mode)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales

1. Press Alt+I or click on I: Account Invoice if the voucher is in Item invoice mode2. Press F2 and change the date to 05-04-20113. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service provider e.g. Siesta Advertisers4. Under Particulars select the Service (sales) Ledger e.g. Sale - Event Mgt Services and press

enter to view Service Tax Details screen5. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref.: Select New Ref from the method of Adjustment. Tally.ERP 9 displays Two Methods of Adj viz., Agst Ref and New Ref. New Ref is selected for new Financial Trans-actions. Where as, Agst Ref is selected to setoff the advance payments made.

Name: This filed displays the Reference Number for the service tax calculation. The default Reference Number displayed, is a combination of abbreviation of Sales, Voucher Numberand Line Number Example: Sale/1-1 which can be changed by the user. Service Tax pay-ments are tracked with these Reference Numbers.


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Service Tax Transactions

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Receiver, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Taxable is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Purchase Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Event Management Service is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount. Enter Rs. 7,50,000. On providing the service amount service tax gets calculated.

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amountand Tax will be displayed in this filed.

If the reference number is mentioned in Ref. field, then Tally.ERP 9 captures Ref. number instead of voucher number in Reference Number displayed in Namefield.

In Type of Service field

i. Exempt is defaulted for the Type of Classification Exempt

ii. Export is defaulted for the Type of Classification Export

iii. Pure Agent is defaulted for the Type of Classification Pure Agent

iv. Taxable is defaulted for the Type of Classification set to Not Appli-cable

The default Type of service can be overridden. Press Back Space key to move to Type of Service field and select the applicable Type of service. The type of service selected in the voucher entry will determine the Type of service.

In cases where the invoice raised is inclusive of tax, you can enter the invoice amount in the Amount (Incl. of Tax) field. Tally.ERP 9 back calculates the amount to arrive at the Service amount and Tax portion. The service amount will be displayed in Service Amount filed and Tax details against the Tax Head.


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Service Tax Details screen appears as shown

Figure 2.24 Service Tax Details Screen

6. Under Particulars select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.

7. Under Particulars select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.

8. Under Particulars select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1%. secondary Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.

9. In Bill-wise Details screen In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Name field enter the Bill name - CS/5621

Amount will be defaulted automatically


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.25 Bill-wise Details screen

10.Enter Narration, if anyThe completed Sales Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.26 Completed Service Sales Voucher

11.Press Enter to save.


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Service Tax Transactions

Service Tax Payables

In the earlier service Tax Module of Tally.ERP 9, sales of Services recorded were not displayed in the Service Tax Payables report till the receipt of Payment from Service Receiver.

But in the new re-modelled service tax, sale of services can be viewed in Bill Date Wise Service Tax Payables report.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Service Tax Payables > Bill Date wise

To view the un-realised bills press F12: Configuration and

In Show bills of the following Type field select Un-realised Bills from the Type of Bills

Figure 2.27 F12: Configuration

The Bill Date Wise Service Tax Payables report appears as shown

Figure 2.28 Service Tax Payables Report - Bill Date Wise

Report displays the invoice details, Party Name, Service Category, Bill Amount and Total Tax.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.4 Receipt from Service ReceiverUnder this, we will learn to record receipts towards the invoice raised for the services Sold. Liability to pay service tax on services sold will arise only on the receipt of payment and to the extent of the payment received from the customer.

Example 4:

On April 7, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. received Rs. 8,27,250 (full payment) from Siesta Adver-tisers towards the Event Management Services sold on 5-4-2011 vide. no. CS/5621.

To account the above transaction

1. Record Transaction in Receipt Voucher

1. Press F2 and change the date to 07-04-20112. In Credit field select the customer ledger – Siesta Advertisers and press enter to view Serv-

ice Tax Details screen3. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref: Select Agst Ref. In Type of Ref field Tally.ERP 9 displays 2 options - Advance and Agst Ref

Agst Ref: Is selected to set off payment against the previously entered service bills.

Advance: To account the advance payments made to the service provider

In Name field select the tax bill - Sale/1-1 dated 5-4-2011 from the list of Pending Tax Bills against which the payment is made.

Figure 2.29 Selection of Tax Bill

On selection of bill, details in Type of Service, Category, Amount (incl. of tax), Service Amount fields and tax bifurcation will be displayed automatically.


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.30 Service Tax Details Screen

As there is a possibility that the service receiver may make full or partial payment to the service provider, Tally.ERP 9 allows the user to alter the amount. If partial payment is made, based on the amount specified in the Amount field Service Tax and Cess amount will be re-calculated and dis-played

Example: Siesta Advertisers paid Rs. 3,00,000 (partial amount) as against the bill amount of 5,51,500. Service Tax and Cess amount will be re-calcu-lated and displayed as shown:

Figure 2.31 Service Tax Details – on Partial Receipt


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Service Tax Transactions

4. In Bill-Wise Details screen In Type of Ref filed select Agst Ref from Method of Adj. list to adjust the payment towards

the bill

In Name field select the bill - CS/5621 dated 5-4-2011

Amount will be displayed automatically

Figure 2.32 Bill-wise Details Screen

5. In Debit field the Bank Ledger - Canara Bank. Amount will be displayed automatically.6. In Bank Allocations screen, select the appropriate Transaction Type and enter the details.

Here Crystal Services (P) Ltd. has received the payment through Cheque.

Figure 2.33 Bank Allocations Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Receipt Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.34 Completed Receipt Voucher

7. Press Enter to save.On receipt of payment from customers towards the services sold, the service tax on such sales will be displayed as the liability. Details of Service Tax can be viewed in Service Tax Payable report

To view Service Tax Payable report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Service Tax Payables > Bill Date Wise

Figure 2.35 Service Tax Payables Report

Service Tax Payable details can also be checked from Receipt Date Wise report.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.5 Adjustment of Input Service Credit towards Service Tax PayableAs per Service Tax credit Rules, 2002, every service provider (output service provider) shall be eligible to avail credit of the service tax paid by him to other service providers, in respect of the services (Input service) purchased. Such availment should be in relation to the rendering of service by the service provider.

Under Service Tax Rules, service tax is payable monthly or quarterly depending on the Type of organisation. For the payment of Service Tax, service tax Credit available to a unit will be adjusted towards the service tax payable to arrive at the Net Service Tax Payable to the Government.

Provided that while paying service tax on the output service, the service tax credit shall be utilized only to the extent of such credit is available on the last day of a month, for payment of service tax relating to the month or in case where the assessee is an individual or proprietary firm or partner-ship firm, to the extent such credit is available on the last day of the quarter for payment of service tax relating to the quarter.

In Tally.ERP 9 to record the adjustment entry Service Tax Ledgers will be Debited and Creditedrespectively to nullify the Input Service Credit and Service Tax Liability and the net balance in the service tax ledgers will be paid to the Government.

Example 5:

On April 30, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. adjusted Input Service Credit of Rs. 6,180 (Service Tax - Rs. 6000, Education Cess Rs. 120 and Secondary Education Cess of Rs. 60) towards Service Tax Payable for the month of April.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create the Voucher Class in Journal Voucher (to adjust input service credit)

2. Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher

1. Create Voucher Class in Journal Voucher (to adjust input service credit)

To alter the voucher type

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Voucher Types > Alter > select Journal from the List of Voucher Types

In Voucher Type Alteration screen

Tab down to Name of Class field and enter Service Credit Adjustment as the class name and press Enter to view Voucher Type Class screen

In Voucher Type Class screen

Set the option Use Class for Service Tax Adjustments to Yes

Figure 2.36 Voucher Type Class Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

Press enter to save Voucher Type Class screen and Voucher Type Alteration screen.

2. Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, select Service Credit Adjustment in Class field 2. Press F2 and change the date to 30-04-20113. In Used for field select Input Credit Adjustments flag from Service Tax Adjustments list

Figure 2.37 Selection of Service Tax Adjustments

4. In Debit field, select Service Tax @ 10% ledger and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

5. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref. field select Agst Ref to adjust service tax liability against input credit

In Name field select Sale/1-1 dated 5-4-2011 to adjust the Bill.

Category details will be defaulted based on the sales bill selected. E.g. Event Manage-ment Service will be defaulted for the sale made on 5-4-2011.

In Amount field enter the Input Service Tax Credit i.e. Rs. 6,000 which is adjusted towards the Service Tax portion of service tax Payable

Figure 2.38 Service Tax Details Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

6. In Debit field, select Education Cess @ 2% ledger and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

7. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref. field select Agst Ref to adjust service tax liability against input credit

In Name field select Sale/1-1 dated 5-4-2011 to adjust the Bill.

Category details will be defaulted based on the sales bill selected. E.g. Event Manage-ment Service will be defaulted for the sale made on 5-4-2011.

In Amount field enter the Input Education Cess Credit i.e. Rs. 120 which is adjusted towards the Education Cess portion of service tax payable

8. In Debit field, select Secondary Education Cess @ 1% ledger and press enter to view Serv-ice Tax Details screen

9. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref. field select Agst Ref to adjust service tax liability against input credit

In Name field select Sale/1-1 dated 5-4-2011 to adjust the Bill.

Category details will be defaulted based on the sales bill selected. E.g. Event Manage-ment Service will be defaulted for the sale made on 5-4-2011.

In Amount field enter the Input Secondary Education Cess Credit i.e. Rs. 60 which is adjusted towards the Secondary Education Cess portion of service tax payable

10.To nullify the input service credit available, in Credit field select Service Tax @ 10% and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

11. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref. field select Agst Ref to adjust input credit towards the service tax liability

In Name field select Purc/1-1 dated 1-4-2011 to adjust the Bill.

Category details will be defaulted based on the purchase bill selected. E.g. Advertising Agency will be defaulted for the purchase made on 1-4-2011.

In Amount field Rs.6,000 will defaulted.

12. To nullify the input education cess, in credit field, select Education Cess @ 2% ledger and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

For the month of April, Crystal Services (P) Ltd. has a Service Tax Input credit of Rs. 5,150. the tax bifurcation is as follows

Service Tax of Rs. 6000

Education Cess of Rs.120

Secondary Education Cess of Rs.60

The company has decided to adjust full credit available. So in the Service Tax Details screen the default amount of Rs. 6,000 is accepted.

If you want to adjust partial credit, then you can specify the adjusted credit amount in Amount filed.


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Service Tax Transactions

13.In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref. field select Agst Ref to adjust input credit towards the service tax liability

In Name field select Purc/1-1 dated 1-4-2011 to adjust the Bill.

Category details will be defaulted based on the purchase bill selected. E.g. Advertising Agency will be defaulted for the purchase made on 1-4-2011.

In Amount field Rs. 120 will be defaulted.

14.In Credit field, select Secondary Education Cess @ 1% ledger and press enter to view Serv-ice Tax Details screen

15.In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref. field select Agst Ref to adjust service tax liability against input credit

In Name field select Purc/1-1 dated 1-4-2011 to adjust the Bill.

Category details will be defaulted based on the purchase bill selected. E.g. Advertising Agency will be defaulted for the purchase made on 1-4-2011.

In Amount Rs. 60 will be defaulted.

16. Set the option Provide Details to Yes to enter the period for which the Service Credit Adjust-ment is done In Service Tax Payment Details

In From field enter 1-4-2011

In To filed enter 30-4-2011

Figure 2.39 Service Tax Payment Details

17.Enter Narration, if any


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Journal Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.40 Completed Journal Voucher

18. Press Enter to Save.

2.6 Payment of Service TaxUnder Service Tax Rules, service tax is payable monthly or quarterly depending on the Type of organisation. All the service tax charged (for which payment is received from the service receiver) is to be paid to the credit of Government on or before 5th of the next month.

Service Tax amount shall be paid to the government account through any designated branches of the authorised banks, along with G.A.R.- 7.

Service Tax payments in Tally.ERP 9 can be recorded using Tax Helper (S: Stat Payment). Stat Payment helper can be used to auto compute & fill the Duty amount for a specific period or manually select the tax bills in payment voucher.

Tally.ERP 9 also allows to record the service Tax Payment entry without using S: Stat Payment feature.


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Service Tax Transactions

Example 6:

On May 4, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. Service Tax of Rs. 71,070 for the month of April, 2011 (Service Tax - Rs. 69,000, Education Cess Rs. 1,380 and Secondary Education Cess of Rs. 690) through cheque.

1. Record the Transaction in Payment Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

Set up:

In F12: Payment Configuration

Set the option Use Single Entry mode for Pymt/Rcpt/Contra to Yes

The S: Stat Payment button will be available only if Use Single Entry mode for Pymt/Rcpt/Contra is enabled in the F12: Configure (Voucher Configuration).

In Accounting Voucher Creation screen

1. Press F2 and change the date to 04-05-20112. Press Alt+S or click S: Stat Payment button on the buttons bar to view Statutory Payment


Figure 2.41 Stat Payment Helper


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Service Tax Transactions

3. In Statutory Payment screen Type of Duty/Tax: In this field select the Tax/Duty Type towards which tax payment entry is

being recorded. Here we are recording Service Tax payment entry, hence select TDS from the Type of Duty/Tax

Figure 2.42

The Types of Duty/Tax will be displayed based on the statutory features enabled in F11: Features for the company.

Statutory Payment Screen

Auto Fill Statutory Payment: Set this option to YES to auto calculate and fill the duty pay-able to the Government. Set this option to NO, if the user wants to manually select the duty ledger and duty bills. Royal Services (P) Ltd. wants to auto fill duty details in payment voucher, hence the option Auto Fill Statutory Payments is set to Yes.

On setting the option Auto Fill Statutory Payments to Yes, based on the Duty/Tax Type selected Tally.ERP 9 displays the appropriate statutory payment fields to fill the details.

Till Date: In this field you may enter, till date of the period for which the service tax values should be computed and auto-filled.


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Service Tax Transactions

Service Category: In this field Tally.ERP 9 displays only those service categories towards which service tax is payable to the Government.

Select a specific Service Category to pay the tax towards the selected category or you can select All Items to pay the service tax liability towards all the categories for the period specified

Here Event Management Service is selected to make service tax payment to government.

Figure 2.43 Selection of Service Category

Cash/ Bank: Depending on the mode of payment (Cash or Cheque) Cash or Bank ledger will be selected. Select Canara Bank from the List of Ledger Accounts.

Figure 2.44 Completed Statutory Payment Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

Press Enter to accept the Service Tax helper.

4. The Bank Name through which the payment is made and Service Tax payable amount will be auto-filled.

Figure 2.45 Auto Filled Payment Voucher

5. Set the option Provide Details to Yes to enter Service Tax Payment Details 6. In Service Tax Payment Details Screen

From: In this field enter the From date of the period for which the service tax is paid

To: In this field enter the To date of the period for which the service tax is paid.

Cheque/DD No: In this field user can enter either the cheque or the DD No through which the service tax payment is made. In this transaction payment is made through cheque no.- 585917

Name of the Bank: In this field mention the Name of the Bank through which the tax is paid to the Government. Select Canara Bank from the List of Banks.

In this field Tally.ERP 9 displays the List of Banks which lists

All the banks which are already created to carry out the regular business.

The option New Name is provided to create New Bank


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Service Tax Transactions

The option Not applicable if the payment is made by Cash.

The option New Name will be selected when the authorised bank through which the payment is made is different from the regular bank where the deposit account is maintained. The Bank name created here will not be available under the List of Ledgers.

Bank Account Number: Enter the bank account number in this field.

Branch Name: Enter the bank Branch name in this field.

Cheque Date: If the payment is made through cheque enter the cheque date in this field.

Challan No.: In this field enter the service tax payment Challan number.

Challan Date: Enter the Challan Date

Figure 2.46 Service Tax Payment Details Screen

7. In Bank Allocation screen, specify Payment Favouring Name, Transaction Type, Instru-ment Number, Instrument Date & Cross Instrument Using details.

Bank Account Number and Branch Name details will be defaulted auto-matically, if the user selects the bank which is already created to carry out the regular business (with Bank Account Number and Branch Name) in the Name of Bank field. User can change such defaulted details.

If the service tax payment Challan Details are not available at the time of recording the service tax payment entry, such details can be updated by altering the payment voucher.


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Payment Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.47 Completed Payment Voucher

8. Press Enter to Save.

Generate G.A.R.-7 Challan

Tax is remitted to the government account through Challans. For making the Service Tax payment, G.A.R.-7 Challan is used.

In Tally.ERP 9 Service Tax Challan (G.A.R.-7) can be printed from the service tax payment voucher.

To print the G.A.R.-7 Challan for the transaction entered on 04-05-2011

From Accounting Voucher Creation screen, press PageUp to view the Accounting Voucher Alteration screen of payment voucher recorded on 4-5-2011

Click on P: Print button or Press Alt + P from the payment voucher to view the Voucher Printing screen

Ensure Print G.A.R.- 7 Challan field is set to Yes


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Figure 2.48 Voucher Printing Screen

Press Enter to accept Voucher Printing screen to view Accounting Voucher Displayscreen. To zoom the preview press Alt+Z or click on Zoom.

Ensure the Alt+I: Print Preview option is selected to view the print preview of G.A.R.- 7 Challan.


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Service Tax Transactions

The Print Preview of G.A.R.- 7 Challan will be displayed as shown

Figure 2.49 Print Preview of G.A.R.-7 Challan

To print the challan, in Accounting Voucher Display screen click the option Print.


