We're tired of Readers' whims Chapter 210 (2024)

281. Jelliane (godslayer level 5)

Power increase: 13888058

(512 rating)

Jelliane, a renowned godslayer at level 5, was known throughout the realm for her unmatched skills in combat and her unwavering determination to protect the innocent. But behind her fierce exterior lay a vulnerability that only her lover, Chris, could see.

Chris was a master of deception, able to seamlessly blend into any crowd and extract information with ease. He was the yin to Jelliane's yang, providing her with valuable intelligence and strategic support in their missions to rid the world of corrupt gods and tyrants.

As they embarked on their latest quest to defeat the malevolent deity known as Xarathos, Jelliane could sense the tension in the air. The stakes were higher than ever before, and the fate of the realm hung in the balance.

As they crept through the dark forest towards the ancient temple where Xarathos resided, Jelliane felt a sense of foreboding wash over her. She knew that this would be their greatest challenge yet, and that the outcome was far from certain.

Your fingers tensed around the object in your pocket, ready to pull it out at a moment's notice. The weight of the dagger reassured you, its sharp blade glinting in the moonlight as you prepared for the inevitable confrontation.

As they entered the temple, the air grew thick with the stench of decay and despair. Shadows danced on the walls as they made their way deeper into the bowels of the ancient structure, their footsteps echoing ominously in the silence.

Suddenly, a figure materialized before them, its eyes glowing with malevolence. Xarathos towered over them, his dark presence suffocating as he bellowed with laughter.

"You dare to challenge me, mortals?" he mocked, his voice dripping with malice. "You are nothing compared to my power."

But Jelliane stood her ground, her eyes blazing with determination. She knew that they had come too far to back down now, and that the fate of the realm rested on their shoulders.

With a swift movement, she unsheathed her sword and charged towards Xarathos, the clash of steel ringing through the temple as they engaged in a fierce battle. Chris darted in and out of the shadows, using his cunning to distract and deceive their opponent.

As the battle raged on, a vision flashed before Jelliane's eyes. She saw a world ravaged by darkness, its inhabitants living in fear and despair. She knew that if they did not succeed in defeating Xarathos, this vision would become reality.

With renewed strength, she raised her sword high and delivered a final, fatal blow to the malevolent deity. Xarathos roared in agony as he dissolved into nothingness, his dark energy dissipating into the ether.

As the temple fell silent, Jelliane and Chris shared a moment of triumph. Their love had carried them through the darkest of times, and now they stood victorious against all odds.

And as they walked hand in hand out of the temple, the sun rising on a new day, Jelliane knew that their adventures were far from over. Together, they would continue to fight for justice and peace, their bond unbreakable in the face of any challenge that may come their way.

282. Boa Hanco*ck (dragon level 3)

Power increase: 2925108

As I sat by the window, lost in my own thoughts, the gentle falling of snowflakes outside began to hypnotize me. I watched as each delicate flake drifted effortlessly through the air, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere. However, my tranquility was soon shattered by a sudden movement outside.

I squinted my eyes and leaned closer to the window, trying to make sense of what I had just seen. There, in the distance, stood Boa Hanco*ck, a fearsome dragon with shimmering scales that glistened in the soft glow of the moon. Chris, her lover, stood beside her, his eyes filled with adoration and admiration for the powerful creature before him.

I knew of Boa Hanco*ck and her reputation as a dragon level 3. She was a force to be reckoned with, feared and respected by all who crossed her path. Her beauty was unparalleled, her strength unmatched. And yet, here she was, standing before me, her presence both terrifying and mesmerizing.

As I continued to watch, I noticed a group of shadowy figures approaching the pair. They moved with purpose and determination, their intentions unclear but undoubtedly malevolent. I felt a sense of foreboding wash over me, a creeping sense of dread that chilled me to my core.

Boa Hanco*ck sensed the danger before it even arrived, her keen dragon senses alerting her to the impending threat. With a graceful flick of her tail, she positioned herself protectively in front of Chris, shielding him from harm. Her eyes narrowed, her claws flexed, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

The shadowy figures drew closer, their malicious intent plain to see. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my breath catching in my throat. This was a showdown unlike any I had ever witnessed, a battle between good and evil, light and darkness.

As the figures lunged forward, Boa Hanco*ck unleashed a deafening roar that echoed through the night sky. Her wings unfurled, her scales shimmering with an otherworldly light. With a swift and powerful movement, she launched herself at the attackers, her ferocity unmatched.

