The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

I. I Tpy LUMSDEW, KENDALL CO. T.A-tr"a. Qao-WttUaa KamUJ anvA.M. Holbrook.

prrics 72, amp stret Friday lHonalug, April 13 TXRMS OF THE rlCATIiRE. fn Sli SaWertpUons NcwTN twit, j. 1 ud nuarUrW at Dm aaroa mtaa. tf Su.gW copras l- eeou. i.ted for SI Ue Brat, aoi cqitl for bTieut r- 'ifTn-r-al be VuWUU-d on aaW- at U- PW- rrwr rf 1 Karris- aaa OUtaary notices are cbarged on Uai par sanare.

A. Iftantl iacoBnCiU a tlioae who adrertoae by the year. CONTENTS OF TnEOUTSltfE PAGES. First Pace. Scudding tinder Bare Poles Herald.

1 FOURTH Page. WincheUtu Repudiation A IUilroad Story-Burke and -Yates, of the 'lvMtnn Advertiser Breakins a Looking fluiand a Iletrl tixalted Feeling New medy Tar' Hydrophobia New Orleans JMJ I Market, -1 Sales at Aucnoer This DkY, 4frU 15. ios. A. Beard Co.

sell Boofs and Shoes ppposrto the Camp street A uotion Mart, at luj oMocV. -J- f. R. B. Sykes sells Books and Stationary, at No.

46 Sri Charles street, at 7J, P. M. CT Sea advertisem*nt. jfj- One of ua made one of the party who accompanied ex-President Van Bure'n in his axeurtion yesterday. We will give a sketched!" the occarrenc'eg'to-morrowC 1 CT, The Belle of Uie West" arrived last 1 evening, bringing, as usual, supplies of river papers tiS-There waa a great house last evening at the American, to aee the first, representation.

of. Napoleon. Numbers of the Creoles from down town, were present. The piece is full of intricate pageantry and stage effect, and, con-, sidering the exceeding difficulty of managing such tpmplicated stage'businesa well upon the first attempt, the hit -was decisive. Look out lor it run- .03" By the President and Alexander Scott we received late papers from St.

Louis. CannirAL Court. The trial of S. Davis, charged with oflence against the taw regulat-. lottery dealers, will come on to-day at the Criminal Court.

f. The Axexakdir Sco it. Another new and mtjniiicent steamer me in, fresh from the builder's wharf, to our Levee yesterday. She is a stupendous and beautiful vessel, and we give here a correct description of her dimensions and capacities. Length of keel, 216 feet; extreme length, 240 feet; breadth of beam, 30 feet; extreme breadth, 2 feet depth of bold, 5 six 42 inch boilers feet long; 2 main engines, wiib2'cylin- ders 25 inches in diameter, and 10 feet stroke water wheels 23 feet diameter, buckets 14 feet long.

Has also a separate which is attached a cold water pump, force pump for applying her bojlecs with water, bilge pump to frtfi ber from sinking in case of accident, and firi pfcrg, with bose sufficient to carry water to any part of the boat, in case of fire 40 state rooms those in the ladies' cabin 8 feet wide, with 4 feet berths; in the gentlemen's cabin the berths are 7 feet wide, with 3 feet berths. The hdll was built by French cabin by Mr. Smith, of Jeflersonville machinery by Glover it McDougal, superintended by Capt. Swon. Owner, Kennett, White Co.

Simonds Morrison, J. E. Walsh, and Capt. Swon, of Cm. Louis.

Capt. Swon was well known as commander of that noble but ill fated boat, the Missouri heartily glad to find him on a finer boat, and wish ha may retrieve bis old loss bv the burning of. the Missouri, with immediate despatch." Go to the Levee, and seethe Alexander Scott? and you will sigh to travel in such a boat. 'Arrested. Mead, one of the.Thibodaux-Ula bank robbers, who made his escape from oScers at that piace a few nights ago, has been retaken.

He was first discovered under a bouse, from which place he fled, although watched by some three or four persons. He was pursued into the woods, and finally taken hj being compelled to climb a tree1 to escape aesirucuon by tCoodbounds, ith was hunted. We learn that the amount of four thousand and five hundred dollars of the mooov waa kjuuu ai ine tune aieau arrest. Nearly all the funds stolen from the bank ihRrpfnr hare been 1... I Bt.

Louis Ejlectioi-. The election ef citv oCcers at St Louis, on the 4th instant, termi- sated fa the choice of George Magnire for by a majority of 46 votes over the Whfg and.mtivo American Mr'. Charlies. The Ontario BIr. Var Borew.

Yester day, by invitation, Mr. Van Buren, accompa died by a small party of his friends, visited the Baule Ground, by the Mexican Gulf Railway. It was anderstood that be would return to the tjty on board qi a steamer. Accordingly two boats went. down as far as the.

Battle Ground, out of them, the S. J. Peters, came; up without bringing any passengers. Mr. Van Curen and the crowd" Wert nn l.nnrrt tfiaa MfV Jjry Steam Ferry Company's boat Indepen- Aoont a o'clock, P.

the Indepen uugiaet me u. is. stoop ot war yUUed thia fioe ship, by the r'9 invitation of the -rriui vi aeeins nia aieocT heinr X- IotmI of t. '-T Pep we nave en- npehew. ffi Senate of the United sTateS II r.hoiw.

