The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

Don't to (P) CINCINNATI Push ENQUIRER Thursday, Integration a October 15, 1970 Too Hard. Court Urged WASHINGTON The government advised the Supreme Court Wednesday consider resegregation and black separatism as its decides on the steps school must take to accomplish integration. "One of the aims is not to require too much." the U. S. solicitor general, Erwin N.

Griswold, told the court toward the end of the threeday hearing. At the same time, he said children should not be able to "opt out" of a system that has been desegregated. The government's top spokesman in the high court has steered a course somewhere between civil rights- attorneys and Southern school boards. For example, Griswold said black children do not have a constitutional right to attend schools that are not identifiable racially, accused the boards in Mobile, and Charlotte, N. of perpetuating segregation.

Griswold said Washington, D. is the clearest example of resegregation where whites leave the schools to avoid attending classes against their blacks. In the capital the public school population is more than black. And, looking across the counsel table in the courtroom to lawyers from the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the solicitor general said: "It is far from clear whether all the people they represent want to have what they seek for them. It isn't clear to me that black children should be forced to go to schools they don't want to attend.

"It remains problem how far black people should be forced in these cases." The hearing wound up with argument over a government devised plan put on schools in metropolitan Mobile by the U. Circuit Court in New Orleans. Griswold said it "barely" accomplishes desegregation and was intended as an interim measure. Greenberg, director-general counsel of the Legal Defense Fund, said the plan retained segregation. He asked the justices to order hearings in the U.

S. District Court in Mobile on a plan that would assure black children the right to attend, at every step of their education, a school that is not racially identifiable as black. Abram L. Philips lawyer for the school board, said that a requirement of racial balancing would never be solved. "Absent the power of the court to force people to attend public schools and absent the power of the court to restrict the movement of all the people in their residence, black or white, rich or poor, the court will forever and eternally be the process balancing," he said.

Griswold told the justices the government has never advocated "neighborhood schools" as a primary approach in fashioning desegregation plans. He said President Nixon, in his schools statement last March, spoke of neighborhood schools only as an appropriate base, a place to begin. Episcopalians At Odds Over Poor Fund Plan HOUSTON (P) A hotly controversial Episcopal Church program to fund independent organizations of poor people was denounced as threatening to deWednesday, church, but also defended strossential to sustain its life. Black churchmen walked out Hussein Plans Palestinian Referendum AMMAN, Jordan (P)-King Hussein declared Wednesday night he plans to invite Palestinians to decide their own destiny in a national referendum. The 34-year-old monarch revealed his intention in a radio and TV address to his nation reporting on the new agreement he signed Tuesday with guerrilla leader Lasir Arafat for peaceful coexistence between the regime and Palestinian guerrillas.

Hussein set no specific deadline for the referendum but said, "We shall call once we arrive at the dawn of liberation of the west bank of Jordan from Israeli occupation." Palestinians in the west and east banks of his kingdom will be invited to choose the regime and government system they wanted as as the relationship between their chosen regime and the Hashemite kingdom, Hussein said. "I shall bless support whatever decision the Palestinian people arrive at." Hussein added. midway in the emotion-charged gathering of church representatives from across the country. The Rev. Dr.

Leon Modeste, Negro director of the multimillion dolJar program to empower poor, said it is the "mission of the 70s" for Christianity and the means to renew a "living church, rather than for it to perish as a decadent mockery." He and a lineup of other supporters and opponents put their views before more than 3000 Episcopalians here for the 3.4-million member denomination's governing convention. The Rev. Paul H. Kratzig, Victoria, said the program may bring the death of the Episcopal Church. He said it already has the church on the brink of schism.

HE CALLED for new church guidelines putting top priority on gospel teaching and second priority on helping the poor and needy. On the other hand, the Rev. Canon Gordon E. Gillett, Sanbornville, N. said the path-breaking program, unique among American churches, has achieved an excellent record in keeping with the ministry of Jesus Christ.

The program has provided nearly $5 million in the last three years to self-development projects controlled by the poor. Some church units and individuals have cut off support to the financially squeezed national church budget in protest. After the program staff and several representatives of funded projects had reported on the work, blacks left the crowded auditorium, objecting that the ensuing panel discussion involved a break with the agenda. Defendant's Cellmate Tells Murder Details LOS ANGELES (UPI) Susan Atkins strolled into court Wednesday and stood with her legs wide apart and her hands clasped behind her, smiling defiantly at the former cellmate to whom she first confided details of the Sharon Tate murders. "Yes.

that's Sadie," said Ronni Howard, 31, identifying the co-defendant of Charles Manson. New Tack Taken On Women's Equality Enquirer Washington Bureau -WASHINGTON-Sens. Marlow W. Cook (R-Ky.) and Birch M. Bayh (D- Ind.) won the Senate leadership's support Wednesday for a new amendment they proposed to insure equal rights for women.

Cook said their new proposal would simply lift the 14th Amendment's language and insert in it "on account of sex" in the provision forbidding denial of equal protection of the laws to any person. "We are simply asking the Senate to approve a new proposed constitutional amendment that would make sure no rights could be denied anyone on account of sex," he said in an interview. Cook said the new proposal was drafted in view of the fatal crippling "riders" to the House-passed resolution for an equal rights amendment. "Sen. (Sam Ervin (D-N.

has contended all along that the 14th Amendment already insures equal rights for women," he emphasized," "So he shouldn't mind our adding "on account of sex' to its language for a new amendment to the Constitution." 0. W. vs. Eula John Paul neth. Glenn Lewis.

Warred Men's County. John D. B. N. A251980.

A251985, A251983. A251988. A251984. A251982. A251981, A251987.

C. Ramsey. Robertson. Klock. R.

For Gay. Divorce, Christian Bender. Suits Jewel Enzeweiler. Linda Annitta Ropeits. Juanita Sheila Thelma Divorce.

Deborah Divorce. Nicholas Elizabeth Divorce, Divorce. L. Assn. Divorce.

C. Lewis 1. Robertson Ann Nadene Ramsey F. Filed Hatcher E. Divorce.

Divorce. Klock and al. Gay V5. vs. Enzweiler vs.

vs. V5. Dingwell Bender Roberts vs. Jim Howard Charles Robert Young Ken- VS. VS.

D. W. 1309 MADISONVILLE E. Funeral WALNUT WO Mack ANNOUNCEMENTS 1-0474 McMillan Homes HILLS Johnson St. BLEST, DIETZ, BYRLEY, NAME oN Bertha Cecelia Lilburn J.

2:00 2:00 TIME A. P.M. P.M. Oct. Oct.

