The Merthyr Express, Aberdare and East Glamorgan Herald, Tredegar and West Monmouth Times from Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan, Wales (2024)

1 :1 Saturday THE EXPRESS January 27th, 1934. TI TA NOTICE J. D. PRICE AND SON GLEBELAND, STREET, MERTHYR. On and after Monday next, January 29, 1934, the above Wholesale firm's new address will be: Provision Merchants and Butter Blenders.



from Tredegar, returning from Cardiff (General) 10.20 p.m. same day. FARES: STATIONS Sirhowy to Blackwood Pontllanfraith to Ynysddu Pontlawrence to Nine Mile Point INTERNATIONAL RUGBY -SCOTLAND v. WALES. At EDINBURGH, SATURDAY, 3rd.

Through Vestibule and Corridor Expresses to EDINBURGH night of Friday, Feb. 2nd. From Sirhowy and Blaenavon Lines. Ebbw Vale, Stations Abertillery to Brynmawr, Merthyr to Abergavenny, Train. and Ba rgoed to Rhymney.

Car (See Handbills Particulars). SATURDAY, FEB. -DAY HALF- TICKETS, SIRHOWY LINE STATIONS TO BRISTOL AND BATH. DAY FARE Passengers forward on 7.12 and 8.20 a.m. from Sirbcwy.

FARE Passengers forward on 11.12 a.m. from Sirhowy. All information regarding Excursion Trains on the London Midland Scottish Railway obtained at the Stations, or application to Mr. C. H.

Tait, District Goods and Passenger Manager, Abergavenny. MUSCLE CREAM. A MARVELLOUS CREAM. Make your own at little cost. It has healed torn museles and suffering Joints.

What will it do for you? Keep your limbs young! PRESCRIPTION from BEHARRELL (M), 22, CLEVELAND COLNE, LANCASHIRE. SUICIDE AFTER ACCIDENT. JUDGE AWARDS EBBW VALE MINER'S WIDOW £300. A very important decision was given by His Honour Judge L. C.

Thomas at Tredegar County Court on Thursday last, in case where a miner who sustained an accident in an Ebbw Vale colliery subsequently committed suicide by drowning himself. The widow, Mrs. Flora Rebecca Jones, claimed £300 compensation from the Ebbw Vale Company in respect of her husband, Isaac Jones, whose body was recovered from Waunypound Pond in Sep tember last. Mr. Godfrey Parsons (instructed by Messrs.

T. S. Edwards and Son, Newport) was for the widow, and Mr. A. J.

Prosser, Cardiff, for the Ebbw Vale Company. Mr. Parsons said that Jones, who was 55 years of age, had worked for the Company for 32 years. Before the accident he was a healthy, cheerful man, and quite normal. There was no trace of insanity in his history.

On March 24th, 1933, he was buried by a fall of roof underground. His leg was grazed, and he sustained injuries to his body and head. He was in hospital for ten weeks, and after his discharge he continued as an out-patient. His wife noticed a change in his condition after his discharge. DREADFUL DREAMS.

He was quiet, depressed, and occasionally gave way to tears. He lost his appetite, and he suffered from terrible waking with shouts of "Oh, it is on top of me," referring apparently to the fall of roof. So bad was his condition that he insisted on having a light burning all night. His condition went from bad to worse, and on September 12th he was examined by the Company's doctor, after which he went back to work, continuing until the 16th, and some days later his body was recovered from the pond, his overcoat, neatly folded, and his hat and stick being left on the bank. IN A STATE OF FEAR.

Evidence was given by Dr. Bradford, Ebbw Vale (Jones' medical attendant) that on many occasions Jones complained visualising the accident, and was constantly in a state of fear. Dr. N. R.

Phillips, medical superintendent of Monmouthshire Mental Hospital, said that in his opinion Jones was sufferAng from melancholia, of which the accident was the exciting factor. He was also of the opinion that the man was of unsound mind when he committed the act. For the respondents, Isaac James (fireman) said Jones was cheerful when he resumed work, and R. L. Williams (another fireman) said he saw no change in the condition of Jones.

Dr. C. Mills, Ebbw Vale, stated that on September 11th considered that Jones had completely recovered from the injuries, and at no time did he see any signs of mental unbalance. He did not MERTHYR HOSPITAL. INCREASED SOURCES OF REVENUE WANTED.