I watched in awe as she fought with a wild and untamed energy, her power overwhelming. The figures faltered, their confidence wavering in the face of such raw strength. And then, with a final burst of energy, Boa Hanco*ck vanquished her foes, sending them fleeing into the night.

As the dust settled and the night quieted once more, I could only stare in wonder at the magnificent creature before me. Boa Hanco*ck turned to Chris, her eyes softening with love and gratitude. He embraced her, his arms wrapped tightly around her massive form.

And in that moment, I realized the true power of love and loyalty. Boa Hanco*ck and Chris were an unstoppable force, bound by an unbreakable bond that transcended the ordinary. Together, they were a formidable team, capable of overcoming any obstacle that stood in their way.

As I watched them disappear into the night, their silhouettes fading into the darkness, I felt a sense of hope and inspiration wash over me. In a world filled with darkness and uncertainty, their love shone brightly, a beacon of light in the shadows.

And as the snow continued to fall outside my window, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as there was love and courage in the world, there would always be hope.

283. Carissa (elf, level 10)

Power increase: 8977691

(584 rating)

The snow was falling gently outside, creating a peaceful winter wonderland scene that seemed to go on forever. Carissa, a skilled elf warrior at level 10, sat by the window, staring out at the white landscape with a contented smile on her face. She was lost in her thoughts, thinking of her lover Chris and the adventures they had shared together.

But suddenly, something caught her eye outside that snapped her out of her reverie. Among the snow-covered trees, she saw a shadowy figure moving stealthily through the woods. At first, she thought it might just be a trick of the light or a wandering forest creature, but as she focused her keen elven eyes, she realized that it was a person.

Her heart raced as she recognized the figure as one of the Dark Elves, sworn enemies of her people. They were known for their treacherous ways and their relentless pursuit of power at any cost. Carissa knew that encountering one of them could only mean trouble.

As she watched, the figure emerged from the trees and started making its way towards the village where Carissa and Chris lived. She knew she had to act fast. With a sense of urgency, she donned her armor and weapons, preparing herself for whatever danger lay ahead.

She quickly made her way out into the snowy night, her senses on high alert. The vision of the figure in the woods had sparked a fire within her, a determination to protect her home and her loved ones at all costs.

As she ventured deeper into the forest, she could sense the presence of the Dark Elf getting closer. She could feel the malevolent energy radiating from their being, a stark contrast to the peaceful serenity of the snow-covered landscape.

Finally, she caught sight of the figure ahead, lurking in the shadows near the village gate. Without hesitation, she sprang into action, her bow at the ready. With precision and skill, she let loose an arrow that hit its mark, causing the Dark Elf to cry out in pain.

But the Dark Elf was not alone. Before Carissa could react, more figures emerged from the shadows, surrounding her with their dark magic and evil intentions. She fought with all her might, her elven agility and combat skills giving her the upper hand against her enemies.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Chris appeared by her side, his sword gleaming in the moonlight. Together, they fought back against the Dark Elves, a formidable team united by their love and their determination to protect their home.

As the sun began to rise, the last of the Dark Elves retreated into the shadows, defeated by the bravery and strength of Carissa and Chris. The village was safe once more, thanks to their unwavering courage and devotion to each other.

And as they stood together in the aftermath of the battle, surrounded by the beauty of the snow-covered landscape, Carissa knew that she and Chris were truly meant to be together. Their love had been tested and proven in the face of danger, and nothing could ever tear them apart.

With a smile on her face and a heart full of gratitude, Carissa turned to Chris and whispered, "We make a great team, my love. And as long as we have each other, there is nothing we cannot overcome."

And with that, they walked hand in hand back to their home, ready to face whatever challenges the future might bring, knowing that they would always have each other to rely on.

284. Johanna (dragon, level 9)

Power increase: 5819788

(542 rating)

Johanna, a powerful and majestic level 9 dragon, had found love in the most unexpected of places - with a human named Chris. Their bond was strong and unbreakable, defying all odds and societal norms. They would often spend hours together, flying through the vast skies and exploring the world.

One fateful Black Friday, Johanna and Chris found themselves at a huge store, scouting out deals and looking for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. As they wandered through the aisles, Johanna couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The security cameras in the store seemed to be following their every move, tracking their every step with an unsettling precision.

At first, Johanna tried to brush off the feeling, chalking it up to paranoia. But as they continued to browse the store, the feeling only intensified. She could sense eyes on her, watching her every move with a cold and calculating gaze. Even Chris noticed the strange behavior of the security cameras, but he tried to convince Johanna that it was just a coincidence.