Oct. Oct. Funerals DATE 16 17 16 16 A. C. FUNERAL Dobbling Muchlenkamp-Erschell HOME Sons in ing THE corner.

PORCH byterian CUSTOM Hiohland. 6 RUMMAGE SLIM P.M. Priced Ohio PENNYRICH Mozart SALE FITTED Church, SALE has Silverton, and MISCELLANEOUS Oct. AND BRAS. for Bottles, that -Westwood Friday, STORE-818 Hiqbee 2 Ohio, 11, GYMS-731-6769 sale, ETC.

SYMBRA Center saw chests, misc. 9-3. October Salem Marble Elm ETTE NOTICES 761-3991 2 accident Pres 6738 5:45 call 16, 130 ta- BOND room, LOAN. rooms. 2-story features Charming OWNER Call TV SUPERIOR $23,900, residence carpeted room 3-bedroom 451-1300, on and WILL WANTS living HOUSES a 3 NEAR English tree-lined LOCATION room, CONSIDER generous FOR style MAKETEWAH OFFER SALE dining street, brick bed: EHA Hodapp A251986.

A251989. V5. Dingwell. Divorce. A251990.

Pittsburgh Mortgage Corp. H. Williams, et For 308. A251991. Federal National Mortgage Assn, vs.

Eddie Riley, et al. For $12.591. A251992. Esther Sherman, et al, vs. Elmer Green, et al, For $15,000.

A251993. Rita Schneider vs. Gary Schneider, Divorce. A251994, Beulah Wegman VS. Eugene Wegman Jr.

Divorce. A251995. Herman L. Yoder vs. Marilyn J.

Yoder. Divorce. A251996. Bessie Toler VS. Bobbie R.

Winder. Support. A251997. Carol Hiler Meeker VS. Alexander L.

Meeker. Divorce. A251998. Herman Meadors vs. Rebecca M.

Meadors. Divorce. A251999. Allyson K. Peyton vs.

James P. Peyton. Divorce. A252000. Ann Winstead vs.

Willie Smith. For $10,000. A252001. Hunter S. A.

vs. The Hammond et al. For $62,448. A252002. Lois J.

Duncan Harold G. Duncan. Divorce. A252003. Lauren E.

Ammann Vs. Thomas R. Ammann. Divorce. A252004.

Ruby Martin vs. James Martin. Divorce. A252005. Deborah L.

Vonderahe VS. Kurt Vonderahe. Divorce. A252006. Forrest L.

Hollon vs. Charlotte E. Hollon. Divorce. A252007.

George E. Brown et al, vs. Peavey Paper Mills Inc. For $4500. A252008.

Warren Brown VS. Julia Brown. Divorce. A252009. Jo Ann White vs, Jack L.

White. Divorce. A252010. Mary Lou Marsh vs. Malcolm W.

Marsh. Divorce. A252011. Robert Richardson VS. A252012.

Sharon Copeland vs. James Patricia Richardson. Divorce. Nancy Sieber vs. Gary W.

Copeland. Divorce. A252013. Sieber. A252014.

Anna Chapman vs. Paula Divorce. Lykins, et al. For $12,500. A252015.

Linda Campbell vs. Robert Norris B. Curry vs. Alice B. Campbell.

Divorce. A252016. Curry. Divorce. A252017.

Marilyn Van Camp VS. A252018. Robert Tanner vs. Patricia Van Camp. Divorce.

Tarrer. F. Pawlack vs. WilDivorce. A252019.

Ina bert Roy A. Miller vs. Daniel G. Pawlack. Divorce.

A252020. Curtis Thomas vs. GwenBlanton. For $10,000. A252021.

do.yn L. Thomas. Divorce. A252022. Bristom Poe vs.

Katherine Poe. Divorce. A252023. Dorothy W. Wilson VS.

Warner C. Wilson Jr. Divorce. A252024. Mary Snyder vs.

Charles Alimony. Kim, 222 Senator Place, Marriage Licenses economist, and Patsy Rith Mohr, 31, 6510 Kincaid telephone operator. William H. Lyons, 20, 3740 Meade laborer, and Peggy Cottrill, 17, 3756 Meade St. James S.

Work, 28, 528 Poplar. West Union, Ohio, stationary engineer, and Carolyn L. Adams, 28, 3886 Homewood registered nurse. Kenneth Welsh, 23, 1564 Chase A waiter, and Jo Ann Humphreys, 21, 1480 Clovernoll census enumerator. Robert M.

Taylor, 20, 126 W. Amity Reading, U. Army, and Flonnie Jean Farmer, 20, 118 Grove computer operator. Michael Glynn, 26, 2805 Euclid spot welder, and Patricia D. Patterson, 24.

595 Lincoln Park unit clerk. Herman Wright, 74, 602 E. 38th Covington, retired, and Bessie Billidare, 67, 3044 Minot retired secretary. William S. Wallace, 21, 988 Hatch machinist, and Nancy Ann Schirmer, 21, 1107 Wareham seretary.

Harry Wolf, 24, 316 Elm chanic, and Karen Tucker, 21. 223 Sherman Ave. Jerry C. Ulm, 28, 4362 Virginia mechanic, and Lois J. Porter, 24, 1967 Compton payroll clerk.

Leroy S. Waters, 18, 2252 Wheeler U. Army. 22500 Patricia Ann Hughbanks, 16, Wheeler babysitter. Myles R.

Morgan, 20, 305 E. Amity Reading, meat cutter, and Jo Ann Rohlfs, 21, 3054 Inwood secretary. Michael McNamara, 21, 2011 Sutter salesman, and Sherry Schwerman, 21, 2409 Montana nurse, Charles L. 31, 2050 Erie salesman, and Nancy L. Homan, 27, 734 Wakefield department manager.

Lawrence R. Fitzpatrick, 23, 4779 Crestpoint U. S. Navy, and Marcia A. Theile, 19, 1477 Clovernoll clerk typist.

Denver L. Murray, 21, 6221 Fairhurst linen truck driver, A and Beulah H. Ingram, 18, 4405 Allison waitress. Jerry C. Bryant, 19, 4478 Eastern employee, and Beverly D.

Schilling, 23, 5425 Tompkins Ave. Carmen Seta, 54, 8533 Cottonwood staff manager, and Dorothy Buea, 42. 1247 Bondick secretary. Raymond F. Vance, 45, 319 Eden Bellevue, salesman, and Penny L.