AN APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. A campaign is being organised in Merthyr to arouse what is ascribed as a people. "nospital and on consciousness" Wednesday nignt among a pub- the lic. meeting was held at the Town Hail promote a scheme to the The Mayor (Ald. B.

J. J.P.) financial resources of the institution. pres.ded. and he was supported by leading townsmen some of the workmen's governors. But disappointment was exthe Council Camber, where the meeting was held, was not well-filled with people to whom the appeal was addressed.

though the meeting was well advertised. The Mayor, in opening the proceedings. expressed his regret at the sparse attendance. and said there was no doubt that a report in the Merthyr Express will cause the people to rally to the as sistance of the governors. Ald.

John. Williams, Chairman of the Executive Board, said the financial position of the Hospital was anything but "a bed of The institution was working to-dav on a bank overdraft of over £4.000. Miners in several districts had agreed to a request to help to meet the situation by increasing their weekly contribution from 2d. to and others were expected shortly to fall into line. So that the workmen's contributions be increased from 8s.

8d. a year to 13s. If the miners could do that out of their small wages, he felt they had a right to appeal to other people to increase their contributions. (Applause.) Some people subscribed handsomely to the institution, but there were thousands of people in the borough who were not regular subscribers, and it was desired to bring all classes into a similar contributory scheme. It was his duty to say that unless the income was increased a portion institution would have to be closed.

as they could not go on doing their good work there without incurring liability. He would like to praise the Ladies' Committee for their noble efforts. and their faithful and zealous work. (Applause.) He thought that by properly organised effort the income could be largely increased, and the institution placed upon a firm footing. (Hear, hear.) He also suggested that a large percentage of the unemployed.

who numbered from 10,000 to might be prepared to pay a penny a week. which would bring in over £2 000 a vear. Also that those who subscribed from should one be shilling asked to increase shillings their con- tributions. Everyore should do his or her utmost to avoid the possibility of the services of the Hospital being curtailed for want of means The Governors proposed that the Borough should be divided into districts, and that systematic collections be made throughout the borough. EMPLOYEES' RESPONSE.

Mr. W. J. Canton. Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that unless such a scheme as that suggested by the Chairman came into early operation there would be no alternative but to restrict admittance to the Hospital solely to subscribers.

So far treatement. at the Hospital, together with services of specialist at the Lord Buckland Memorial Extension. had been free to all comers, and a great many patients who received attention there paid towards its maintenance. engaged in small and businesses had rssponded splendidly to An appeal: circularised among them last year, and were contributing a weekly levy of 2d He moved that a joint committee be formed to work out the details of the scheme suggested. THE OVERDRAFT AT THE BANK.

Mr. W. R. Southey, the treasurer of the Hospital, deplored the small attendance of the people outside the Governors, and said they were "preaching to the converted." He trusted, however, that those present would carry the message of the meeting to their friends. and convert as many as possible to the efforts they were now making.

He felt no little anxiety about the colossal proportions of the bank overdraft. which to £5,000. "That quite an impossible position to be in, and trust that everything that can be done will be to avert the closing down of any portion of an institution of which we are proud, and which would be nothing less than a tragedy. This. said Mr.

Southey. was the initial meeting of gatherings to be held in all the wards of the borough, where the real work would be done. Mr. Lewis Jones, secretary. said he' believed there were hundreds, if not thousands.

of people who would ready to assist the Hospital in the same way as the miners and steelworkers if they could get in touch with and provide facilities for weekly payments. They wanted to, create a spirit of "hospital Today the institution was more efficient ever. It was decided to appoint a joint committee representing the Executive Board the Fete Committee and the Workmen's Governors to deal with the matter, and to formulate ways and means to introduce syatematic collections throughout the borough. A vote of thanks to the Mayor for presiding terminated the meeting. EBBW VALE POLICE COURT.

-Before Messrs D. Evans (in the chair). C. G. Davies, W.

Cox, J. Griffiths. and A. E. Thomas.

LABOURER'S ADMISSION. Wm. John Merrick, labourer, Beaufort, was summonded for stealing seven planks and a shovel. value £1 10s. the propertv of Messrs.