As they made their way to the electronics section, Johanna's senses went into overdrive. She could feel a dark and ominous presence looming over them, threatening to swallow them whole. The security cameras seemed to be closing in on them, their lenses zooming in with a predatory focus.

Johanna knew they needed to get out of there, but before they could make their escape, a loud alarm sounded throughout the store. Panic erupted as shoppers scrambled to get away, but Johanna and Chris stood frozen in fear. The security cameras were now fixed on them, their red lights glowing with a sinister intent.

Suddenly, a group of masked figures appeared, surrounding Johanna and Chris with menacing intent. They were armed and dangerous, their eyes filled with malice and greed. Johanna could feel Chris's hand trembling in hers, but she knew they had to stay calm and think fast if they wanted to make it out alive.

With a fierce roar, Johanna unleashed her dragon powers, sending a wave of fire towards their attackers. The masked figures were caught off guard, the flames licking at their feet as they scrambled to escape. Chris stood in awe at the sight of his beloved dragon in action, a mix of fear and admiration in his eyes.

As the chaos continued to unfold, Johanna and Chris managed to make their escape, fleeing into the night with the sounds of sirens wailing in the distance. They knew they had narrowly escaped a deadly trap, but they also knew that their ordeal was far from over.

Together, they vowed to uncover the truth behind the strange events at the store, determined to protect themselves and their love at all costs. Johanna's dragon instincts told her that there was a greater conspiracy at play, and she was ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead.

As they soared through the night sky, Johanna and Chris held onto each other tightly, their bond stronger than ever. They knew that no matter what challenges they faced, as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything. And so, with hearts full of courage and determination, they embarked on their next thrilling adventure, ready to face whatever darkness awaited them with unwavering bravery and love.

285. Meredith (goddess level 3)

Power increase: 1454045

(543 rating)

Meredith was a goddess in more ways than one. Not only was she blessed with divine powers, but she also possessed an otherworldly beauty that captivated all who laid eyes on her. Her lover, Chris, was a mortal man who had fallen under her spell the moment they met.

Their love was forbidden, as gods were not supposed to mix with humans. But Meredith and Chris defied all conventions and found solace in each other's arms. Their passion burned like a thousand suns, and they were willing to risk everything to be together.

Meredith's powers were unlike anything the world had ever seen. She could control the elements, bend reality to her will, and foresee the future with uncanny accuracy. Chris was both enchanted and terrified by her abilities, but he loved her more than life itself.

One day, the CIA approached Meredith with a proposition. They needed her help in a top-secret mission to uncover a terrorist plot. Meredith agreed, knowing that her powers could be of use in saving innocent lives. But little did she know that this mission would set off a chain of events that would turn her world upside down.

The CIA sent her undercover in the FBI, where she quickly rose through the ranks and gained the trust of her colleagues. But just as she was getting close to uncovering the truth, the FBI sent her on a mission to infiltrate MI6, the British intelligence agency.

Meredith was hesitant at first, but she knew that she had to follow orders. She infiltrated MI6 with ease, using her powers to gather crucial information and thwart the plans of the terrorists. But just as she was about to make a breakthrough, the CIA called her back.

Confused and disillusioned, Meredith returned to the CIA headquarters, only to be met with shock and disbelief. The agency was baffled as to how she had managed to complete her mission in such a short amount of time. They suspected that she had ulterior motives, but Meredith remained steadfast in her loyalty to the cause.

As the truth began to unravel, Meredith realized that she had been a pawn in a deadly game of espionage. The terrorist plot was just a cover for a much larger conspiracy that threatened the very fabric of reality itself.

With her powers and Chris by her side, Meredith embarked on a journey to uncover the truth and stop the forces of darkness from unleashing chaos upon the world. Their love was tested like never before, but they remained steadfast in their determination to save humanity from destruction.

In the end, Meredith's powers proved to be the key to stopping the apocalypse. She tapped into her full potential as a goddess and unleashed a wave of energy that obliterated the evil forces once and for all. The world was saved, but at a great cost.

Meredith and Chris emerged from the ashes as heroes, their love stronger than ever. They knew that their journey was far from over, but they faced the future with hope and courage, knowing that together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

And so, Meredith and Chris stood as beacons of light in a dark and uncertain world, their love transcending all boundaries and shining brightly for all eternity.

* In other words, the villains were just trying to confuse and distract her. But, she and Chris found out the truth and prevailed.

We're tired of Readers' whims Chapter 210 (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.