Hughes, 26, 4150 Linden sales-clerk. Ronald Sims, 24, 846 Lexington machine operator, and Deborah Carr, 20, 309 Milton telephone operator.y Coffaro, 21, 1077 Morado carpenter, and Arlene Engelhardt, 20, 6018 Country Hills secretary. Walter W. Walters, 55, 2221 Adams packer, and June S. Ritter, 35, 2263 Monroe machine operator.

Joseph D. Fanning, 29, 1521 Carolina M. bond buyer, and Janet Jasper, 29, 2724 Queen City reaistered nurse. Richard E. Wolfe 22, 7523 Miami U.

S. Air Force, and Rebekah J. Distler, 20, 7488 E. Kemper secretary. Larry G.

Hocker, 24, 530 Clinton Springs inspector for G. and Jo Anne Williams, 19, 3447 Jay student. John M. Ruff, 20, 1744 E. McMillan sales manager, and Diana M.

Shinkle, 20, 1810 Wolfangle secretary. Charles A. Gray, 50, 1204 Lincoln carpenter, and Margaret A. Hester, 37, 1204 Lincoln Ave. Windsor Dennis Gravett, 17, 5744 Hill salesman, and Toni Smith, 18.

2156 Townhill proof reader. Thom Fogle, 17, 1730 Melvin student, and Laura McDonough, 15, 11110 Hanover student. Harold Lee White, 24, 32 Southview Ft. Thomas, laborer, and Nedra, Nan Heminger, 27, 3740 Middlebrook Ave. Oliver L.

Garrison, 22, 2354 Glenside assembler, and Nancy Prusinowski, 21, 358 Shiloh, postal clerk. Wiley Stanley 68 830 Washington, and Elizabeth, W. 67, barber, Georgia howalter, 1566 West Loveland Loveland, Ohio, retired. Wayne Johnson, 18, 5147 Camaro stock clerk, and Joan Marie Crawford. 17, 7449 Montgomery student.

Hugh Troutman, 57, 4458 Spencer press operator, and Thelma Carmony, 51, 4458 Spencer Ave. Births GOOD SAMARITAN HOWARD -Robert and Barbara, 5031 Winneste, boy. CHIOD0-John and Ruth. girl. 2529 Lowell Ft.

Mitchell, BRENNER -Albert and Carla, 5863 Monfort Hills girl. OTTEN -James and Janice, 1810 Lakenoll boy. -Terrance and Patricia, 5344 Orangelawn girl. GRAVES--Donald and Lucy, 3362 Everson girl. HAWK -Jerold and Mary, 467 Pedrettl girl.

KAYLOR -Donald and Connie. 3439 McHenry, bov. THROWER- -Lee and Alice, 3960 Vine PRICHARD -Llovd girl, and Patricia, 4000 CHRIST HOSPITAL MOORE -James and Francine, 4245 Fergus boy. WILMER -James and Barbara, 11440 Raphael boy. JEWISH HOSPITAL HOPPER and Mary.

3516 Kimberly Erlanger, and 'Christine, 2919 Jonrose, airl. NAIR-Rov and Lois 1347 Longacre. girl. CLAYTON- -Christopher and Ann, 11577 Gallahad airl. Divorces Granted Balazes, Ann, 38, 3129 West Tower from Frederick, 50.

Bell, Barbara 21, 6254 you calculator, from John 22, 7612 Anthony Wayne Ave. Duncan, Connie 24, 8709 Tudor domestic, from Larry 25. Hill, Bonnie 28, 4259 Carlin from Aifred, 28, 4263 Fergus expediter. Hixon, Bernice, 32, 721 Lincoln Park domestic, from Hubert, 35, 2652 Stanton Ave. Justice, James 57, 189 E.

McMillan conductor, from Wilma 44. Linkous, Lois 29, 12154 Second assembler, from Larry 29. Livesay, Ben 35, Springdale, rollinq machine, from Dorothy Mobarry, Diane, 20, 2431 Robertson factory, from Ronald, 25, spray painter. Owens, Carolyn, 27, 2650 Losantiville from George 28, sales. Smith, Dorothy 42.

8708 Moonlight factory. from Elmore 47, dispatcher. Spears, Marian 50, 979 Oakland ironing, from Russell, 54, 109 W. 68th Taylor, Sharon 31, 5051 Kingsley from Wallace 46. Wilburn.

Oma 31, 520 Elliott waitress, from Darrell 29, 332 Crescent driver. 6111 Madison Rd. BR 1-0203 Schaefer-Bushy Established 1836 24 W. 9th St. 241-0932 ALLISON ROSE COVINGTON 261-0146 ANDERSON FUNERAL 415 Ludlow 281-0421 8611 Winton Busse Borgmann Co.

681-1343 Central Parkway and Clifton Hills Ave. -BAMBER Robert Bamber and John R. Bamber FUNERAL DIRECTORS 3011 WOODBURN 961-1440 (Opposite Westwood Town Hall) 3042 Harrison Ave. MO 1-4059 GILLIGAN FUNERAL 2926 Woodburn 961-7851 ELDEN A. GOOD FUNERAL 2926 ERIE AVE.

871-3433 GUMP-HOLT FUNERAL HOME 3440 Glenmore at -Cheviot MO 1-0690 NURRE BROS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 241-6929 THE JOHN J. RADEL CO. Henry J. Radel, Pres.

652. State Ave. 921-0365 2562 North Bend Rd. 1 822 York Newport CO 8560 4122 Glenway Ave. WA 1-4512 1005 Madison, Covington HE 1-4185 Rebold Funeral Home 1712 QUEEN CITY AVE.

3700 GLENMORE AVE. MO 1-6200 RIEDLINGER-LEMEN FUNERAL HOMES 19 Green St. 1309 California Ave. SCHMIDT-DHONAU READING SHARONVILLE 821-2777 821-2777 VITA FUNERAL HOMES CHEVIOT FAIRMOUNT DELHI HILLS 3425 1824 4619 Harrison Westwood Delhi Pike 661-0833 921-1500 921-0110 VORHIS Funeral Homes LOCKLAND, OHIO NORWOOD. OHIN 821-0062 631-4884 WITT, GOOD KELSCH FUNERAL HOME 3026 MADISON RD.

JE 1-0105 WRASSMANN FUNERAL 2625 Gilbert Ave. WO1-1600 Journey' a End BLESI Bertha Barbara (nee Guam), beloved wife of the late Elmer W. Blesi, dear sister of Mrs. Emma Zeisler, Mrs. Anna Sprott, Mrs.

Betty Kirby and Carl residence, 322 Covert Run Bellevue, Tuesday, October 13, 1970. Service, Friday, October 16, at the A. C. Dobbling Son Funeral Home, Bellevue, at 2 P. M.