G. Stowe, contractors, Newport. to which he pleaded guilty.S. E. Pugh.

manager, for the prosecutors. said that on 16th of January he and P.C. Bishop went to Carno Reservoir, Llangynidr Mountain, and saw some planks. which were the property of the Company. and they were taken possession of.

They were worth Bishop stated that, on the 16th January he saw defendant at. Carno Reservoir, and told him he had found a plank in his premises, and told him he would arrest him. Defendant made a statement that he was engaged as a labourer on the night shift at the Reservoir. He admitted taking the plank to the house of another man, for whom he was doing some repairs. He also admitted that he had stolen four other planks from the Reservoir, which were at.

his home. Witness found six planks 15ft. in length. When charged he said he woe -Defendant wAS fined £1, MERTHYR M.O.H. APPOINTMENT OF DR.

T. H. STEPHENS. At a meeting of Merthyr Corporation Tuesday night, the Mayor (Alderman on Williams, J.P.) presiding, the Town Clerk (Mr. E.

Biddle) said he had received a letter from the Ministry of Health inquiring what action had been taken regarding the appointment of a medical officer in place of the late. Dr. Alexander Duncan. He replied no definite action had been efficiently taken, but carried that the duties were being out by Dr. T.

H. Stephens, the acting M.O.H. Councillor L. M. Jones, J.P.

(chairman of the Health Committee) moved that Dr. Stephens appointed. He Dr. said that since Dr. Duncan's death Stephens, as mirably deputy, for had nearly performed three years.

the duties adFor years severe epidemics had been prevalent, and the Doctor had attended matter satisfactorily, as well as performing. his other duties. The Corporation had made promotions to headships in other departments, including the offices of town clerk, borough, treasurer, and director of education, satisfactory results. Dr. Stephens was fully qualified for the position of medical officer.

The salary was £900 per annum, according to the scale of the Ministry of Health, and the appointment should date from the 1st July last. Dr. Stephens had been born and bred in Dowlais, and the Council ought to be proud of a man who had risen from the ranks. Councillor Andrew Wilson, J.P., chairman of the Public Assistance Committee, who seconded the proposition, agreed that Dr. Stephens was a very able and efficient officer.

The proposition was carried unanimously, and Dr. Stephens, thanked had the meeting for the they conferred upon him. Dr. Stephens, who was born at Dowlais, studied at Edinburgh University and the Rotunda (Dublin), and entered the service of the Corporation in 1925 as assistant school medical officer. He became deputy to Dr.

Duncan three years and was appointed acting medical officer of health last July. Stephens qualified M.B.. C.H.B. (Edinburgh) in 1925, with distinctions in the final subjects, including midwifery, diseases of the skin, and bacteriology, and attained his D.P.H. (London).

It will be remembered that Dr. Stephens married Dr. Dilys Jones, M.B., C.H.B., D.P.H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., B.Sc., last July Dr Dilys Jones wa sthen the assistant medical officer of health to Rhondda Urban District Council She was trained at Westminster Hospital, and was late house physician to Sir James Purves Stewart. ABERCYNON. HANDICRAFTS TEACHER-On Tuesday the Mountain Ash Education Comwork centres.

There were 49 applicants. pointed Henry John Coles, of Glancynon-terrace, Abercynon, as handicrafts teacher to one of the authority's woodwork centres. There was 49 applicants. ALLOTMENT meeting of the unemployed allotment holders was held at the hall on Monday, Mr. O.

Robinson presiding. Mr. Thorne, the administrator for the Society of Friends scheme, delivered an interesting address explaining the scheme for assisting the unemployed. He stated that the money required for, the administration of the scheme came from private sources. The interest taken by the public may be guaged by the fact that after a recent broadcast appeal £2,000 was, immediately subscribed.

The ambition the society this year is to increase the number of allotment holders to 200,000. A tribute to the work done last year was paid by Mr. Davies, of Park View, who brought to the meeting a parsnip weighing 31lbs. from seed given by the Society of Friends. This was presented to the speaker at the close of the meeting.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Alderman J. Dicks, and day. Deceased was 61 years of age and Jones, Fife-street, took place on Saturseconded by Mr. Morris, Aberewmboi. -The funeral A of Mr.