Tim le'MpreBlePtofthat -l llnt 'W W( Hf -ww more Wirtirs. He was well received by Lieut. R. i corr -anding, and the other officers of ik- wcTTtno, lorwnicn nemaniiested his ackno le. j-ients ia a few gracious bows and a gl -v I Tj mhe-t'twenty minutes, eml, on bis jdeparture, 9rti hrnored with a salute of twenty-one cona iu-3jp, mo iiiu the Ontario, and were highly Ljhted with ber neat arransmenta in all cu-wf which, however, for want of time, w.m defer speaking tiU another wcaaion.

eive Cruz. which land, tVn nm rcn fit xr He fifht tk her lier is for in to I 1 I oo de rm. Latest frem Tyra Tho steamship-New York, Capt. Wright, from Galtrtton, arrived yesterday. The letters below from two of pur correspondents, aU the news.

V- GALVEstoH, April 12, dayr past from tb pighborlibod oyera The war echn San Bernard came oo- Sundav in four davs from (near) Vera Cruz; bringing letters from C031. Moore, from oni of I liavel)ecn pcrmitled to inane in trant- 1 lie Commodore dats at ubcoi.i 4th Mafcli.ibetween Tnmpioo and Vpra Cruz) and writes that he had received from Dr. McLeod, fbroihe-r oi I clae1nf oFWaf 'arri TbatWb. Santa lying in SacnBcjo. uri.m atill Hivmeu mw 1 Pue Ufa.

and th ties-one ar.reroi-.y- otrjer at iu c. 7 arrjvej ft, 1 nroceeded thence tcLagona, where the Commodore was gomg after them, awav down there in fine style. I (oolc two more prizes (fine schoonerf.loaded I tfh-Ralf one a three master) in sight of Vera Croz'-The Mexicans made some show of bv retting up steam on the old craft lying I there, and bitching tue iew lorn scur. wim Pfiixhnn un alongside, but did not venture I 7 .1 1 I 1 1. 1 I nt.

'I'ha lhree masieu scrir. xoi BErouiiu uu 1 way up uere, at or near me inoum ui mc a .1 I. II.a Bmsso. The Other arrived here this morning; corgp will be sufficient" to keep our military ardor from spoilin The San Bernard, brought a sraurt pile of 6pecie, to pay off some debts contracted here in fitting out the squadron in November last. It understood that the Commodore has a sufS- I ciencvf the article with him to keep him afloat a I All fhe teillert who arrived recently from the I United States, are ou the way to the promised t.

I land. Two hundred of (including those who came over in the New York) left the next day after the New York arrived, in the schr. Col. Hanson, bound for Corpus Christi others took the land route, via Houston. I reckon the emigrants on board the Hanson did'nt shout any aS they tleparted! I have heard something that way in my time, having passed through Tippecanoe times iu the United States but the smal( thunder sent forth from the Col.

lian son exceeded by a trifle any thing that I ever heard in that line. Yours, W. Galvestojt, April 12,1842. Jftssrs.EdUor$oftheJ'ictyvne. GzRTtxxKK I had almost determined not write by this packet, on account of the many contradictory reports, which are rife relative to the war movements.

The -Executive has or dered the volunteers who. have arrived from yourcity and elaew here, to rendezvous at Cor pus Christi. This is a' favorable feature, as it looks like meeting the enemy near tlio thresh old, of their own homes. It will save them something of a long and tedious march, if they wish to, pay us another visits, and after a short time, we will Rave them a march altogether. Our gallant navy bas done uobly the Com modore has gained great credit, and the last administration something from the stipulations with We have tried, hard to.

get fight out of the new Mexican navy, but as there is no chance of taking to timber" in a sea fisht. thev won't try us. want their new schooner very much, but it is rather hazardous to take it from under the guns of the castle, although I think the Commodore will attempt it the next time he goes in. -Tbo last time he was thejre, he lay three hours becalmed Sacrifices, and made a terrible to do in getting up steam on the 'new war steamer, and blowing it off Our navy has been paid by Yucatan in 'gold and silver, and for the present there is seme inducement to enter the service. So long as Yucatan continues to pay us, and we can catch a few prizes once in a while, the prospect is encouraging to those'wlio join it." The San which arrived on Sunday, brings news that Santa Ana has 20,000 men destined for Yucatan, and 20,000 for Texas.

Such a report will induce the 'Yucatanos to continue their subsidy to our navy, end O'jr people are better able to fight than -pay; so that the partnership is a good one on both sides. It may appear to those who Are on the way here to join us, that we are moving slowly in our preparations. We may be somewhat slow but w-e wait for those who are to join us from the United Sates, Wc want a few more eiti- rm before we start, and thjs will render our movemnt thc more certain. One thing may ujiuu, ii uiciitu uas uppuea ine torchtb the fabric of her government, nd Vu- n)on 1 uju a caaa win uui muiuucr UIIUI IllB eai. fice is reduced to I have heard that some dissatisfaction existed among a small portion of the.

volunteers who came over last tn the "New York." As tar as have been able to ascertain facts of the case, they were ordered by the Executive to proceed to Corpus Christi in a vessel nroeured fofthat purpose, but they declined and" went to Houston, with the mtention of proceeding from thence by land. The Government were una Ple to provide hem with horses, and the other necessary for this route, and they are not pleased about. I "regretaa do nil, that it should be so; but we are in fact too poor to' send troops in this way, and we hope soon to have a rendezvous at the Brasaos Santiago, whiohlwill still more' facil irate our movements. The brig Wharton sails to-day to join the squadron she has been detained a 'week out side, waiting for despatches. A.