Visitation, Thursday from 4 to 9 P. M. BYRLEY Lilburn, beloved husband of Myrtle Hubbard Byrley, dear father of Mrs. Geraldine Dodson, South Bend, Mrs. Georgia Dykes, Plantation, also four grandchildren, brother of Mrs.

Susie Witt, Jess, Dave and Fred Byrley; Wednesday, October 14, 1970; residence, 107 Ritchie Wyoming. Friends may call at the Hodapp Funeral Home, 7401 Vine Carthage; Thursday from 4 to 9 P. M. FUneral service and burial, Saturday, at Corbin, Ky. DIETZ Cecella (nee Bauer), beloved wife of the late Charles Dietz dear mother of Mrs.

Cecelia Burke, Mrs. Mildred Martin and Charles Dietz also survived by nine grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren; Tuesday, October 13, 1970; residence, 301 Sixth Dayton, Ky. Services from MuehlenkampErchell Dayton Funeral Home, 215 Sixth Friday at 2 P. M. Visitation, 4 to 9 P.

M. Thursday. DOLLENMEYER William husband of the late Helen Dollenmeyer (nee Kellerman), father of Mrs. Jeanne Mitchell and Mrs. Alice Bunn, also survived by three grandchildren, five greatgrandchildren, three sisters, Mrs.

Josephine Stein, Mrs. Anna Schehl and Mrs. Ida Bricker, two brothers, Otto and Harold Dellenmeyer; Tuesday, October 13, 1970; residence, 451 Nunn Wilmington Ohio. Service Monroe Copher Funeral Home, Milford; Friday. October 16 at 10 A.

M. Visitation, Thursday, 4 to 9 P. M. ERNST Nora Alexander, beloved wife of the late Harry J. Ernst, devoted mother of Mrs.

Larry Kinsey and Mrs. George C. Schiele, grandmother of Larry E. Kinsey and Mrs. Jon H.

Jacobs, also survived by three grandchildren; residence, 3906 Kilbourne Tuesday, October 13, 1970. Friends may call at the W. Mack Johnson Funeral Home, 1309 E. McMillan Walnut Hills; Friday from 5 to 8 P. M.

Due notice of funeral. EVERETT Claude beloved husband of Mrs. Addie Everett (nee Hillis), dear father of Mrs. Mitchell (Ruby) Garland, grandfather of Michelle Deona and Mickey Garland, son of Mrs. Flora Everett (nee Miller) and the late William M.

Everett and brother of Clara and Clinton Everett, Louise Worthey of Chicago, John Everett of Detroit, Mich. and Clifton Everett of Indianapolis, Tuesday, October 13, 1970; residence, 2704 W. McMicken age 50 years, Funeral from the W. J. Wirmel Sons Funeral Home, 3118 Colerain at Ethan Friday, October 16 at 2 P.

M. Friends may call Thursday, 5 to 9 P. M. FLYNN Charles, beloved husband of the late Ruth Flynn, devoted father of James Thomas Flynn and Jeffrey Charles Flynn, dear brother of Mrs. Ruth Hunt, dear son-in-law of Thomas C.

Meyers; suddenly, Tuesday, October 13, 1970; residence, 1524 Northside son, Miss. Relatives, and "friends may call Thursday from 7 to 9 P. at the Harry Meyer Sons Funeral Home, 4989 Glenway Ave. opposite the Covedale Cinema (offstreet parking). Graveside services Friday afternoon.

HOLLAND Charles F. beloved husband nt Catherine (Sheets), Holland, devoted father of Charles F. Holland 111, Misses Beverly and Janis Holland, dear brother of Stanley and Roy Holland, Mrs. Lucy Lowe and Mrs. Betsy Rice: Monday.

October 12, 1970; age 61 years; residence, 3 Banklick Florence, Ky. vices Thursday at P. from the Stith Funeral Home, Florence, Ky. Visitation after P. Wednesday.

Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery. ERNST, Nora Alexander EVERETT, Claude W. 2:00 P.M. FLYNN, Charles HOLLAND, Charles F. Jr.

1:00 P.M. KEMPER, William 1:00 P.M. KRAMER, Dominic 9:00 A.M. LOTZ, Oscar 10:30 A.M. MeSORLEY, Mary 9:30 A.M.

OSBORNE, Helen PADDOCK. Beulah M. PEAK, Bruce 2:00 P.M. RENO, Harvey C. 10:00 A.M.

ROTH, Otto 11:00 A.M. SANDY, Clifford 11:00 A.M. SHANKLIN, Clem 11:00 A.M. SHAW, William 9:00 A.M. SMITH, Harry 10:00 A.M.

SPARE, Charles 10:00 A.M. SPRINGMEIER, Bess 2:00 P.M. STESCH, Grace 10:30 A.M. ST. JOHN.

Ralph 10:00 A.M. TONER, Mayme 1:30 P.M. TOW, Isadore WAKEFIELD, Fannie 11:00 A.M. WESTFELT, Dudley S. 9:30 A.M.

WILSON, Senora 2:00 P.M. WINKLER, Clara WOLTERING, Alphonse ZINSER, Mary 9:30 A.M. DOLLENMEYER, William 10:00 M. End William; late residence, 976 Simmons beloved husband of Mrs. Charlotte Kemper, dear father of William J.

Kemper, brother of Bruce Kemper, New Liberty, Mrs. Clara B. Beal, Dising Sun. Mrs. Nancy Willis, Ohio; Miss Elizabeth H.

Kemper, Dayton, Ohio; Mrs. Margaret Allen, Lincoln Heights, grandfather of four, greatgrandfather of 11, also survived by other relatives and friends; October 11, 1970. Friends may, call Thursday from 6 to 9 P. M. at the Glenn-Hall Jordan Lincoln Funeral, Home.

1033 Byrd Heights. Funeral service, Friday, 1 P. M. at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church.

Rev. J. W. Jones, pastor, officiating. Interment, Beech Grove Cemetery.

Dominik, beloved husband of the late Katherine Koch Kramer, and devoted father of Matt Kramer, also six grandchildren; in his 92nd year; residence, 5880 Shady Mist Gresbeck, formerly of 2907 Queen 1970. City Friends Sunday, call October 11, may day between 4 and 9 P. M. at the Albert L. Boehmer Funeral Home, 4617 Vine St.

(near St. Clement Church), Funeral Mass, St. Clement Church, Thursday at 9 A. M. LOTZ Oscar husbnad of the late Emma Beierlein Lotz, devoted brother of Irma and Alvin Lotz; Wednesday, October 14, 1970; Friends formerly call of Pleasant Ridge.

may Thursday, 7-8 P. at the Stanley High Funeral Home, 6546 Montgomery Rd. Service, Friday, 10:30 A. M. MICSORLEY Mary, beloved daughter of querite Kelly McSorley and the late Harry A.