Gwilym had resided 36 years at Abercynon. He was an active member of the English Congregational Church and took a great interest in music. For many years he conducted a choir at Abercynon and prior to that at Machen. The Rev. M.

Jenkins officiated. The chief mourners were Mr. Gwilym John Jones (son); Ald. Tom Jones, Messrs. Ben Jones and Arthur Jones, Machen, Jack Jones.

Pengam (brothers); Messrs. J. Thomas. Rudry; J. Evans Stacey and and D.

James Griffiths, Everson, Mechen: Trevine, T. H. Maddocks, Tonteg; Maddocks. J. P.

Maddocks, Abercynon Messrs. Teddy Jones. H. Dickinson, R. Dickinson, Machen; P.

Maddocks, A. Maddocks, D. Maddocks, Maddocks (nephews; Messrs. W. Howells.

S. Howells, E. Howells and D. Howells (cousins). The mourners at the house were Mrs.

Mary Anne Jones (widow); Mrs. G. J. Jones (daughter-in-law); Royston B. Jones (grandson); Nurse Lena Jones, Mrs.

J. Thomas and Mrs. J. Everson (sisters); Mrs. Tom Jones, Mrs.

Ben Jones. Mrs. Jack Jones, Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mrs. T.

Evans, Mrs. D. Griffiths. Mrs. J.

P. Maddocks (sisters-in-law): Miss D. Maddocks, Mrs. H. T.

Maddocks. Abercynon Ambulance and Nursing Division entertained the Cadets Divisions to a social at the Church Hall on Saturday evening. The tables were presided over by the members of the Senior Nursing Division under the supervision of Supt. Mrs. Hyde.

After the held. Supt. wou Jackson presiding. Mrs. was social a please competition (Dr.) G.

L. Pierce presented the prizes to Girls: the 1. successful competitors as follow: Misses D. and R. Mullatt (divided); F.

Williams; 3, Miss Betty Thomas. Boys: 1. Cynon Rees and party; Leader. An interesting address was given by Mr. D.

Davies M.E.. presented the follwing Girl Cadets with their Junior Nursing Certificates: -Vera Bowden, Dorothy M. B. Brooks. Maisie Blake.

E. M. Corien, Mary Evans. Marian Garbett. Rosina M.

Howells. Betty D. Williams, Muriel Hiscox. Elsie M. Jones, Violet Jaynes, Roslyn Mullett, Queenie Mathews, Ceinwen Newman, Joyce Jackson, O.

Pope, Betty Lily Price. Roberts. Emlyn Roberts, Winnie Rockey, Muriel Rockey. Margaret Rossiter. Margt.

J. Stephens. Elizabeth D. and Vera Thomas, Dilys and Florrie Williams, Gwladys Pennell, Phyllis Parr, Ivy Close, Freda Close, M. Smith, E.

Evans. Kitty Davies, Rosy Jones. Mrs. D. Davies.

Plasdarran, presented the following Boy Cadets with the Public Service Certificates and the Junior FirstAid Certificates: Cynon Alco*ck. Islwyn Davies. Douglas Robinson, G. E. Rees.

J. Price, Desmond Carol. Glyn Coxley, W. 8. J.

Herbert, Phillips, D. Arfon J. Roberts, V. A. Davies, G-W-RCheap Trips From MERTHYR.

MOUNTAIN ABERDARE ASH and with many bookings from Stations surrounding EATS. TUE, JAN. 27, 30, FEB. 3. To LONDON.

Leave Merthyr 6.0 Mountain Aberdare Ash (Ox. (L.L,) Et.) 6.0 6.11 a.m. a.m. SUNDAYS, JAN. 28, FEB.


Cardiff Merthyr, at or Aberdare after 4.0 (H.L. p.m. from Mountain Ash (Ox.St. Rd.) or LLI INTERNATIONAL RUGBY MATCH: SCOTLAND V. WALES (Feb 3).

FRIDAY NIGHT. FEBRUARY TO 7.25 EDINBURGH Aberdare waun Leave Mountain p.m. (H.L 7.50 7.40, (C.Rd.) MetTrain. 7.40 BOOK p.m. EARLY.


WEDS. THURS. TO LONDON. Leave Merthyr 0 am. Aberdare (L.L.) 6.0 Mountain Ash (Ox.St.) 6.11 a m.