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Part – II

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Service Tax Transactions

Recording Advanced Service Tax TransactionsIn this section we shall understand how Tally.ERP 9’s Service Tax feature can be used to process advanced service Tax transactions.We shall learn to record advanced Service Tax transactions such as

Accounting Opening Service Tax Bills (Opening Balance of tax payables and Input Credit)

Sale/Purchase Order for Services

Purchase of services and Partial Payment to Service Provider

Accounting multiple services in single voucher

Purchase of Services - Inclusive of Service Tax

Services Partly Subject to Service Tax

Accounting Service Tax on Expenses (Journal Voucher)

Accounting Cash Sales and Cash Purchases of Services

Service Tax Billing for Professionals

Accounting Services as Inventory by Professionals

Advances from Service Receivers and Adjusting Advance received against the Service Bill

Sale of Services with Inventory

Accounting Sale of Services Exempted from Service Tax

Accounting Export of Services

Accounting Import of Services

Accounting Pure Agent Services

Account Services with Abatement

Reversal of Service amount with Tax

Account Service Tax on total transaction amount including TDS

Tax on Services Purchased (GTA etc.)

Accounting Service consideration Receipts/ Payments through Journal

Accounting Money Equivalent Transactions

Advance Service Tax Payment and Adjust Advances against the Tax Liability

Accounting CENVAT Credit Adjustments

Payment of Interest and Penalties

Accounting Adjustments under Rule 6(3)

Receipt/Payment of Normal Advances and Adjusting Advance against the Service Bill

Accounting Associated Enterprise Transactions

Accounting Sale/Purchase of Services at Lower Rate of Tax

Service Tax Expenses/Purchases in Payment Voucher

Refund of Service Input Credit

Reversal of Utilised Input Credit


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Service Tax Transactions

2.7 Accounting Opening Service Tax Bills (Opening Balance of Service Tax Payables and Input Credit) Tally.ERP 9 gives the flexibility to account the opening balance of Service Input credit and service tax at anytime during the Financial Year at your convenience. To account Opening balance of Input Credit and Service tax, in Journal Voucher a flag - Opening Balance has been Provided.

In re-modelled service tax, service tax/input credit opening balances can be brought forward /accounted only for those services which are already realised in the Previous Financial Year.

2.7.1 Accounting Opening Balance of Service Tax Payables

Example 7:

On May 2, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. has service tax payable opening balance of Rs. 5,150 (Service Tax of Rs. 5000, Education Cess of Rs. 100 and Secondary Education Cess of Rs. 50) on services sold to the Service Receiver Kamal Advertisers.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Service Tax Ledger - for Current Year

ii. Service Receiver (Customer) ledger

iii. Service Tax Ledger - of Previous Year.

2. Create the Voucher Class in Journal Voucher3. Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher

1. Create Masters

i. Service Tax Ledger - for Current Year

As per the details given in the table create the service tax ledger.

Ledger Under Type of Duty/Tax Tax Head

Service Tax Ledger Duties & Taxes Service Tax Any


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Service Tax Ledger is displayed as shown

Figure 2.50

Single Ledger can be used account both input and output service tax or create 2 ledgers to account input and output separately.

If you want to account Service tax, Education Cess and Secondary Education Cess separately create separate ledgers

Service Tax Ledger

ii. Service Receiver (Customer) ledger

iii. Service Tax Ledger - of Previous Year

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/ Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Kamal Advertisers Sundry Debtors Yes Yes

Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information

Ledger Under Opening Balance Dr/Cr

Output Service Tax Ledger Suspense A/c Rs. 5,150 Cr


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Service Tax Ledger of Previous Year is displayed as shown

Figure 2.51 Service Tax Ledger of Previous Year

2. Create the Voucher Class in Journal Voucher

Ensure Voucher Class is created for Journal Voucher by enabling the option Use Class for Service Tax Adjustments to Yes

3. Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, select Service Credit Adjustment in Class field 2. Press F2 and change the date to 2-5-20113. In Used for field select Opening Balance flag from Service Tax Adjustments list

Figure 2.52 Selection of Service Tax Adjustment


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Service Tax Transactions

4. In Debit field select Output Service Tax Ledger from the List of Ledger Accounts created for the current year

5. In Amount field enter the Service Tax (Liability) amount. Enter Rs. 5,1506. In Credit field select Service Tax Ledger created for the current Financial Year and press

enter to view Service Tax Details screen7. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Name field the Reference Number will be defaulted as Jrnl/2-1

In Type of Service field select Taxable

In Party Ledger field select Kamal Services from the List of Ledgers

In Category field select the service category for which opening balance of service Tax is accounted.

In Service Amount field enter the service amount on which the credit is available. Enter Rs. 50,000

Based on the amount specified in Service Amount field Service Tax, Education Cess and Secondary Education Cess will get calculated and displayed

Figure 2.53 Service Tax Details Screen

From Party Ledger field Tally.ERP 9 does not allow to create the ledger.


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Service Tax Transactions


In a single voucher, Tally.ERP 9 allows to account Opening Balance of service taxof Multiple Services provided to multiple parties.

Accept the Service Tax Details screen.

This journal will transfer the pending Service Tax of the Previous Financial Year to current Financial Years Service Tax ledger.

The completed Opening Balance entry is displayed as shown

Figure 2.54 Completed Journal Voucher

9. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

On Accounting service Tax Opening balance details will be displayed in Service Tax Payables report

To view the details

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Service Tax Payables > Bill Date Wise

Figure 2.55 Service Tax Payable Report

2.7.2 Accounting Opening Balance of Service Input Credit

Example 8:

On May 2, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. has Input Credit opening balance of Rs. 10,300 (Service Tax of Rs. 10000, Education Cess of Rs. 200 and Secondary Education Cess of Rs. 100) on services purchased from the Service Provider Matrix Ad.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Service Provider (supplier) ledger

ii. Service Tax Ledger - of Previous Year.

2. Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher

1. Create Masters

i. Service Provider (supplier) ledger

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/ Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Matrix Ad Sundry Creditors Yes Yes

Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information


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Service Tax Transactions

ii. Service Tax Ledger - of Previous Year

As per the information given in the table create the Ledgers.

The completed Service Tax Ledger of Previous Year is displayed as shown

Figure 2.56 Service Tax Ledger of Previous Year

2. Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, select Service Credit Adjustment in Class field 2. Press F2 and change the date to 2-5-20113. In Used for field select Opening Balance flag from Service Tax Adjustments list 4. In Debit field select Service Tax Ledger from the List of Ledger Accounts created for the

current year and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen5. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Name field the Reference Number will be defaulted as Jrnl/3-1

Ledger Under Opening Balance Dr/Cr

Input Service Tax Ledger Suspense A/c Rs. 10,300 Dr


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Service Tax Transactions

In Type of Service field select Input Credit

In Party Ledger field select Matrix Ad

Form Party ledger field, Tally.ERP 9 does not allow to create the ledger.

In Category field select the service category for which opening balance of Input Credit is accounted.

In Service Amount field enter the service amount on which the credit is available. Enter Rs. 1,00,000

Based on the amount specified in Service Amount field Service Tax, Education Cess and Secondary Education Cess will get calculated and displayed.

Figure 2.57 Service Tax Details Screen

6. In Credit field select the Input Service Tax Ledger created under Suspense A/c for previous year. Amount of Rs. 10,300 will be defaulted automatically

This journal will transfer the pending Input Service Credit of the previous Financial Year current Financial Years Service Tax ledger.


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Opening balance entry is displayed as shown

Figure 2.58 Completed Journal Voucher

7. Press Enter to Save.

On Accounting Input service credit Opening balance details will be displayed in Input Credit Summary report.

To view the details

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Input Credit > Summary

Figure 2.59 Input Credit Summary Report


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Service Tax Transactions

2.8 Sale/Purchase Order for ServicesTally.ERP 9 provides a facility to record sales order and purchase order for the services and to calculate service tax amount in the Purchase or Sales order.

Purchase Order for Services may be with or without stock items. Tally.ERP 9 supports to account purchase orders with or without stock items

2.8.1 Purchase Order for Services (Without Item)

Example 9:

On May 3, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. placed a purchase order for advertising services with Ram Agency for Rs.40,000

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Record the Transaction in Purchase Order

Set up:

In F11: Features (F2: Inventory Features)

Set the option Allow Purchase Order Processing to Yes

1. Record the Transaction in Purchase Order

Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers > F4: Purchase Order

1. Press F2 and change the date to 03-05-20112. In Party A/c Name field select Ram Agency from List of Ledger accounts3. In Order No. field enter the purchase order number - PO - 014. In Name of Item field select End of List and press Enter 5. Select Purchase- Advertising Services and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen 6. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref

Name: This filed displays the Reference Number for the service tax calculation. The default Reference Number is displayed. It is a combination of abbreviation of Purchase Order, Order Number and Line Number. Example: Purc Order /PO - 01-1 which can be changed by the user.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Input Credit is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Purchase Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Advertising Agency is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount which is ordered Rs. 40,000

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in this filed


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.60 Service Tax Details Screen

7. In Amount field Service Amount of Rs. 40,000 will be displayed 8. Select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be calculated and

displayed automatically.9. Select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess amount will be cal-

culated and displayed automatically.10.Select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1%. secondary

Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.The completed Purchase Order is displayed as shown

Figure 2.61 Completed Purchase Order

11.Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.8.2 Purchase Order for Services (With Item)

Example 10:

On May 3, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. placed a purchase order with Ram Agency for the purchase of 15 computer @ 30,000 per computer and agreed for installation and Maintenance to be to made by the supplier with extra charges of Rs. 15,000

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Expenses Ledger

ii. Purchase Ledger

iii. Input VAT Ledger

iv. Stock Item

2. Record the Transaction in Purchase Order Voucher

1. Create Masters

i. Expenses Ledger

ii. Purchase Ledger

iii. Input VAT Ledger

iv. Stock Item

As per the information given, in the table create the ledgers and Stock item.

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

Installation & Maintenance Indirect Expenses Yes Information Technology Software Service

Ledger Under Used in VAT Returns

VAT/Tax Class

Purchase @ 5% Purchase Accounts Yes Purchases @ 5%

Ledger Under Type of Duty/Tax VAT Sub Type VAT/Tax class

Input VAT @ 5% Duties & Taxes VAT Input VAT Input VAT @ 5%

Stock Item Under Units

Computers Primary Nos


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record the Transaction in Purchase Order Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers > F4: Purchase Order

1. Press F2 and change the date to 03-05-20112. In Party A/c Name field select Ram Agency from List of Ledger accounts3. In Order No. field enter the purchase order number - PO- 024. In Name of Item field select Computers and in Stock Item Allocations screen specify Quan-

tity as 15 and Rate as 30,0005. In Accounting Details screen ledger select the Purchase Ledger and press Enter6. Select Installation & Maintenance ledger and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen 7. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref

Name: This filed displays the Reference Number for the service tax calculation. The default Reference Number is displayed. It is a combination of abbreviation of Purchase Order, Order Number and Line Number. Example: Purc Order /PO - 02-1 which can be changed by the user.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Input Credit is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Expense Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Information Technology Software Service is dis-played and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount which is ordered Rs. 15,000

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in this filed

Figure 2.62 Service Tax Details Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

8. In Amount field of Service Amount of Rs. 15,000 will be displayed 9. Select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be calculated and

displayed automatically.10.Select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess amount will be cal-

culated and displayed automatically.11.Select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1%. secondary

Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.12.Select Input VAT Ledger to calculate VAT amount

The completed Purchase Order is displayed as shown

Figure 2.63 Completed Purchase Order

13.Press Enter to Save.

Similarly, user can record the Sales orders for Services (with or without stock item) in Sales Order.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.9 Purchase of Services and Partial Payment to Service ProviderIn practice, payments towards the services purchased or sold can be made in full or partial depending on terms & conditions. Tally.ERP 9 allows to account full or partial payments /receipts on the service purchased or sold.

Example 11:

On May 4, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased Advertising Services from Ram Agency for Rs.30,000 on which service tax is charged @ 10.30%(vide no. RA/012/11-12) and on the same day made partial payment of Rs.10, 000 towards the bill.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Record the purchase of services in Purchase Voucher2. Record the Payment Voucher to account Partial payment

1. Record the purchase of services in Purchase Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase (Account Invoice Mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 04-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service provider e.g. Ram Agency3. Under Particulars select the Service (purchases) Ledger e.g. Purchase- Advertising Serv-

ices and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref.: Select New Ref from the method of Adjustment. New Ref is selected for new Financial Transactions. Where as, Agst Ref is selected to set off the advance payments made.

Name: This filed displays the Reference Number - Purc/2-1 for the service tax calculation.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Input Credit is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

The default Type of Service can be overridden. Press Back Space key to move to Type of Service field and select the applicable Type of service. The type of service selected in the voucher entry will determine the Type of service.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Purchase Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Advertising Agency is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount, where in you can ascertain Serv-ice Amount in the invoice issued by the service provider. On providing the service amount Service tax gets calculated. Enter Rs. 30,000

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in this filed

Accept the Service Tax Details screen


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Service Tax Transactions

5. In Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 30,000 will be defaulted automatically6. Under Particulars select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will

be calculated and displayed automatically.7. Under Particulars select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess

amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.8. Under Particulars select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess

@ 1%. secondary Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.9. Enter the Bill-wise Details as shown below

Figure 2.64 Bill-wise Details Screen

The completed service purchase voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.65 Completed Purchase Voucher

10.Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record the Payment Voucher to account Partial Payment

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

1. Enter the Date as 04-05-20112. In Debit field select Ram Agency and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen3. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref to adjust the service tax of the bill dated 4-5-2011

In Name field select the tax bill - Purc/2-1 dated 4-5-2011 from the List of Pending Tax Bills against which the payment is made.

On selection of bill, details in Type of Service, Category, Amount (incl. of tax), Service Amount will be displayed automatically.

As Crystal Services (P) Ltd. is making partial payment of Rs. 10,000 (inclusive of service Tax) in Amount (incl. of tax) filed specify 10,000. Based on the amount specified Service Tax and Cess amount will be re-calculated and displayed

Figure 2.66 Service Tax Details Screen

4. In Bill-wise Details screen In Type of Ref filed select Agst Ref from Method of Adj. list to adjust the payment towards

the bill dated 4-5-2011

In Name field select the bill - RA/012/10-11 dated 4-5-2011

Amount will be displayed automatically


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.67 Bill-Wise Details Screen

5. In Credit field select the bank ledger - Canara Bank. Amount will be displayed automatically.6. In Bank Allocations screen, select Cheque as Transaction Type and in Instrument No. field

enter the Cheque Number - 005294

Completed Payment Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.68 Completed Payment Voucher

7. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.10 Accounting Multiple Services in Single VoucherWhile carrying on business, it is possible that you can buy multiple services from a single service provider and for all the services provided service provider may issue a single invoice.

Tally.ERP 9 allows to account purchase of multiple services in single invoice by using single purchase ledger.

Example 12:

On May 5, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased Advertising Services for Rs. 20,000 and Design Services for Rs. 40,000 from Ram Agency (Vide No. RA/044/11-12) on which service tax is charged @ 10.30%.

1. Record the purchase of services in Purchase Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase (Account Invoice mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 05-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service provider e.g. Ram Agency3. Under Particulars select the Service (purchases) Ledger e.g. Purchase- Advertising Serv-

ices and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref.: Select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

Name: This filed displays Purc/3-1 as the Reference Number accept the default number.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Input Credit is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Purchase Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Advertising Agency is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount of advertising services. Enter Rs. 20,000

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in this filed

To account the second service purchased in Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Name field tax bill reference number - Purc/3-2 will be defaulted. Type of Service and Category defined for Purchase- Advertising Services ledger will be defaulted.

As the second Service Purchased is Design Services, to alter the default Service Cate-gory Press F12 Configure

Set the Option Allow to override Service Category during entry to Yes


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.69 F12: Configuration

In Category field select Design Services from the List of Service Categories

Figure 2.70 Selection of Service Category


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Service Tax Transactions

In Service Amount field enter Design services amount of Rs. 40,000. Based on the serv-ice amount Service Tax will be calculated and displayed automatically

Figure 2.71 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Amount field of Service Amount of Rs. 60,000 (20,000 + 40,000) will be displayed 6. Select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be calculated and

displayed automatically.7. Select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess amount will be cal-

culated and displayed automatically.8. Select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1%. secondary

Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.9. Specify the Bill details

Observe, in the above case purchase of service of 2 difference service Categories are accounted using single Purchase ledger.

When multiple services purchased are accounted using single purchase ledger, in all the service tax reports Tally.ERP 9 captures the service purchase details based on the Service Category selected in the Service Tax Details screen.

In Tally.ERP 9 multiple services can also be accounted in single voucher by creating separate service category specific purchase ledgers or by creating a common purchase ledger.


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Service Tax Transactions

Completed Purchase voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.72 Completed Purchase Voucher

10.Press Enter to Save

To view the details of Multiple services purchased

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Input Credit > Summary

The Input Credit Summary report is displayed as shown

Figure 2.73 Input Credit Summary Report

Observe for the transaction recorded on 5-5-2011, Tally.ERP 9 displays the details of services purchased based on the Service Category.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.11 Purchase of Services - Inclusive of Service Tax

Example 13:

On May 6, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased advertising services from Ram Agency and received the service bill for Rs.22,060 (vide no. RA/085/11-12) inclusive of service tax.

1. Record the Transaction in Purchase Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase (Account Invoice mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 06-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service provider e.g. Ram Agency3. Under Particulars select the Service (purchases) Ledger e.g. Purchase- Advertising Serv-

ices and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref.: Select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

Name: This filed displays Purc/4-1 as the Reference Number accept the default number.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Input Credit is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Purchase Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Advertising Agency is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field specify the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax Rs. 22060. After specifying the Inclusive of service tax amount, service tax of Rs. 20,000 and tax bifurcation will be displayed automatically.

