Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled (2024)

Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled (1)

Welcome, truth seekers! Recent headlines continue to affirm my decision and patriotic duty to uncover the intricate web of global Freemasonry and its deep-rooted ties to the New World Order’s agenda of depopulation and enslavement. Join me as we unravel the hidden truths behind these secret societies, shedding light on their dark practices and challenging the status quo of orthodox mind controlled ‘history’.

In my numerous previous blog posts over the last several years, I’ve delved into the clandestine world of Freemasonry, revealing it as a covert form of Luciferian worship intertwined with practices like human sacrifice and false flag terrorism. It might sound unbelievable at first glance, especially when picturing local lodges with elderly members shuffling about in peculiar occult attire. Yet, behind these seemingly innocuous rituals lies a complex pyramid scheme where members climb through repeated blood oaths, pledging to protect each other even in the face of criminal acts. This creates a dual allegiance, where loyalty to fellow Masons supersedes allegiance to one’s country or constitution. In other words, participation in treason is insinuated and potential by simply persisting as a member to these occult orders whose members of their own will and accord vow to indemnify one another in anyway they can if their “brothers” be indicted in criminality whatsoever.

Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled (2)

Freemasonry Unveiled – Greg Reese

The phenomenon of dual loyalty, inherent in both Freemasonry and the influence of AIPAC-dominated political representatives, represents a breach of their oaths of office and allegiance to the constitution. This infiltration and treasonous behavior pose a grave threat to the fundamental principles of our Republic. It’s evident that many members of our Congress and Senate are deeply entrenched in AIPAC and Israeli governmental interests, with some holding dual citizenship with Israel and openly championing Israel as our supposed “greatest ally.”

Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled (3)

However, the creation of the state of Israel after World War Two wasn’t a result of Jewish displacement from their ancestral homeland without cause. Rather, individuals known as impostor Jews, warned of in the Bible, belonging to the Khazarian mafia, have co-opted Judaism for their own agenda of global domination. This truth is spreading globally at a pace that the gatekeepers of the Khazarian Zionist mafia control matrix struggle to contain.

For those who want to know the proof of the claims above, please see episode two of my podcast series Gnosis featuring Joseph Atwill below. Therein Mr. Atwill eloquently demonstrates that it was British Freemasonry which in fact created Zionism through the vehicle of Theosophy and that this is the source for the perverted doctrines which became the supposed modus operandi of Nazi Germany. Seemingly out of nowhere and without historical precedence, Germans were propagandized to see themselves as a superior race and became obsessed with their own mythologized God like ancestry which first proposed in the esoeteric works of freemason, Brother Madame Blavatsky; who spoke of the White Root race in her infamous work The Secret Doctrine. He has taken pains to validate these facts across multiple articles and podcasts and I spent over 100 hours creating a mini-documentary based on his talk which I think every American and truth seeker must recognize, if we are going to prevent the genocidal secret society members responsible for these terrible revolutionary conflicts and genocidal campaigns across the last three centuries, from ever again pushing open the gates of hell and fomenting World War.

Recently Graham Hanco*ck defended himself on the Toe Rogan Podcast against claims of his somehow enabling white supremacist views linked to Atlantean myths of a superior and primary white race from which all other races are descended from and yet somehow inferior to, I guess. This smear campaign against Graham was the result of daring to upend the status quo and simply discussing the anachronistic technical facts which support there was in fact an Atlantean civilization 13k years ago. This type of yellow journalistic hit job is a common experience when one is over the target. I’ve taken it a bit further than Graham or others are willing to hazard, and for my crimes I have suffered all manner of attack across all social media online for years. I mean this with no disrespect intended, just out of sympathy for what it is like to smeared and have your good work and name tarnished by cowardly sycophants and other scurrilous creatures.

Please make yourself available to it and please support me in my efforts to forewarn and forearm you at great personal expense and sacrifice. I’ve been completely shadow banned, demonetized and cancelled on multiple platforms for several years now. I’ve had my YouTube channel terminated for re-uploading media under fair use rules which is simultaneously allowed and currently present on Youtube elsewhere and which exposes the conspiracies against free humanity I’m discussing here. I’ve been cancelled by MailChimp, Vimeo, Twitter and completely had my followers throttled on X, Facebook and YouTube pre-termination, with over 57k followers, with new uploads rarely netting more than 4,000 views, that was until I uploaded material featuring William Cooper exposing Aleister Crowley’s influence on modern Freemasonry.