McSorley, devoted sister of John, Terence and Daniel Mc.Sorley, Mrs. Julia Ann Lear; Tuesday, October 13, 1970; residence, 4805 Glenway relafives and friends may call Thursday from 4 to 9 P. at the Harry Meyer Sons Funeral Home, 4989 Glenway Ave. opposite the Covedale Cinema (off-street parkinq). Mass of the Resurrection, St.

Teresa Church; Friday, 9:30 A. OSBORNE Helen, widow of Frank N. Osborne, devoted mother of Mrs. Hilda Mueller and Clarence Osborne, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; October 14, 1970; residence, formerly of 5805 Arnsby PI. There will be no visitation.

Private funeral service Memorials at convenience be made of the family. may to the Frist Church of Christ Scientist, 2315 Park Ave. Cincinnati, or the General Protestant Orphan Home. PADDOCK Beulah M. (nee Muehleman), beloved wife of the late William Watterman Paddock, former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, dear mother the late Lt.

Col. Albert W. Paddock, Marcella M. Paddock, dear grandU.S.A., dear mother-in-law of Marcella M. Paddock, dear grandmother of Halleck, John, Marie and Anne Paddock; Wednesday, 0c- tober 14, 1970; residence, 6103 Cary College Hill.

No visitation. Services strictly private at the convenience of the family. Burial Camden, N. Y. Donations, so desired, may be 'made to the Cincinnati Chapter of the Cross, 720 Sycamore Cincinnati, 45202.

PEAK Bruce (nee Roberts), beloved wife of William Peak, dear mother of Debra Lee, Michael Edward and Kevin Ray Peak, daughter of George and Sallie Miller Roberts, sister of Arlas Roberts and Mrs. Robert Meyer; residence, 1245 Smith Ashland, Ohio, formerly of Bright, af Cleveland, Ohio; Tuesday, October 13, 1970; age 35 years. Friends may call at the Jackman Funeral Home, Harrison, Ohio, after 5 P. Thursday, Services at the funeral home; Friday, October 16 at 2 P. M.

Interment Gibson Cemetery. RENO Harvey father of Mrs. John Green and James R. Reno, also survived by five grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Mary Franklin; Wednesday, October 14, 1970; residence, 17 Bee Milford, Ohio.

Service Monroe-Copher Funeral Home, Milford; Saturday, October 17 at 10 A. M. Visitation, Friday, 4 to 9 P. M. (Portsmouth papers please copy).

ROTH Otto beloved husband of Catherine Schmidt Roth, devoted father of Joseph A. Roth, Mrs. Robert (Rosina) Woestman and Mrs. Charles (Margaret) Eling, also survived by eight grandchildren, dear brother of Vera Roth, Sister Mary Magdaline. S.

Ambrose, Octavius Roth and the late Leo Roth; suddenly, Tuesday, October 13, 1970; residence, 1040 Beech Ave. Relatives and friends may call Friday morning from 10 A. M. until time of Mass at the Harry Meyer Sons Funeral Home, 4989 Glenway, opposite the Covedale Cinema off-street parking). Mass of the Resurrection, St.

Lawrence Church; Friday at 11 A. M. Member of St. Lawrence Holy Name Society. SANDY Clifford, dear father of Wanda, Linda, Clifford and Kenneth Sandy, dear brother of Jeanette Noonan, Howard and Ralph Sandy, also survived by three grandchildren; Wednesday, October 14, 1970; residence, 9125 Silva Groesbeck; age 60 years.

Friends may call at the Chas. A. Miller Sons Funeral Home, Hamilton Ave. at Knowlton Northside, Thursday, 4. to P.

M. Funeral services Friday, 11 A. M. SHANKLIN Clem beloved husband of the late Ann Sweeden Shanklin, dear father. of Mrs.

Alma Kirby, James Gilbert 0., Clem Jr. and Vernon C. Shanklin, also 19 grandchildren, brother of the late Mrs. Ollie Weyman, Mrs. Mollie Harrison, William and Mose Shanklin; Tuesday, October 13, 1970; residence, 11550 Fitchburg Forest Park.

Friends may call at the Hodapp Funeral Home, 7401 Vine Carthage; Thursday. 4 to 9 P. M. Remains will lie in State at the Springdale Church of the Nazarene; Friday from 10 A. M.

until time of service at 11 A. M. SHAW William W. beloved husband of Elizabeth V. Shaw, devoted father of William R.

Shaw, Richard C. Shaw and Mary Lou Shaw; 10 grandchildren; Tuesday, October 13, 1970; residence, 7226 Luka. Friends may call at the Thomas Memorial, 7500 Montgomery Kenwood; Thursday from 6 to 9 P. M. Mass of the Resurrection, St.

Gertrude Church; Friday, 9 A. M. SMITH Harry 0., beloved husband of the late Hilda Smith, devoted father of Mrs. Ginny Jones and devoted grandfather of Donna Green; Tuesday, October 13, 1970; residence, Homestead, Fla. Friends may call Thursday, 5 10.

9. P. at the Strawser, Funeral Home 9503 Kenwood Blue Ash. Service, Friday, 10 A. M.

Monroe-Copher W. Mack Johnson W. J. Wirmel Sons Harry Meyer Sons Stith Glenn-Hall Jordan Albert L. Boehmer Stanley High Harry Meyer Sons Thomas Hodapp Jackman Monroe-Copher Harry Meyer Sons Chas.

A. Miller Sons Hodapp Thomas Strawser Middendorf Baiter Sahnd Denman Oswald Weil Weil Pierce People Daibert Woodruff T. P. White Sons Cahill Oct. 15 Hodapp Journeg'a End Oct.

16 Oct. 17 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct.

16 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct.

16 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 15 SPARE Charles (Lindy), beloved husband of Fannie Spare (nee Collins), devoted father of Gary, Todd and Brenda Spare dear brother of Delbert, Ronald and Barbara Spare; Wednesday, October 14, 1970; dence, 1107 Bullock Covington; age 43 years.

Funeral Saturday, October 17 from the Middendorf Funeral Home, 917 Main ton, at 9:30 A. M. Requiem High Mass, St. John Church, 10 A. M.

Interment. St. Mary Cemetery. Visitation, Friday, 3 to 9 P. M.