Figure 2.74 Service Tax Details Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

5. In Amount field Service Amount of Rs. 20,000 will be displayed.6. Select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be calculated and

displayed automatically.7. Select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess amount will be cal-

culated and displayed automatically.8. Select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1%. secondary

Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.9. In Bill-wise Details screen, specify the bill details

The completed Purchase Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.75 Completed Purchase Voucher

10.Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.12 Services Partly Subject to Service TaxIn cases where a part of the expenditure is not subject to service Tax and the balance amount is subject to Service Tax, it is crucial to determine the accurate value of expenses to calculate Service Tax.

Tally.ERP 9 provides the flexibility to enter information in the same voucher. Consider the following scenario to illustrate the expenses partly subject to Service Tax.

Example 14:

On May 7, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. raised a invoice (no. CS/732) in the name of Kamal Advertisers for Rs.50,000. Out of which Rs. 40,000 is service amount and Rs. 4,120 is Service tax amount towards the Event Management Services provided.

In the above transaction Bill amount includes other expenses of Rs. 5,880 on which Service tax in not applicable. Let us understand how to configure Tally.ERP 9 to compute tax only on the Assessable Value (40,000).

1. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales (Account Invoice Mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 07-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service receiver e.g. Kamal Advertisers3. Under Particulars select the Service (purchases) Ledger e.g. Sales - Event Mgt Services

and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref.: Select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

Name: This filed displays Sale/2-1 as the Reference Number accept the default number.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Receiver, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Taxable is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Purchase Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Event Management Service is displayed.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount on which Tax is applicable. Enter Rs. 40,000

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in this filed

Type of Ref.: Select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

Name: This filed displays Sale/2-2 as the Reference Number accept the default number.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the party ledger Taxable will be displayed. As on Rs. 5,880 service tax is not applicable press backspace and select Not Applicable


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Service Tax Transactions

Category: In this field Not Applicable will be displayed as on this portion of amount serv-ice tax is not applicable.

Service Amount: In this field enter Amount on which service tax is not applicable. Observe on Rs. 5,880 Service Tax will not be calculated and the same amount will be dis-played in Amount (Incl. of Tax) field also.

Figure 2.76 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Amount filed Rs. 45,880 will be defaulted automatically6. Under Particulars select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount on

both the services will be calculated and displayed automatically.7. Under Particulars select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess

amount on both the services will be calculated and displayed automatically.8. Under Particulars select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @

1%. secondary Education Cess amount on both the services will be calculated and displayed automatically.

9. Enter the Bill-wise Details (bill name CS/732)


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed service sales voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.77 Completed Sales Voucher

10.Press Enter to Save.

2.13 Accounting Service Tax on Expenses (Journal Voucher)In case of Non-Service Organisations services purchased are considered as expenses. In Tally.ERP 9, Service Expenses can be recorded in Journal Voucher

Example 15:

On May 9, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased Air ticket booking services from Ajay Tours for Rs.82,000 on which service tax is charged @ 10.30% (vide no. AT/1158/11-12) when their Managing Director went on a Foreign Tour.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Expense Ledger

ii. Service Provider (supplier) ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher


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Service Tax Transactions

1. Create Masters

i. Expense Ledger

The completed Expense Ledger is displayed as shown

Figure 2.78 Completed Expense Ledger Creation Screen

ii. Service Provider (Supplier) Ledger

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

Foreign Tour Expenses Indirect Expenses Yes Air Travel Agency

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Ajay Tours Sundry Creditors Yes Yes

Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. Press F2 and change the date to 09-05-20112. In Debit field select Foreign Tour Expenses ledger and press enter to view Service Tax

Details screen3. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref: Select New Ref from the Method of Adjustment. New Ref is selected for new financial transactions.

Name: Tally.ERP 9 displays the reference number, which is a combination of abbreviation of Journal and Voucher Number and Line Number (example: Jrnl / 4-1) which can be changed by the user. Input service credit are tracked with these Reference Numbers.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Input Credit is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Expense Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Air Travel Agency is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount, where in you can ascertain Serv-ice Amount in the invoice issued by the service provider. On providing the service amount Service tax gets calculated. Enter Rs. 82,000

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in this filed.

Figure 2.79 Service Tax Details Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

4. In debit Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 82,000 will be defaulted automatically5. In Debit field select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be

calculated and displayed automatically.6. In Debit field select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess

amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.7. In Debit field select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1%.

secondary Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.8. In Credit field select the party ledger - Ajay Tours. Total amount Rs. 90,446 i.e. Service Cost

plus the Service Tax will be displayed in the Amount field.9. Enter the Bill details (Bill name - AT/1158/11-12)

The completed Journal Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.80 Completed Journal Voucher

10.Press Enter to Save.

In cases where the invoice received from the service provider is inclusive of tax, you can enter the invoice amount in the Amount (Incl. of Tax) field. Tally.ERP 9 back calculates the amount to arrive at the Service amount and Tax portion. The service amount will be displayed in Service Amount filed and Tax details against the Tax Head.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.14 Accounting Cash Sales or Cash Purchases of ServicesWhile purchasing or selling services on can decide on the nature of transaction - Credit Or Cash. Usually cash transactions will have attractive offers over credit transactions as there is immediate flow of cash. Because of cost effectiveness some organisations may prefer to carry out the cash purchase or cash sale of services

Tally.ERP 9 supports to record cash purchases and sales by allowing, capturing the details of Service Provider and Receiver.

2.14.1 Cash Sale of Services

Example 16:

On May 10, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. sold event management services on Cash to Matrix Ad for Rs. 10,00,000 on which service tax is charged @ 10.30%

Record the transaction in Sales Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting vouchers > F8: Sales (Account Invoice mode)


In F12: Configuration

Set the option Accept Supplementary Details to Yes

1. Press F2 and change the date to 10-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select Cash3. In Party Details screen, you can enter the Customer Name and Address. If you have party

ledger which is already created, then select the same from the List of Ledger Accounts to auto fill the details. To select the ledger click M: Party List button or press Alt+M.

Figure 2.81 Party Details Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

4. Under Particulars select the Service (sales) Ledger e.g. Sale- Event Mgt Services and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

5. In Service Tax Details screen Type of Ref: Select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

Name: This filed displays Sale/3-1 as the Reference Number accept the default number.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Receiver, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Taxable is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Sales Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Event Management Service is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount of advertising services. Enter Rs. 10,00,000. Amount (Incl. of Tax) will be displayed automatically

6. In Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 10,00,000 will be defaulted automatically7. Under Particulars select service tax, education cess and secondary education Cess ledg-

ers to account taxThe completed service sales voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.82 Completed Cash Sales Invoice

Customer Name and Address details provided here will be printed on the Sales Invoice instead of Cash, which helps in identifying the customer even though the services are sold on cash


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Service Tax Transactions

8. Press Enter to Save.

Print Sales Invoice

The Print Preview of Sales Invoice is displayed as shown. In the invoice the service receiver selected in party details will be printed.

Figure 2.83 Print Preview of Cash Sales Invoice


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Service Tax Transactions

2.14.2 Cash Purchase of Services

Example 17:

On May 10, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased advertisem*nt services on Cash from Ram Agency for Rs. 4,00,000 on which service tax is charged @ 10.30%

Record the transaction in Purchase Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting vouchers > F9: Purchase (Account Invoice mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 10-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select Cash3. In Party Details screen, you can enter the Service Provider Name and Address. If you have

party ledger which is already created, then select the same from the List of Ledger Accounts to auto fill the details. To select the ledger click M: Party List button or press Alt+M

Figure 2.84 Party Details Screen

Service Provider Name and Address details provided here will be printed on the Purchase Invoice instead of Cash, which helps in identifying the service provider even though the services are purchased on cash.


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Service Tax Transactions

4. Under Particulars select the Service (purchases) Ledger e.g. Purchase- Advertising Serv-ices and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

5. In Service Tax Details screen Type of Ref: Select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

Name: This filed displays Purc/5-1 as the Reference Number accept the default number.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Input Credit is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Purchase Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Advertising Agency is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount of advertising services. Enter Rs. 4,00,000. Amount (Incl. of Tax) will be displayed automatically

6. In Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 4,00,000 will be defaulted automatically7. Under Particulars select service tax, education cess and secondary education Cess ledg-

ers to account the tax.The completed service purchase voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.85 Completed Cash Purchase Invoice

8. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

Print Purchase Invoice

The Print Preview of Purchase Invoice is displayed as shown. In the invoice the service provider selected in party details will be printed.

Figure 2.86 Print Preview of Cash Purchase Invoice


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Service Tax Transactions

2.15 Service Tax Billing for ProfessionalsIn practice, professionals issue receipts for services rendered. Tally.ERP 9 allows you to record receipts for services provided, calculate the service tax and print the service bills from the receipt voucher.

Crystal Services (P) Ltd. provides Architect Consultant Service to customers. For the services provided, Crystal Services (P) Ltd. receives payments from his customers and issues receipts on the collection of money and generates the receipt- cum- challan.

Example 18:

On May 10, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. provided Architect Consultant Service to Sahakar Con-structions for Rs. 3,50,000 on which service tax is charged @ 10.30%. On 11-5-2011, Crystal Services (P) Ltd. received payment of Rs. 3,86,050 and issued Receipt to the customer.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Service Receiver (Customer) ledger

ii. Income Ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Receipt Voucher

1. Create Masters

i. Service Receiver (Customer) ledger

ii. Income Ledger

As per the information given in the table create the ledgers.

2. Record the Transaction in Receipt Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F6: Receipt

1. Press F2 and change the date to 11-05-20112. In Credit field select income ledger - Consultancy Income and press enter to view Service

Tax Details screen3. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref: Select New Ref from the Method of Adjustment. New Ref is selected for new financial transactions.

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/ Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Sahakar Constructions Sundry Debtors Yes Yes

Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

Consultancy Income Direct Incomes Yes Architects Services


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Name: Tally.ERP 9 displays the reference number, which is a combination of abbreviation of Receipt and Voucher Number and Line Number (example: Rcpt /2-1) which can be changed by the user. Input service Credit are tracked with these Reference Numbers.

Party Ledger: In this field select the party ledger - Sahakar Constructions to whom the service is provided.

To select the party ledger, it is must to have a party ledger created. If the ledger is not created use Alt+C from party ledger field to create the ledger.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Taxable is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Income Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Architects Services is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field enter the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax. Enter Rs. 3,86,050

When invoice amount is mentioned in Amount (Incl. of Tax) field, Tally.ERP 9 back calculates the amount to arrive at the Service amount and Tax portion. The service amount will be displayed in Service Amount filed and Tax details against the Tax Head.

Figure 2.87 Service Tax Details Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

4. In credit Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 3,50,000 will be defaulted automatically.5. In Credit field select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be

calculated and displayed automatically.6. In Credit field select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess

amount will be calculated and displayed automatically. 7. In Credit field select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @

1%. secondary Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.8. In Debit field select Cash ledger. Total amount (Rs. 3,86,050) of Service Cost plus the Service

Tax will be displayed in Amount column.

The completed Receipt Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.88 Completed Receipt Voucher

9. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

Print Professional Receipt Cum Challan from Receipt Voucher

To print Professional Receipt Cum Challan for Receipts towards professional services provided

Press Page Up from Accounting Voucher Creation screen to view earlier entered Receipt Voucher. Click P: Print button or press Alt+P to view Voucher Printing screen

In Voucher Printing screen press Back Space and set the option Print Service Tax Pro-fessional Receipt Cum Challan to Yes to print Receipt -cum- Challan.

Figure 2.89 Voucher Printing Screen

Press Enter to save Voucher Printing screen.

Accounting Voucher Display screen appears click on Zoom or press Alt + Z to view the preview.

Ensure I: With Preview option is enabled to view the Invoice Preview.


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Service Tax Transactions

The Professional Receipt Cum Challan is displayed as shown

Figure 2.90 Print Preview of Professional Receipt Cum Challan


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Service Tax Transactions

2.16 Accounting Services as Inventory by ProfessionalsIn practice, professionals may provides services on Hourly basis. In this case the number of hours of service provided should be accounted to arrive at the service amount & to calculate service tax.

Tally.ERP 9 allows you to record receipts towards services provided & account the number of service hours, calculate service tax and print Professional Receipt cum Challan with inventory detail.

Example 19:

On May 12, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. received payment of Rs. 1,48,905 towards the Architect Consultancy services provided for 300 hours @ 450 per hour to Sahakar Constructions on which service tax is charged @ 10.30% and issued Receipt to the customer.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Masteri. Stock Item

2. Record the Transaction in Receipt Voucher

1. Create Master

i. Stock Item

Here Service Hours are created as Stock Item.

Figure 2.91 Completed Stock Item Creation Screen

Stock Item Under Units

Service Hours Primary Hrs


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record the Transaction in Receipt Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F6: Receipt

1. Press F2 and change the date to 12-05-20112. In Credit field select income ledger - Consultancy Income and press enter to view Inventory

Allocations screen3. In Inventory Allocation screen

In Name of Item field select Service Hours form the List of Stock Items

In Quantity field specify the number of Hours of service provided e.g. 300

In Rate field specify the Rate per hour of service provided e.g. 450

Amount will be calculated and displayed automatically

Figure 2.92

Ensure the option Inventory values are affected to Yes in the Consultancy Income ledger to view Inventory Allocation screen while recording the transaction.

Inventory Allocation Screen

4. Press Enter from Amount field to view Service Tax Details screen5. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref: Select New Ref from the Method of Adjustment. New Ref is selected for new financial transactions.


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Name: Tally.ERP 9 displays the reference number, which is a combination of abbreviation of Receipt and Voucher Number and Line Number (example: Rcpt /11-1) which can be changed by the user. Input service Credit are tracked with these Reference Numbers.

Party Ledger: In this field select the party ledger - Sahakar Constructions to whom the service is provided.

To select the party ledger, it is must to have a party ledger created. If the ledger is not created use Alt+C from party ledger field to create the ledger.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Taxable is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Income Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Architects Services is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Name of Item: In this field select the service item from the List of Stock Items on which service tax to be calculated.

Figure 2.93 Selection of Stock Item in Service Tax Details Screen

On selection of Stock Item, the Amount specified in the Inventory Allocation screen will be displayed automatically in Service Amount. Based on the Service Amount, Amount (Incl. of Tax) and Tax bifurcation will be displayed automatically


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.94 Completed Service Tax Details Screen

Cursor moves to Service Amount field, which allows the user to alter the Service Amount if the service is provided towards Two Service Categories. e.g. Rs. 67,500towards Architect Services and 67,500 is towards Asset Management.

6. In Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 1,35,000 will be defaulted automatically7. In Credit field select service tax, education cess and secondary education cess ledgers to

account the tax amount.


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Service Tax Transactions

8. In Debit field select Cash ledger. Total amount (Rs. 1,48,905) of Service Cost plus the Service Tax will be displayed in Amount column.

The completed Receipt Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.95 Completed Receipt Voucher

9. Press Enter to Save.

Print Professional Receipt Cum Challan from Receipt Voucher

To print Professional Receipt Cum Challan for Receipts towards professional services provided

Press Page Up from Accounting Voucher creation screen to view earlier entered Receipt Voucher. Click P: Print button or press Alt+P to view Voucher Printing screen

In Voucher Printing screen press F12: Configuration to view Receipt Printing Configu-ration screen

Set the option Print Inventory Details to Yes


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Figure 2.96 Receipt Printing Configuration

The Print Preview of Professional Receipt Cum Challan appears as shown

Figure 2.97 Professional Receipt Cum Challan


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2.17 Advances from Service Receivers and Adjusting Advance received towards the Service bill

2.17.1 Accounting Advances from Service Receivers

Example 20:

On May 13, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. received Advance of Rs. 25,550 from Matrix Ad towards Design Services.

Record the transaction in Receipt Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F6: Receipt


In F12: Receipt Configuration

Set the option Use Single entry mode for Pymt/Rcpt/Contra to Yes

1. Press F2 and change the date to 13-05-20112. In Account field select Canara Bank3. Under Particulars select Matrix Ad and press Enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref: In this field select Advance as the Method of Adjustment

Name: In this field accept the default Reference number displayed - Rcpt/4-1

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Receiver, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Taxable is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: In this field, Tally.ERP 9 prompts the user to select the Service Category towards which Advance is received. Select Design Services from the List of Service Cate-gories.

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field specify the amount received as advance. The amount received will be considered as inclusive of service tax. Enter Rs. 25,550. Service Amount and Tax bifurcation will be displayed by back calculating the amount to arrive at service amount and tax portion.


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Figure 2.98 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Amount filed service amount of Rs. 23,164.10 will be displayed 6. In Bill-wise Details provide the details as shown

Select Advance as the Type of Ref

In the Name field enter the Bill name as MA/964/11-12

Skip the Due Date or Credit Days field

Accept the default amount allocation and Dr/Cr. By default Tally.ERP 9 displays the Advance amount in the amount field as the credit balance.

Press Enter, select Advance as Type of Ref and Bill name will be defaulted as MA/964/10-11

Skip the Due Date or Credit Days field and accept the default amount allocation and Dr/Cr. By default Tally.ERP 9 displays the Service Tax amount in the amount field as the debit balance


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Figure 2.99 Bill-Wise Details Screen

7. Under Particulars select service tax, education cess and secondary education cess ledger to account service tax.

The completed Advance Receipt voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.100 Completed Advance Receipt Voucher

8. Press Enter to Save.


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2.17.2 Adjusting Advance received towards the Service Bill

Example 21:

On May 14, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. provided the Design Services to Matrix Ad and raised the bill for Rs. 1,00,000 (inclusive of service tax). Advance of Rs.25,550 received on 13-5-2011 adjusted towards the bill.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Service Sales Ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher

1. Create Mastersi. Service Sales Ledger

As per the information provided in the table create the ledger.