“I tell you now that Freemasonry is one of the most wicked and terrible organizations upon this earth. The Masons are major players in the struggle for world domination. The 33rd Degree is split into two. One split contains the core of the Luciferian Illuminati and the other contains those who have no knowledge of it whatsoever.” – Bill Cooper ,Behold A Pale Horse , p. 78.

Inquring minds should want to Gknow, what exactly is the big deal? What have I stated that is so beyond the pale that it requires almost complete censorship exactly? Certainly freedom of speech threatens these organizations and thus they feel they’ve the right to silence my voice and tortiously interfere with my business. Sadly a freemason we all know is equally implicated in similar disparagement and censorship under false pretense and that is a matter I will return to in time. As you study the material I have been providing over the last few years, you will undoubtedly start to see the same players are responsible for the theft of the 2020 election, the creation and implementation of the scamdemic and are currently working overtime to prevent honest and unlimited research with our God given rights of freedom of speech.

Today, many young people refuse to let their quest for truth and logical historical understanding be stifled by careerists who mindlessly regurgitate falsehoods. They demand independent thought and discourse on these critical matters. Globally, individuals who seek freedom and think for themselves are rejecting the false narratives perpetuated by media outlets linked to Zionist interests. It’s becoming increasingly acceptable to acknowledge the undeniable Jewish dominance in Western media and to question the established narratives surrounding events like the Holocaust and 9/11.

In the past, questioning such events would lead to being dismissed as a “half baked” conspiracy theorist or labeled a kook. However, individuals are now emboldened to challenge these narratives and seek genuine, open-minded inquiry. Merely asking “who benefits” from these events can lead to arrest in parts of Europe, highlighting the ongoing suppression of rational discourse and inquiry.

These secret orders, as warned by John F. Kennedy before his untimely demise, have historically played pivotal roles in igniting revolutions and wars, their origins steeped in bloodlust, black magic, and even cannibalism in the darkest rings of occult power. This is evidenced in the disclosure of the Epstein Island global pedophile ring and its connection to organ harvesting, adrenochrome manufacture and black mail sex rings. While many Masons remain unaware or choose to turn a blind eye, those complicit view themselves as the “elect” — a chosen elite who see non-initiates as inferior beings deserving of control, sacrifice or enslavement to the manipulations of their supposed “betters”. This compartmentalized hierarchy allows the apex predator psychopaths at the top to remain out of sight of their benighted “brethren” below the 33˚.

If you want to know more about the above please see the following film series from Mr. Truth Bomb but prepare yourself and pray accordingly as you will not be the same after tumbling down this specific rabbit hole. For those cowards who preen and posture as something they decidedly are not, the children affected by these ghastly practices lives are for more sacred than anything you claim to lay hold to or to pretend to speak authoritatively on as solely the result of the work of freemasons. How completely asinine and self-involved can one person be to assume that their own cult is the only force capable of understanding mathematics or so called “sacred geometry” throughout all of human history.

It is this level of conceit that informs and exposes those who believe themselves superior somehow because they are willing to get on their knees repeatedly and swear blood oaths for access to a new merit badge or embroidered apron. These fools surround themselves with enabling yes men who are nothing more than smoke machines obscuring the naked truth of the emperors decrepit visage. An illusion they will not be able to manage much longer I’m afraid.

Don’t take my word for anything, you must avail yourselves to your own understanding and trust not in any expert, but instead choose to trust in your own capacity to know truth and to stand upon it when challenges come. I’m doing my part speaking out and sharing with you data which you will see is of the utmost importance, that is if we are ever to rid ourselves of the pestilence of global clandestine satanism and the hidden menace djinn’ing up all manner of war and treachery, depriving us of the pursuit of life liberty and happiness and seeking to enslave us utterly to their one world agenda.

Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled (5)

Don’t let any compromised freemason or other vainglorious would be cult leaders welded to their orders through repeated blood oath penalties dissuade you for thinking for yourselves. The world is our classroom and many teachers are compromised buffoons and for their pronouncements of seeking to induce harmony, the reality behind it is a sinister agenda focused around attainment of their own supposed godhood. These delusions of grandeur are as fool hardy as they are laughably contemptible, many who prance around regurgitating tired and worn out platitudes of obtaining illumination and self godhood are no more capable of running a mile unaided, than approaching apotheosis. They wouldn’t survive without the help of multiple assistants to revive these corpulent gurus ill prepared to deal with the weight of their own self loathing manifest, let alone the ponderous weight of metaphysical reality.

When their weak hearts and morbid compositions are exposed to the stress of the real world; juxtaposed with the one they inhabit in their safe-space dungeons fluffed and puffed up by an entourage of enabling manservants, they quickly bend to the burdensome truth of their very limited mortal natures. As I’ve stated previously, Gnosis is not for the faint of heart nor weak of stomach. I do not present these ideas with the hope of grifting untested free energy devices nor making repeat visits to the King of gate kept media disinformation.

Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled (6)

I do not posture that I am going to intercept the will of heaven with a purloined philosophy and a refugium front as a temple to my own displaced identity crises either. Speaking of which, whatever happened to that RandallCarlson Project?? Can’t seem to find the web links anymore…hmm funny thing that… I wonder if Martin Grant knows…someone should ask him. Hey maybe Darren Grimes is podcasting from there, who knows… Maybe they pulled it off! hahahaha, not likely.

These same would be philosopher kings lie under oath and perjure themselves to bring harm to those who brought them to prominence in large part in the first place, demonstrating it is not love or a desire for freedom and spiritual uplift that they openly proclaim, but avarice and ego which fuels their quest for validation and praise. They are nothing but whited sepulchres tilting at Hamlet’s mill, repeating cliched aphorisms as though they hold mysterious keys to reality but in fact are nothing more than grandiose delusions and mirages with which to hold the unsuspecting fascinated while they pursue ulterior motives. I will quote one of their modern masonic progenitors whose words are poignant and prescient in this regard: “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”. For those types they will be find wanting when they inevitably meet their makers and realize for all of their pomp and pageantry, it is their betrayal of their fellow men which will reveal them wanting in the final balance. “You can run on for a long time, but sooner or later God will cut you down.”

But like I said, don’t take my word for it. Watch the video above and tell me if those practicing this ancient religion based on amoral exploitation of their fellow man have your best interests at heart. Consider that here in America, a once masonic experiment, we citizens and lovers of freedom and our country are now charged with exposing the Zionist menace which has infiltrated and corrupted our political bodies, recently going so far as attempting to enact a law which seeks to censor any criticism of the state of Israel, to limit our God given rights to Freedom of Speech; undoubtedly so that the obviously compromised and dishonorable tyrants who passed this supposed anti-semitism bill in Congresses’ own dirty deeds and kompromat will not be exposed. This is the state of domination by Israel’s government and intelligence services we have long suffered under, thankfully it has not yet passed the senate.

The Mossad, also known as the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS), is implicated not only in orchestrating the 9/11 attacks but also in opposing American interests and playing a significant role, alongside the CIA, in the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr., who opposed their agenda. The video by Greg Reese sheds light on the Zionist influence of Israel over America, emphasizing the need to heed JFK’s mandate to dismantle their power. President Trump has also vowed to destroy the deep state.

Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled (7)

It’s crucial to acknowledge the sacrifices of the fallen, our veterans, and all those affected by acts of democide and genocide perpetrated in service of the New World Order’s depopulation and control agenda. We must act now to preserve our precious God-given rights to freedom of speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, lest we allow these deceitful forces to strip them away forever.

The snakes of the deep state have over played their hand and I implore you to study well the material I’ve provided here as “If you know yourself and your enemy you will prevail in all battles”, and if we lack the proper knowledge of our enemy we are doomed to fail. I believe what will set us free is the unvarnished knowledge and truth of the nature of the enemy at our gates, their purposes, their motives and methods. By the collective will of good God fearing people all over the world standing up and saying ENOUGH we will rout these traitors and hold them accountable for their crimes against humanity and destroy their false power base of the central banking cartel forevermore. SO MOTE IT BE.

I pray you will find yourself ready and willing to do all it takes to expose the evil and corruption to the light of truth, educate yourselves and share this knowledge with all you hold dear and anyone willing to hear.

Godspeed and party on truth seekers.


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Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.