Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (2024)

This recipe is a sugar free version of yogurt cake that I made before. My first recipe had full fat yogurt and sugar that made it higher in calories. Since then I have tried to see if it is possible to use monkfruit/erythritol sweetener and get the same result. And I was pleasantly surprised that it was! I was able to to maintain the same amazing flavor and have a lighter version of the original recipe.

For step by step instructions, visit this Sugar Free Yogurt Cake Recipe:

How many calories in a yogurt cake?

This version of yogurt cake has only 140 calories per serving and 16 grams of protein. Compare that with the original 256 calories and 11 grams of protein. With such an improvement in calories and protein, you can enjoy this cake every single day as a healthy snack. It is like eating yogurt with eggs:)

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (1)

Is Greek yogurt high in calories?

Greek yogurt is a low calorie snack. Even if you pick higher fat content, Greek yogurt has 160 calories per 170 grams. It only gets better when you pick yogurt with less fat content. Non fat Greek yogurt has only 90 calories per 170 grams.

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (2)

Is Greek yogurt good for losing weight?

Greek yogurt is very good for losing weight. It is low in calories and high in protein, which will make you full and satisfied. I like to add Greek yogurt to many of my desserts as a substitute for whipped cream, sour cream or other calorie heavy creamers. I have made a cheesecake, coconut ice cream, coffee ice cream, jello mouse and many more desserts that were so delicious it is hard to believe they are healthy options.

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (3)
Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (4)
Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (5)

What is the best cake to eat when on a diet?

Best cake or desserts in general to eat when you are on a diet are cakes like Angel Food Cake, this Yogurt Cake, and similar desserts that are made with less fat and have higher protein content. When you are trying to lose weight you want to make sure you eat less calories than you burn. Changing your recipes in a way that they have less calories but more protein and nutrients will make you full and satisfied. That way you do not feel deprived when you reduce calorie intake.

What will you need to make sugar free yogurt cake

  • 4 eggs
  • 1 and a half cups (350 grams/12.5 oz) of non fat greek yogurt
  • 5/8 cup of monkfruit sweetener (70 grams/ 2.5 oz)
  • 1/3 cup of corn starch (40 grams / 1.4 oz)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (6)

How to make sugar free yogurt cake

Separate yolks from egg whites making sure not to leak any yolk into egg whites as they won’t beat to stiff peaks.

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (7)

Pour egg whites into a bowl of electric mixer and beat until stiff peaks form. Transfer to another bowl, if you want to use the mixer to cream the yolks.

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (8)
Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (9)

Add monkfruit sweetener to egg yolks, vanilla extract and cream the eggs until they became light and fluffy.

After the eggs are creamed, add yogurt and incorporate into the eggs.

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (12)
Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (13)

Sift corn starch into the egg and yogurt mixture and combine.

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (14)
Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (15)

Carefully fold the egg whites into the yogurt egg batter.

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (16)
Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (17)

Line 7 by 11 dish with a parchment paper. Pour the batter right in.

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (18)
Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (19)

Because I always have had an issue with the cake collapsing after taking it from the oven, I decided to use water bath (just like for a cheesecake) to see if that would keep the cake from deflating.

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (20)
Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (21)

Bake at 330 F (160C) for 45 minutes. Raise the temperature to 350F (180C) and bake for additional 15 minutes.

Crack the oven door open and let it cool a little bit before taking it out. That should prevent the cake from deflating as well.

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (22)
Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (23)

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (24)

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake

Low in calories and high in protein dessert that you can enjoy every day guiltfree. There is no sugar added, just 4 ingredients, easy to make. Crunchy on top and cloud like inside. Perfection!

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Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 1 hour hr

Total Time 2 hours hrs

Course Dessert

Cuisine American

Servings 4

Calories 140 kcal


  • 1 electric mixer

  • 1 baking dish 7×11 inches

  • 1 baking tray big enough to put the baking dish on and pour water


  • 4 large eggs separated
  • 1.5 cups non fat Greek yogurt 350 g/12.5 oz
  • cup monkfruit sweetener 70 g/2.5 oz
  • cup cornstarch 40 g/1.4 oz
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract optional


  • Separate yolks from egg whites making sure not to leak any yolk into egg whites as they won't beat to stiff peaks.

  • Pour egg whites into a bowl of electric mixer and beat until stiff peaks form. Transfer to another bowl, if you want to use the mixer to cream the yolks.

  • Add monkfruit sweetener to egg yolks, vanilla extract and cream the eggs until they became light and fluffy.

  • After the eggs are creamed, add yogurt and incorporate into the eggs.

  • Sift corn starch into the egg and yogurt mixture and combine.

  • Carefully fold the egg whites into the yogurt egg batter.

  • Line 7 by11 dish with a parchment paper. Pour the batter right in.

  • Place the baking dish on a larger baking sheet. Place them in the preheated oven and add boiling water to the baking sheet. Just enough for the baking dish to be 1/4 to 1/3 submerged in the water.

  • Bake at 330 F (160C) for 45 minutes. Raise the temperature to 350F (180C) and bake for additional 15 minutes.

  • Turn the oven off. Crack the oven door open and let it cool for about 1 – 2 hours

Keyword greek yogurt cake, healthy yogurt cake, high protein desserts, low calorie dessert, sugar free yogurt cake






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Sugar Free Yogurt Cake - My Favorite F Word (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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