A Saw. An odd looking' individual, highly eccentric' in bis yesterday strolling along St. Charles street, when a wag pointed hira out as Lord Morpeth' All ihe loungers commenced immediately falling in be mm, oetore, behind and. air around him, and all ui imperunenuy scanning mm irora neaa to toot. StiU the crowd kept swelling, each, tell- Ine-the iiU diuiha un.n.u..j ult.

uuiu uiviiniu. uuui mo e- vw au luOMj ccc85iyeiy aiarmwi. fix li. alarmed. He looked at the mrth rmirwt.

armor. mg thkker every riMiment, with, a stare1 of the trange.t ti aVdroVf'h' nOC 'hr50n -M uen one man euuiwed on IO him. nuiui with audd 7.jji nw exclaimed VVhV, SmilA yeo was Lord Morpeth" t0l? I Thm 1 liughter! bis friend taken with hind, and following in bis footsteps. The man bad scarcely walked three squares before there were fifty curiouaperaons.flyinff along wJth Bonn ble We to 4ead for zS nr for; tbo state wui of so iu of Lord Morpeth. This distinrainhed ver: ge we haveheard poken of a 9 frink and hoqeetlj disposed man.

read tnai lie gentleman of jibiloBophical rm na.pni.- thfopic views. This is an t)QT)oraom the eharaclor, and one ma respect of all feir and candid judgments. Now invite Lord Morjietn wn.wc jlhink hi own inquiring pmr wu bim nrr anl)wssea no e.uu oftSoutheriknociety and sownw int-iijuiMius. If--we have heard arignt, ana juogc nguu If rit we have Kfiaru, uoru iuurrin wanu tliarilable nature bas jicldcd pliantly ta the reception of a subtile modern mnma." Wow let ocular uemonBtration nil around, clearly ohsejrye and fairly wei'b the evidences and against the and disorgan theory to which he leana. Let Lord Mpr UetU nj igit oul plantalioas; let bim look at the smiling faces merTVBong8 of abor ofoor happy biacks; let him minutely inquire into the man in which they aro fed, clothed and cared let him tlunk of the wretched coudition, drunken, equallid, criminal eud degraded of the' free negroes he bas seen in other cities; let him give one sigh for tlie immense, starving pauper white population of merry Englaud-nd If he does not awaken to a more reasonaoie view 01 tilings, iimn uas iu vue contamination 60 eaten into bis soul that fire 11- I .1 1 1 1 1.: never uuiuh out wi mwi.

The fact is, taking abolitionism as a question pure philanthropy, and frankly viewing its merits upon that scale, leaves all evidence and argument iu favor of the South, and it is pre- posterous for its advocates longer to hold on to transparent a garment of disguise, which the very wind will soon carry away in tatters. We have no notion that thick-necked John Hull is ever going to turn from his assumed aim, about this question, until he gets a broad bint from defeats England knows as well as we do the hollowness of all virtuous pretension in the 1 1 1 I cause, oui cogianq Knows, aiso, rigni cunning' ly, how usetul is -this very hollowness tn getting up a clamor, for The emptiett thing reverberate most sound But here ia an intelligent individual among us, who, we are induced, to believe, is an unprejudiced truth seeker, and upon such a mind our words will -not be tnrown away. I hey cannot be, unless we have been sadly mistaken forming our estimate of the man. Lord Mor peth, we understand, frankly avoids any parade his opinions touching exciting questions while passing through the country, at the same time frankly expressing them when questioned. He i3 right and if any curious questioner gets an answer that he dou like, it is not the stranger, but the inquirer who is to.

blame. 1 desire no expression of opinion from Lord Morpeth, but, if he wants to see what sort of a people populate the South, we invite bim to look closely and judge rightly. Soother Sketches. A small book of interesting sketches of Texas, embellished witb illustrations by Von Smith, has been published in this city, and will be for sale at the Literary Depot to-morrow. The author in his work has made a contribution to the Texan cause, having made a free present of the proceeds to the cominissiouers now in this city, for the purchase of army supplies.

Here is an agreeable medium for assisting the brave emigrants now passing through the city." We understand, says the Alexandria In dex, that the Home Squadron will carry the gallant Commodore (Stewart to Vera to treat with Mexico as the United States once treated with the Moors of B-irbary, with instructions first to command Santa Ana to free our citizens, py the money and keep the peace; and second, to give him oue hundred broadsides as an ultimatum. -4 The U. S. achr1. Warren was in the har bor of Vera Cruz on the 31st ult.

K7 It is stated by ihe New York Journal of Com mere a that the interest on the United States loan was punctually paid on the 1st instant; also, the interest on the bonds of the state of New York and Alabama. KJ Charles Evans was elected Mayor of Penaacola on the 4th instant. Zanani. "The MrstctAK." We found time over our coffee yesterday morning, to pick up the first volume of Zanoni, and sketched throush the Introduction at" breakfast. Didn't much like the incomprehensible subtilties of mystification that begau to open upon us, but knew full well what majestic arches, towering pyramids, superb domes, and bewildering yet enchanting labyrinths, the gorgeous genius of BulwT could raise upon such a substructure.