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales (Account Invoice mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 14-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service receiver e.g. Matrix Ad 3. Under Particulars select the Service (sales) Ledger e.g. Sales- Design Services and press

enter to view Service Tax Details screen (Use Alt +C to create the ledger)4. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref: Select Agst Ref to adjust the advances received

Name: In this field select Rcpt/4-1 (dated 13-5-2011) from the Pending Tax Bills

Based on the advance bill selected Type of Service, Category, Service Amount and Amount (Incl.of Tax) will be defaulted automatically.

In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Name field Sale/4-2 will be displayed.

Type of Service will be defaulted to Taxable and Category as Design Services

In Amount (Incl. of Tax) field enter balance bill amount of Rs. 74,450

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

Sales - Design Services Sales Accounts Yes Design Services


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Figure 2.101 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 90,661.83 will be defaulted automatically.6. Under Particulars select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will

be calculated and displayed automatically.7. Under Particulars select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess

amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.8. Under Particulars select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess

@ 1%. secondary Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.9. In Bill-wise Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select MA/964/11-12 dated 13-5-2011 to adjust the advances

In Amount field enter Rs. 23164.10 to adjust the advances

In Type of Ref select New Ref

In Name field enter the bill name as CS/865

In Amount field balance of 74,450 will be displayed.


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Figure 2.102 Bill-wise Details Screen

The Completed Service Sales Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.103 Completed Sales Voucher

10.Press Enter to Save.


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2.18 Sale of Services with InventoryExample 22:

On May 16, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. sold 10 computer @ 35,000 per computer to Matrix Ad and agreed for installation to be made by Crystal Services (P) Ltd. with extra charges of Rs. 20,000.

1. Create Mastersi. Income Ledger

2. Record the transaction in Sales Voucher

1. Create Masters

i. Income Ledger

As per the details provided in the table create the ledger.

2. Record the transaction in Sales Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales

1. In Accounting Voucher Creation screen, press Alt+I or click on I: Item Invoice if the voucher is in Account invoice mode

2. Press F2 and change the date to 16-05-20113. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service receiver e.g. Matrix Ad4. In Name of Item field select Computers and specify Quantity as 10 and Rate as 35,0005. In Accounting Details screen ledger select the Sales Ledger and press Enter6. Select Installation Income ledger and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen 7. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Name field accept the default tax bill reference Sale/5-1 will be displayed.

In Type of Ref field, based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Receiver, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Taxable is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

In Category field based on the service Category selected in the Income Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Maintenance Or Repair Service is displayed

In Service Amount field enter the Service Amount of Rs. 20,000

The cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in Amount (Incl. of Tax) field.

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

Installation Income Indirect Incomes Yes Maintenance Or Repair Service


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Figure 2.104 Service Tax Details Screen

8. Under Particulars select service tax, education cess and secondary education cessledger to account service tax

9. Select Output VAT ledger to account VAT.The completed Sales Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.105 Completed Sales Voucher

10. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.19 Accounting Sale of Services Exempted from Service TaxIn some cases Central government can grant exemption on the service tax, by issuing an notifica-tion U/s 93 of Finance Act, 1944. The service tax exemption provided may

Partial or Total service tax

Conditional or Unconditional

Example 23:

On May 17, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. sold Event Management Services for Rs. 3,00,000 to Mayank Creations, who is a small service provider and has a notification for exemption on service tax.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Service Receiver (Customer) ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher1. Create Masters

i. Service Receiver (Customer) ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledger > Create

Enter the Name of the Customer Ledger e.g. Mayank Creations.

Select Sundry Debtors from the List of Groups in the Under field.

Set the option Is Service Provider/Receiver to Yes.

Set the option Set/Alter Service Tax Details to Yes and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

In Service Tax Details screen enter

Enter the Service tax Registration Number as ACCDG0054DST001

Enter the Date of Registration -17-3-1999

Set the option Is Associated Enterprise to No

In Type of Classification field select the classification as Exempt

Enter the Notification No. under which a party is exempted from Service Tax. Exam-ple: 5/2005 dated 23-3-2005

Figure 2.106 Service Tax Details Screen

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/ Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Mayank Creations Sundry Debtors Yes Yes


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Enter Mailing Address and Tax information and press Enter to accept the Ledger Crea-tion screen.

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales

1. Press F2 and change the date to 17-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service receiver e.g. Mayank Creations 3. Under Particulars select the Service (sales) Ledger e.g. Sale- Event Mgt Services and press

enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

In Name filed accept the default reference number Sale/6-1

In Type of Service field based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Receiver, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Exempt is displayed

In Category field based on the service Category selected in the sales Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Event Management Service is displayed

In Service Amount field enter the event management services amount of Rs. 3,00,000

Rs. 3,00,000 will be displayed in Amount (Incl. of Tax) field, as the service provided is exempt from Service tax

Figure 2.107 Service Tax Details Screen

Exempt option is selected when the service provider/service receiver is exempt from Service Tax.

Notification number provided here is only as an example.


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5. In Amount field service amount of Rs. 3,00,000 will be displayed.

Service Tax ledgers are not selected as the service provided is exempted from Service tax.

The completed Sales Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.108 Completed Sales Invoice

6. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.20 Accounting Export of ServicesTo make the export of services competitive in the international market all the Services exported are exempt from payment of Service tax

Example 24:

On May 18, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. exported Event Management services for Rs. 1,50,000 to Cosmic Visions

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Service Receiver (Customer) ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher

1. Create Masters

i. Service Receiver (Customer) ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledger > Create

1. Enter the Name of the Customer Ledger e.g. Cosmic Visions.2. Select Sundry Debtors from the List of Groups in the Under field.3. Set the option Is Service Provider/Receiver to Yes.4. Set the option Set/Alter Service Tax Details to Yes and press enter to view Service Tax

Details screen5. In Service Tax Details screen enter

Details of service tax Registration Number and Date of Registration are not Required as the receiver of service is placed outside India.

Set the option Is Associated Enterprise to No

In Type of Classification field select the classification as Export

Enter the Notification No. under which services are exported. Example: 6/2002 dated 10-6-2002

Figure 2.109 Service Tax Details Screen

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/ Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Cosmic Visions Sundry Debtors Yes Yes


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6. Enter Mailing Address and Tax information and press Enter to accept the Ledger Creation screen.

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales

1. Press F2 and change the date to 18-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service receiver e.g. Cosmic Visions 3. Under Particulars select the Service (sales) Ledger e.g. Sale- Event Mgt Services and press

enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

In Name filed accept the default reference number Sale/7-1

In Type of Service field based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Receiver, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default export is displayed

In Category field based on the service Category selected in the sales Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Event Management Service is displayed

In Service Amount field enter the event management services amount of Rs. 1,50,000

Rs. 1,50,000 will be displayed in Amount (Incl. of Tax) field, as the services are exported and on exports service tax is not applicable.

Figure 2.110 Service Tax Details Screen

Export option is selected when the services are Exported.

The Notification number provided here is only as an example.


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5. In Amount field service amount of Rs. 1,50,000 will be displayed.

Service Tax ledgers are not selected as all the Services exported are exempt from payment of Service tax.

The completed Sales Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.111 Completed Sales Invoice

6. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.21 Accounting Import of ServicesAs per Service tax rules, Import of services means any services provided from outside India and received in India. Tax on such services is known as tax on Import of Services and service receiver is liable to pay service tax on Import of Services. The liability to pay service tax on imports will arise only on making the payment to the service provider.

The service tax paid on imports cannot be considered for availing the Input Credit because, Rule 5 of section 66A provides that the service tax liability created against the imported services cannot be treated as Output Services for the purpose of availing credit of tax or duty paid on inputs/input services. Further the Credit available cannot be used for payment of service tax liability created towards Imports.

Tally.ERP 9 allows the user to record import of services and calculate service tax on services imported. To account the service tax on imports a separate flag Tax on Import of Service is provided in Journal Voucher

Example 25:

On May 19, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. imported Architect services for Rs.8,00,000 from Townscape Architects. Crystal Services (P) Ltd. is liable to pay Service Tax on imported services. On May 20, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. made the payments towards the imports and raised the tax Liability on the same day.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Purchase Ledger

ii. Expense Ledger

iii. Service Provider (Supplier) ledger

2. Record the transaction in Purchase Voucher (to account Imports)3. Record Payment Voucher (to account payments to party)4. Record a Journal Voucher (to raise service tax liability)

1. Create Masters

i. Purchase Ledger

In some Cases, assessee may be allowed to avail the Input Credit on the Tax paidon the Import of Services.

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

Import - Architect Services Purchase Accounts Yes Architects Services


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ii. Expense Ledger

As per the information given in the table, create the purchase ledger.

iii. Service Provider (Supplier) ledger

To create the service provider ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledger > Create

1. Enter the Name of the service provider ledger e.g. Townscape Architects.2. Select Sundry Creditors from the List of Groups in the Under field.3. Set the option Is Service Provider/Receiver to Yes.4. Set the option Set/Alter Service Tax Details to Yes and press enter to view Service Tax

Details screen5. In Service Tax Details screen enter

Registration Number and Date of Registration are not required to capture as we are importing the services

Type of Classification: In this field select Import from the list of Classifications.

Notification No.: In this field enter the notification no under which the services are imported.

Figure 2.112 Service Tax Details Screen

6. Enter Mailing Address and Tax information and press Enter to accept the Ledger Creation screen.

Ledger Under

Tax on Imports Indirect Expenses

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/ Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Townscape Architects Sundry Creditors Yes Yes

Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record the transaction in Purchase Voucher (to account Imports)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase (Account Invoice mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 19-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service provider e.g. Townscape Architects3. Under Particulars select the Service (purchases) Ledger e.g. Import - Architect Services

and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

In Name filed retain default Reference Number - Purc/6-1 for the service tax calculation.

In Type of Service field based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Pro-vider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed) to Import.

In Category field based on the service Category selected in the Purchase Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed) to Architects Services.

Enter the Service Amount of the of the services imported Rs. 8,00,000

In Amount (Incl. of Tax) field the amount specified in the Service Amount field will be taken as Amount inclusive of tax as on imports the service tax liability is on the service receiver and not on the provider. So service Tax will not get calculated.

Figure 2.113 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Amount field the service amount of Rs. 8,00,000 will be displayed.

In case of Imports, Service Tax ledgers are not selected as Tax is not accounted during booking the purchases.

6. In Bill-wise Details screen, select the Reference as New Ref and enter the bill Name as TA/856/11-12


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The completed purchase voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.114 Completed Purchase Voucher

7. Press Enter to Save.3. Record Payment Voucher (to account payments to party)

On 20-05-2011, record the payment voucher to make the payment towards the bill TA/856/10-11 dated 19-05-2011

Figure 2.115 Completed Payment Voucher


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The liability to pay service tax on imports will arise only on making the payment to the service provider.

Press Enter to Save.

4. Record a Journal Voucher (to raise service tax liability)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

Ensure that Voucher Class is created for Journal Voucher to account service tax on imports

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, in Class field select Service Tax Adjustment from Voucher Class list

2. Press F2 and change the date to 20-05-20113. In Used for filed select Tax on Import of Service from the list of Service Tax Adjustments4. Press Enter to view Tax on Purchases - Imports screen to calculate service tax liability5. In Service Tax Liability screen

In Till Date field, by default Voucher Date 20-5-2010 will be displayed. User can specify the date to account service tax liability on all the imports made till the date mentioned.

In Service Category field select the service imported - Architects Services from the List of Service Categories

Set the option Avail CENVAT Credit to No as Crystal Services is not allowed to avail credit on tax paid on Imports.

In Party field select the party from services are imported - Townscape Architects from the List of Ledger Accounts

In Output Ledger section, select

Service Tax @ 10% ledger to account Service Tax

Education Cess @ 2% ledger to account Education Cess

User can select the option Any to consider all those service categories which are imported to compute the service tax liability.

You can select the option Any to consider all those partys' from whom the services are imported to compute the service tax liability.


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Secondary Education Cess @ 1% ledger to account Secondary Education Cess

In Input /Expense Ledgers section select

Select Tax on Imports ledger (created under indirect expenses)

Figure 2.116 Service Tax Liability Screen

In Input/Expenses Ledgers section the Expense ledgers are selected to transfer the computed tax liability as expense if he assess is not allowed to avail credit on tax paid on imports.

In case, the assess is allowed to avail credit and has set the option Avail CENVAT Credit to Yes then the Tally.ERP 9 will display the list of service tax ledgers in Input /Expense Ledgers section to consider the tax paid on imports as input Credit.

In Output Ledgers section service tax ledgers are selected to compute (calculate) and create the service tax liability (to be payable) on the Imports.


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Service Tax Transactions

6. On accepting the Service Tax Liability screen, Tally.ERP 9 auto fills the details in Journal Voucher

The completed Journal Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.117 Completed Journal Voucher

7. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.22 Accounting Pure Agent ServicesA pure agent is a service provider who is a liaison between another service provider and a service buyer. An expense incurred by the pure agent is exempt from service tax.

Tally.ERP 9 provides the facility to exclude the costs and expenses incurred by a service provider acting as a pure agent from total service charges to get taxable amount.

Example 26:

On May 20, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. acted as a pure agent in getting Event Management Services to TechMagic Creations, service cost including pure agent expenses of Rs. 15,000 amounted to Rs. 1,20,000.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Masteri. Service Receiver (Customer) Ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher

1. Create Masters

i. Service Receiver (Customer) Ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledger > Create

1. Enter the Name of the Customer Ledger e.g. TechMagic Creations.2. Select Sundry Debtors from the List of Groups in the Under field.3. Set the option Is Service Provider/Receiver to Yes.4. Set the option Set/Alter Service Tax Details to Yes and press enter to view Service Tax

Details screen5. In Service Tax Details screen enter

Enter Registration Number and Date of Registration of the customer ledger

Type of Classification: In this field select Pure Agent from the list of Classifications.

Figure 2.118 Service Tax Details Screen

6. Enter Mailing Address and Tax information and press Enter to accept the Ledger Creation screen.

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/ Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

TechMagic Creations Sundry Debtors Yes Yes

Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales (Account Invoice Mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 20-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service receiver e.g. TechMagic Creations3. Under Particulars select the Service (sales) Ledger e.g. Sale- Event Mgt Services and press

enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

In Name filed accept the default reference number Sale/8-1

In Type of Service field by default Pure Agent is displayed based on the Type of Classifi-cation defined in the party ledger.

In Allowable Expenses field specify the expenses incurred by the pure agent in procuring taxable service to the service recipient. Enter Rs. 15,000

Figure 2.119 Allowable Expenses Screen

In Category field based on the service Category selected in the sales Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Event Management Service is displayed.

In Service Amount field enter the Service Amount of advertising services, enter Rs. 1,20,000


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In Amount (Incl. of Tax) field, the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in this filed

Figure 2.120 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Amount filed the Rs. 1,20,000 will be defaulted automatically.6. Under Particulars select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will

be calculated and displayed automatically.7. Under Particulars select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess

amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.8. Under Particulars select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess

@ 1%. secondary Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.9. Enter the Bill details as - CS/0025.

Observe, service tax is calculated on Rs.1,05,000 excluding the pure agent expenses amount of Rs. 15,000.


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Sales Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.121 Completed Sales Voucher

10.Press Enter to Save.

2.23 Account Services with Abatement

Example 27:

On May 21, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased catering services from Spice & Dice Caterers for Rs. 60,000 (service tax is charged @ 10.30%). On the catering services 50% Abatement is allowed.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Masteri. Service Provider (Supplier) Ledger

ii. Expense Ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher


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Service Tax Transactions

1. Create Master

i. Service Provider (Supplier) Ledger

ii. Expense Ledger

To create the Expense ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create


In 12: Ledger Configuration

Set the option Allow ADVANCED entries in Service Tax Master to Yes

Figure 2.122 Ledger Configuration

1. In Name field enter the expense ledger e.g., Food Expenses.2. Select Indirect Expenses as the group name in the Under field.3. Set the option Is Service Tax Applicable to Yes.4. In Default Service Category field select Outdoor Catering from the List of Service Catego-

ries.5. Enable the option Set/Alter Abatement Details to Yes to view Abatement Details screen

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Spice & Dice Caterers Sundry Creditors Yes Yes

1. In Service Tax Details screen, enter Registration Number, Date of Registrationand Type of Classification as Not Applicable.

2. Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

Food Expenses Indirect Expenses Yes Outdoor Catering


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Service Tax Transactions

6. In Abatement Details screen Category: In this field select the service category/categories, which you are purchasing or

selling for which the abatement is given.

Applicable From Date: In this field mention the date from when the abatement is applica-ble for the service category.

Notification No.: In this field mention the notification no. under which the abatement is allowed for the service category.

Abatement: Mention the Abatement Percentage allowed for the service category.

Figure 2.123 Abatement Details Screen

Abatement Alteration can be used when the abatement rate are changed by the government. Where in from this screen you can select the service category, specify the applicable from date, notification number and the changed Rate of abatement which will be considered for calculating service tax.

Set/Alter Abatement Details option will appear in service ledger creation/alteration screen only when the option Allow ADVANCED entries in Service Tax Master is set to Yes.


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.124 Completed Expenses Ledger

7. Press Enter to save.

2. Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. Press F2 and change the date to 21-05-20112. In Debit field select Food Expenses ledger and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen3. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref from the Method of Adjustment.

