Keto Fettuccini Alfredo - Egg Fast (2024)

This, the original and best Keto Fettuccini Alfredo recipe, is so creamy and satisfying that it will make sticking to your 5 day egg fast a breeze! In fact this keto Fettuccini Alfredo is so good that you may end up adding it to your weekly rotation!

Keto Fettuccini Alfredo - Egg Fast (1)

I made it! 5 days on the IBIH Keto Egg Fast Diet and I’m down a total of 7.4 lbs as of this morning! This Keto Egg Fast Fettuccini Alfredo recipe is a keeper, and definitely contributed to my successfully staying on the keto egg fast for the full 5 days!

I’m already deep in ketosis (the strips are purple which NEVER happens,) from this keto egg fast, and I’m hoping that maintaining my macros at a really high fat content, very low carb, and less protein than usual rate will keep the weight from coming back on overnight.

I’ll be reporting my weight fluctuations daily via Instagram and Facebook, but won’t have time to post anything here on the blog for the next few days. I’ll update you in a post sometime this weekend though, with a 7 day Egg Fast menu plan (5 days on, 2 days off) soon to follow.

What I Ate on Day Five of the Keto Egg Fast Diet

7 eggs
2 Tbsp MCT oil
5 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp mayonnaise
4 oz cream cheese
2 string cheese
1 oz cheddar
1 Tbsp grated parmesan
120 oz spring water

I’m not going to lie, yesterday was ROUGH! By about noon the idea of eating another egg in any form was making me want to hurl. I was cranky, had a headache, and really wanted to quit this keto egg fast. It didn’t help that Mr. Hungry was churning out delicious smelling pizzas in our wood-fired oven either! This keto egg fast fettuccini alfredo recipe saved the day for sure!

Keto Fettuccini Alfredo - Egg Fast (2)

It’s not easy to get the right consistency in a flourless keto “pasta,” and believe me I’ve tried. I finally hit on a combo that provides just the right aldente “bite” that feels like eating the real thing. Not too mushy, perfectly pliable, and doesn’t fall apart in the sauce.

And the sauce – oooooh the sauce! This keto egg fast fettuccini alfredo sauce is so creamy and cheesy that I prefer it over the flour-laden real thing! And it’s so easy to make – it literally takes less than two minutes, and can be used to dress up chicken, veggies, pretty much any savory dish will be improved with a heaping tablespoon of this easy keto egg fast alfredo sauce!!!

I’m writing this keto fettuccini alfredo recipe as a single serving because the pasta doesn’t reheat well – I hit it in the microwave while in the sauce because it got cold while taking the photos, and the “pasta” got a little tough – not horrible, just not as good as fresh.

The sauce for this keto fettuccini alfredo recipe reheats fine though – so you can make extra of that if you want, so you have it on hand. This is incredibly rich, so if you can’t eat it all, then just be sure to reheat it very gently for as little time as possible, so your keto noodles don’t get too tough.


Keto Fettuccini Alfredo - Egg Fast (4)

Keto Fettuccini Alfredo

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5 from 73 reviews

  • Author: Mellissa Sevigny
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 1 serving 1x
  • Diet: Diabetic
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Keto Fettuccini Alfredo that tastes like the real thing and works for a regular low carb diet or the 5 day keto egg fast.



  • 2 eggs
  • 1 oz cream cheese
  • pinch of salt
  • pinch of garlic powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 oz Mascarpone cheese
  • 1 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon butter


  1. Blend the eggs, cream cheese, salt, garlic powder, and pepper in a magic bullet or blender.
  2. Pour into a butter-greased 8 x 8 pan.
  3. Bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 minutes or until just set.
  4. Remove and let cool for about 5 minutes.
  5. Using a spatula, gently release the sheet of “pasta” from the pan.
  6. Roll it up and slice with a sharp knife into 1/8 inch thick slices.
  7. Gently unroll and set aside.
  8. Combine the mascarpone, parmesan cheese, and butter in a small bowl.
  9. Microwave on high for 30 seconds.
  10. Whisk.
  11. Microwave on high another 30 seconds.
  12. Whisk again until smooth (this may take a minute because the sauce will have separated – keep whisking and it will come back together!)
  13. Add the pasta to the hot sauce and toss gently.
  14. Serve immediately with more freshly ground black pepper if desired.


Approximate net carbs per serving = 2g

Alternative Sauce Recipe:

As an alternative to the mascarpone, you can make this sauce in the same method with 2 oz cream cheese, 2 Tbsp heavy whipping cream, 1 Tbsp parmesan, 1 Tbsp butter – it will taste amazing, but is not technically legal on the Egg Fast due to the heavy whipping cream. I doubt it will make a big difference in your results though, so if it’s what you have on hand, go for it!

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Category: Egg Fast Recipes
  • Method: microwave
  • Cuisine: italian


  • Serving Size: Approximately 1 cup
  • Calories: 491
  • Fat: 47g
  • Carbohydrates: 2g net
  • Protein: 19g

Can’t get enough delicious low carb recipes? Downloadall five of my e-cookbooks (over 150 delicious low carb recipes) for just $19.99 for a limited time!

Keto Fettuccini Alfredo - Egg Fast (2024)


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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