Sturted upon the first Book, Musician," intending to close iu a page or two, but was instantly touched by the wand of the great master, and turned on from chapter tcf chapter, following the poor, mad musiciun (mad because not under stood) and the inspired. Viola, througbjbe fervid and glowing descriptions that lead on and on to the triumphant success at last of the en thusiastic and absorbed composer. The story of that old tnuaician, bis wife, and the sweet girl is an enchanting composition of the novellist, and told with most pathetic force. we sat in delightful abstraction over the vol ume, wholly unaware of how we were tres passing upon our time, until the scene'closed upon the -Musician," and tho work went on to the Second Book. Here it aeR.n.

mence themes or Rosicrucian mystery; hinted at from the, introduction, ia which the r-d-r' is flattered into an idea, that he is' coin to be made acquainted, in an am-eRaM the rites aud secrets of the hermetical philoso- phers. So far only have we' proceeded in our read- ingot Znnooi; but we laid down the vol a me with the and we do Ion 1 know but we may put forth a few well, and we-look to pee bini revel and luxu- naie upon a son so ricu in an that bis specu- Uation and imaginative genius delights in. His 1 2.n 1.11:... I i ucciicuccB ii uiiiiiaui. tuaL accuiani in.

elegances oi ana outer little errors, I thr with nrlmr writers Wnult uwn ntoli K. barb of criticism; "are absolutely lost aight of jl-ii as Uiiuga iuu atuaii iu uicuuuu, Yet ss they are, they often spoil si magnificent passage," and we never meet one without rubbing our pencil well 'over it, wishing that not another eye chold look upon it. To recoil ia a melancholy expression for such ap author as Sir Edward Lytton Bnl- wer to use, and we roost devoutly hopo he'will advance forward, and let us catch no more ucfc fly-spou upon hia polished I away )n the cing and Day waa is in ot to and a Baa A Vl.Un. I would recall a t.ion drtawed Farchancs io.slsep, bad a'drenm, wlikh was not all a Byaes. droa'rn; aiuflT armadraen ToMtua and tria out either both or nothing.

For at least an hour we had been puffing at a regalia furnished, us at Ptt)acia'eiT St. Charles strtet, precieely at four o'cTocV, hoiirwhen we left the dinner table. While enjoying our tigar we hid been listltTBsly glan over -the columns of a western pnpor. Aniong the items we discovered, the followi ig, which particularly attracted our attention KJ They are always doing, out-of-the-wny thiugs in About forty of its most le-imectable families havo joined the Mormon church within the last six ITr General 'Joseoli Smith, the president (bunder of sect called Latier Saints of the TJhurch of Jesus horn in Charon, Windsor county, Vermont, of December. Old Wiudnor county now boasting of as ninny distinguished men different spheres as any in the Union.

This poor farmer' son has built up a denomination i.j. i. a a nearly iiw.uuu people, iurupe, aih, in ca.and nearly all the iilandi of the great ocean." Besides, Gen. Smith did net invent his himself: hut an aneel'of the Lord delivered it him on Munt N. on the 22d of September, Io27.

These notions threw us into a queer reverie, our mind wandered buck to the early his-' torv of the Christian religion. We couldn't help thinking about the trials 'and tribulations which attended the efforts of the Savior and the apostles their endeavors to regenerate the children of men. We reflected upon the his tory of those day's thn strange with which the Reformers were receivedthe per secutions to which, lhey were subjected the scorn and denunciation, heaped upon them by Jew and Gentile, Sadducee and Pharisee of manner in which their pretensions to divine nHtlinrilv aro Iffriilort HnrlyiT itiA trinmnh. fur authority were' decided, and of the triumph, for season, of the opinions of the great mass of opposition to the doctrines preached by the Son of the Virgin Mary and his disci pies. yet the fuhh of Jesus finally pre vailed.

Century after century rolled and found millions upon millions acknowledging the divine origin of Christ the people ia every quarter of the world of civilization, firm and steadfast believers in the entire truth of the sa cred history known as the New Testament The mellowing influence of Time has done its work, and be who presumes at this day to scoff at the belief of the Christian, is pronounced a blasphemous wretch, moves in society a suspected being, deserted even by the wife of his bosom, and contemned by the children of his love Clouds and shadows, darkness and gloom rested upon the dawn of tat religion but how glorious has been its setting sun! It was just at the close of a warm summer's day, in the year nineteen hundred and forty -two, that the steam-balloon Pacific, at precisely its regular hour, landed at the city of Astoria, on the Pacific. The number of passengers on board was much less than at any previous trip for more ihnn a year. Only four thousand and twenty persons joined us at St. Louis, making in all but twelve thousand and seven hundred passengers. During many weeks 1 bad been engaged in researches of a very singular cha racter, having been deputed by the United State government to investigate the practicability of rebuilding the city of New Orleans.

I had landed at a small village at the mouth of the Mississippi river, and proceeded up that stream one hundred miles, to a point formerly called the Balize. Ono hundred years ago this same place was at the mouth of the Father of Waters. I was hospitably entertained there by a grandson of a the celebrated Captain Taylor, the Pirate Catcher," as -he was called in his day and generation. When I reached the site of the old city of New Orleans, the scene of desolation I witnessed1 made me very sad the entire lime I remained there. When New Orleans sank to the bottom of the Mississippi, iu 1850, its population was presumed to be about two hundred, thousand.