In Name field accept the default reference number displayed Jrnl/6-1

In Type of Service field based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Pro-vider, Type of Service will be defaulted to default Input Credit.

In Category field based on the service Category selected in the Expense Ledger, category will be defaulted Outdoor Catering.

In Service Amount field enter the total service taken. Enter Rs. 60,000

Tax bifurcation and Amount (Incl. of Tax) will be defaulted automatically.


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.125 Service Tax Details Screen

On Outdoor Catering service tax is applicable on 50% of the service amount. Here you can observer the assessable value considered for calculating service Tax is 30,000 (50% of 60000).

Abatement percentage and Notification Number will be displayed in the service tax details screen.

Abatement Rate and notification no can be altered during entry by enabling the option Allow alteration of Abatement Rate during Entry

Tally.ERP 9 allows to enable the option Allow alteration of Abatement Rate during Entry only when the option Allow to Override Service Category during entry is set to Yes as the abatement is allowed for the service categories and Abatement Details screen will be displayed only when the cursor moves to Category field.

The Abatement Details screen appears as shown. From here you can alter the abatement rate.


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Service Tax Transactions

4. In Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 60,000 will be defaulted automatically5. In Debit field select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be

calculated and displayed automatically.6. In Debit field select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess

amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.7. In Debit field select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1%.

secondary Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.8. In Credit field select the party ledger - Spice & Dice Caterers. Total amount (Rs. 63,090) of

Service Cost plus the Service Tax will be displayed in the Amount field.9. Enter the Bill details as - CS/0097 and transaction details in Narration field.

The completed Journal Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.126 Completed Journal Voucher

10.Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.24 Reversal of Service Amount with Tax In case of Cancellation of transaction (s), the service amount and service tax accounted needs to be reversed. In Tally.ERP 9, such reversal of services with service tax is possible only when the cancellation of transaction is made before the payment/ receipt of payment towards the service purchased or sold.

In Tally.ERP 9, reversal of services and tax are accounted using Debit /Credit Note.

Example 28:

On May 23, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. cancelled advertising services purchased on 21-5-2011(Purc/6-1) for Rs. 33,090 (Bill–RA/925/11-12) as Ram Agency failed to provide the services as per the terms & conditions of the contract.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Record the Transaction in Purchase Voucher (to account purchase of services)2. Record the transaction in Debit Note (to reverse the services with tax)

1. Record the Transaction in Purchase Voucher (to account purchase of services)

Record the purchase of service as shown

Figure 2.127 Completed Purchase Voucher


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record the transaction in Debit Note (to reverse the services with tax)


In F11: Features (Accounting Features)

Set Use Debit/Credit Notes to Yes

Set Use Invoice Mode for Debit Notes to Yes

To create Debit Note

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > Ctrl+F9: Debit Note (Account Invoice mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 23-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select Ram Agency from the List of Ledger Accounts.3. Under Particulars select Purchase- Advertising Services ledger4. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select purchase reference number Purc/7-1 dated 21-5-2011

Based on the purchase reference number selected Type of Service, Category, Amount (Incl. of Tax) and Service Amount will be displayed automatically.

Figure 2.128 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 30,000 will be defaulted automatically.6. Under Particulars select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10% to reverse service tax



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Service Tax Transactions

7. Under Particulars select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2% to reverse educa-tion cess amount.

8. Under Particulars select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1% to reverse secondary education cess amount.

9. In Bill-wise Details screen In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select the bill RA/925/11-12 dated 21-5-2011 to reverse the service bill.

Amount will be defaulted automatically

Figure 2.129 Bill-wise Details

The completed Debit Note is displayed as shown

Figure 2.130 Completed Debit Note

10.Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.25 Account Service Tax on total transaction amount including TDS

Example 29:

On May 24, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. Purchased Auditing Services for Rs. 94,527 (inclusive of service tax) from Sampath Associates. On this payment TDS deducted to arrive at the Net amount payable.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create /Alter Mastersi. Expense Ledger

ii. TDS Ledger

iii. Service Provider Ledger

iv. Alter the Service Tax Ledger (to enable TDS)

v. Alter the Education Cess Ledger (to enable TDS)

vi. Alter the Secondary Education Cess Ledger (to enable TDS)

2. Record the transaction in Purchase Voucher

1. Create Masters

i. Expense Ledger

ii. TDS Ledger

iii. Service Provider Ledger

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service


Is TDS Applicable

Default Nature of Payment

Auditing Charges

Indirect Expenses

Yes Chartered Accountants

Yes Fees for Professional Or Technical Services

Ledger Under Type of Duty/Tax

Default Nature of Payment

TDS - Professional Charges Duties & Taxes TDS Fees for Professional Or Technical Services

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/Receiver

Set/Alter Service

Tax Details

Is TDS Applicable

Deductee Type

Sampath Associates

Sundry Creditors

Yes Yes Yes Association of Persons


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Service Tax Transactions

iv. Alter the Service Tax Ledger (to enable TDS)

TDS is Deducted even on Service Tax amount charged. To calculate TDS on Service Tax amount.

To alter the service tax ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Info. > Ledgers > Alter > select Service Tax @ 10% and enable TDS option and select the appropriate Nature of Payment

Figure 2.131 Service Tax Ledger Alteration

Similarly, alter Education Cess and Secondary Education Cess ledger to enable TDS.

2. Record the transaction in Purchase Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase (Account Invoice Mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 24-05-20112. In Party's A/c Name field select Sampath Associates3. Under Particulars select Auditing Charges ledger and press enter to view Service Tax

Details screen

Ledger Is TDS Applicable Default Nature of Payment

Service Tax @ 10% Yes Fees for Professional Or Technical Services


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Service Tax Transactions

4. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Name field select the default tax reference Purc/9-1

In Type of Service field Input Credit will be defaulted

In Category field the Service Category selected in the Expense ledger will be defaulted. Tally.ERP 9 displays Chartered Accountants in this field.

In Amount (Incl. of Tax) field specify the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax Rs. 94,527. After specifying the Inclusive of service tax amount, service tax of Rs. 85,700 and tax bifurcation will be displayed automatically

Figure 2.132 Service Tax Details Screen

5. Service Amount of Rs. 85,699.91 will be displayed in Amount field. 6. Press Enter from amount field to view TDS Nature of Payment Details screen, in this screen

by default the TDS Nature of payment selected in the Expense ledger will be displayed. Accept the default screen

Figure 2.133 TDS Nature of Payment Details


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Service Tax Transactions

7. Select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.

8. From Amount field press enter to view TDS Nature of Payment Details screen, in this screen by default the TDS Nature of payment selected in the Expense ledger will be displayed. Accept the default screen

Figure 2.134 TDS Nature of Payment Details

Selection of TDS Nature of Payment is must as Tax to be deducted at Source even on the Service Tax and Cess portion.

9. Select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess amount will be cal-culated and displayed automatically.

10.From Amount field press enter to view TDS Nature of Payment Details screen, in this screen by default the TDS Nature of payment selected in the Expense ledger will be displayed. Accept the default screen

11.Select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1%. secondary Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.

12.From Amount field press enter to view TDS Nature of Payment Details screen, in this screen by default the TDS Nature of payment selected in the Expense ledger will be displayed. Accept the default screen

13.Under Particulars, select TDS ledger - TDS- Professional Charges to view the TDS Details screen. TDS Details screen displays the reference, bill name, Nature of payment Assessa-ble Value (Service Amount + Service Tax Amount) with the TDS Amount.

The TDS Nature of Payment Details screen will display only when the option Allow Alteration of TDS Nature of Payment in Expenses is set to Yes in F12: Configuration.


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.135 TDS Details

14.TDS Deducted will be displayed with Negative sign.15.Provide the Bill Details as shown

Figure 2.136 Bill-wise Details

16. On accepting the Bill-wise Details screen Tally.ERP 9 displays Service Tax Realisation for TDS Deducted Amount screen

17.If you want to consider the TDS deducted amount as the Realised amount for Service Tax Bill you can select the Tax Bill. Based on the Tax Bill selected, the Type of Service, Category and TDS portion of Rs. 9453 which is considered as realised will be displayed


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.137 Realisation Details Screen

The completed Purchase voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.138 Completed Purchase Voucher

18.Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.26 Tax on Service Purchased (GTA etc.)When a Goods Transport Agency (GTA) is hired by you for transporting raw material or finished goods or any other purpose relevant to business, liability to pay the service tax on the transport service received will be on the service receiver.

As per Service tax Rules, Services provided by a GTA in relation to transportation of goods is leviable to service tax under GTA service [section 65(105)(zzp)]. Service tax for the GTA service provided is payable only on 25% of the amount charged for providing the GTA service and the balance amount is exempt from levy of service tax.

Service Input Credit on Services Purchased

If the Service Receiver pays the Service tax on the gross amount of GTA services received. He will be eligible to avail the input credit of the tax paid on the services purchased.

If the Service provider opts for 75% abatement and pays the service tax on 25% of the Gross Amount GTA services received, then No Credit will be available.

Tally.ERP 9 facilitates the recording of purchase of services from goods transport agency (GTA) and calculating the service tax payable.

Example 30:

On May 25, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased transportations services from SR Road Lines for Rs. 40,000.

On the same day payment was made to the transporter and service tax liability towards goods transport is raised.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Masters i. Service Provider Ledger

ii. Expense Ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Purchase Voucher (to account the expenses)3. Record the Payment Voucher (to account the payment to the service provider)4. Record a Journal Voucher (to raise service tax liability)

1. Create Masters

i. Service Provider Ledger

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

SR Road Lines Sundry Creditors Yes Yes


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Service Tax Transactions

To create the service provider ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledger > Create

1. Enter the Name of the service provider ledger e.g. SR Road Lines.2. Select Sundry Creditors from the List of Groups in the Under field.3. Set the option Is Service Provider/Receiver to Yes.4. Set the option Set/Alter Service Tax Details to Yes and press enter to view Service Tax

Details screen5. In Service Tax Details screen enter

Registration Number and Date of Registration: In this field enter the Service Tax Regis-tration number if available otherwise skip the fields.

Type of Classification: In this field select the classification Tax on Service Received from the list of Classifications.

Figure 2.139 Service Tax Details Screen

6. Enter Mailing Address and Tax information and press Enter to accept the Ledger Creation screen.

ii. Expense Ledger

As per the details given in the table create the expense ledger.

2. Record the Transaction in Purchase Voucher (to account the expenses)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher > F9: Purchase (Account Invoice Mode)

1. Press F2 and change the date to 25-05-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select SR Road Lines

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

Freight Expenses Direct Expenses Yes Transport of Goods by Road


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Service Tax Transactions

3. Under Particulars select Freight Expenses ledger and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

4. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref field select New Ref from the Method of Adjustment.

In Name field accept the default reference Number displayed Purc/10-1 which can be changed by the user.

In Type of Service field based on the type of classification defined in the party ledger by default Tax on Service Received will be defaulted.

In Category field for Type of Service - Tax on Service Received, Transport of Goods by Road will be defaulted.

Press F12: Configure and enable the option Allow alteration of Abatement Rate during entry to Yes

The Abatement Details screen appears and set the Abatement rate to Zero

Figure 2.140 Abatement Details Screen

Crystal Services (P) Ltd. is taking Input credit on Service Tax paid on GTA. As already mentioned Input Credit can be availed only when the tax is paid on the actual cost of the service. On GTA transactions Abatement allowed is 75% which will be considered by default. To avail credit, for this transaction rebate rate is set to ZERO and tax will be paid on actual cost.

In Service Amount field enter the service amount of Rs. 40,000

In Amount (Incl. of Tax) field, the amount specified in the Service Amount field will be taken as Amount inclusive of taxies on transport services the service tax liability is on the service receiver and not on the provider. So service Tax will not get calculated.

Tally.ERP 9 allows to enable the option Allow alteration of Abatement Rate during Entry only when the option Allow to Override Service Category during entry is set to Yes as the abatement is allowed for the service categories and Abatement Details screen will be displayed only when the cursor moves to Category field.


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.141 Service Tax Details Screen

5. Accept the Service Tax Details screen6. Enter the bill details. Select Type of Ref as New Ref and Bill name as SR/865/11-12 The completed Purchase voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.142 Completed Purchase Voucher

7. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

3. Record the Payment Voucher (to account the payment)

The liability of tax towards Service received will arise only on payment to the service provider.

1. Record the Payment to the party against the bill SR/865/11-12 (Tax bill Purc/10-1 dated 25-05-2011)

Figure 2.143 Completed Payment Voucher

2. Press Enter to save.

4. Record a Journal Voucher (to raise service tax liability)

To account service tax on Goods Transported, ensure that the Voucher Class is created in Journal Voucher.

To record Journal Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, in Class field select Service Tax Adjustments from Voucher Class list

2. Press F2 and change the date to 25-05-20113. In Used for filed select Tax on Service Received from the list of Service Tax Adjustments


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.144 Selection of Service Tax Adjustment Flag

4. Press Enter to view Tax on Purchases - GTA screen to calculate service tax.5. In Service Tax Liability screen

In Till Date by default Voucher Date 25-05-2011 will be displayed. In this field user can mention the date to consider the goods transport services purchased till the date specified in the till date field.

In Service Category field select the service purchased - Transport of Goods by Road from the List of Service Categories

You can select the option Any to consider all those service categories which are received on which service receiver is liable to compute the service tax liability.


Set the option Avail Input Credit to Yes to consider the service tax amount paid towards the transport services purchased as input credit availed.

As per CENVAT Credit Rules, Input Credit of service tax paid by the service receiver on GTA Services will be available only if the service receiver is a taxable service provider.

If the option Avail Input Credit is set to Yes the service tax paid will be eligible to Avail Input Credit and on payment of Tax to the government details will be displayed in Input Credit Summary report.

If the option Avail Input Credit is set to No the service tax paid will be consid-ered as a Expense.

Crystal Services (P) Ltd. has opted to avail input credit on the service tax paid on the GTA services.


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Service Tax Transactions

In Party Ledger field select the party from services are imported - SR Road Lines from the List of Ledger Accounts.

Figure 2.145 Service Tax Liability Screen

You can select the option Any to consider all those partys' from whom the GTA services are received/purchased to compute the service tax liability.

In Output Ledgers section select

Service Tax @ 10% to account Service Tax

Education Cess @ 2% to account Education Cess

Secondary Education Cess @ 1% to account Secondary Education Cess

In Output Ledgers section service tax ledgers are selected to compute (calculate) and create the service tax liability (to be payable) on the GTA Services Purchased.

In Input /Expense Ledgers section select

Service Tax @ 10% to account Service Tax

Education Cess @ 2% to account Education Cess

Secondary Education Cess @ 1% to account Secondary Education Cess


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.146 Completed Service Tax Details Screen

If the assessee has opted to avail credit on tax paid on GTA services purchased/ received, in Input/Expenses Ledgers section the Tax ledgers are selected to transfer the computed tax liability as Input Credit

If the assess has not opted to avail the credit and has set the option Avail CENVAT Credit to No then the Tally.ERP 9 will display the list of Expense ledgers in Input /Expense Ledgers section to consider the tax paid on GTA services purchased/received as Expense.

6. On accepting the Service Tax Liability screen, Tally.ERP 9 Auto fills the details in Journal Voucher


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.147 Completed Journal Voucher

7. Press Enter to Save.

On payment of Service tax to the Government, the tax paid towards GTA services will be displayed in Input Credit Summary Report

To view the Input Credit Summary report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Input Credit > Summary


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Service Tax Transactions

2.27 Accounting Service Consideration Receipts/ Payments through JournalCurrently in Tally.ERP 9 all the service consideration receipts or payments are accounted through Receipts and Payments Vouchers.

The re-modelled service Tax provides you the facility to account service consideration receipts and payments through Journal Voucher. To account service consideration - Service Consideration Adjustments flag has been provided in Journal Voucher.

Example 31:

On May 26, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. received payment of Rs. 74,450 from Matrix Ad towards the Tax bill -Sale/4-2 dated 14-5-2011 (bill No. CS/865 dated 15-5-2010)

Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

To Service consideration Receipts/ Payments, ensure that the Voucher Class is created in Journal Voucher.


In F12: Journal Configuration

Set the option Allow Cash Accounts in Journals to Yes

To record Journal Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, in Class field select Service Tax Adjustments from Voucher Class list

2. Press F2 and change the date to 26-05-20103. In Used for filed select Service Consideration Adjustments from the list of Service Tax


Figure 2.148 Selection of Service Consideration Adjustments Flag


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Service Tax Transactions

4. In Debit field select bank ledger - Canara Bank and Enter the amount received Rs. 74,4505. In Bank Allocation screen, in Favouring Name field enter as Matrix Ad, select Cheque/DD in

Transaction Type field, specify 718201 in Cheque Number field and enter the Bank Nameand Branch details.

Figure 2.149 Bank Allocations Screen

6. In Credit field select Matrix Ad and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen7. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select tax bill Sale/4-2 dated 14-05-2011 from Pending Tax Bills

On selecting the Tax bill Type of Service, Category, Amount (Incl. of tax) and Service Amount details will be defaulted

Figure 2.150 Service Tax Details Screen

8. In Bill-wise Details screen, In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name of field select CS/865 from the pending bills. In amount field retain the default amount displayed.


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Journal Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.151 Completed Journal Voucher

9. Press Enter to Save.

Similarly, user can record even the service consideration payments in journal voucher.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.28 Accounting Money Equivalent TransactionsAny consideration (something in return) received towards services provided or paid towards services received in a form other than money is called Money Equivalent.

Tally.ERP9 allows the user to record money equivalent of consideration transactions.