SPRINGMEIER Bess Hopkins, beloved wife of Edward F. Springmeier, mother of Mrs. Thomas J. (Jeanne) Craig; and one grandchild; sister of Mrs. Charles Whitley; Monday.

October 12, 1970; residence, 3314 Ormond Ave. No visitation. Services at the Clifton United Methodist Church, Thursday, October 15 at 2 P. M. In lieu of other remembrances, memorials may be made to the charity of your choice.

Baiter Sahnd Funeral Home in charge. STESCH Grace E. nee Kraft), beloved wife of the late Alexander Stesch, devoted mother of Richmond E. Stesch, also survived by three grandchildren; Tuesday, October 13, 1970, at Venice, Fla. Friends may call at the Denman Funeral Home, 6943 Montgomery Rd.

at Park Silverton, Thursday, 7 to 9 P. M. Service Friday at 10:30 A. M. ST.

JOHN Ralph age 68; passed away Tuesday, October 13, 1970; at residence, 32 Summitt Lebanon, Ohio. Survived by his wife, Nita, one daughter, Miss Suzanne St. John. Baltimore, dear son of William H. St.

John, Florida, two sisters, Mrs. Arnold Tudor and Miss Ruby St. John, both of Lebanon. Funeral, Friday, 10 A. Oswald Funeral Home, Lebanon.

Interment, Lebanon Cemetery. Visitation, 4 to 6 and 7 to 9 P. M. Thursday. TONER Mayme of 8012 Stillwell beloved wife of J.

Paul Toner, devoted mother of Mrs. Laurence (Mary Jo) Bratburd and Mrs. Robert E. (Edith) Jirles, sister of Mrs. Joseph Lipp, Mrs.

Herbert Perlis and Louis Gerson, dear grandmother of Karen Anne Bratburd. Service, Weil Funeral Home, 3901 Reading Friday. October 16, at 1:30 P. M. In lieu of other remembrances, contribution may be made to the Temple Sholem Building Fund.

TOW isadore, of the Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged; beloved husband of Sara Tow, devoted father of Blanche Fleishman of Fairfield, Ohio. Chicago, and Miriam grandfather of Hirtenstein Dr. Jay Fleishman, of Muncie, Ind. Services were held Wednesday, October 14, 1970. WAKEFIELD Fannie, 705 Greenwood; beloved daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Blannon, devoted wite of Mr. Theodore Wakefield mother of Michael, Valerie and David Wakefield, other relatives and friends. Visitation, Thursday, 6 to 9 P. M.

Pierce People Funeral Home, 1504 John St. Funeral service Friday, 11 A. New Prospect Baptist Church, 1829 Elm St. Rev. T.

L. Lane officiating. WESTFELT Dudley beloved husband of Marie Gatto Westfelt, devoted father of Donald Westfeldt, brother of Mrs. Alena Wetzel and. Floyd Westfelt; Wednesday, October 14, 1970; residence, 3110 Price Satur- Ave.

Funeral services will be held day, 9:30 A. at the Dalbert 2880 Woodruff Funeral Home, Boudinot Ave. at Queen City. Friends may call Friday, 4 to 9 P. M.

WILSON Senora (nee Cline), beloved wife of William H. Wilson, sister of Harry H. Cline of Bradford, Ky. and the late Mrs. Blanche Hall, Mrs.

Fannie Trout. William, Ann, Albert and Edna Cline; October 12, 1970; residence 6177 Wasigo Drive. Services at T. P. White and Sons Funeral Home, 2050 Beechmont Mt.

Washington, Thursday, October 15, at 2 P.M. Friends may call Wednesday 5 to 9 P.M. WINKLER Clara (nee Otto); age 94; at Oldwich, N. mother of William R. Winkler of N.

Mrs. Conrad (Betty) Herold, Cincinnati, two grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Service at convenience of the family. WOLTERING Alphonse, husband of Anne Hoffman, father of Joseph (Bud) and Tom Woltering; passed away October 13, 1970. Funeral private.

No visitation. Instead of other remembrances, kindly have a mass read for him and remember him in your prayers. Funeral arrangements in care of Cahill Sons Funeral Home, 229 Dayton Hamilton, Ohio. ZINSER Mary (nee Egbers), beloved wife of William J. Zinser, dear mother of Mrs.

Jeanne Neal, Stephen, Kenneth, Greg and Connie daughter of Mrs. Marie Egbers the late George Egbers, sister of Mrs. Rita Welter, Gerard, Albert, Gene and Jack Egbers; Tuesday, October 13. 1970; residence, 6670 Charann Finneytown. Friends may call at the Hodapp Funeral Home, 7401 Vine Carthage; Wednesday, 4 to 9 P.

M. Mass of the Resurrection, St. Vivian Church; Thursday at 9:30 A. M. World War Veteran A1 MONUMENTS SEARS, ROEBUCK CO.


AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEMS? We refuse no one. Check our low rates. 542-5901 BEN FRANKLIN MOTEL -Two miles east of Bethel, Ohio, on Route 125. Modern. Low day or night rates only.


CHRISTMAS TOYS Unique and different. Yours without charge. Just have a oy Chest Show in your home. 851-0347 FOR inspiration and spiritual help. ON AND AFTER this date 1 will not be responsible for debts contracted for by anyone other than myself.

B. Camphill. 388 Chapel Amelia. 0. ON AND AFTER this date I will not be responsible for debts contracted for by anyone else than myself.

Ronald Salvers, 308 Klotter Ave. furniture. aresser, GENERAL reasonable. bles. URGENT- -Anyone Newport Shopping at M.

please 781-1190 or 291-8462. URGENT! Need loan of $700 to start publication of material. Will pay good interest rate. Box T581, Enquirer. YOUR TELEPHONE ANSWERED: 24 hrs.

day! $13 per mo. 242-2080. LOST AND FOUND FOUND- Small brown and white dog, Christ Hospital area. 271-4210. FOUND -Collie type doq.

Baltimore Ave. 471-8663. FOUND--Ladies bracelet watch. Oct. 9th.

near Music Hall, 481-7369. LOST -Young German Shepherd, female, black with. white markings on chest and tan and white markings on Feet. Vicinity West 8th, Price Hill; "Missy." Reward. 471-4038.

LOST Would person who found Kodak 35 MM camera at Zoo, Sunday, October 11. please call 481-1628. Reward. LOST -Lady's diamond watch, Friday, October 9, downtown Cincinnati, on bus or Roselawn. Liberal reward.

Phone 761-4414. LOST-2 Beagles. black and white male, "King' female. black and brown "Ladv" Baltimore Ave. Reward.

542- 4894 after 4:30 P.M. LOST Airdale, male, name Black and tan. collar and tags. Forest Park. Reward, 851-0294.