Tradition sara. that the spirit of Old Corn Meal," one of the ear-Jiest preachers of the religion, still hovers arouod the in a one-horse cart, singing that rfheient Mormon hymn, 44 Old. Rosin the Bow," and ever and anon, in the silent watches of the night, may be heard the" shrill cry Git vp there!" with which he used to arouse a sleepy congregation. From the ruins of New Orleans to St. Louis I travelled up the river, upon the Floating Rail road, constructed in accordance.

witb lha plan oi general uames, a ciistinguisiied omccr in the American service a century ago. We era detained on the route' by cn accident, and were therefore nearly four-and-twenty hours in per forming the journey to the capital of tbe Union. Congress was in- session when we reached St. That day a bill was introduced into the Senate by one of the senators from Cuba, declaring the Mormon religion' to be the religion of the land, and rendering non-professars inca pable of holding any office, military or civil. The President was using all hs influence to force its passage but it mast fail.

All the se nStors from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Canadas will oppose, its passage. The senators from New England are united against the measure, of course. Our trip from St. Louis to Astoria was completed in two days one hour. The first thing which haa attracted my attention here is thefollowing very extraordinary article, pub lished in the anti-administration paper: hr President Asn Wis Course.

Our readers will bear witness that on all rrjiiorui we have freely expressed, our.opinion' relative iu i icjiurni ssmiin ena the; measures he. has to force upon this nation. expressed our ODioions freelv and increasing party. Who is seph Smith, the Mormon Pronhet. His "TT Hro coniempiuiie his pmbitioii boundless ing spirit aims at nothing- less than 1110 complete prostration of the libertierof his union i cnurcn ana state, a i- i 1 ier me fashion of nonerr.

before the Catholic I rellgloa became ex tinef. It ia will Prentatives not more 1 iiuuuicu inoiutiera win nrv or iiic President's Droiect: leavinr a -clear' muinritv two hundred on the side of the'fieoplev If any thine IS needed tn 1arltr tpmnnfmt th nI farioua designs of the President, we have only to refer to tbo declaration made in the Senate by one of "tba niihera from 1'ezaa. anrl fiiltv endorsed by the senator from Nootka Sound. ai ura religion orn lormona is not made ihe religion of the' land within na var the member front Texas, thull eheerfufl vote for dUtolulion cf the Union IUT uvea to see us day when inch sen a V' i of In hi of remarks about tbe other Books" a we read that he should undertake to dictate them. Bulwe'rhaa upon i material that PeP0f the United Stalest He ro writer of the day knows how to work "'ffS timents are proclaimed on the floor of Congress, and no arm is raised ia atrika the miscreant deed upon th(ppot The Union must 1 pre-serTed it will be It.bas now existed more i Un a century -and a balf every yt-ur aoVling to its strength and We call rami ure- uee-norn eons or America to rally 10 tli rescue.

If Are 'true to onrselves, this greftt tepnUlic will not yet fall prey priestcraft; v-- IlereH another paragraph from- TbV Latter Day Saints Gazette," an administration pa per: fT?" The corner stone of the monument to Saini Snnhen whs laid 3'esterday, presenc the J5ilioj, the Govruor nnd the Council. b-unt cnethen commenced tue as a editor to Jew Orlraiii. His paper wos the firat in the United States whieb-axlvucated Blormouiam. the ear 185D he waa 'taken, wilh kia wife -l i 1 aat 1 anu six cnuuren, ana inrowa luiomc lumin-pippi by a mob. Aa he to rise no more, predicted aloud iba destruction of the city.

The next year it was swallowed up by Ihe Mhtt'iAxippi. The monument to be erected to ii.rtiiory, at the expense of the President, will be one thousand teet high, surmounted by coloesus bron le statue of the saint Just as I had finished reading this paragraph, somebody approached and snatched the paper I from my hand. What the douce are you about said one our visiters, who bad just tittered the sanc tum "Fust asleep bare, with your cigar in your trelh In half a minute more -you would huwe scorched your lipal" We yawned, and lit a fresh cigar. KJOn the 81U inst. at Mills' Point, Ky bail stones fell which measured three inches in dia meter.

5 lnrtals at the principal "molds Aran- 41, 1842..... ST. CHARLES EXQHAffOE HOTEL. Dikoo, Morae, Forbe. Biahop, New York i 0 Haxall.

Vat IT Newcomb, Dorr, Dorr, La II Auderaon, Potter, Miaa; Swift, Mr Ynuur. Kyi A Itozie, Alat Mr (oodUr, Ark i Duval, Florida WeUter. Mr Led yard. Mobile; Ward.N A Drake, IJ Vaarrit, U8A Cat Kurtz i JH Kobioaont JHawkee; II Zaue and ladv Mr Churchill i Wilkinaos i Uruniiir; Boone and lady ra Alice noweaa Shaw: BIcGmnit: RBBraf heart Col SI Lee FDunlao: Younr Kovatou i Dr bilaod K. (isil Dr Taliaferro Lt Jen bim; Werrea Biker.

Red Riven Hooper. Poiadax- ler. Ciucinnati A Buck, Raltimoee McAfee. Ky; II D-ekrusoir, Plaquemioej Dan! Fither and Udy, Franklin; 8 Travia, Mobile; 8chl6eld, BoatOM 1 Black. Ala; gutb, Va P4k.