THURS. SATS. To CARDIFF By any tram cm Merthyr at or after 12.0 con. ADDITIONAL TRAIN SERVICES and SATURDAYS MERTINETS CO CHEAP to From Quakers' Yard (H.I.) 12 54. 4 8.

4.30, 5.4, 5.56. PARE 9d. From Pontygwaith Halt 12.56. 4.10, 4.32. 5.6, 5.58 FARE 9d.

From Aberfan 12.59, 3.5, 4.13. 4 35 5.10 6.1 and 6.30 p.m. PARE 6d. From Troedyrhiw Halt 1.4, 3.10. 418.

4.40. 5.15. 6.6 and 6.35 p.m PARE 3d. From Abercanaid 1.8, 3.15, 4.24. 4.45.

5.18, 6.10 and 6.38 p.m, FARE 2d. These Cheap Tickets are issued each Friday and Saturday by any train at or after 12.0 noon. PARK YOUR CAR at G.W.R. STATIONS All information from Stationmaster. HAVE YOU OBTAINED YOUR TRAVEL SAVINGS CARD? For details of excursions from Pentrebach, Merthyr Vale.

Troedyrhis. Quakers' Yard, Aberaman, Senghenydd, Abertridwr. Penyrheol, Penrbie celber, see bills. Full details, conditions of Issue of tickets, obtainable at G.W.R Stations, Offices and Agencies. JAMES MILNE.

General Manager. 'SUMMER RETURN TICKETS'. all through 1934. Minimum Fares: 3rd Class 1st Class Everyone should visit the BRITISH INDUSTRIES FAIR (Feb. 19th to Mar.

2nd) at LONDON and BIRMINGHAM. Thomas, R. E. G. Jones.

Robinson, D. T. W. Hughes. Pelt Levi Nelines, Glyn Thomas, Tudor Join O.

Ken G. Williams, Williams, T. H. Wood, S. Hund E.

Herbert. R. Thomas reys, G. Humphreys, A. R.

Jones. Harpur. R. J. Howe, RiM G.

Thomas, I Leader, D. T. Evans, Jones. Evans. S.

Thomas. At the close a of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Davies Mrs. G.

L. Pierce for their present and assistance during the evening proposed by Supt. W. Jackson, second by Corps Officer E. T.

Rowe. TAFF AND CYNON MINERS LEADERS AND ADVENT OF NET REGIME. The final meeting of the Tall Cynon District of Miners was held the Workmen's Institute, Mountain on Tuesday, when the auditors presen a report which showed the distr had met all liabilities during' and was able to carry over a balance. The Treasurer Wag instructed to Pa he over the balance to the Central 1 The Secretary was informed 25 to ure procedure pending the appoint of an area secretary. Mr.

G. A. Thomas, the president of expressed thanks which they deles district, able manner in assisted him in his duties. He tender his thanks to the officials. The Agents (Ald.

E. C.B.E., and Coun, J. W. Grant. J.P.

gether expressed with their the regrets Treasurer at and the enfor Secret separation. They all, however. chat real nised the absolute necessity of 1 arising out of the fact that mining the trade was changing and the lation shifting. They made earnest rogue peals for loyalty to the new The Taff and Cynon Distri hat isted since 1898. Ald.

E. Morrell been its agent practically since the treasurers mencement. -the late There Mr. have Peter Gard been (Merthyr Vale). Mr David Lewis tain Ash (who retired several years owing to and the surer.

Mr. A. W. Jenkins. Mountain There have been two secretarie the Mr.

Mr. T. John Andrews, Powell, Treharris. Mountain The dis Ah has. during its whole existence.

been 35 cognised by the Central of the most efficiently adminis the 4 red, W1 tricts in the whole Bruce of and Vichl Morgan, from: the Messrs. have acted as its solicitors mencement. In this connection it be of interest to note that sever.1 of legal advisers have become art Sankey. famous: Mr. the A.

late T. Mr. James, K.C.. and S. T.

Evans. Kirkhouse Jenkins. K.C. By and of I have their been guidance stabilised several and questions (pl to-day, LOCI QUEEN'S service but nth the barge. B5 PREP In bl Willis LIAM never prodt 11Ou thei OSITIVE our Pohan CIAL and al at depen Mot Mrs.