LOST--Boone County. large grey male Weimaraner. Call 384-3523 or 824- 4022 collect. Reward. LOST -St.

Bernard, reddish brown, long hair, male, Indian Hill area. Reward. 831-1888. LOST -Medium size, white and brown, female dog. Answers to name of "Lady." Call 481-7539.

LOST -Female. small, white terrier. vicinity Donaldson Highway Mineola Pike. Erlanger. Reward.

371-9198. LOST -Yellow and white male dog, medium size, named Pepper, vicinity Northbrook; child's pet. 825-8614. LOST -Small red female Doxi; children's pet. 232-0492.

LOST -Beagle, male, 16 weeks, in North College Hill area. 729-1803. MOTOROLA page boy receiver, $50 reward. no nestinns asked. Contact Les, Stauffer, 481-6200.

EDUCATION AND INSTRUCTION ALL PIANO, accordion, organ students. New experienced teacher in town. Beginning to advance. Small children and adults. Beginners a specialty.

All types music. Theory included. Recitals. Reasonable rates. Call any day 8 to 5 P.

M. 471-4700. TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES AARON DROVE, will you? Cars available to any major city. Action Drivers Exchange, 1329 Arlington. 541-6995.

AUTO DRIVEWAY HAS CARS TO: West Coast, Phoenix, Denver, New York and Fla. Will 621-8384. DRIVE an AAACon car to your destination, have cars now and Nov. for Texas, Calif. North West.

East Coast, others. Req. RIDE WANTED From Elizabethtown. Ohio 10 downtown to be in town by 7 or 7:15 A. M.

941-2239. RIDE wanted to Courter Technical High from Forest Park. 6:45 to 7 A.M., 825-0455. YOU FLY--We'll deliver your car. 1CC licensed.

Insured. Bonded. Low rates, offices in 60 cities. AAACON AUTO TRANSPORT, 307 E. 4th St.

Robert E. Finn, Agent. 621-4744. YOUNG MAN-20-25 to share expenses with same, working around county; living in converted school bus. Write P.

0. Box 8116, Cincinnati 45208. FARM AND PRODUCE HOME GROWN SWEET POTATOES- -Tape Farm, 4 mile Pike, Silver Grove, Ky. No sales after 6 P. M.

HOUSES FOR SALE AMBERLEY- -SAGAMORE 8545 HIGHTON CT. Beautiful, spacious 4-bedroom, 3-bath ranch; terrific family room with woodburning fireplace on 1st, plus recreation room at terrace level with sliding glass opening to kidney-shaped pool. Just 5 years old, carpeted throughout and in move- in condition. Secluded wooded lot. Vacant.

A steal at $55,000. Stella M. Grace 561-5856 561-6050 AMBERLEY, NEAR 207-128 EXCEPTIONAL 2-family with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, air conditioninq, 4-car garage. Deluxe in everv way. Call EDYTHE KANTER.

961-8788. THEODORE MAYER AND BRO. AMBERLEY HEIGHTS Three bedrocm, split level, 2-family room. $28,750. CHARLES BLANKENBUEHLER 561-6287 271-4095 as Comey Shepherd AMBERLEY HGTS.

-3-bedroom split level, air 11 baths, family room, garage. Large lot, private back yard. Short walk to Reading swim club. Park, St. Savior Schools.

891-8959. ANDERSON TWP. --1784 Eight Mile Rd. Lovely centrally air-conditioned 8-room colonial, 4-bedroom, entry hall, living room, formal dining room, kitchen with builtins and family room; 2-car garage; divided basem*nt plus front and rear porches. Lovely home, good schools and we can help finance, so why not call us now.

232-1784. AVONDALE 16-ROOM BRICK ONLY $17,500 Vell kept and always rented 5-family on Alaska. Nearly new furnace and wiring. $300 per month income from long-time tenant. Call Helen Ehoodin, 281-7777 BEN SIEGEL, REALTOR 761-7777 AVONDALE, APPRAISED 4-BEDROOM, $23,900 baths; 2.

porches; 2-car garage. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. An easy walk to all conveniences. ALVIN YOUKILIS, 221-7616 FRANKLIN REALTY 242-1511 BLANCHESTER Three bedrooms, garage, vanitory bath, beautiful kitchen cabinets, large rooms. All this plus a half-acre lot to go with it.

$15,900 FHA. Call KAREN HUTCHCRAFT 793-2400 SHOWCASE REALTORS BLUE ASH Autumn Leaves add to the beauty of this svivan settina. Almost -new carpet in living room and dining 4 bedrooms. baths: ideally located for perfect convenience. Family room plus full basem*nt where children can plav on rainy days.

Transferred owner waiting to move. $43,900. Call 793-2544 Parchman Oyler Realtors BLUE ASH GF 801K DECORATOR APPROVED A one-of-a-kind home with features you wouid expect to find in a much more expensive home. Large master bedroom with redwood deck Sunken patio off family room Handsome family room with 2nd kitchen Air conditioning-carpeted Don't be left out -see today. GENE FOSTER, 891-8500 WEST SHELL ROBSON-MIDDENDORFF BLUE ASH FLORIDA room is only one of the outstanding features of this lovely 3-bedroom ranch.

Private rear yard for entertainina quests and plenty of room to live. NEIL STRAWSER 791-0020 REALTORS BLUE ASH LOAN ASSUMPTION 4-bedroom brick, modern kitchen; attached garage, bar in basem*nt. See this now! Mr. Brune, 891-7900. ASK ABOUT GUARANTEED SALES PLAN GRADY $250,000, Hamilton Oct.

16 Oct. 16 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 15 Oct.

16 Oct. 16 BOND HILL-8-641 DO YOU WANT to nice home. Not just a house? own a With nice size rooms? 2-car brick? Now -here it isl (Oh Also, family room tool) ELLIOTT J. GREENBERG, 761-8771 MAL, Inc. Realter 891-8200 BOND HILL -REDUCED $2500 5-room brick ranch, central air, carpeted, fenced yard, garage.

Convenient to Swifton. A steal at only $18,500. 242-8585, Eves 521-6656 WOLFE REALTY BOND HILL -Brick, 5 rooms, floor, gas, heat, garage. Priced right. BOB HAYES, 242-6108 P.

G. LAUCH, 731-1177 BOND HILL -CATALINA AVE. 2 BEDROOMS. Cozy and cute. Work out down payment 731-2002.

H. LEHMAN 793-3811 BOND HILL -FHA. Low down payment: 3 and 4 bedroom ranches, split levels. ASWAN REALTY, 861-3424 BRIDGETOWN MAINTENANCE FREE Gleaming white aluminum residence, with vinyl windows, featuring 5 rooms on 1st floor, 2 large bedrooms 2d, nice yard. Owner transferred, 26,900.

