Sushi Bake - Good Morning Cali (2024)

This is a Hawaiian-Style Sushi Bake! A popular dish seen at Hawaiian potlucks and get-togethers; it’s basically the best parts ofa giant California roll made 100x larger and requires no special sushi chef skills! This “casserole” is filled with a mouth-watering mayo/crab meat mixture, rice, nori, and topped with a yummy and simple spicy mayo sauce!

Sushi Bake - Good Morning Cali (1)NOTE: this is in no way meant to be a re-creation of something you’d find traditional Japanese sushi chefs making. Also, for those that aren’t aware, California rolls are purely an American/Canadian invention, not something you’d commonly find in Japan anyways. In other words, don’t consider it in the same realm as nigiri, sashimi, etc. This is just my take on this delicious Hawaiian dish. 🙂

This has been on my to-make list for longer than I’d like to admit. I first heard of this dish when I was in Hawaii with my family a few years ago. I didn’t get the chance to try it there (A REGRET I STILL CRY OVER TO THIS DAY?) but it has been swirling around in my mind since and I have finalllllly made it!!!!! (that’s me screaming btw, I am so excited?)

Sushi Bake - Good Morning Cali (2)

My brother was just as excited about me making this dish as, well. Me. So, I finally got off my lazy butt and drove overto Nijiya Market, our localJapanese grocery store here in California, and grabbed my ingredientssss! Not worry though, if you don’t think you’ll be able to find the (just very tiny list of) ingredients you’ll need here, I’ve included some Amazon links down below. Most of them are the exact same brand as the ones I used/the onesin the markets, so yay!

Sushi Bake - Good Morning Cali (3)

Let’s examine the anatomy of this glorious sushi “casserole” and my ‘hopefully helpful’ notes:

  • regular rice or sushi rice >>> to turn regular ol’ rice into sushi rice, you just need to mix in some Japanese vinegar right after the rice finishes cooking; you can google a how-to! But again, not to worry, I’ve also seen regular rice used just as much and I personally used regular rice and it tasted insanely good.
  • Furikake seasoning >>> this is a Japanese dry seasoning made up of tiny bits of seaweed, sesame seeds, sugar, salt, and sometimes dried fish. It’s addictive. We sprinkle thison everything from everyday bowls of rice to ramen to instant noodles, and it just adds a little extra something.
  • imitation crab >>> my brothers and I can never get enough of this stuff. We would eat it everyday if we could. 🙂 I would recommend chopping your crab meat finer than I did here, butI was simply too lazy that day to keep on chopping LOL.
  • mayonnaise & sour cream >>> I chose to use Japanese mayonnaise, simply because my brothers and I are currently hooked on it. Regular mayonnaise is perfect too.
  • nori (seaweed) >>> I just picked any ol’ brand of nori sheets at the market! I’m not too picky here. I also chose to put a layer of this in between the rice and crab mixture because we like the extra seaweed flavor it gives, but I’ve mostly seen it used after the sushi bake is done; as a wrapper to eat it with!
  • Masago fish eggs >>> as you can see from my pictures, I’m missing these tiny orange fish eggs. The market was out and I didn’t feel like waiting around any longer to make this and mine turned out DELISH, so it should be fine to omit it! If you happen to find it, just sprinkle some on top after you finish baking!
  • (optional) Sriracha >>> this is for the spicy mayo topping. This was just something I personally decided to add because it reminded me of those dynamite rolls you see in sushi spots. You can always make your spicy mayo faintly ~spicy~ by just barely squeezing some in,if you don’t want too much spice!

Sushi Bake - Good Morning Cali (4)

I recommend making this for potlucks or parties because you will have soooo much food. Funny thing is, my brother actually polished off 3/4 of the entire casserole himself (basketball practice eh?) and I finished off the other 1/4 in the span of one night. LOL!!! Even I couldn’t believe how much he ate in one sitting, but he reallllly realllllly liked it. So did I!

Technically, everything in this dish is already cooked, so when you put it in the oven, it’s simply to brown and “melt” the top. We also prefer eating it slightly warmed/room temperature so it works out perfectly.

Sushi Bake - Good Morning Cali (5)

I am obsessed with this dish and if you make it let me know, so I can come over and sneak some 🙂


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Sushi Bake - Good Morning Cali (6)

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Sushi Bake


Recipe type:Main


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This is a Sushi Bake - basically the best parts of a giant California roll made 100x larger and requiring no special sushi chef skills! This "casserole" is filled with a mouth-watering mayo/crab meat mixture, rice, nori, and topped with a yummy and simple spicy mayo sauce!


  • 3 cups cooked rice
  • Furikake seasoning
  • Nori sheets (will depend on the size of your sheets!)
  • 1 lb imitation crab, chopped finely
  • ¾ cup mayonnaise
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • (optional) Sriracha


  1. Turn your oven to broil.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together crab, ½ cup mayonnaise, and sour cream.
  3. In a large casserole dish/baking pan, spread a layer of rice a little under halfway up the pan.
  4. Liberally sprinkle Furikake seasoning on top of the rice and place 1 layer of Nori on top.
  5. Spread the crab mixture on top and sprinkle more Furikake seasoning.
  6. Optionally, mix together additional mayonnaise with Sriracha (adjust to your spicy preference) and drizzle on top.
  7. Broil for a few minutes until the topping is browned.
  8. To serve, eat wth a fork or place a piece of Nori on a plate and put a slice of the sushi bake on top to wrap it then eat like a roll. Enjoy!!


Sushi Bake - Good Morning Cali (2024)


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