HIGH Sunt MARKE St Co THRIFT in the onths 01 GEORGI Sun morial 30. Mr. SOCIAL. eld a SO M. resented ith a sm BLIND lommittee hat owing there was any connection beconsider, accident and Jones' death in the pond.

EFFECT OF SHOCK. His Honour said he was definitely of the opinion that Jones suffered such a shock as the result of the accident that it led him to destroy himself, and he mace an award for £300 in favour of the widow. PENRHIWCEIBER. JERUSALEM on Sunday were conducted, by the pastor, Rev. W.

Richards. Mr. T. Bowen, A.V.C.M.. acted as organist and the singing was led by Mr.

John Evans, A.T.S.C. DEATH OF "EURFIN." The death took place on Monday, after a short illness, of Mr. Isaac Benjamin at the home of his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. D.

B. Edwards, undertaker, of Bryngolwg, Woodfleld-terrace, Penrhiwceiber. Mr. Benjamin was 81 years of age, and a native of North Wales. He was keenly interested in Welsh literature, being the winner of three bardic chairs, and recently he concluded a series of lessons on the rules of Welsh poetry.

Mr. Benjamin was a consistent contributor to the press. He was a very staunch member of Moriah Church, Miskin, of which he was a deacon and secretary. A report of the funeral will be given next week. competitive meeting under the auspices of the Band of Hope Wac held at Jerusalem Church on Monday.

Mr. J. Roberts presided, Adjudicators: Mrs. D. Keen Davies (literature), Mr.

John Bowen, Rheola-street (music); accompanist. Mr. Tom Bowen, A.V.C.M. Winners. -Solo for children under 8: Divided between the competitors.

Recitation: Divided between and Beti Roberts. Solo. "St. Islwyn Hughes. Recitation: 1 John Williams and Islwyn Hughes; 2 Mary Williams and Marion Richards.

Solo, Mair Kilner and Rhianon Morgan. Recitation: Betsi Richards. "Milwyr Myfanwy Kilner. Impromptu reading: Richards. Literature: 1 P.

Kilner. Solo. Mrs. (Rev.) W. Richards.

Votes of thanks were proposed by Rev. W. Richards. seconded by Mr. Hugh Evans.

concert was given on Monday evening at Hermon Church, Penrhiwceiber, by the Mountain Ash Male Voice Choir (conducted by Mr. B. T. Howells, A.L.C.M.), aid of the Penrhiwceiber unemployed allotment building fund, which had been organised by Prof. E.

T. Jenkins, Penrhiwceiber. The following artistes also took part: Soprano, Miss Brenda Harris, the well-known member of the Penrhiwceiber Operatic Society; 'cellist, Miss Doris Phillips; violinist, Miss Jessie Phillips, and accompanist, Mr. Fredk. Pugh, A.L.C.M.

Mr. Theophilus Jones, M.E., presided, and the programme consisted of the following -Part Choir, "Destruction of Gaza" (Rille); soprano solo, "Softly Sighs" (Weber); Choir, "The Fisherman" (Price); 'cello solo, "Scherzo" (Van Goens); Choir (a) "Lost Love" (Vaughan Thomas) and (b) "The Armada" (C. Candish). Part II: Choir, "'The Long Day Closes" (Sullivan); soprano solo, "Song of Choir, "The Tyrol" (Ambrose Thomas); 'cello solo, "Tarantelle" (Popper); the Choir, "King of Worlds" (David James). This latter item by the choir was sung by special request.

MISKIN. MISKIN. BETHEL CHURCH. The pulpit at Bethel Church, Miskin, was occupied on Sunday by the Rev. R.

Walwyn Jones, of Maesteg. The singing was conducted by Mr. Thomas W. Griffiths, and Miss Olwen Abraham was the organist, incetin post next lenber? LECTUR ension Le anuary 21 30 Lect LA Subj ectures al LOCAL ledical Committee mont Merth went. Pierred NEW EL ervice of ind Aber outh Wal pplicaticn the route ridge, the Dst ot ompleted.

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The Merthyr Express, Aberdare and East Glamorgan Herald, Tredegar and West Monmouth Times from Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan, Wales (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.