Tenn II Sparka. Lafourche i Holmes, Joel Kice, Quincy.lll Lanfbrao, Vickaburg WP Ruaaell, F.nfrUiid Black Parkiaaea C. A McGratli A Me A Water Erwia MiaiM Erwia; Miaa Erwin Mrs Robertaou Stevena; Slaiter Robertson Georfe Formaffj RC Faulkner 8 Teamater and lady; McDermot; LL'Hotclicr; WF Vrecteaborrb Vrecten-burtli; II Maekeo; Barley AJpaes; Robt Mult; Maater tSparkt. UZT The oiUceraaad members of "James Galick Fire Coraruuiy. N.

return their tfaaoks to Mr. G. Gulh, for refreshment furaiabed Lbein at thi fire in the rear of tbe Conll Street Hotel oa the evening of thel3UiiostanL aplS -v- WL SALOMON, Secretary. 5rA CARD. Tbe new and fast running ateamer MAZFPPA, itioer.

maater, will leave for Louisville and intormtdiafeJandings, at 10 o'clock TBis prfB.waeerai(aliing a aafe and quick convey-a oct and handaomOlaccominodationa, wilL avail of thia opportunity, and beNqn board at tbe boor named fur departure, DA VlfLIJADDEN; Agent, 2gPoyJreaat. X7 NOTICETbe aplmjdidrift ranning and light draught paaaengor ateamer EXPRESS JdAlL, J. IlalilcrmaM, mucter, will leave for Ciacianati, Louiaville. Evantville, Sbawaeetoara aad all tbe Intermediate landinra on Satoboav aaoraing, the 16th inatant, at 10 o'clock; at which boarpaa- acogera win iiia re on ooara. 11.

t. UWKMLK iC IV KLlAKili, aplS A CAR D. The awul rauairg and fubatantial ateamer tSTfcK, Craig, master, for St. Louia.AItou, Quiatcy, Waraaw Dubuque TRif DAT. (Friday, the loth cl-tcb, A.

at which hour paaaeagara will pleaae be on board, at the Pd'aalrat street wharf. aplS -f P. F1IAN XOHwA geat, 26 Poydraa aC 07 A CslRD. The well knhwa and auUUatial steamer BUNKER HILL, W.J. O'Farre'l, maater, will leave forVPiujiburg, Wheeling.

Portsmoeth. Mayaville. CincilhtatL louiaville aad all latermo- diate plucca this oXVrFriday,) the, tStb ioaUnt. at 19 A. M.

at which boufiengere are reqaeated to be on board, head of tbe aplS K.C. SHANNOSygtt Poydraa at. Atr NOTICE. The aptendid and awift rnaniac paaienger ateaioer EDWARD SII1PPEN, J.Chaa. itOMaM, rfrwac.r, will leave for SbawneetownKinilbland, Paducab, Cairo, and all iutenncdinte lanaTfeaaTHis dav, (Friday.) tbe lotb intaut, at 10 o'clock, poTHigely; at which hoar pas-aengera are reqaeated ta be loVoard.

H. E. LAWRENCE KELLOGtf, apI5 Agents, 79 Gravier aL The U. 8. Mad ateamer SOUTHERNER.

E. AlieiTa-ter, will leave the Lake end of tko Pont-, for Pata Christian, Miaaiaaipoi City, Hiloxi, Tbaragoula, Fort Morgan, Mobile Point and Mobile on SaTvapiv Moaatxc, the ICtk inataat, aa the arrival of lhTtfclpck cars. For freight or paaaage, apriy A. U. SI DO, U.

8. UiT-4ne Office, apis 83 Cabao atreeb Hrra-je S3 deck $3. ET A PacAet "iflLr Tbe iwift ruauinr oaaaenrer atramnr AMRAK.4A. DOR, C.J. Breuham.

maaier. will leave tor Yicka. burg, Warrenton.Grahd Galf, Rodney, NatcViea, aad all the intermediate landiiga, on Fsidat Evening, 12th inctaut, at 5 o'clock; at wkich liour paaeeagers will pVase be ou board, foot of Canal atreet. tl IWDI'Vra a. vit I Ann H.

E. LAWRI.NCH ml Pt Agents.TO Gravier atreet. TT FOR MOBILE On Fbibav. the iXtk'i'Z. The splendid, new and low-preaaura.

steam packet Jamea Day, maater, wiU leave the Late end. of the Pontchartrain Railroad on the arri val or ine cioca. cars. Freight will bo received this day aud on Friday nntil 19 aVIwV Paasngs for the preaeat ia redaced to stx "dollars, I ni iiri gouari, J. dt R.

GEDDES, Ageata, 'P'4 .51 Commerce aU PROFESSOR CUBI'S FREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURE ON PHRENi -LORY A 7 o'cloik, THIS EVENING. Fsidat, loiiani, ia tna.Sletaodiat Epiacopal Cuurch, corner of Poydraa aod Caroodelet atreeta. rroie-sor CUB! will deliver a graluitoue Lecture, iutroductory to hia aecond courae upon Phrenology. anisu i nuunint IU UCIIVCT, ana WBICB tbe public ia reipectfuily solicited to attend. AN APPEAL TO THE BENEVOLENT." (ETTlie managera of tbe aocietv for the rrliefof titute orphan boye, regret being under the neerakity; of mnking this public call upon the good citiceoe aad yeaideiita of New Orleans, but such are Ihe praaeet warn iur io uauime requiauea to aastaia tbat la-atttution.