Example 32:

On May 27, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. sold Event Management Services to Ram Agency for Rs. 33,090 (inclusive of tax) Bill No. CS/365

On May 28, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased Advertising services from Ram Agency for Rs. 77,210 (inclusive of tax) Bill No. RA/1085/11-12

On May 28, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. instead of making payment to Ram Agency towards Advertising services purchased for Rs. 33,090 (Tax Bill -Purc/11-1 dated 28-4-2011,Bill No- RA/1085/11-12) they are adjusting this bill towards the services sold (Tax Bill -Sale/9-1 dated 27-4-2011, Bill No- CS/365) on which the payment is pending from Ram agency.

Before making the money equivalent transaction, ensure the Purchase and Sale entry is recorded.

Record the Transaction in Journal Voucher

To account Money Equivalent Transactions through Journal, Ensure that the Voucher Class is created in Journal Voucher.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, in Class filed select Service Tax Adjustments2. Press F2 and change the date to 28-05-20113. In Used for field select the flag - Money Equivalent of Consideration4. In Debit field select Ram Agency ledger and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen5. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Purc/10-1 dated 28-5-2010 from the Pending Tax Bills

Based on the Tax bill selected Type of Service, Category, Amount (incl. of Tax) and Service Tax details will be defaulted

In Amount (incl. of Tax) field enter Rs. 33,090. As Crystal Services (P) adjusting the service sale of Rs. 33,090 towards the purchase of advertisem*nt services.

In Debit amount field Rs 33,090 will be displayed automatically.

6. In Bill-wise Details screen In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select RA/1085/11-12 dated 28-05-2011 from the Pending Bills

Amount will be defaulted automatically.

7. In Credit field select Ram Agency and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen


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Service Tax Transactions

8. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select tax bill Sale/9-1 from Pending Tax Bills

On selecting the Tax bill Type of Service, Category, Amount (Incl. of tax) and Service Amount details will be defaulted. Accept the default amount as entire tax bill amount is adjusted towards the purchase of services.

In Credit amount field Rs 33,090 will be displayed automatically.

9. In Bill-wise Details screen In Type of Ref select Agst Ref

In Name field select CS/365 dated 27-05-2011 from the pending Bills list to adjust towards receipts

Amount will be defaulted automatically to Rs. 33,090.

The completed Journal voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.152 Completed Money Equivalent Consideration Adjustment Journal

10.Press Enter to Save.

Details of Money Equivalent transactions will be captured in section 3F (I) (b) of Form ST3


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Service Tax Transactions

2.29 Advance Service Tax Payment and Adjust Advance Service Tax Towards the Tax LiabilityAs per Rule 6 sub-rule (1A), all the taxable persons can pay service tax in advance. Service tax paid in advance is allowed to be self-adjusted towards service tax liable to be paid for the subse-quent period.

Advance Service Tax payment transactions can be accounted in Tally.ERP 9. The advances paid to the government can be adjusted against the Tax payable for any period.

2.29.1 Advance Payment of Service Tax

Example 33:

On May 30, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. paid Advance service tax of Rs. 15,000 to the Govern-ment towards Event Management Service.

Record the transaction in Payment Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

Set up:

In F12: Payment Configuration

Set the option Use Single Entry mode for Pymt/Rcpt/Contra to Yes

1. Press F2 and change the date to 30-05-20112. In Account field select the bank ledger - Canara Bank3. Under Particulars select Service Tax @ 10% and press enter to view Service Tax Details

screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Advance as the Method of Adjustment

In Name field, application displays the reference number, which is a combination of abbre-viation of Payment and Voucher Number and Line Number (example: Pymt/6-1) which can be changed by the user.

In Category field select the service category towards which the service tax advance pay-ment is made. select Event Management Service from the List of Service Categories.

In Amount field enter the amount paid as advance. Enter Rs. 15,000

Figure 2.153 Service Tax Details Screen

5. Set the option Provide Details to Yes to enter Service Tax Payment Details


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Service Tax Transactions

6. In Service Tax Payment Details screen From and To: In this field enter the period as 1-5-2011 to 31-5-2011

Cheque/DD No: In this field user can enter either the cheque or the DD No through which the service tax payment is made. In this transaction payment is made through cheque. Mention the cheque number as 857152.

Name of the Bank: In this field mention the Name of the Bank through which the tax amount is paid to the Government. Select Canara Bank from the List of Banks.

In this field Tally.ERP 9 displays the List of Banks which lists all the banks which are already created to carry out the regular business, option (New Name) to create new Bank and the option Not applicable if the payment is made by Cash.

New Name will be selected when the authorised bank through which the payment is made is different from the regular bank where the deposit account is maintained. The Bank name created here will not be available under the List of Ledgers.

Bank Account Number: Enter the bank account number in this field.

Branch Name: Enter the bank Branch name in this field.

Bank Account Number and Branch Name details will be defaulted automatically, if the user selects the bank which is already created to carry out the regular business in the Name of Bank field. User can change such defaulted details.

Cheque Date: If the payment is made through cheque enter the cheque date in this field.

Challan No.: In this field enter the service tax payment Challan number.

If the service tax payment challan details are not available at the time of recording the serv-ice tax payment entry, such details can be updated by altering the payment voucher.

Challan Date: Enter the Challan Date.

ePayment Number: If you are making ePayment enter e payment number in this field. If cheque Number is not specified then the cursor will move to this field otherwise application slips this field

Figure 2.154 Service Tax Payment Details Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

7. In Bank Allocations Screen enter the details as shown

The completed Payment Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.155 Completed Payment Voucher

8. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.29.2 Adjustment of Advances against the Tax Liability

Example 34:

On May 30, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. adjusted Service Tax Liability of Rs. 6749.77 (Tax bill- Sale/4-2 dated 14-5-2011) towards advances (Pymt/6-1 dated 30-5-2011).

Record the transaction in Journal Voucher

To Adjustment of Advance Service tax against the Tax Liability, ensure that Voucher Class is created in Journal Voucher.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, in Class field select Service Tax Adjustments2. Press F2 and change the date to 30-05-20113. In Used for field select Advance Tax Paid Rule 6(1A) Adjustment from the list of Service Tax


Figure 2.156 Selection of Service Tax Adjustment Flag

4. In Debit filed select Service tax Ledger - Service Tax @ 10% (to adjust the service Tax liability against the advances) and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

5. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Sale/4-2 dated 15-5-2010 from the Pending Tax Bills

In Category field Event Management Service will be defaulted based on the tax bill selected

The service tax amount of the bill selected will be displayed in Amount field. Depending on the advance adjusted you can alter the amount. For the tax bill - Sale/4-2 tax liability is 6749.77 and entire 6749.77 is adjusted against the advance.


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.157 Service Tax Details Screen

6. In Debit Amount field tax amount Rs.6,749.77 will be displayed7. In Credit field select the Service tax Ledger - Service Tax @ 10% (adjust the advances) and

press enter to view Service Tax Details screen.8. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Pymt/6-1 dated 30-5-2011 from the Pending Tax Bills

In Category field Event Management Service will be defaulted based on the tax bill selected

The service tax amount of the bill selected will be displayed in Amount field. Depending on the advance adjusted you can alter the amount. For the tax bill - Pymt/6-1 advance adjusted is 6749.77. Enter Rs. 6749.77 in Amount filed.

Figure 2.158 Service Tax Details Screen

9. Set the option Provide Details to Yes and specify the period for which the advances are adjusted in Service Tax Payment Details screen.

Figure 2.159 Service Tax Payment Details Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Journal Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.160 Completed Journal Voucher

10.Press Enter to Save.

2.30 Accounting CENVAT Credit Adjustments As per CENVAT Credit rules, credit available on Inputs/Capital goods (CENVAT Credit) can be adjusted towards the Service tax Liability. Similarly the Service input Credit can be adjusted towards Duty Payable.

Example 35:

On June 1, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. has CENVAT Credit

Basic Excise Duty - Rs. 15,000

Education Cess - Rs. 300

Secondary Education cess - Rs. 150, on purchase of 1,50,000 Pet Bottles (input) @ 1 per bottle from Tega Manufacturers dated 31-5-2011. CENVAT credit is adjusted towards Service tax bill Sale/3-1


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Service Tax Transactions

If the user is using Excise for Manufacturer Module of Tally.ERP 9, follow the below mentioned procedure to record the purchase voucher to account excise duty and later adjust CENVAT credit towards service tax.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Record the transaction in Excise Purchase Voucher2. Create Voucher Class in Journal Voucher3. Record the transaction in Journal Voucher (to adjust CENVAT Credit)

1. Record the transaction in Excise Purchase Voucher

To record Excise Purchase voucher, ensure Excise Manufacturer feature is enabled, CENVAT Ledgers, Tariff Classification, Stock Item and Voucher Types are created. For more details on Excise for Manufacturer please refer - Excise for Manufacturer module in Help file or Implemen-tation Guide available in the Tally Website.

To record Excise Purchases

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase (select Excise - Purchase)

Record the Excise - Purchase as shown below

Figure 2.161 Completed Excise-Purchase Invoice

Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Create Voucher Class in Journal Voucher

To adjust the CENVAT Credit availed towards the Service Tax liability it is necessary to create a separate voucher class in Journal voucher.

To create voucher class in Journal Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Voucher Types > Alter > In Select Item screen select Journal

In Voucher Type Alteration screen, Tab down to Name of Class field and enter the class name as CENVAT Adjustment

In Voucher Type Class screen

Set the option Use Class for Excise /CENVAT Adjustments to Yes

Figure 2.162 Voucher Type Class Screen

Press Enter to save Voucher Type Class screen and Voucher Type Alteration screen.

3. Record the transaction in Journal Voucher (to adjust CENVAT Credit)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, select CENVAT Adjustment in Class field.2. Press F2 and change the date to 01-06-20113. In Used for field select CENVAT Adjustment from the list of Excise Adjustments

CENVAT Credit on the above transaction is availed while booking the purchases by selecting CENVAT ledgers.


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.163 Selection of CENVAT Adjustment Flag

4. In Excise Unit field select Crystal Services (P) Ltd.5. In Debit field select Service Tax @ 10% ledger 6. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Sale/3-1 from Pending Tax Bills

On selecting the bill the service category and tax pending for payment Rs. 1,00,000 will be defaulted. Enter 15,000 in Amount filed (the amount which is adjusted against the Cen-vat credit)

Figure 2.164 Service Tax Details Screen

7. In Debit field select Education Cess @ 2% ledger8. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Sale/3-1 from Pending Tax Bills

On selecting the bill the service category and tax will be defaulted. Enter 300 in Amount filed

9. In Debit field select Secondary Education Cess @ 1% ledger10.In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Sale/3-1 from Pending Tax Bills


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Service Tax Transactions

On selecting the bill the service category and tax will be defaulted. Enter 150 in Amount filed

11. In Credit field select Basic Excise Duty (CENVAT) ledger12. In Excise Duty Allocation screen

In Type of Ref select Agst Ref

In Name field select the tax bill -1

Based on the bill selected Amount will be defaulted accept the details displayed.

Figure 2.165 Duty Details Screen

13.In Credit field select Education Cess (CENVAT) ledger14.In Excise Duty Allocation screen

In Type of Ref select Agst Ref

In Name field select the tax bill -1

Based on the bill selected Amount - Rs. 300 will be defaulted.

15.In Credit field select Secondary Education Cess (CENVAT) ledger16.In Excise Duty Allocation screen

In Type of Ref select Agst Ref

In Name field select the tax bill -1

Based on the bill selected Amount - Rs. 150 will be defaulted.

17.Set the option Provide Details to Yes to provide Adjustment Details for Excise.

Figure 2.166 Adjustment Details Screen


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed CENVAT Adjustment Journal Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.167 Completed CENVAT Adjustment Journal Voucher

18.Press Enter to Save.

2.31 Payment of Interest and PenaltiesAs per Section 75, Interest is payable @ 13% p.a. on all the short or non payment of service tax. Tally.ERP 9 allows the user to record the Interest payment entries.

Example 36:

On June 2, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. paid,

Service tax of Rs. 3,000 on tax bill Sale/9-1

Education Cess of Rs. 60 on Tax bill Sale/9-1

Secondary Education Cess of Rs. 30 on Tax bill Sale/9-1

Arrears of Rs. 5,000 (towards Event Management services)

Interest of Rs. 800 (towards Event Management services)


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Service Tax Transactions

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Mastersi. Arrears Ledger

ii. Interest Ledger

2. Record the transaction in Payment Voucher

1. Create Mastersi. Arrears Ledger

ii. Interest Ledger

As per the details provided in the table create the masters.

2. Record the transaction in Payment Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

1. Press F2 to change the date to 02-06-20112. In Account field select Canara Bank3. Under Particulars select service tax ledger - Service Tax @ 10%4. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Sale/9-1. Based on the bill selected Category and Amount will be defaulted. Accept the default details.

Figure 2.168 Service Tax Details Screen

5. Under Particulars select education cess ledger - Education Cess @ 2%

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

ST Arrears Indirect Expenses Yes Any

Ledger Under Is Service Tax Applicable

Default Service Category

ST Interest Indirect Expenses Yes Any


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Service Tax Transactions

6. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Sale/9-1. Based on the bill selected Category and Amount will be defaulted. Accept the default details.

7. Under Particulars select secondary education cess ledger - Secondary Education Cess @ 1%

8. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Sale/9-1. Based on the bill selected Category and Amount will be defaulted. Accept the default details.

9. Under Particulars select arrears ledger - ST Arrears10.In Service Tax Payment Type screen select Others as the payment type

Figure 2.169 Selection of Service Tax Payment Type

11.In Arrears Details screen In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Type of Payment field select Arrears from Nature of Payment list

In Category field select Event Management Service from the List of Service Categories


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Service Tax Transactions

In Amount field enter Rs. 5,000

Figure 2.170 Arrears Details Screen

12.Under Particulars select interest ledger - ST Interest13.In Service Tax Payment Type screen select Others as the payment type14.In Arrears Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Type of Payment field select Interest from Nature of Payment list

In Category field select Event Management Service from the List of Service Categories

In Amount field enter Rs. 800

Figure 2.171 Service Tax Details Screen - Interest

15.Set the option Provide Details to Yes to provide Service Tax Payment Details

Figure 2.172 Service Tax Payment Details


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Service Tax Transactions

16.In Bank Allocations screen enter the Favouring Name details and in other field accept the default details

The completed Payment Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.173 Completed Payment Voucher

17.Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

Print Preview of G.A.R.-7 Challan will be displayed as shown

Figure 2.174 GAR 7 Challan


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Service Tax Transactions

2.32 Accounting Adjustments under Rule 6(3)The amount refunded for non providing of the service for which service tax was paid on receipt of such money can be adjusted against the liability of the subsequent period U/S 6(3). This adjust-ment entry can be recorded in Journal using the voucher class by selecting Tax Paid but service not rendered Rule 6(3) Adjustment.

Example 37:

On May 28, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. received Advance of Rs. 45,000 from Matrix Ad towards the Event Management Services to be provided.

On May 30, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. paid Service Tax on the advance received to the Gov-ernment.

On May 31, 2011 Matrix Ad cancelled the Services and Crystal Services (P) Ltd.paid the Advance received Rs. 45,000 (including the Service Tax paid to the Government)

On May 31, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. adjusted the service tax paid (ST - Rs. 4079.78, Education Cess Rs. 81.60, SHE cess Rs. 40.80) on the services cancelled towards the tax Liability of Sale/3-1 dated 14-5-2011.

To account the above transaction follow the steps given below

1. Create Masters i. Suspense Account Ledger

2. Record the Receipt Voucher (to account advance received)3. Record the Payment Voucher (to account tax payment to government)4. Record the Journal Voucher (To account Service tax portion paid to the government)5. Record Payment Voucher (To pay the balance to the party)6. Record the Journal Voucher (To account adjust the tax paid on the cancelled services towards

the tax liability)

1. Create Masters

i. Suspense Account Ledger

2. Record the Receipt Voucher (to account advance received)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F6: Receipt

1. Press F2 and change the date to 28-05-20112. In Account field select Canara Bank3. Select Matrix Ad under Particulars4. In Service Tax Details screen, select Type of Ref as Advance, Name and Type of Service

will be defaulted. In Category field select Event Management Services and in Service Amount specify Rs. 45,000. Tax will be calculated and displayed.

Ledger Under

Service Tax Paid to Government Suspense A/c


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.175 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Bill-wise Details select the Type of Ref as Advance and specify the bill Name as ADV - 026. Select Service tax and cess ledgers.7. In Bank Allocations screen, enter Received From, Transaction Type, Instrument Number,

Bank Name and Branch Details.The completed Receipt Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.176 Completed Receipt Voucher

8. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

3. Record the Payment Voucher (to account tax payment to government)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

1. Press F2 and change the date to 30-05-20112. In Account field select Canara Bank3. Under Particulars select service Tax ledger - Service Tax @ 10%4. In Service Tax Details screen, select Agst Ref in Type of Ref field. In Name field select Rcpt/

5-1 dated 28-05-2011. Based on the bill selected Category and Amount will be defaulted.

Figure 2.177 Service Tax Details Screen

5. Under Particulars select Education Cess ledger - Education Cess @ 2%. In Service Tax Details screen, select Agst Ref in Type of Ref field. In Name field select Rcpt/5-1 dated 8-05-2011. based on the bill selected Category and Amount will be defaulted.