Call 662-7800. HOME BRIDGETOWN 4-461 GREEN ACRE BEAUTY 4 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Wall-to-wall carpet in living room, hall and stairway. Lovely eat-in kitchen with oven, range and -disposal, 2 full baths with vanitory; full basem*nt with tiled floors; built-in garage. Close to schools and transportation. MAL, Inc.

Realtor 481-0986 BRIDGETOWN MEDITERRANEAN Just completed, landscapped court yard. 3-bedroom ranch. baths, equipped kitchen; 2-car garage. Price $29,900. Builder, 922-2867.

BRIDGETOWN NEAR OAK HILLS HIGH 2 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, large side porch, lovely 75-ft. lot, asking $26,500. Call THIEMANN REALTOR, 661-8800 BRIDGETOWN NEW LISTING Nice 4-bedroom, baths, brick Cape Cod. Featuring many extras. Asking only $23,500.

For details call CCC REALTY 666-8400 CAMP DENNISON One-floor plan; 6 rooms (3 bedrooms), 11x21 living room, 10x12 dining room, 9x14 kitchen, tile baths, part basem*nt, hot-water heat: city water, lot 116 by 400. See today. $18.000. Allen M. Ludlow, Realtor.

414 MAIN MILFORD 813-2474 CHERRY -Spotless 3-bedroom home. 3 years old. Onefloor plan. Living room and dining room carpeted. Dishwasher.

2-car qarage. Owner retiring. $26,900. Jetry slu*tz, 751-2414. CROSSTOWN CHEVIOT- SPLIT LEVEL NO.

116 3 Bedrooms, Baths Nearly new brick, L-shaped living room, dining roc electric kitchen; 2-car garage; lot 60x195. 471-5300. RODA Realty ties. Great for income. Pouise UN 1-3915 CITY WIDE LISTINGS WANTED We are not investors-we are brokers! We will get you a fair market value for your home.

We have many qualified prospects in all price ranges. Call for action today. 541-4443, 281-2833. WM. A.

JUDGE, Realtors CITY WIDE MOVING INTO TOWN? We nave, new home available for immediate OCCUpancy in all sections Cincinnati: BUILDER 522-2400. 793-3700 CLEVES WE HAVE 3 South North Symmes- $9500 AUCHER DON LORING 481-1742 CLIFTON ON TRANSPORTATION Brick Multiple Unit Zoned Business 5 apartments and store rom. Tenants furnish own utili- CLIFTON FRENCH TOWN HOUSE Spacious Condominium Town House. 3 pearooms, baths, den, full finished basem*nt. 542-4515.

CLIFTON frame, new: ly decorated, modern kitchen and bath; almost new furnace; close to schools, shopping. Low down payment. $11,950. Call owner. 781-0516.

CLIFTON, E. 3578 Vince. 3-family home and income. 2 apts. on 3d floor will pay mortgage.

Owner occupies 6 rooms, baths on 1st floor. Low down payment. 851-4001, 451-1111. CLIFTON-5-room brick newly decorated, new furnace, new wiring, $12,000. No.

2231 Victor AGENT, 721-7888 CLIFTON JUST LISTED $22,900 Brick, 3-family; near UC; good rents; good location. RIMBLE REALTY 562-3610. CLIFTON -Marshall, near Riddle. Spotless 1 or 2-family. 4.

and 4 buy easier than rent, FHA. 821-1420 CLIFTON FHA (235). 3-familv. 3-3 and brick: gas forced heat. We have others.

Ed Burdes. 221-1961. CLIFTON OLDER 6-ROOM HOME BEING REMODELED -CALL ABOUT "235" PROGRAM. OWNER, 751-6494. MISS ATKINS, who has been excluded from the courtroom along with the other defendants since Manson lunged at the judge last week, said nothing and kept her eyes averted as she was led out.

Miss Howard testified Miss Atkins told her last November she could tell her "something that would blow my mind." "She said, 'Remember the Tate deal? Well, I was Miss Howard related. Miss Howard, who said she had served prison terms for extortion and forgery, took her story to authorities in the first big break in the sensational mass murder case. Miss Howard said at first she did not believe Miss Atkins' story. "A lot of people confess to things they didn't do," she said. "I changed my mind when she went into so much detail." MISS HOWARD repeated for the jury word for word the same testimony she gave Tuesday outside the presence of the panel.

What Miss Atkins allegedly told fellow inmates is legally admissible as evidence against her, but not against any of the other defendants in the case. The rehearsal of her testimony was held to be certain she would not inadvertently implicate the others in her account of her conversations with Miss Atkins. She said Miss Atkins told her the sound of Miss Tate's screams "did something to her. She said it sent a rush through her and everytime Sharon screamed, she stabbed her again." "Did she say anything about Sharon's baby?" Deputy District Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi asked.

"Yes, she said she wanted to take it with her by cutting it out of Sharon's body, but she didn't do it," Miss Howard said. COLERAIN HEIGHTS--This very attractive development is now completedwe have if just 2 new homes available for sale. you are interested in a 4 or 5 bedroom home located on large lots with woods in the rear why not drive out to 9240 Sagemeadow Dr. I today? DIRECTIONS: Take Colerain north to Springdale Rd. turn left to Yellowwood Drive, left to Thimbleglen, left on Sagemeadow.

For more details call Newland Homes, 771-8500 COLERAIN TOWNSHIP Special Special Special ONLY $15,900 for this lovely 3-bedroom ranch; room, dining room, modern kitchen, tile bath; new wall-to-wall carpeting; nice carport; fenced-in yard. Will be redecorated for you. 522-9800. COLERAIN. ASSUME LOAN 3-bedroom brick ranch on no outlet street.

LivinG room and dining room have PrO wall baths. Equipped to full wall kitchen. basem*nt. carpeting. Ask- ina $23.000.

Call 825-7900. Parchman Oyler COLERAIN TWP. LOAN ASSUMPTION Low a me 3-bedroom ranch, equipped kitchen, family room, carpet throughout. 522-3737. C.

McDaniel Realtor COLERAIN TWP. NORTHBROOK PRIVATE LANDSCAPED LOT 3-bedroom ranch, formal dining room, no-outlet street. Will FHA. $16,900. Call 542-6126.

ROBERS 8111 931 BAER FLORAL DESIGNS 6 E. 4th St. MA 1-3662.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.