and to give bread to tbe helpless, that they have no alternative left, but to call upon tka comma nil ii anuvr wi cwboib vua mayiuiD, leaving IBS pro- aent inmatea in nuoiber, upwards ef one bund red. to Been lunir uitiu irvw uvoc UJ door: I 18 CaUBOt mult not be dona Humanity forbids the generous irapalsea of the hcartsof tbe good citizens of tkla city would forbid ir. The reaoureea' of the laititu-tion, always inadequate have beea of lata I tailed, and the arinual diaburaementa have sever beea leas man aiaieau inousaoo oonava. The directors can now only look with certainty to the following sources for meaBa to defray their expeneea: Thus, tbe annualappropriaiion by the Legislature of E7000. Hmwiitaisi ircyuinwugaa V9 so a Report of the Staie Treasurer.

abrogated la the 1 the sum of two hundred dollara granted by tbe Second Maaicipalhy. Mvnr ua trcaanry, bet oa the contrary troaaarer ia very largely ia ad vaace -tow owti inmv Wual meaae. Thia appeal haa been wUhheld aa long as it wM poe.ib!ePtodo so! The d.retora are aware tbu apeal. Jisve boea ProB'l'5y BsetbythsYrfalUw eilSa. within laat year fo, relief to the aafortna.tZaBd f.f ,0 th spidemic wbkh vto- nTesaotTh: imert0tl Mt ralactaat to present themselves brn k.

i. IV.6'"".V,,l-a7cBOoaonolooier. Taor UBst.ntej beaevolenee, a Buhseriptlona will beMhaakfuITy received by the Director Messrs. nverly Chew, Jobs Nicbolaen, LaeiaaaDanean, Wuliam Freret, Charles Erir-s! Abner Phelps, Henry U. StraabriJra sad Greer ii.

inrMo luunmuiia iwiu 1 I leave smma. Homey Mail E. tbe iar IB 11 W.I .11 I aed I iuatant at 10 I I 1 I I I I ri 00 Urn -t. to rr- riBT r-ct. 7 Cobam.

IK I far-i, -V 4 I Hon tn ricnL HCoiro pace. J- Cania. ate -Madical Cant, MS Ur Card. 60i Xr A4 trixa WIirSJiu 'x,1, Mart at. roc ith pack: 4 A 94 I Farkrta aaa Itaanh I a I Mr oat ackou.

Sd I Modjol Caraa, 40. I MARINE- INTELL1GENCI1 1 Rki Bkaw, Lovett, foe NeTorkT Brig Aaaerleaa, Pomeray, for Halifax. H-kr Export, Card iner, for Now Tort. 8Ur Ckarlea. Phillip for MobiU.

8c kr Cayiaa, Phelaa. for Grand Cays. Attuvrijl 8Klp Glaafow, Lambert, fas Uraifool. BarauaRbrt Morria, kloore; fat Ricasaaad. Barqaa BalUe, Gretory, Kottoa.

BanaHelaaMar. Bteaoukip New York. Wrirht, fm V- Steamer Chpper, Raaar. fm Rayoo Sara. Steamer Lnda, CUk, fm Bayoo 8ara.

StMmer Ambaaaador, Breakam, Ta Viciabarr Steamer Prineeaa, 8aadford, fm Natekea. 8tcamer Preaidenf, Eckbart, fm fit Loaia, Steamer Meckaaie, Smith, fm Fir EJack; A Steamer Creole, Day, tm Mobile -r Steajner Gea. Harriaoa, Batcaehier, fa Lafoartka. SUaaacr Alex. Scott, 8oa, Tm 8t Loaia, Ktoamer Deamoiaea, Miller, fa USar.kita.

Steamer Boils of tkeWaat.WbiUea, fmCiariaiaL Firemen' CknrUable Attorialio of A'ewOrt. HOT The folio wiaf aamed directors eenaiitau tk Relief Committee for tbe prcMat qaartec, viz Georfe AlUx ekairmaa, Gaa Office, Commoa atrcetr laaae F. comer of Coati end Chart rt sl, Saml Galpia.To-- "oitoolas at. near Si Mary Market; Daniel Merritt, T6 Citomhooae ttrect; 46" Cao'treet. Applicatiena meat be1ade, above Committee before TWif eaa be rrantad, By or'der i TU0VA8.

LAGAN, aj 15 3t Z- Secretary; JT FOR SALE, Tka fast sailint: sebooaer SWAN ia sffarea 'for aale one year olds bartken 11 tooa lav. oppoaits tbe Peblie Square. of tkl eaptaia board. 2r" BAiNi. VOTES urcbaao4 by XV.

WHITE At aslS CaniAornero Coanaoa! CO. aplS at, corner of FRENCH 1 A KW CLASS. 8. PALC Profeator of Modara Lan apecuuii ronna tbe gentiemea of thia ecaa. mnnity.

that ha aa a vacant hour iatbeeveaiar aad proposes to pa a new claaa as soos as a auv ber of pupila Teima per month. Is. a claaa of tix. S3. J.

8. P. teaches tbo French aud Spaniak Unreagta eorraclly, by very plain, Soaedy and simple met a-od, by wkich the pupils mara rapid, prograaa, aad acquire tks faculty of apeakiolv. the laoruara ia a very abort time. PrivaU Leasoos, daily, par moalhSr 1R Three times a weeksT- Office aad reaideoce, 155 Bienviile at.

-aplS. NEW. ARRIVALS!" 4l66 Royal street, corner of BiixviUe. 3, M. KERN AN U'ow raeeivtifg Wy tka xhipTag1ioai, from Fraace, aa iavoksof -utiful and faakioaabje Gooda, coecUtiaf IS i -'t of lka ratio in r.