6. Similarly select Secondary education Cess ledger and select the tax bill Rcpt/5-1 dated 28-05-2011

7. In Service Tax Payment Details screen provide the service tax payments details.The completed Payment Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.178 Completed Payment Voucher

8. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

4. Record the Journal Voucher (To account Service tax portion paid to the government)

Service Tax portion on the advance received is paid to government. On cancellation of service contract, service tax amount already paid to the government is also returned to the party. To account such portion of tax paid to the government and adjust towards the amount payable to the party record a adjustment entry in Journal Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. Press F2 and change the date to 31-05-20112. In Debit field select the control account created to account the tax already paid to government

- Service Tax Paid to Government and mention Rs. 4202.18 in Amount field.3. In Credit field select the party ledger - Matrix Ad. Amount will be defaulted to Rs. 4202.18. In

Bill-wise Details screen, select the Type of Ref as New Ref and reference Name as ADJ -01The completed Journal Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.179 Completed Journal Voucher

4. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

5. Record Payment Voucher (To pay the balance to the party)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

1. Press F2 and change the date to 31-05-20112. In Account field select Canara Bank3. In Amount field enter Rs. 450004. In Bill-wise Details screen, select Agst Ref as Type of Ref and select the bill ADV - 02 for

Rs. 40,797.82 and ADJ -01 for Rs. 4202.185. In Bank Allocations screen enter the Favouring Name, Transaction Type and Instrument

Number details.The completed Payment Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.180 Completed Payment Voucher

6. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

6. Record the Journal Voucher (To account adjust the tax paid on the cancelled services towards the tax liability)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. In Change Voucher Type screen select Service Tax Adjustments in Class field2. Press F2 and change the date to 31-05-20113. In Used for field select Tax Paid but service not rendered Rule 6(3) Adjustment from Serv-

ice Tax Adjustments list.

Figure 2.181 Selection of Service Tax Adjustment Flag

4. In Debit field select service tax ledger - Service Tax @ 10% 5. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref select Agst Ref

In Name field select the tax bill Sale/3-1. Category and amount will be defaulted based on the bill selected

In Amount field enter Rs. 4079.78

Figure 2.182 Service Tax Details Screen

6. In Debit field select Education Cess @ 2% and in Service Tax Details screen Select the tax bill Sale/3-1, enter the Amount Rs. 81.60


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Service Tax Transactions

7. In Debit field select Secondary Education Cess @ 1% and in Service Tax Details screen Select the tax bill Sale/3-1, enter the Amount Rs. 40.80

8. In Credit field select the control ledger used to adjust service tax paid - Service Tax Paid to Government. Amount Rs. 4202.18 will be displayed automatically.

9. Enable the option Provide Details to Yes to enter the Service Tax Payment Details

Figure 2.183 Service Tax Payment Details Screen

The completed Journal Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.184 Completed Journal Voucher

10.Press Enter to Save.

The values of Tax adjusted under Rule 6(3) will be captured in section (4A)(iii) of Form ST - 3


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Service Tax Transactions

2.33 Receipt/Payment of Normal Advances and Adjusting Advance against the Service BillIn some cases, businesses receive advance from the customer and will account such advances with out calculating the service tax. Later (after providing service) while raising the service bill advance received will be adjusted towards the bill and balance will be displayed as the pending for payment.

Tally.ERP 9 supports to adjust normal advances received (tax not calculated while accounting advances) form the customers towards the sales bill. The adjusted amount will be displayed in all the service tax reports as amount realised towards the service rendered.

Adjustment of Normal Advance received/ paid towards service bill (Sales/Purchase) is supported in Tally.ERP 9 from Release 2.1.

Example 38:

On June 2, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. received an Advance of Rs. 80,000 from Mayank Crea-tions.

On June 4, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. raised a Service Bill for Rs. 2,50,000 (Exclusive of tax) for Event Management Services rendered and adjusted the advance received Rs.80000 towards the service bill

To account the above transaction

1. Record Transaction in Receipt Voucher

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher

1. Record the Transaction in Receipt Voucher (to account the receipt of advance)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F6: Receipt

1. Press F2 and change the date to 02-06-20112. In Credit field select Mayank Creations and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen3. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref select End of List and press Enter to come out of Service Tax Details screen

4. In Credit Amount field enter Rs. 80,000 and press enter to view Bill-wise Details screen5. In Bill-wise Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Advance from Method of Adjustment

Ensure in party ledger the option Maintain balances bill-by-bill is set to Yes.

The Type of Ref selected should be Advance

In Name field enter the Bill Name - ADV/525

Amount will be displayed automatically


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.185 Bill-wise Details Screen

6. Press Enter to accept the Bill details7. In Debit field select Cash or Bank Ledger depending on the nature of payment received. Here

ABC Company received payment in cheque hence Bank Ledger - Canara Bank is selected.8. Amount will be displayed automatically.9. In Bank Allocations screen, enter Received From, Transaction Type, Instrument Number,

Instrument Date, Bank Name and Branch details.10.Enter Narration, if anyThe completed Receipt voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.186 Completed Receipt Voucher

11.Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record the Transaction in Sales Voucher (to account the sale of services and adjust advance received towards the service bill)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales

1. Press F2 and change the date to 04-06-20112. In Party A/C Name field select Mayank Creations from the List of Ledger Accounts3. Under Particulars select Sale- Event Mgt Services ledger and press enter to view Service

Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Name field Sale/10-1 will be displayed as the Reference Number. Accept the default number.

Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Receiver, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Taxable is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Based on the service Category selected in the Sales Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Event Management Service is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

In Service Amount field enter the value of service provided Rs. 2,50,000

In Amount (Incl. of Tax) field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in this filed

Figure 2.187 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Amount field of Service Amount of Rs. 2,50,000 will be displayed 6. Select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 10%. Service Tax amount will be calculated and

displayed automatically.7. Select education cess ledger e.g. Education Cess @ 2%. Education Cess amount will be cal-

culated and displayed automatically.


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Service Tax Transactions

8. Select secondary education cess ledger e.g. Secondary Education Cess @ 1%. secondary Education Cess amount will be calculated and displayed automatically.

9. In Bill-wise Details screen In Type of Ref select Agst Ref

In Name field select ADV/525

In Amount field enter Rs. 80,000 (advance received on 02-06-2011)

In Type of Ref select New Ref

In Name field select CS/458/11-12

In Amount field the balance amount of Rs.1,95,750 will be displayed automatically.

Figure 2.188 Bill-wise Details Screen

10. On accepting the Bill-wise Details screen Tally.ERP 9 displays Service Tax Realisation for Advance Receipt Amount screen.

Figure 2.189 Service Tax Realisation for Advance Receipt Amount screen


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Service Tax Transactions

If the user want to consider the Advance Received as Realised Amount for Service Tax Bill you can select Type of Ref as Agst Ref.

In Name field select Sale 10/1 from the Pending Tax bill to adjust the advances towards the service sale. On selection of tax bill the Type of Service, Category and Realised Amount will be defaulted automatically.

Figure 2.190 Completed Service Tax Realisation for Advance Receipt Amount Screen

The completed sales voucher appears as shown

Figure 2.191 Completed Sales Voucher

11.Press Enter to save.


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Service Tax Transactions

Service Tax Payable Report

The normal advances adjusted towards the service sales will be reflected in Service Tax Payable report and From ST 3 Form

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Service Tax Payables > Bill Date wise

Figure 2.192 Service Tax Payable Report

Tally.ERP 9 will not display the voucher reference for the realised amount. the advance adjusted will be considered as the realised on the date of sale.

2.34 Accounting Associated Enterprise TransactionsAs per Service Tax Rules, if an Assessee is making sales to associated enterprises, such person is liable to pay Service Tax immediately after the taxable services provided even if the considera-tion for the taxable services provided is not actually received.

Support to account Associated Enterprise Transactions in Tally.ERP 9 has been provided in Release 3.0. This feature will be useful for those users who Sell /purchase services from Sister Concerns or Branches or Associated Partners which will be considered as Realised on raising the service bill (irrespective payment received/paid).

Example 39:

On June 6, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. sold Event Management Services for Rs. 3,00,000 to its Chennai Branch. On services provided service tax is charged @ 10.3%

To record the above transaction

1. Create Masters

i. Service Receiver Ledger

2. Record Transaction in Sales Voucher


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Service Tax Transactions

1. Create Customer (Associated Enterprise) Ledger

To create Service Receiver Ledger under Sundry Debtors

Go to Gateway of Tally> Accounts Info.> Ledgers> Create

Enter the Name of the Customer Ledger e.g.Crystal Services - Chennai Branch.

Select Sundry Debtors from the List of Groups in the Under field.

Set Maintain balances bill-by-bill to Yes.

Enter the Default Credit Period, if required.

Set Is Service Provider/Receiver to Yes.

Set the option Set/Alter Service Tax Details to Yes and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

In Service Tax Details screen enter

Registration Number: Enter 15 digits Service Tax Registration Number of the Service Provider. E.g. ASEWS9684CST001

Date of Registration: Enter the Registration Date 20-4-2004

Is Associated Enterprise: Set this option to Yes if the sale made is to the associate enterprise

Figure 2.193 Service Tax Details Screen

This field is provided to identify the service provider/receiver as associated enterprise or not. If the party is associated enterprise set this option to Yes. If not, retain No for this field.

Type of Classification: In this field select the classification as Not Applicable.

Enter Mailing & Tax information and save the ledger.


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record the transaction in Sales Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales

1. Press F2 and change the date to 6-06-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service receiver e.g. Crystal Services - Chennai Branch3. Under Particulars select the Service (sales) Ledger e.g. Sale- Event Mgt Services and press

enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

Associated Enterprise: This field will be displayed in Service Tax Details screen and will be set to Yes if Is Associated Enterprise option is set to Yes while creating the party ledger. However, Tally.ERP 9 gives the flexibility to change settings.

Figure 2.194 Service Tax Details Screen

If any transaction carried out with a party is not of Associated Enterprise nature instead of altering the ledger master you can set the option Associated Enterpriseto No in Service Tax Details screen while recording the transaction.

Type of Ref.: Select New Ref from the Method of Adjustment. New Ref is selected for new Financial Transactions. Where as, Agst Ref is selected to set off the advance receipts.

Name: This filed displays the Reference Number for the service tax calculation. The default Reference Number displayed, is a combination of abbreviation of Sales, Voucher Number and Line Number. Example: Sale/11-1 which can be changed by the user. Service Tax pay-ments are tracked with these Reference Numbers.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Receiver, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Taxable is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service category selected in the Sales Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Event Management Services is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount Rs. 3,00,000. On providing the service amount Service tax gets calculated.


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Service Tax Transactions

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in this filed

Figure 2.195 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 3,00,000 will be defaulted automatically.6. Under Particulars select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax, Education Cess and Secondary

Education Cess ledger to account the tax amount.7. Enter the Bill Details.The completed service sales voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.196 Completed Associated Enterprise Sales Voucher


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Service Tax Transactions

8. Press enter to Save.

Service Tax Payable (Bill-Date Wise) Report

Observe, a party identified as associated enterprise and on accounting the sales, the transaction of the party will be considered as realised (irrespective of payment received) and will be displayed in service tax payable reports.

Figure 2.197 Service Tax Payable Report

The above transaction details can also be viewed in Service Tax Computation (under Service Tax Payable > Current Period) report.

The Associated Enterprises transactions can also be recorded through JournalVoucher.

To account associated enterprises transactions in Journal Voucher ensure the option Enable 'Associated Enterprise' during entry is set to Yes in Service TaxConfigurations of Service Tax Details screen.

Similarly, the Purchase of Services from associated enterprise can also be recorded in Purchase or Journal Voucher.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.35 Accounting Sale/Purchase of Services at Lower Rate of Tax In some cases, there may be provision under law to charge service tax at a rate lesser than the actual percentage. Example: Works Contract Services - Tax is charged @ 4%.

In this scenario the service provider/receiver has to change the rate of tax applicable on the service provided/received while accounting the transaction. Altering the Rate of Service Tax during entry for each & every transaction of this nature will be time consuming & some times may forget to alter the rate which leads to wrong calculation of Service Tax.

To assist the users to account the services on which service tax charged is lesser than the actual rate a provision has been provided to alter the Service Tax rate in the service Ledger.

Example 40:

On June 7, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased works contract services form Amar Contrac-tors for Rs. 1,85,000 on which service tax is charged @ 4.12%.

To record the above transaction

1. Create Masters

i. Tax Ledger

ii. Service Ledger

2. Record the Transaction in Purchase Voucher

1. Create Masters

i. Tax Ledger

ii. Create Service Ledger - Works Contract Services

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

Set Up:

In F12: Configure (Ledger Configuration)

Set the option Allow ADVANCED entries in Service Tax Master to Yes

In Ledger Creation screen

Enter the Name of the service expense ledger you wish to create, for e.g., Works Contract Services.

Select Indirect Expenses as the group name in the Under field.

Ledger Under Type of Duty/Tax Tax Head

Service Tax @ 4.12% Duties & Taxes Service Tax Any


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Service Tax Transactions

Set Inventory values are affected to No.

Set Is Service Tax Applicable to Yes.

In Default Service Category field select Works Contract Services from the List of Serv-ice Categories.

Enable the option Set/Alter Tax Rate Details to Yes and press enter to view Tax Rate Details screen

Figure 2.198 Option to Alter the Service Tax Rate

Set/Alter Tax Rate Details option will appear in service ledger creation/alteration screen only when the option Allow ADVANCED entries in Service Tax Master is set to Yes.

In Tax Rate Details screen

Category: In this field select the service category/categories, which you are purchasing or selling for which the service tax charged is lesser than the actual rate.

Applicable From Date: In this field mention the date from when the changed rate is applicable for the service category.

Service Tax: In this field mention the applicable service tax for the service category.

Education Cess: In this field mention the applicable education cess for the service cat-egory.

Secondary Education Cess: In this field mention the applicable secondary education cess for the service category.


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.199 Set/Alter Tax Rate Details Screen

Press enter to save the Tax Rate Details and Ledger Creation.

2 Record the Transaction in Purchase Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase

1. Press F2 and change the date to 7-06-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the service provider e.g. Amar Contractors3. Under Particulars select the Service (purchases) Ledger e.g. Works Contract Services and

press enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen

Type of Ref.: Select New Ref from the method of Adjustment.

The Service Tax charged on works contract service is 4%. Hence in Service Tax column the Rate has been changed. The Rate defined will override the default per-centage of tax for the ledger. The Tax Rate specified in Tax Rate Details screen will be considered for tax calculation during entry.


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Service Tax Transactions

Name: This filed displays the Reference Number for the service tax calculation. The default Reference Number displayed, is a combination of abbreviation of Purchase, Voucher Number and Line Number. Example: Purc/12-1 which can be changed by the user. Service Input credits are tracked with these Reference Numbers.

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Input Credit is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Purchase Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Works Contract Service is displayed.

Service Amount: In this field enter the Service Amount of Rs. 1,85,000

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field the cumulative (collective) amount of Service amount and Tax will be displayed in this filed

Figure 2.200 Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 1,85,000 will be defaulted automatically.6. Under Particulars select service tax ledger e.g. Service Tax @ 4.12%. Service Tax amount

will be calculated and displayed automatically.7. Enter the Bill details

Service Tax Rate - 4% defined while creating the purchase/expense ledger is displayed by overriding the default percentage of 10%.


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed service purchase voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.201 Completed Purchase Voucher

8. Press enter to Save.

The transaction for which service tax is calculated at lower rate can also be recorded in Journal Voucher.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.36 ST Expenses/Purchases in Payment VoucherIn some cases users will be making payment towards expenses on which service tax is applicable and want to record expenses through Payment Voucher.In Tally.ERP 9, service tax expenses or purchases can be accounted in Payment voucher.

Example: Payment of Telephone Bill inclusive of Tax through Payment voucher

Example 41:

On June 8, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. is making payment towards Communication (Internet) Bill of Rs. 19,854 (Inclusive of Service Tax)

To record the above Transaction

1. Create Masters

i. Expenses Ledger

ii. Service Provider Ledger

2. Record the transaction in Payment Voucher

1. Create Masters

i. Expenses Ledger

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create

Enter the Name of the service expense ledger you wish to create, for e.g., Communica-tion Expenses.

Select Indirect Expenses as the group name in the Under field.

Set Is Service Tax Applicable to Yes. In Default Service Category field select Telecom-munication Service from the List of Service Categories.

Figure 2.202 Selection of Service Category


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Service Tax Transactions

ii. Service Provider Ledger - Airtel

2. Record the transaction in Payment Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

1. Press F2 and change the date to 8-06-20112. In Debit field select Communication Expenses ledger and press enter to view Payment Type

screen3. In Service Tax Payment Type screen select Expenses and press enter to view Service Tax

Details screen

Figure 2.203 Selection of Service Tax Payment Type

4. In Service Tax Details screen Type of Ref: Select New Ref from the Method of Adjustment. New Ref is selected for new

financial transactions.

Name: Tally.ERP 9 displays the reference number, which is a combination of abbreviation of Journal and Voucher Number and Line Number (example: Pymt/10-1) which can be changed by the user. Input service credit are tracked with these Reference Numbers.

Party Ledger: In this field mention the name of the party to whom the payment is made.

The transaction for which service tax is calculated at lower rate can also be recorded in Journal Voucher.

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Airtel Sundry Creditors Yes Yes


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Service Tax Transactions

Type of Service: Based on the Type of Classification selected in the Service Provider, Type of Service will be defaulted (displayed). By default Input Credit is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Category: Based on the service Category selected in the Expense Ledger, category will be defaulted (displayed). By default Telephone Services is displayed and Tally.ERP 9 skips the field.

Amount (Incl. of Tax): In this field specify the bill amount (inclusive of service tax). After specifying the Inclusive of service tax amount, service Amount of 19,854 and tax bifurca-tion will be displayed automatically.