PainlA lirn.ii. Satia Stripeti -nd Orgaadi Balxarioea, roaiaro aad rot, for dreaaea PUia aad atia Striped Black Chal.t Priated Bar age, sew article niiKiiai ana siiet bcariM Sbawwt saperior Black aad Blao-bleck and 49 iack real Da-tuni Silka, rbr wmner oaea; Llara Caaakn Haadkercbiefa, ia great rariatyXPottoa Thread aad SilkStockiags; Clovea, Mitu auXParaaoU toga- ther whh every' article oaaaDy aolym gaaerett Faney Store. 90 doxeo Gentlemea's aawlrle Jaea-C Bet Cravat, sL' N. B. abova Gooda are aU reak atlVfn aelocted, and are offered at moderate nrieea.

aplS 3t aad permaaeat aitaatioa, at high sppjif 87 No oae a aad apply bat sack as are JuEy coa4 paieet, ard caa proJace refaraacea. 3l NOTICE. PROPOSALS will be received, by tbe Oeeaa lata- ranee Company, until Satarday evening next; the 16lb iaataat, for rebuiidiar tks woodea heaaa at Ibo aortk corner of Magaaiae- aad Poydraa streeti, baraad tbe aigtt a iba 12tk ieit. apuat CHA3.BRlGG3.See. -DISSOLUTION.

F-rTinE copartaerahip heretofore eilatiog under the A arm of POOLE it. CO. la tbU day oiaaolred by mataal conaent. Deou owing by aad daa said fira aad collected by THOMA8 E. ALLEN, wko win coctiaae aaid bueiaeaa 23 Ota Lavee, Naw Orleans.

TklATCUEZ co*klRCIAL CHECKS porcbaui i i.V. WHITE At rirt 1 SOU U. fiaCa2hs aLornr UtMTAbb BV "srr. t. 111 IK Mc.

Q2Cabt a riKXT kitk i.uvri anirscuiin JTi IT? Vr ZZT.m. rr.uITa.. r.T' waa oi mas was Wl SABS CU UIUI LDSJ L. Will Ou ratm! .5 TI THOMAS El apH 3r THOMAS E. ALLEN.

BLUE LICK WATER. fa BBL8. freak Btao Lick Water for aale by FETTER ek LON 8 ALE, apH yy TekcapooaJaa at. BULWER-8 NEW NOVEU" 7. AMONl By tka aatkor Kieaai.VPelk.m,' US vols, Aft received aad for sale by NORMAN, 8TEEL CO, apl4 5t 14CamnatreeL NEW FURNITURE STOKE.

'PHE aabacriber reeoeeifuilr infia mMm. bo has opeaed a NEW ST02.E- at tka ir reepe opeaed STOS.E. at the oraer of Lafayetu and Magsxios aireeu, where kaa a large aad aptendid variety of Faahioaa FURNITURE, cotuiatjDg of BX-1 L.l- i. be FaabioaaUe Pleia haircloth Coucbea and OttAmanai klark walnut Rock ieg-ch aire Sewiaghaira raneeat aad wood-eeat Roekiagkaira; apleadid marble aad mahogany top Bareaaa. Stdeboerda and Centre Tables; mabogaay end, diaiag, card aud ceaira Tables mahogany, cherry and pplar Armoira; cberry Bed-ateada (patent wiadhu a lot or 2, 3 aad 31 feet cherry Tables Artavebairv and 8afea low priced Bedsteads aad Baream; torttherwiUiaUrgeaa.ofi-meat of other article.

ALSO Hair aad Moaa 1UTTRASSES aads te order, with aeataeas sad erpauk. Old Mattraaaes atuffed over at the very lowest prices, at THOMAS 39 Magaaino at, 'P' lm corner of Lafayette atreet. L1NSELD OIL. 1000 hoUed Ejig. Uaaeed OiL from ship Berwick, and for sals aois at Priestley bein, api3 3t.

19NowLerae. Jf PANAMA HATS. reC.f 4 a Urr aa-ortment of Paeatca trim-, mod aad satrimmod. at the redaced pries of fcar etoro. pia im- W.V.

LYON, 23 MagBaiaeaL a wttb' TOIL 8ALE. A BURIAL Ut ia the tVoiettstit bury log groaaA, 'Vth, 1 vaalt attacked, beioociof to M- spit 3t a. AAIAO.UNO,. Treasarer, E3 Tchoopitowlaeet. BCLWER-S NEW NOVCLt J0 hT -E.

L. Bularer. sa apl2. rmTr Camp and Cora bob atreeta. i POttR.

l.ibli 'u. 2000 i5aULS-Utm Psse Sad ra vn v-jLT. L. er beat trlia T.rr oobbte -o oT 12 -d tides .10 la dried Con it-i, en XI Commoa WkUkayi If -r XlldBourboa dof1, PHm. pur V.

II. McXINNFLL k. CO, pi TO Caarp street. DI! PONIT8. I 1 utit* a GOLD, ki i vt a RlffK FO-tt, rot ai lifU la the earns daacxiplioa of fnada as ahad have Uea depoaiud HOIUCS EEArl CO, t-l Commoa street.

arelS5fa ec. Jaj-X. WAKJ4 aJwayaaw i-ia tad for sals Uawaaweatry aaercbaeta by ar LCa aUUTXr Ct Cs 1 op tio la SF Pi pi il th or a so Jl ai a.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.