In Amount filed the Service Amount of Rs. 18,000 will be defaulted automatically

Figure 2.204 Service Tax Details Screen

5. Service Amount of Rs. 18,000 will be displayed in Debit amount column6. In Debit field select service tax, education cess and secondary education cess ledger to

account the Tax and cess amount on the services purchased.7. In Credit field select the Bank/Cash Ledger depending on the Nature of Payment. Total

amount (Rs. 5841) of Service Cost plus the Service Tax will be displayed in Amount column.


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Service Tax Transactions

The completed Payment Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.205 Completed Payment Voucher

8. Press Enter to Save.

Recording of Service Tax Expenses or Purchases in Payment Voucher is also supported in Single Entry Mode.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.37 Refund of Service Input CreditService Tax refund of service tax paid on input services can be claimed

When the services received by an exporter and used for the services exported (in terms of Export of Service Rules 2005)

When the services received by an exporter and used for manufacture of goods exported.

Conditions for claiming the Refund of service tax paid on input services are

The refund shall be claimed by the exporter of the goods/services for the input services received and used by the exporter for export of goods/services

Claim can only in the form of refund of service tax paid on the specified services used for goods/services

To claim the refund the exporter should have actually paid the service tax on the input serv-ices

Now in Tally.ERP 9, you can record the Refund of Service Tax paid (Service Input Credit) on the services purchased which are used towards the Goods exported. To account refund of service Input Credit in Journal Voucher a new flag - Refund of Service Tax Input Credit has been provided.

Example 42:

On June 10, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased Fashion Designer Services from Madhura Creations for Rs. 4,75,000 by paying Service Tax @ 10.3%.

Fashion Designer Services purchased towards the manufacture of garments which were Exported to United States

On June12, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd made payment of Rs. 5,23,925 to Madhura Creations towards the service purchased

On June 15, 2011 after export of goods, ABC company claimed the refund of service tax Rs. 48,925 paid on the input services purchased as on 10-06-2011 from Madhura Creations, which are used for providing services exported.

To record the above transaction

1. Create Masters

i. Current Asset Ledger

ii. Service Provider Ledger

2.Record a Purchase Voucher (to account the purchase of services)

3. Record a Payment Voucher (to account the payment to the service provider

4. Record a Journal Voucher (to account refund of Service tax input credit)


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Service Tax Transactions

1. Create Masters

i. Current Asset Ledger - Refund of Input Credit

Create the ledger Current Asset ledger as shown

Figure 2.206 Completed Current Assets Ledger

ii. Service Provider Ledger - Madhura Creations

Ledger Under Is Service Provider/Receiver

Set/Alter Service Tax Details

Madhura Creations Sundry Creditors Yes Yes


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record a Purchase Voucher (to account the purchase of services)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase

The completed Purchase Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.207 Completed Purchase Voucher

3. Payment to Service Provider (to account the payment to the service provider)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

The completed Payment Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.208 Completed Payment Voucher


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Service Tax Transactions

4. Record a Journal Voucher (to account refund of Service tax input credit)

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. In Change Voucher Type screen in Class field select Service Tax Adjustments from Voucher Class List

2. Press F2 and change the date to 15-06-20113. In Used for field select the flag Refund of Service Tax Input Credit

Figure 2.209 Selection of Refund of Service Tax Input Credit Flag

4. In Debit filed select the ledger created under Current Assets - Refund of Input Credit

5. In Debit Amount field specify the amount claimed as refund Rs. 48,925.

Crystal services (P) Ltd. is claiming refund of Rs. 48,925 on the services purchased on 10-06-2011 form Madhura Creations.

6. In Credit field select Service Tax ledger - Service tax @ 10% and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen

7. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref as the Method of Adjustment

In Name field select the service tax bill - Purc/13-1 dated 10-06-2011 against which the service input credit refund is claimed

On selection of service tax bill Category and Amount will be defaulted automatically. Accept the default details.

If you are claiming refund of Partial service input credit then in Amount field specify the amount which is claimed as refund.


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.210 Service Tax Details Screen

8. In Credit field select Education Cess ledger - Education Cess @ 2% and in Service Tax Details screen select the tax bill Purc/13-1 dated 10-06-2011and accept the default details dis-played.

9. In Credit field select Education Cess ledger - Secondary Education Cess @ 1% and in Serv-ice Tax Details screen select the tax bill Purc/13-1 dated 10-06-2011 and accept the default details displayed.

The completed journal voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.211 Completed Journal Voucher

10.Press Enter to save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2.38 Reversal of Utilised Input CreditAs per Amendment in the CENVAT Credit (Third Amendment) Rules, 2011 Service Tax Input Credit against the Purchase Bills can be availed even if the payment is not made to the Service provider w.e.f 1-4-2011 (applicable only for the service bills raised after 1-4-2011). However if the payment is not made to the service provider within 3 months then, the Service tax credit utilised has to be reversed.

Reversal of utilised Input Credit can be accounted through Journal Voucher. To reverse the Utilised Input Credit a New flag – Reversal of Utilised Input Credit has been provided in Journal Voucher.

Example 43:

On June 2, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. purchased Advertising Services from Kamal Advertis-ers for Rs. 1,98,540 (inclusive of service tax).

On June 3, 2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd. utilised the Input Credit of Rs. 18,540 towards the service bill dated 2-6-2011

After utilising the input credit Crystal Services (P) Ltd. failed to make the payment to Krypton Agency with in Three months from the date of bill and decides to reverse the Credit availed.

On 8-9-2011 Crystal Services (P) Ltd.recorded a Input Credit Reversal entry for Rs. 18,540.

To record the above transaction

1. Record the purchase of services in Purchase Voucher

2. Record Journal Voucher for Input Credit Adjustment

3. Record Journal Voucher to Reverse the utilised Input Credit

1. Record the purchase of services in Purchase Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase

1. Press F2 and change the date to 2-06-20112. In Party’s A/c Name field select the party - Kamal Advertisers from whom the service is pur-

chased3. Under Particulars select the service Purchase Ledger - Purchase - Advertisem*nt Services

and press enter to view Service Tax Details screen4. In Service Tax Details screen, Accept the default details in Type of Ref, Bill Name, Type of

Service and Category fields. In Amount (Incl. of Tax) field enter the total service bill amount Rs. 1,98,540. Tax and Service Amount will be calculated and displayed.


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.212 Service Tax Details Screen

5. To account the Tax and Cess on the service purchased select the service tax and cess ledgersThe completed Purchase voucher appears as shown

Figure 2.213 Completed Purchase Voucher

6. Press Enter to Save.


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Service Tax Transactions

2. Record Journal Voucher for Input Credit Adjustment

To adjust the Input Credit against the tax payable, create the Voucher Class in Journal Voucher. To create voucher class refer - Create the Voucher Class in Journal Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, in Class field select Service Tax Adjustments2. Press F2 and change the date to 3-06-20113. In Used for field select Input Credit Adjustments flag4. In Debit field select service tax ledger - Service Tax @ 10% (to adjust the Output Service Tax

on services sold)5. In Service Tax Details screen

In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Sale/3-1 dated 10-5-2011 from Pending Tax bills

In Amount field by default the tax pending for the tax bill will be defaulted. Here Crystal Services is adjusting service Credit of Rs. 18,000 towards service tax. Hence enter Rs. 18,000 in Amount field.

Figure 2.214 Service Tax Details Screen

6. In Debit field select education cess ledger - Education Cess @ 2% (to adjust the Education Cess on services sold)

7. In Service Tax Details screen, select Agst Ref in Type of Ref. In Name field select the tax bill Sale/3-1 dated 10-5-2011 and in Amount field enter Rs.360.

8. In Debit field select secondary education cess ledger - Secondary Education Cess @ 1% (to adjust the Secondary Education Cess on services sold)

9. In Service Tax Details screen, select Agst Ref in Type of Ref. In Name field select the tax bill Sale/3-1 dated 10-5-2011 and in Amount field enter Rs.180.

10.In Credit field select service tax ledger - Service Tax @ 10% (to adjust Input Credit of service tax paid on services purchased)

11.In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select Purc/12-1 dated 2-6-2011 from Pending Tax bills

Based on the tax bill selected Category will be defaulted to Advertising Agency and Amount to Rs. 18,000


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Service Tax Transactions

Figure 2.215 Service Tax Details Screen

12.In Credit field select education cess ledger - Education Cess @ 2% (to adjust Input Credit of education cess paid on services purchased)

13.In Service Tax Details screen, select Agst Ref in Type of Ref field and select the Tax Refer-ence Sale /12-1. Based on the tax bill selected Category will be defaulted to AdvertisingAgency and Amount to Rs. 360

14.In Credit field select secondary education cess ledger - Secondary Education Cess @ 1%(to adjust Input Credit of secondary education cess paid on services purchased)

15.In Service Tax Details screen, select Agst Ref in Type of Ref field and select the Tax Refer-ence Sale /12-1. Based on the tax bill selected Category will be defaulted to AdvertisingAgency and Amount to Rs. 180

16.Set the option Provide Details to Yes and in the Service Tax Payment Details screen specify the period for which the Input Credit are adjusted. Mention 1-6-2011 to 30-6-2011 in Service Tax Payment Details screen.

The completed Journal voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.216 Completed Input Credit Adjustment Journal Voucher


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Service Tax Transactions

17.Press Enter to Save.

To view the details of Input Credit availed on the Unpaid Bills a new report Reversal Details has been provided. To view the report, go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Input Credit > Reversal Details

Figure 2.217 Input Credit Reversal Details Report

This report displays Utilised Input credit on Unpaid Bills and the amount of Input credit to be reversed if payment is not made with in 3 months.

3. Record Journal Voucher to Reverse the utilised Input Credit

As per the recent amendments if the input credit of any unpaid bill is utilised to adjust the service tax payable and such bill remains unpaid for more than 3 month, the utilised input credit has to be reversed.

After 3 month Crystal Services (P) Ltd. checked its outstanding bills in which the Purchase bill - Purc/12-1 was also pending. Hence, company is reversing the utilised input credit

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal

1. In Change Voucher Type screen, in Class field select Service Tax Adjustments2. Press F2 and change the date to 8-09-20113. In Used for field select Reversal of Utilised Input Credit

Figure 2.218 Selection of Reversal of Utilised Input Credit Flag


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Service Tax Transactions

4. In Debit field select Service Tax ledger - Service Tax @ 10% and press enter to view Service Tax Details Screen

5. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref field select Agst Ref

In Name field select the Purchase bill - Purc/12-1 dated 2-6-2011 of which the credit to be reversed

Figure 2.219 Service Tax Details Screen- Selection of Tax Bill to Reverse the Utilised Credit

Completed Service Tax Details screen is displayed as shown

Figure 2.220 Completed Service Tax Details Screen

6. In Debit field select Service Tax ledger - Education Cess @ 2%. In Service Tax Detailsscreen select the Credit utilised tax bill - Purc/12-1 dated 2-6-2011 to reverse the credit.

7. In Debit field select Service Tax ledger - Secondary Education Cess @ 1%. In Service Tax Details screen select the Credit utilised tax bill - Purc/12-1 dated 2-6-2011 to reverse the credit.


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Service Tax Transactions

8. To create the Tax liability to the extent of input credit reversed, in Credit field select Service Tax ledger - Service Tax @ 10% and press enter to view Service Tax Details Screen

9. In Service Tax Details screen In Type of Ref field select New Ref

In Name field accept the default bill reference displayed - Jrnl/16-1

In Category field, if the user can clearly identify the service category towards which the Input Credit reversed was adjusted can select the same category or can select any appro-priate Service Category

Here, Crystal services (P) Ltd. is selecting Event Management Service category towards which the reversed input credit was utilised earlier.

In Amount field enter the Service tax amount to raise the tax liability. Ex: Rs. 18,000

10.Similarly, in Credit field select Education Cess and Secondary Education Cess ledger to create the tax liability.

The completed Reversal of Utilised Input Credit Journal Voucher is displayed as shown

Figure 2.221 Completed Reversal of Utilised Input Credit Journal Voucher

11.Press Enter to Save.

To create the tax liability to the extent of reversed Input Credit you have to select the Service Tax ledger (created under Duties & Taxes).


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Service Tax Transactions

After recording the Reversal entry, the transaction details of Purc/12-1 will not be displayed in Reversal Details.

Figure 2.222 Reversal Details Report after Reversal Of Utilised Input Credit

In the reversal entry as the Tax Liability is raised to the extent of reversed utilised input credit, transaction details will be displayed in Bill Date Wise Service Tax Payable report

Figure 2.223 Service Tax Payables - Bill Date Wise Report


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Lesson 3: Service Tax Reports

Tally.ERP 9 helps the user to generate the Service tax Computation Report, Service Tax Payables, Input Credit - Summary, Input Credit - Reversal Details and ST3 Report at the end of the month or half yearly, as prescribed under the Act. To view the Service Tax Reports.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports

Figure 3.1 Service Tax Reports


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Service Tax Reports

3.1 ComputationService Tax Computation report displays information about service tax transactions. This report gives information of Input Credit, Service Tax Payable, Service Tax Payments/Credit Adjust-ments, Balance Service Tax Payable, Balance Available Credit & Other Payments like Arrears, Interest etc. for the period specified.

To view the computation report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Computation

Figure 1.2 Service Tax Computation Report


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Service Tax Reports

3.2 Service Tax PayablesService Tax Payables report displays the Total Service Tax Payables as on a specified date. In Tally.ERP 9 Service Tax Payables can be viewed based on sales Bill Date, Receipt Date and for tax payable on services received like GTA and Imports.

To view Service Tax Payables report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Service Tax Payables

Figure 3.3 Service Tax Payables

Service Tax Payables report can be viewed

Bill Date Wise

Realisation Date Wise

Tax on Services Received

Import of Services


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Service Tax Reports

3.2.1 Bill Date Wise

Bill Date Wise Service Tax Payables report displays the Total Service Tax Payables as on a specified date based on the bill date of the services provided.

To view Bill Date Wise report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Service Tax Payables > Bill Date Wise

Figure 3.4 Service Tax Payables - Bill Date Wise

Configuration for Bill Date Wise report

To configure Bill Date Wise report press F12 key or click on F12: Configure button

The Configuration screen appears as shown

Figure 1.5 Configuration Screen


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Service Tax Reports

3.2.2 Realisation Date Wise

Realisation Date Wise Service Tax Payables report displays the Total Service Tax Payables as on a specified date based on the Receipt (of payments from the customers) date of the services provided.

To view Realisation Date Wise report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Service Tax Payables > Realisation Date Wise

Figure 3.6 Service Tax Payables (Receipt Date -Wise)


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Service Tax Reports

3.2.3 Tax on Service Received

Tax on Service Received report displays the tax payable as on a specified date, for the services received on which the service receiver is liable to pay service tax. on all the Goods Transport Agency services received, service receiver is liable to pay the tax to the government. Such service tax payables will be displayed in Tax on Service Received report

To view Tax on Service Received report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Service Tax Payables > Tax on Service Received

Figure 1.7 Tax on Service Received Report


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Service Tax Reports

3.2.4 Import of Services

As per service tax rules, the liability to pay service tax on imported services lies with the service receiver. Service Tax Payables - Import of Services report displays the service tax payable as on a specified date on all the services imported.

To view Import report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Service Tax Payables >Import of Services

Figure 1.8 Import of Services Report


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Service Tax Reports

3.3 Input Credit

3.3.1 Summary

As per Service Tax Credit Rules 2002, the output service provider availing service tax credit shall maintain proper records in which the relevant information regarding the Sl. No. and date of document on which service tax credit is availed, service tax registration No. and name of the input service provider, description and value of input service, service tax credit availed, service tax credit utilized for payment of service tax on output service shall be recorded.

Input Credit - Summary report gives the details of Total input credit availed, utilised and Balance Input Credit available for the specified period.

If the input credit is in excess of output service tax payable during a particular month or quarter, the surplus is transferred to the next period and is available for set off during that month or quarter as the case may and vice versa.

To view the Input Credit - Summary report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Input Credit > Summary

Figure 3.9 Input Credit - Summary Report


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Service Tax Reports

3.3.2 Reversal Details

This report displays the details of purchase bills of which the Input Credit is utilised towards Service tax payable before making the payment to the Service Provider.

To view the Input Credit Reversal Details report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Input Credit > Reversal Details

The Input Credit Reversal Details screen appears as shown

Figure 1.10 Reversal Details Screen


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Service Tax Reports

3.4 ST3 ReportThe ST3 Report is a statutory report. This report displays the ST3 Form in the government pre-scribed format that is used to file Half – Yearly Service Tax returns to the Commissionerate of Service Tax.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports >Service Tax Reports > ST3 Report

Use the Alt+P key or click on Print option to print your report.

This will display the Form ST-3.

In Period For field, select the period for which ST3 Report to be printed.

Specify the Place and Date for Printing ST3 Report.

Figure 3.11 Form ST - 3 Printing Screen

Press enter to view Print Preview of From ST 3


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Service Tax Reports

The Print Preview of Form ST-3 appears as shown

Figure 3.12 Page 1


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Service Tax Reports

Figure 3.13 Page 2


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Service Tax Reports

Figure 3.14 Page 3


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Service Tax Reports

Figure 3.15 Page 4


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Service Tax Reports

Figure 3.16 Page 5


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Service Tax Reports

Figure 3.17 Page 6


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Service Tax Reports

Figure 3.18 Page 7

Details in Exception Report will be displayed in data migrated form Tally 9 to Tally.ERP 9 or Tally.ERP 9 Release 1.61 to Tally. ERP 9 Release 1.8 which is not completely migrated.


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